460 research outputs found

    El indulto y la corrupción: una mirada desde las teorías de la prevención

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    [ES] La aplicación del indulto en delitos cometidos por servidores públicos constituye una práctica recurrida en el derecho español, sin embargo, la instrumentalización de este no responde a criterios eficientes y oportunos para prevenir y sancionar la corrupción, ya que incide directamente en los fines preventivos de la pena y vulnera principios constitucionales convirtiéndola en un acto de corrupción por los distintos miembros del Gobierno en turno. La aplicación y experiencia en aquel contexto jurídico nos permitirá analizar la postura del Ejecutivo Federal mexicano en su lucha contra la corrupción a fin de entender que más allá de acciones contra funcionarios de administraciones pasadas es necesario crear mecanismos institucionales y resultados solidos que sancionen ejemplarmente la corrupción situación que rebasa las funciones asignadas al indulto y que no se concretan en las actuaciones del Ejecutivo sino que promueven impunidad y el triunfo de la política sobre el derecho.[EN] This work analyzes the legal consequences generated by the figures of the right of grace in crimes against public servants within the Mexican and Spanish legal system. In this context, the application of the amnesty and pardon are not justificable as they question the jurisdictional legitimacy and legal certainty. Specially, the pardon in crimes of public corruption doesn't satisfy the preventive purposes of the penalty within the criminal law, since it generates a corrupt act. In addition, it does not obey the criteria of equality, legality and public utility provided for in the legal system. For this reason, an alternative response to public corruption is necessary that spreads a message of deterrence towards criminal behavior, these measures must meet criteria of criminal opportunity and efficiency through alternatives exits to the procedure from a perspective of compensation and recovery of assets in favor of the State or the disqualification or suspension of the public position in attention to the damage or prejudice caused

    Towards a new framework for domination

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    Dominating concepts constitute a cornerstone in Graph Theory. Part of the efforts in the field have been focused in finding different mathematical frameworks where domination notions naturally arise, providing new points of view about the matter. In this paper, we introduce one of these frameworks based in convexity. The main idea consists of defining a convexity in a graph, already used in image processing, for which the usual parameters of convexity are closely related to domination parameters. Moreover, the Helly number of this convexity may be viewed as a new domination parameter whose study would be of interest

    Steiner distance and convexity in graphs

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    We use the Steiner distance to define a convexity in the vertex set of a graph, which has a nice behavior in the well-known class of HHD-free graphs. For this graph class, we prove that any Steiner tree of a vertex set is included into the geodesical convex hull of the set, which extends the well-known fact that the Euclidean convex hull contains at least one Steiner tree for any planar point set. We also characterize the graph class where Steiner convexity becomes a convex geometry, and provide a vertex set that allows us to rebuild any convex set, using convex hull operation, in any graph

    Optimization and Validation of HS-GC/MS Method for the Controlled Release Study of Microencapsulated Specific Bioattractants for Target-Plaguicide Production

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    Insect plagues are a problem often hard to solve due to the harmful effects caused by the pesticides used to combat them. Consequently, the pesticide market is increasingly trying to develop new technologies to prevent the unwanted effects that common plague treatments usually bring with them. In this work, four specific bioattractants of Musca domestica, extracted from fungi (β-ocimene, phenol, p-cresol, and indole) were microencapsulated with β-cyclodextrin in order to produce an economically and environmentally sustainable bait containing biocides in the near future. Cyclodextrins will retain these volatile compounds until their use by the consumer when the product comes into contact with water. Then, the bioattractants will be released in the medium in a controlled manner. An analytical methodology based on headspace extraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) has been developed and validated following Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety guidelines for the bioattractants controlled release study from the microencapsulated product. The analytical method has been shown to be accurate and precise and has the sensitivity required for controlled release studies of the four bioattractants analyzed. The release of the bioattractants from microencapsulated products achieved the “plateau” after 3 h in all cases.This research was funded by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (project GIU19/068)

    Rebuilding convex sets in graphs

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    The usual distance between pairs of vertices in a graph naturally gives rise to the notion of an interval between a pair of vertices in a graph. This in turn allows us to extend the notions of convex sets, convex hull, and extreme points in Euclidean space to the vertex set of a graph. The extreme vertices of a graph are known to be precisely the simplicial vertices, i.e., the vertices whose neighborhoods are complete graphs. It is known that the class of graphs with the Minkowski–Krein–Milman property, i.e., the property that every convex set is the convex hull of its extreme points, is precisely the class of chordal graphs without induced 3-fans. We define a vertex to be a contour vertex if the eccentricity of every neighbor is at most as large as that of the vertex. In this paper we show that every convex set of vertices in a graph is the convex hull of the collection of its contour vertices. We characterize those graphs for which every convex set has the property that its contour vertices coincide with its extreme points. A set of vertices in a graph is a geodetic set if the union of the intervals between pairs of vertices in the set, taken over all pairs in the set, is the entire vertex set. We show that the contour vertices in distance hereditary graphs form a geodetic set

    The determining number of Kneser graphs

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    A set of vertices S is a determining set of a graph G if every automorphism of G is uniquely determined by its action on S. The determining number of G is the minimum cardinality of a determining set of G. This paper studies the determining number of Kneser graphs. First, we compute the determining number of a wide range of Kneser graphs, concretely Kn:k with n≥k(k+1) / 2+1. In the language of group theory, these computations provide exact values for the base size of the symmetric group Sn acting on the k-subsets of {1,…, n}. Then, we establish for which Kneser graphs Kn:k the determining number is equal to n-k, answering a question posed by Boutin. Finally, we find all Kneser graphs with fixed determining number 5, extending the study developed by Boutin for determining number 2, 3 or 4

    Litter Quality Is a Stronger Driver than Temperature of Early Microbial Decomposition in Oligotrophic Streams: a Microcosm Study

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    [EN]Litter decomposition is an ecological process of key importance for forest headwater stream functioning, with repercussions for the global carbon cycle. The process is directly and indirectly mediated by microbial decomposers, mostly aquatic hyphomycetes, and influenced by environmental and biological factors such as water temperature and litter quality. These two factors are forecasted to change globally within the next few decades, in ways that may have contrasting effects on microbial-induced litter decomposition: while warming is expected to enhance microbial performance, the reduction in litter quality due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and community composition alteration may have the opposite outcome. We explored this issue through a microcosm experiment focused on early microbial-mediated litter decomposition under stream oligotrophic conditions, by simultaneously manipulating water temperature (10 degrees C and 15 degrees C) and litter quality (12 broadleaf plant species classified into 4 categories based on initial concentrations of nitrogen and tannins). We assessed potential changes in microbial-mediated litter decomposition and the performance of fungal decomposers (i.e., microbial respiration, biomass accrual, and sporulation rate) and species richness. We found stronger effects of litter quality, which enhanced the performance of microbial decomposers and decomposition rates, than temperature, which barely influenced any of the studied variables. Our results suggest that poorer litter quality associated with global change will have a major repercussion on stream ecosystem functioning.This study was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), through the strategic projects UIDP/04292/2020 granted to MARE and start-up funds from the Donana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) and Ikerbasque to LB. Financial support granted by the FCT to VF (IF/00129/2014, CEECIND/02484/2018) is also acknowledged. Special thanks to A. LandeiraDabarca and C. Grela-Docal for their assistance in field and laboratory work and to L. Barmuta, J. Chara, C. Colon-Gaud, M.O. Gessner, J.F. Goncalves Jr., B. McKie, R. Pearson, C. Swan, and C. Yule, among others, collaborators from GLoBE network, for collecting the plant litter

    The emotional stroop paradigm in the study of tobacco counterpublicity cognitive processing

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar el procesamiento atencional y mnésico de palabras relacionadas con el tabaco y con la salud utilizando el paradigma stroop emocional y una tarea de completar bigramas. A una muestra formada por fumadores, no fumadores y exfumadores se administró una tarea stroop modificada compuesta por tres tipos de palabras: neutras, palabras relacionadas con el consumo de tabaco y palabras relacionadas con la salud, extraídas de los mensajes de advertencia sanitaria que aparecen en la publicidad del tabaco. Posteriormente se aplicó una prueba de memoria implícita. Los resultados mostraron que las palabras relacionadas con los riesgos del tabaco para la salud no son atendidas de forma preferente por los fumadores y sin embargo completan más bigramas con palabras tabaco que el resto de los grupos. Se discute la relevancia de este estudio en el ámbito de la contrapublicidad y en las terapias de deshabituación del tabaco.The aim of this work is to analyze the attentional and mnesic processing of words related to smoking and health using the emotional stroop paradigm and a bigram completing task. A modified stroop task consisting of three types of words: neutral, smoking related words and health related words extracted from health warnings messages presented in smoking publicity, was given to a sample integrated by smokers, non-smokers and former-smokers. The individuals performed then an implicit memory task. The results obtained indicated that the health related words are not pref- erentially attended by the smokers. However, they complete more bigrams with tobacco words than the other groups. The relevance of this memory bias in the context of smoking counterpublicity and of stop-smoking therapy is discussed.peerReviewe

    Evaluation of attentional biases of subjects with high vulnerability to arachnophobia using a emotional stroop task

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar los sesgos atencionales que se desencadenan en sujetos vulnerables a mostrar fobia a las arañas. A una muestra de sujetos con alta y baja vulnerabilidad a la aracnofobia se le administraron dos pruebas: 1- Tarea Stroop clásico y 2- Tarea Stroop emocional formada por tres láminas: palabras neutras, palabras emocionales de carácter aversivo y palabras relacionadas con fobia a las arañas. Los resultados demostraron que los sujetos con alta vulnerabilidad no presentan sesgos atencionales para palabras relacionadas con su fobia. Tampoco se encontraron sesgos en atención en ansiedad rasgo-estado respecto a palabras. Por otro lado, cabe destacar que el sesgo atencional no se vio influenciado por la variable sexo de la muestra, aunque se produjeron diferencias respecto al color en que se presentaron los estímulos en las tres láminas del Stroop emocional, siendo el color negro el que produciría más interferencia debido que el color del estímulo atraería más recursos atencionales ya que se asemeja a la característica perceptiva del color negro de alguno de estos insectos.The present study aims to analyze attentional biases that are triggered in vulnerable subjects to phobias of spiders. A sample of subjects with high and low vulnerability to arachnophobia were administered two tests: 1 - classic Stroop task and 2 - emotional Stroop task formed by three sheets: neutral words, repulsive emotional words and words related to spider phobia. The results showed that subjects with high vulnerability do not present attentional biases with these words related to their phobia. Attentional biases were neither found regarding the state-trait anxiety about words. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the attentional bias was not influenced by the variable of sex, although there were differences in the colour in which the stimuli were presented in the three sheets of the emotional Stroop. It was the black colour the one which produced more interference due to the fact that the colour of the stimulus would attract more attentional resources because it resembles the colour of some of these insects.peerReviewe

    Protocolo de screening de hipervigilancia emocional en el trastorno de estrés postraumático en víctimas de violencia de género

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    Esta investigación se sumerge dentro de la violencia de género desde una perspectiva cognitiva y en concreto, desde el contexto de la hipervigilancia emocional. El objetivo fundamental de la presente investigación es el diseño de un protocolo de screening para detectar el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en víctimas de violencia de género (doméstica), basado en el Stroop emocional. Además, desde esta perspectiva se han analizado las variables relacionadas directamente con este delito de violencia de género(domestica) como son el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT). En el presente estudio presentamos la efectividad y significación de esta prueba como detector del TEPT en víctimas de violencia de género (doméstica).This research faces the gender violence from a cognitive perspective and within the context of emotional hypervigilance specifically. The main objective of this research consists on designing a screening to detect Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) protocol in victims of gender violence (domestic), based on the Emotional Stroop. Moreover, from this perspective, we have analyzed variables directly related to the gender violence (domestic) crime, such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In this study we show the effectiveness and significance of this test as a detector of PTSD in victims of gender violence (domestic).peerReviewe