69 research outputs found

    Análisis químico, cualitativo y cuantitativo de las aguas minero-medicinales de Arlanzón : (Provincia de Burgos)

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    A Comparison of the Environmental Impact of Different AOPs : Risk Indexes

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    Today, environmental impact associated with pollution treatment is a matter of great concern. A method is proposed for evaluating environmental risk associated with Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) applied to wastewater treatment. The method is based on the type of pollution (wastewater, solids, air or soil) and on materials and energy consumption. An Environmental Risk Index (E), constructed from numerical criteria provided, is presented for environmental comparison of processes and/or operations. The Operation Environmental Risk Index (EOi) for each of the unit operations involved in the process and the Aspects Environmental Risk Index (EAj) for process conditions were also estimated. Relative indexes were calculated to evaluate the risk of each operation (E/NOP) or aspect (E/NAS) involved in the process, and the percentage of the maximum achievable for each operation and aspect was found. A practical application of the method is presented for two AOPs: photo-Fenton and heterogeneous photocatalysis with suspended TiO2 in Solarbox. The results report the environmental risks associated with each process, so that AOPs tested and the operations involved with them can be compared

    The Attitudinal Style as Pedagogical Model in Physical Education

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    [EN] The continuous changes in the different legislative systems have led to the application of different ways of understanding students and generating learning in them. In this sense, an area such as physical education is not alien to the continuous changes in teaching learning and its teaching has been modified from a behavioural approach to more cognitive perspectives. In this line, the Attitudinal Style concept arises with the intention of responding to this need for evolution, a global approach to teaching, as well as the generation of materials that allow the participation and learning of all types of students, greatly favoring their involvement and/or adaptation. The objective of this study is to present the Attitudinal Style as a pedagogical model within school physical education, analyzing its characteristics, elements and main purposes. A systematic review of narrative character is used, showing the origins and fundamental elements to justify the Attitudinal Style as a pedagogical model. Thus, aspects such as the generation of positive experiences in the students; the rigorous explanation of what is being learned, adaptation to the content, context and students; the work of collaboration and/or cooperation as a means to achieve a group achievement; the transfer of learning; and the application of formative evaluation, make this model of teaching applicable, relevant and necessary in the different educational levels.S

    Los métodos de trabajo educativo, su expresión en la formación de los recursos humanos de la carrera de enfermería

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    Introduction: the application of the methods of educative work is a major issue in the development of the educative process of the Nursing major. Objective: to analyze the methods of educative work, together with its essential relations and manifestations, assuming the educative theory of Advanced Education. Method: reflections were made on the importance of social agents in the formation of the new generations. A study was carried out of the background of the development of methods of educative work in the formation of Nursing students, theoretical methods were used such as document analysis, modeling, system approach; and logical methods were also used such as analysis and synthesis, as well as empirical observation methods such as performance and technical views.Results: we identified the essential relations to keep in mind by the faculty in order to develop methods of educative work during the training of Nursing students. Conclusions: these were directed to the identification of the essential relationships to consider in the development of methods of educative work assuming the design of Advanced Education and its impact on the formation of patriotic, social and moral values in the training of Nursing students by the importance to the society of the Nursing major in meeting the health needs of the population.Introducción: la aplicación de los métodos de trabajo educativo constituye una problemática de gran importancia en el desarrollo del proceso docente educativo de la carrera de enfermería.Objetivo: analizar los métodos de trabajo educativo o de enseñanza, sus relaciones esenciales y su manifestación asumiendo la teoría educativa de la Educación Avanzada.Método: se realizan reflexiones acerca de la importancia que tienen las agencias y agentes sociales sobre la formación de las nuevas generaciones. Se realizó un estudio de los antecedentes del proceso de desarrollo de los métodos de trabajo educativo y como se materializan en el proceso de formación de los estudiantes de la carrera de enfermería, se emplearon métodos teóricos tales como el análisis documental, modelación, enfoque de sistema y procedimientos lógicos del pensamiento como el análisis y la síntesis.Resultados: se identificaron las relaciones esenciales a tener en cuanta por el claustro de profesores con el fin de desarrollar los métodos de trabajo educativo durante el proceso de formación de los estudiantes de enfermería.Conclusiones: estuvieron dirigidas a la identificación de  las relaciones esenciales a tener en cuenta  en el desarrollo de los métodos de trabajo educativo asumiendo la concepción de la Educación Avanzada y su impacto en la formación de valores patrios, sociales y morales se hacen imprescindibles en la formación de los estudiantes de enfermería por la importancia que tiene para la sociedad la carrera de enfermería en la satisfacción de las necesidades de salud de la población

    Consideraciones quirúrgicas de la facoemulsificación del cristalino en pacientes con cierre angular primario

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    Introducción: la cirugía del cristalino se considera uno de los métodos quirúrgicos más seguros a nivel mundial.Objetivo: describir las consideraciones quirúrgicas a tener en cuenta para lograr el éxito de la facoemulsificación del cristalino en pacientes con cierre angular primario en el Hospital General Docente “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” de Pinar del Río.Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda de los principales artículos científicos de los últimos años, así como de la literatura impresa que incluye el tema, siendo seleccionados los contenidos más relevantes para la confección del informe final.Desarrollo: la extracción del cristalino constituye un reto quirúrgico en pacientes con cierre angular primario por las peculiaridades anatómicas, variaciones de la presión intraocular y alteraciones del segmento anterior asociadas.Conclusiones: un detallado examen preoperatorio, una adecuada técnica quirúrgica realizada por un cirujano hábil puede reducir el índice de complicaciones y lograr total éxito

    The Attitudinal Style as Pedagogical Model in Physical Education

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    The continuous changes in the different legislative systems have led to the application of different ways of understanding students and generating learning in them. In this sense, an area such as physical education is not alien to the continuous changes in teaching learning and its teaching has been modified from a behavioural approach to more cognitive perspectives. In this line, the Attitudinal Style concept arises with the intention of responding to this need for evolution, a global approach to teaching, as well as the generation of materials that allow the participation and learning of all types of students, greatly favoring their involvement and/or adaptation. The objective of this study is to present the Attitudinal Style as a pedagogical model within school physical education, analyzing its characteristics, elements and main purposes. A systematic review of narrative character is used, showing the origins and fundamental elements to justify the Attitudinal Style as a pedagogical model. Thus, aspects such as the generation of positive experiences in the students; the rigorous explanation of what is being learned, adaptation to the content, context and students; the work of collaboration and/or cooperation as a means to achieve a group achievement; the transfer of learning; and the application of formative evaluation, make this model of teaching applicable, relevant and necessary in the different educational levels

    Evaluación de factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles / Assessment of the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children

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    Objetivo: evaluar factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles. Métodos: se realizó una investigación aplicada, epidemiológica, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva sobre accidentes oculares graves en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Pinar del Río (2006-2007). El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por dos grupos de niños de 1- 20 años, ambos sexos y todas las etnias. Primer Grupo: Niños con accidente ocular grave, Segundo Grupo: Niños sin accidente ocular; determinándose una muestra total de 130 seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Fueron utilizados métodos empíricos y teóricos de investigación científica. Resultados: el trauma ocular representó el 87,8% de los ingresos de urgencia durante el período. Se encontró que el grupo etáreo de 9-12 años (40%), y sexo masculino (89,2%) fueron los más afectados. Un 76,9% de los accidentados residía en zona rural. El 96,9% se encontraba fuera de la casa y sin compañía de adultos en el momento del trauma. Predominaron las familias con conocimientos y actitudes evaluados de regulares en relación a los accidentes oculares con un 57,7 % y 60,8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: se constató elevada frecuencia de traumas oculares infantiles graves en Pinar del Río, precisando sus factores causales de riesgo y dificultades en la prevención de los mismos.Palabras clave: ACCIDENTES/clasificación, TRAUMATISMOS OCULARES, NIÑO, FACTORES DE RIESGO.ABSTRACTObjective: to assess the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children. Methods: an applied, epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research of the severe ocular accidents was conducted in the Ophthalmologic Service at “Pepe Portilla” Provincial Children Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The target group and the sample were comprised of two groups of children from 1 to 16 years old of both sexes and all ethnics. First group: children and adolescents suffering from severe ocular accidents. Second group: children and adolescents without ocular accidents; a total sample of 130 patients were chosen by means of a simple sampling at random. Empiric and theoretical scientific research methods were used. Results: the ocular trauma represented 87, 8% of the admissions in the emergency service during the period. The group of ages between 9-12 and male sex (89, 2%) were the most affected; 76, 9% lived in rural zones and 96, 9% of the accidents occurred out of the house without adult company; knowledge and attitudes towards ocular accidents were evaluated as fair in families (57,7% and 60,8% respectively). Conclusions: a high frequency of severe ocular traumas in children was verified in Pinar del Rio, specifying causal risk factors and difficulties to prevent these accidents.Key words: ACCIDENTS/classification, EYE INJURIES, CHILD, RISK FACTORS

    Evaluación de factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles / Assessment of the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children

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    Objetivo: evaluar factores de riesgo en accidentes oculares graves infantiles. Métodos: se realizó una investigación aplicada, epidemiológica, descriptiva, longitudinal y prospectiva sobre accidentes oculares graves en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Pinar del Río (2006-2007). El universo y muestra estuvo constituido por dos grupos de niños de 1- 20 años, ambos sexos y todas las etnias. Primer Grupo: Niños con accidente ocular grave, Segundo Grupo: Niños sin accidente ocular; determinándose una muestra total de 130 seleccionados mediante muestreo aleatorio simple. Fueron utilizados métodos empíricos y teóricos de investigación científica. Resultados: el trauma ocular representó el 87,8% de los ingresos de urgencia durante el período. Se encontró que el grupo etáreo de 9-12 años (40%), y sexo masculino (89,2%) fueron los más afectados. Un 76,9% de los accidentados residía en zona rural. El 96,9% se encontraba fuera de la casa y sin compañía de adultos en el momento del trauma. Predominaron las familias con conocimientos y actitudes evaluados de regulares en relación a los accidentes oculares con un 57,7 % y 60,8% respectivamente. Conclusiones: se constató elevada frecuencia de traumas oculares infantiles graves en Pinar del Río, precisando sus factores causales de riesgo y dificultades en la prevención de los mismos.Palabras clave: ACCIDENTES/clasificación, TRAUMATISMOS OCULARES, NIÑO, FACTORES DE RIESGO.ABSTRACTObjective: to assess the risk factors for severe ocular accidents in children. Methods: an applied, epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective research of the severe ocular accidents was conducted in the Ophthalmologic Service at “Pepe Portilla” Provincial Children Hospital, Pinar del Rio. The target group and the sample were comprised of two groups of children from 1 to 16 years old of both sexes and all ethnics. First group: children and adolescents suffering from severe ocular accidents. Second group: children and adolescents without ocular accidents; a total sample of 130 patients were chosen by means of a simple sampling at random. Empiric and theoretical scientific research methods were used. Results: the ocular trauma represented 87, 8% of the admissions in the emergency service during the period. The group of ages between 9-12 and male sex (89, 2%) were the most affected; 76, 9% lived in rural zones and 96, 9% of the accidents occurred out of the house without adult company; knowledge and attitudes towards ocular accidents were evaluated as fair in families (57,7% and 60,8% respectively). Conclusions: a high frequency of severe ocular traumas in children was verified in Pinar del Rio, specifying causal risk factors and difficulties to prevent these accidents.Key words: ACCIDENTS/classification, EYE INJURIES, CHILD, RISK FACTORS

    Caracterización clínico - epidemiológica de traumas oculares graves infantiles, Pinar del Río / Clinical-epidemiological characterization of severe ocular traumas in pediatric ages. Pinar del Rio

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    Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento clínico - epidemiológico de los traumas oculares graves infantiles. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo cuyo universo estuvo constituido por todos los niños con traumas oculares graves (65) ingresados durante un año (2006-2007) en el Servicio de Oftalmología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial "Pepe Portilla" de Pinar del Río (Cuba). Resultados: el 67,7 % de los ingresados presentó un trauma contuso y el 32,3% perforante. Predominó el hifema (49,2%), seguido por la herida corneal perforante (29,2%) y la catarata (9,2%). El grupo de edad de 9-12 años (40,0%), y el sexo masculino (89,2%) fueron los más afectados. Un 33,8% de los casos recibió tratamiento quirúrgico. El agente causal más frecuente fue el palo o estaca, con un 29,2%, seguido por la piedra (18,5%) y la cerbatana (15,3%).Palabras clave: ACCIDENTES/clasificación, NIÑO, EPIDEMIOLOGÍAABSTRACTObjective: to characterize clinical-epidemiological behavior of severe ocular traumas in pediatric ages. Methods: a descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study which target group was comprised of all the children suffering from severe ocular traumas (65) who were admitted during a year (2006-2007) in the Ophthalmologic Service at "Pepe Portilla" Provincial Teaching Pediatric Hospital, Pinar del Rio (Cuba). Results: 67, 7% of the hospitalized patients presented contusions and 32, 3% perforations. Hyphema prevailed (49, 2%), followed by perforating wound in cornea (29, 2%) and cataracts (9, 2%). Ages between 9-12 (40, 0%), male sex (89, 2%) were the most affected; 33, 8% of the cases underwent surgical treatment. The most frequent causal agents were the wooden stick with a 29, 2%, followed by stones (18, 5%) and blowpipe (15, 3%).Key words: ACCIDENTS/classification, CHILD, EPIDEMIOLOG

    Rendimiento de Habilla Negra (Paseolus Vulgaris L.) Influenciado por la Aplicación de Fertilizantes Quimicos

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    The research work had as a general objective, to determine the most efficient applications of chemical fertilizers in terms of development and performance of the broad bean crop. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the response of the bean to the addition of Macro and microelements in different stages of application. It was conducted in the Experimental Field of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Asunción, Branch Pedro Juan Caballero, Republic of Paraguay; The experimental design used was completely randomized blocks (DBCA) with four treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of the application of chemical fertilizers, T1: CONTROL, T2: microelements; T3 NPK T4: NPK plus Microelements. The variables evaluated were number of pods per plant, number of grains in each pod, weight of 100 grains, yield kg/ha. The application of NPK plus microelements showed better results in the number of pods per plant and number of grains per pod respectively, as well as numerically they presented superior results for yield per hectare.El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo general, determinar las aplicaciones más eficientes de fertilizantes químicos en cuanto a desarrollo y rendimiento del cultivo de habilla. El experimento tuvo como objetivo evaluar la respuesta de la habilla al agregado de Macro y microelementos en diferentes etapas de aplicación. Fue conducido en el Campo Experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Filial Pedro Juan Caballero, Republica del Paraguay; El delineamiento experimental utilizado fue el de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA) con cuatro tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos consistieron en la aplicación de fertilizantes químicos, T1: TESTIGO, T2: microelementos; T3 NPK T4: NPK más Microelementos. las variables evaluadas fueron número de vainas por planta, numero de granos en cada vaina, peso de 100 granos, rendimiento kg/ha. La aplicación de NPK más microelementos mostraron mejores resultados en la cantidad de vainas por plantas y número de granos por vaina respectivamente así también numéricamente presentaron resultados superiores para el rendimiento por hectáre