254 research outputs found

    Being a Teacher in an Era of Uncertainty and Perplexity

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    The ambitious challenges of the contemporary digital age require the development in each citizen of cognitive and affective capacities of a higher order, which allow expert thinking and effective communication, decision making in situations of uncertainty, problem-solving, and innovative proposals in economic, cultural, and political contexts, increasingly confusing, fleeting and complex. The text discusses the nature and meaning of a new school, a new pedagogical culture, and a new professional teacher to face the magnitude of these challenges: provoke, guide, and stimulate the passage of each learner from information to knowledge and knowledge to wisdom. More specifically, the formation of the “practical thinking” of contemporary teachers is analyzed and discussed as one of the key axes of their satisfactory professional development. What does this “practical thinking” mean in the initial and ongoing teacher training? Is it possible to develop “practical thinking” in the current Spanish institutions of teacher training

    La revolución pedagógica de la IA educativa

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    This article examines the pedagogical revolution that artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to generate in the educational field, reflecting on its transformative potential and the challenges it poses. Its fascinating possibilities and terrifying threats invite a critical analysis of the expectations and the real impact of educational AIs. Fueled by the best and most up-to-date disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge, the finest didactic content knowledge, and the best available psychopedagogical knowledge, both theoretical and applied, educational AIs could play a privileged role as personalized assistants and Socratic tutors. They can be shaped and trained to become competent, attentive, pleasant, and empathetic tutors, always ready to accompany the learning process of each individual throughout their lives and to serve as invaluable support for teachers. Their training and education should be based on three complementary fundamental pillars: an informed, critical, and humble epistemology; a transparent, committed, and supportive ethics; and a Socratic, pluralistic, sensitive, and creative pedagogy. Conceived in this way, they do not replace but rather complement and enhance the work of educators, learners, and families. Given their nature and magnitude, it would be wise to consider educational AIs not only as valuable innovative tools but also as a genuine educational heritage of humanity; a shared multi- and intercultural legacy that, under the supervision of teachers, is placed at the service of all human beings, enriching our lives and broadening our horizons.Este artículo examina la revolución pedagógica que comienza a generar la inteligencia artificial (IA) en el ámbito educativo, reflexionando sobre su potencial transformador y los desafíos que plantea. Sus fascinantes posibilidades y sus aterradoras amenazas. Invita a un análisis crítico sobre las expectativas y el impacto real de las IAs educativa. Alimentadas con el mejor y más actualizado conocimiento disciplinar e interdisciplinar, el mejor conocimiento didáctico del contenido y el mejor conocimiento psicopedagógico disponibles, tanto teórico como aplicado, las IAs educativas podrían desempeñar un papel privilegiado como asistentes y tutores socráticos personalizados. Se pueden formar y entrenar como tutores competentes, atentos, agradables y empáticos, siempre dispuestas a acompañar el proceso de aprendizaje de cada individuo a lo largo de toda su vida y como apoyo inestimable del quehacer de los docentes. Su formación y entrenamiento ha de apoyarse en tres pilares fundamentales complementarios: Una epistemología informada, crítica y humilde; una ética transparente, comprometida y solidaria y una pedagogía socrática, plural, sensible y creativa. Así concebidas no sustituyen sino que potencian el quehacer de docentes, aprendices y familias. Dada su naturaleza y magnitud, sería prudente considerar las IAs educativas no solo como valiosas herramientas innovadoras, sino como un genuino patrimonio educativo de la humanidad; un legado compartido multi e intercultural que, bajo la supervisión de los docentes, se pone al servicio de todos los seres humanos, enriqueciendo nuestras vidas y ampliando nuestros horizontes

    The fishbowl. A Critical reflection between teachers and Master's students in two interactive LS plans. An experience at the University of Malaga.

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    The paper aims to present the experience of convergence between two simultaneous and interactive processes of LS development in a Master of Educational Innovation at the University of Malaga in Spain to stimulate the development of critical thinking in education.Purpose- The paper aims to present the experience of convergence between two simultaneous and interactive processes of LS development in a Master of Educational Innovation at the University of Malaga in Spain. Design- Case study of an educational experience in the University context. It involves a group of 30 students, two subjects and 3 teachers. Description: The first version of the experience began 10 years ago (Soto, Serván and Pérez, 2015) Three years ago, the three lecturers set out to incorporate LS as a structure for this task in order to stimulate the development of critical thinking and to improve the tutoring of this work, developing our own teaching task as an explicit LS process. Findings: Among the most significant findings of this dual, parallel and interactive LS process, we can highlight: - The substantive increase in motivation of both students and teachers. - The complexity of integrating and harmonising the roles of observation-inquiry and teaching-by the students and, in the case of teachers, increased by the need to evaluate the learning process developed by the students themselves. - The extraordinary influence of what we have called the fishbowl effect. That is to say, the linking of the two final phases of the LS, placing themselves in the centre of the circle and openly exposing their perception of the weaknesses and strengths of their LS process, has stimulated a powerful simultaneous process of reflection and critical self-evaluation among the components of the small group, which has been strengthened by the final presentation of the teachers' reflections on their own LS. Relevance: The importance of generating simultaneous and interactive LS processes between teachers and students in initial teacher training. Especially the teachers' fishbowl effect, for their strong modeling influence, is so relevant that it appears in all student’s portfolios as one of the most impacting models for their teacher education process.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internaciona Andalucía Tec

    Analysis of the evolution of ultra-filtered water quality in a drinking water distribution system by particle size distribution: Influence of pre-ozonation

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    An experimental drinking water distribution system (DWDS) was used to evaluate the evolution of particle size distribution (PSD) and basic quality parameters of ultrafiltered water with or without pre-ozonation. An ultrafiltration (UF) module was set up, associated with a pre-ozonation system (3.7 g O3/m3). The permeate was circulated in the DWDS (300 m; 0.9 m/s) with 0.4 mg/L of chlorine, and the analysis of the PSD was performed using a β-variable mathematical model. A better control of membrane fouling was obtained with preozonation, and PSD was necessary to observe water quality differences between permeates and in the DWDS. A decrease in particle concentration of 1.8 logarithms was obtained with the application of UF membranes, while a decrease of only 1.2 logarithms was obtained with pre-ozonation. The system without pre-ozonation showed a higher efficiency at removing smaller particles (around 2 μm), with the absence of particles larger than 23 μm during both stages. The PSD revealed a worsening of water quality in the DWDS with an increase of particles smaller than 5 μm during the application of UF membranes, while with pre-ozonation, all particle sizes analyzed increased their concentration. Practitioner Points • Pre-ozonation led to a better control of membrane fouling, but a worsening of permeate quality according to particle size distribution. • Pre-ozonation does not improve the turbidity, dissolved organic carbon or UV254 removal capacity of ultrafiltration during drinking water treatment. • Particles size distribution reveals the deterioration of water quality in a drinking water distribution system better than turbidity or DOC. • Ozone prior to ultrafiltration membranes led to a worsening of permeate quality, more significant in the drinking water distribution system.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: CTM2010-18899-TECN

    Influence of prevention law of occupational risks in work place accidents of a large company.

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    Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo de todos los accidentes de trabajo (AT) que han causado baja laboral de una empresa del sector industrial, cuya plantilla ha oscilado entre 665 y 327 trabajadores a lo largo del periodo de estudio (del 01-01-1983 hasta el 31-12-2015). El material estudiado han sido los 1.273 accidentes sucedidos en el periodo indicado. En cada AT, se ha considerado su etiología, laboral o de camino al trabajo, y la gravedad de las lesiones valorada en función del tiempo que ha precisado para su curación. La promulgación de la Ley 31/1995 y la abundante legislación aparecida en los años siguientes no supuso un cambio en la frecuencia ni en el tipo de AT. El cambio de cultura empresarial, que se basa en compartir la responsabilidad sobre seguridad con todos los empleados, sí ha generado un significativo cambio actitudinal que se ha traducido en una gran variación de la frecuencia de los AT y de su gravedad. El mero cumplimiento de la legislación no supone per se una mejora de la salud de los trabajadores si no va acompañado de una firme decisión empresarial que abarque a cada uno de los empleados.We performed a retrospective study of all accidents (WA) that have generated absence from work in an industrial company whose staff has ranged from 663 to 327 workers throughout the study period (from 01-01-1983 until 31-12-2015). The material studied was the 1273 accidents that occurred in the indicated period. Each etiology has been considered, workplace or “on the way to work,” and the severity of injuries assessed as a function of time that has been required for healing. The enactment of Law 31/1995 and the abundant legislation appeared in the following years, did not produce a change in the frequency or type of WA. The security responsibility, shared with all employees, has generated significant attitudinal change that has resulted in a wide variation in the frequency, severity and etiology of the AT. Only compliance with the legislation does not produce an improvement in the health of workers if it is accompanied by a sound business decision covering each employee.Medicin

    Lesson Studies : re-pensar y re-crear el conocimiento práctico en cooperación

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    En: Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, Vol. 29, No. 3Este artículo pretende mostrar la prometedora relación entre los procesos generados por las Lesson Studies (LS) y el desarrollo del pensamiento práctico en la formación docente. Para ello proponemos ampliar el foco de interés de las LS de mejora de la práctica a la reconstrucción y mejora del conocimiento práctico de los docentes. Como eje de análisis centramos el debate en la relación existente entre el conocimiento práctico -generalmente inconsciente- y el pensamiento práctico que utilizamos para describir y justificar la práctica. De entre los principales hallazgos derivados de esta investigación hemos descubierto que la simple elaboración de nuevas ideas conscientes e informadas (teorización de la práctica) no es suficiente para transformar la acción, necesitamos reconstruir también las actitudes, los hábitos y las creencias más subterráneas, a través de la incorporación y repetición sistemática de nuevas prácticas y nuevas formas de hacer (experimentación de la teoría). Los ciclos de la Lesson Study se convierten en herramienta privilegiada en la formación inicial y permanente al vincular el desarrollo profesional de los docentes con la experimentación curricular y la autoformación cooperativa (Stenhouse, 1975)

    Pantallas en la sociedad audiovisual : edu-comunicación y nuevas competencias

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    Todos somos conscientes que vivimos en una sociedad compleja en el comienzo de un nuevo milenio. Paradójicamente, cuando más se consume la comunicación a gran escala, más sentimos y vivimos una profunda crisis comunicativa porque el audiovisual ante todo potencia una nueva cultura de la imagen donde impera la apariencia, la espectacularidad y el mosaico. Ante este panorama audiovisual, más se hace urgente un nuevo contexto para la educación donde se contemple la educación en los medios como una clave esencial para la comprensión de los nuevos lenguajes de la comunicación. Surge así la necesidad de educar a todos los ciudadanos/as para la “competencia audiovisual”, núcleo vertebrador que recoge las aptitudes y actitudes necesarias para afrontar de una forma inteligente, racional y lúdica nuestras relaciones con los medios de comunicación

    Nuevos retos en la formación del profesorado. Lesson Study: acompañar la enseñanza y la investigación

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    This article aims to reflect the reflections, experiences and research of a research group of the University of Malaga in relation to the Lesson Study (LS): a cooperative research and action process. A way of teaching to be a teacher in initial and ongoing formation.One of our lines of research has focused on addressing the concepts and dilemmas involved in the formation of teachers' practical thinking, as well as in the complex processes of reconstructing it. In this last decade LS have helped us to understand that: (1) The knowledge of teachers should be considered, more broadly, as an active combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and values: called as thought practical of the teacher; (2) The majority of these personal and professional resources are unconscious or better subconscious; (3) Changes in the teacher's practical thinking require more practical experience and reflection, a dialectical process with two main moments: the theorization of the practice and the experimentation of the reconstructed theory; (4) The LS, as a cooperative action research facilitates the emergence of this dialectical process; (5) The LS is a particular way to develop action research, adding a complex, systematic, flexible and cooperative route to deal with specific and contextual curricular innovation projects; and (6) The pedagogical virtuality of the LS to reconstruct the practical thinking of teachers from within and strengthen the professional teaching community.Este artículo, pretende reflejar las reflexiones, experiencias e investigaciones de un grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Málaga en relación con las Lesson Study (LS): un proceso de investigación y acción cooperativa. Una forma de enseñar a ser docente en la formación inicial y permanente. Una de nuestras líneas de investigación se ha centrado en abordar los conceptos y dilemas involucrados en la formación del pensamiento práctico de los docentes, así como en los complejos procesos de reconstrucción del mismo. En esta última década las LS nos han ayudado a entender que: (1) El conocimiento de los docentes debe considerarse, de forma más amplia, como una combinación activa de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes, emociones, creencias y valores: denominado como el pensamiento práctico del profesor; (2) La mayoría de estos recursos personales y profesionales son inconscientes o mejor subconscientes; (3) Los cambios en el pensamiento práctico del docente requieren más experiencia práctica y reflexión, un proceso dialéctico con dos momentos principales: la teorización de la práctica y la experimentación de la teoría reconstruida; (4) La LS, como investigación acción cooperativa facilita la emergencia de este proceso dialéctico; (5) La LS es una forma particular de desarrollar la investigación acción, agregando una ruta compleja, sistemática, flexible y cooperativa para tratar proyectos de innovación curriculares concretos y contextuales; y (6) La virtualidad pedagógica de la LS para reconstruir el pensamiento práctico del profesorado desde dentro y fortalecer la comunidad profesional docente.

    Does nutritional status influence the effects of a multicomponent exercise programme on body composition and physical fitness in older adults with limited physical function?

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    Physical exercise effects and ageing on fitness may be influenced by nutritional status. This study investigates the effects of a 6-month multicomponent exercise training (MCT) on nutritional status and evaluates if this type of exercise could affect differently body composition and physical fitness depending on the nutritional status of older adults with decreased functional capacity. Ninety-three participants (80.4 ± 6.0 y) were divided into control (n = 45) and intervention (n = 48) groups. The intervention consisted of a 6-month multicomponent training. Comparisons between changes in body composition and fitness during the 6-months were performed between individuals at risk of malnutrition and those well-nourished, according to the Mini Nutritional Assessment. Model mixed-effect analyses were used to investigate differences after the 6 months of MCT between groups. Well-nourished participants compared with those at risk of malnutrition had higher: arm (13.4 ± 3.5 vs 14.3 ± 33.6 repetitions) and leg strength (9.0 ± 3.0 vs 11.1 ± 3.3 repetitions), maximum walking speed (31.6 ± 13.1 vs 23.7 ± 6.3s), agility (11.9 ± 5.8 vs 8.3 ± 2.1s), and aerobic capacity (31.6 ± 13.1 vs 23.7 ± 6.3 m), at baseline. After the training, those without risk of malnutrition in CON decreased their nutritional status (-1.7 + 0.7 points). Those well-nourished that performed the intervention decreased total fat mass (-1.0 ± 0.3 kg) and body fat percentage (-1.2 ± 0.4%). Both groups of training improved similarly in all tests, except for balance, in which the well-nourished showed improvements of 6.3 ± 1.9s. These results underline the usefulness of MCT in improving physical fitness regardless of nutritional status and preventing nutritional status detriment in well-nourished older adults, who are fitter and benefit more, in terms of body composition. Trial registration:ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03831841. Highlights Multicomponent exercise programme seems to be effective in delaying detriments in the nutritional status of well-nourished people. Well-nourished older people obtain more benefits in body composition from the multicomponent exercise than those at risk of malnutrition, decreasing adiposity. The positive effect of multicomponent exercise was observed in physical fitness independently of nutritional status

    Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Association with Physical Activity and Frailty Status in Spanish Older Adults with Decreased Functional Capacity: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of medical conditions associated with several health disorders. MetS and frailty can be related to prolonged physical deconditioning. There is a need to know whether there is concordance between the different ways of diagnosing it and to know their prevalence in Spanish older adults. Thus, the aims of this study were to describe the prevalence of MetS; to analyse the concordance between different definitions to diagnose MetS; and to study the associations between MetS, frailty status, and physical activity (PA) in older adults with decreased functional capacity. This report is a cross-sectional study involving 110 Spanish older adults of ages ≥65 years with decreased functional capacity. Clinical criteria to diagnose MetS was defined by different expert groups. Anthropometric measurements, blood biochemical analysis, frailty status, functional capacity, and PA were assessed. The Kappa statistic was used to determine the agreement between the five MetS definitions used. Student’s t-test and the Pearson chi-square test were used to examine differences between sex, frailty, and PA groups. The sex-adjusted prevalence of MetS assessed by the National Cholesterol Education Program—Third Adult Treatment Panel was 39.4% in men and 32.5% in women. The International Diabetes Federation and the Harmonized definitions had the best agreement (k = 1.000). The highest odds ratios (ORs) of cardiometabolic risk factors to develop MetS were elevated triglycerides (37.5) and reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (27.3). Central obesity and hypertension prevalence were significantly higher in the non-active group (70.7% and 26.8%, respectively), compared to the active group (50.0% and 7.7%, respectively). Moreover, the active group (OR = 0.85, 95% CI = 0.35, 2.04) and active women group (OR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.27, 2.20) appeared to show a lower risk of developing this syndrome. MetS is highly prevalent in this sample and changes according to the definition used. It seems that sex and frailty do not influence the development of MetS. However, PA appears to decrease central obesity, hypertension, and the risk of developing MetS