14 research outputs found

    Influencia de la publicidad en el comportamiento de juego en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes

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    Los beneficios obtenidos por los juegos de apuestas en España representan casi un punto del PIB y el porcentaje de menores de edad que han debutado en el juego ha ascendido hasta una cuarta parte. Este fenómeno ha ocurrido pese a encontrarse en vigor la ley de regulación del juego que incluía entre sus objetivos la prevención de conductas adictivas y la protección de los menores junto con otros grupos vulnerables. Recientemente se ha aprobado un reglamento que desarrolla la ley tomando medidas concretas para conseguir los objetivos marcados por esta. En este trabajo analizamos la influencia de la publicidad en el comportamiento de juego entre adolescentes y adultos jóvenes y analizamos la vulnerabilidad de los jóvenes que ya han debutado en el juego y los menores de edad, analizando los resultados en el marco del nuevo reglamento. Realizamos una investigación empírica con una muestra de 2181 adolescentes y adultos jóvenes que rellenaron un cuestionario con diversas variables sobre publicidad y juego. Encontramos que las variables asociadas a la publicidad se relacionan significativamente con la conducta de juego y que, además, esta correlación se da con mayor magnitud en hombres. Obtenemos mayores puntuaciones en influencia publicitaria entre aquellos sujetos que han jugado alguna vez frente a los que no. En cuanto a los menores, encontramos tendencias opuestas según las distintas variables de influencia publicitaria frente a los mayores, lo que nos orienta para plantear nuevas hipótesis.The profits obtained by gambling in Spain represent around one point of GDP and the percentage of minors who made a debut in gambling has risen to a quarter. This phenomenon has occurred even though the current Spanish gambling law, which included among its objectives the prevention of addictive behaviors and the protection of minors along with other vulnerable groups. A regulation has recently been approved that develops the law by taking concrete measures to achieve the objectives set by it. In this work we analyze the influence of advertising on gambling behavior among adolescents and young adults. We also analyze the vulnerability of young people who have already made their debut in gambling and minors, discussing the results within the new regulation framework. We conducted an empirical investigation with a sample of 2,181 adolescents and young adults who filled out a questionnaire with various variables on advertising and gambling. We found that variables associated with advertising are significantly related to gambling behavior and, furthermore, this correlation occurs specially in men. We obtain higher scores in advertising influence among those subjects who have ever gambled compared to those who have not. As for the minors, we find opposite trends in different advertising influence variables compared to the young adults. Those findings guide us to propose new hypothesis

    Coverage and invariability in fuzzy systems

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    This paper presents a new complex system systemic. Here, we are working in a fuzzy environment, so we have to adapt all the previous concepts and results that were obtained in a non-fuzzy environment, for this fuzzy case. The direct and indirect influences between variables will provide the basis for obtaining fuzzy and/or non-fuzzy relationships, so that the concepts of coverage and invariability between sets of variables will appear naturally. These two concepts and their interconnections will be analyzed from the viewpoint of algebraic properties of inclusion, union and intersection (fuzzy and non-fuzzy), and also for the loop concept, which, as we shall see, will be of special importance

    Invariability, orbits and fuzzy attractors

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    In this paper, we present a generalization of a new systemic approach to abstract fuzzy systems. Using a fuzzy relations structure will retain the information provided by degrees of membership. In addition, to better suit the situation to be modelled, it is advisable to use T-norm or T-conorm distinct from the minimum and maximum, respectively. This gain in generality is due to the completeness of the work on a higher level of abstraction. You cannot always reproduce the results obtained previously, and also sometimes different definitions with different views are obtained. In any case this approach proves to be much more effective when modelling reality

    Truth Values in t-norm based Systems Many-valued FUZZY Logic

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    In t-norm based systems many-valued logic, valuations of propositions form a non-countable set: interval [0,1]. In addition, we are given a set E of truth values p, subject to certain conditions, the valuation v is v=V(p), V reciprocal application of E on [0,1]. The general propositional algebra of t-norm based many-valued logic is then constructed from seven axioms. It contains classical logic (not many-valued) as a special case. It is first applied to the case where E=[0,1] and V is the identity. The result is a t-norm based many-valued logic in which contradiction can have a nonzero degree of truth but cannot be true; for this reason, this logic is called quasi-paraconsistent

    Fuzzy Structure of Complex Belief Systems: Fuzzy Relations and Fuzzy Belief Sets

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    In previous work, Nescolarde-Selva and Usó-Doménech (2014a Nescolarde-Selva, J. and J. L. Usó-Doménech. “Semiotic Vision of Ideologies.” Found Sci 19 (2014a): 263–282.[CrossRef], [Web of Science ®], b) discussed the theory that complex belief systems have a topological structure. In this article it is suggested that this structure is also fuzzy. We introduce the concepts of fuzzy sets in the context of beliefs (substantive and derived), and between derived beliefs themselves. Also introduced are the concepts of fuzzy covering and fuzzy invariance and the relationships between them

    Paraconsistent Multivalued Logic and Coincidentia Oppositorum: Evaluation with Complex Numbers

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    Paraconsistent logic admits that the contradiction can be true. Let p be the truth values and P be a proposition. In paraconsistent logic the truth values of contradiction is . This equation has no real roots but admits complex roots . This is the result which leads to develop a multivalued logic to complex truth values. The sum of truth values being isomorphic to the vector of the plane, it is natural to relate the function V to the metric of the vector space R2. We will adopt as valuations the norms of vectors. The main objective of this paper is to establish a theory of truth-value evaluation for paraconsistent logics with the goal of using in analyzing ideological, mythical, religious and mystic belief systems