157 research outputs found

    Methylation changes associated with early maturation stages in the Atlantic salmon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early maturation in the Atlantic salmon is an interesting subject for numerous research lines. Prior to sea migration, parr can reach sexual maturation and successfully fertilize adult female eggs during the reproductive season. These individuals are known as precocious parr, mature parr or "sneakers". Reasons for early maturation are unknown and this transitory stage is usually considered to be a threshold trait. Here, we compare methylation patterns between mature and immature salmon parr from two different rivers in order to infer if such methylation differences may be related to their maturation condition. First we analyzed genetic differences between rivers by means of AFLPs. Then, we compared the DNA methylation differences between mature and immature parrs, using a Methylation-Sensitive Amplified Polymorphism (MSAP), which is a modification of the AFLPs method by making use of the differential sensitivity of a pair of restriction enzymes isoschizomeres to cytosine methylation. The tissues essayed included brain, liver and gonads.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AFLPs statistical analysis showed that there was no significant differentiation between rivers or a significant differentiation between maturation states in each river. MSAP statistical analysis showed that among the three tissues sampled, the gonads had the highest number of significant single-locus variation among populations with 74 loci followed by brain with 70 and finally liver with only 12. Principal components analysis (PCA) of the MSAP profiles revealed different profiles among different tissues (liver, brain and testis) clearly separating maturation states in the testis tissue when compared to the liver.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results reveal that genetically-similar mature and immature salmon parr present high levels of DNA methylation variation in two of the three analyzed tissues. We hypothesize that early maturation may be mostly mediated by epigenetic processes rather than by genetic differences between parrs. To our knowledge this is the first study that attempt to link phenotypic plasticity in salmonids and epigenetic changes.</p

    Impacto de la provisión del impuesto sobre la renta en los resultados económicos del sector manufacturero y minero en Colombia /

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    Para el desarrollo de los objetivos, escogimos los sectores que generan mayores impuestos en Colombia, los cuales son; el sector minero y el sector industrial o manufacturero. El sector minero cuenta con una participación del 41,06% del impuesto de renta y complementario total nacional, seguido del sector manufacturero con una participación del 11,61% abarcando entre los dos un porcentaje superior al 50% de la contribución total según los datos de recaudo de la DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales). En el sector minero se encuentran conglomeradas todas las actividades relacionadas con la explotación de hidrocarburos, gases minerales y similares. Es uno de los principales sectores de Colombia, puesto que está entre los que generan principal interés de inversión extranjera y a su vez está entre los que más exportan. Por otra parte, el sector industrial es aquel que se encarga de transformar los insumos y materias primas en productos terminados para poder ser comercializados o vendidos. Por su gran extensión y diversidad, el sector manufacturero abarca una gran participación en el PIB nacional al igual que en el recaudo total del impuesto de renta. Por lo anterior, podemos pensar que para proyectar el tributo de estos sectores, es necesario tener; aparte de las cifras históricas y de unas tendencias porcentuales, una compilación de las principales variables que hacen que la utilidad contable y la base gravable fiscal fluctúen. A continuación, expondremos los resultados del estudio del impacto de calcular el impuesto con tasas nominales, con una previa compilación de las partidas responsables de los cambios entre la renta o base gravable fiscal y la utilidad contable y por último se harán las conclusiones y recomendaciones de lo investigado.Incluye bibliografí

    La Fuente Agría de Puertollano y su entorno hidrogeológico

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    La célebre Fuente Agria de Puertollano (Ciudad Real) forma parte del conjunto de manantiales ferruginosos y con alto contenido en CO2 que se hayan asociados a la extensa área volcánica del Campo de Calatrava, representando la fase póstuma del volcanismo terciario y cuaternario que afectó a esta zona. Se trata de una surgencia a presión que procede de la descarga bajo los depósitos miocenos del acuífero de cuarcitas de la Sierra de Santa Ana. Se establece así mismo la caracterización hidrogeológica del entorno regional del manantial en base a sondeos realizados exprofeso, y que incluye el subsuelo de una parte de la ciudad de Puertollano y de la Sierra que lo bordea por el norte. Se propone un modelo hidrogeológico para la explicación de este tipo de fuentes de borde de las sierras, el cual supone la captación del flujo profundo del CO2 mediante fallas en la periferia de las masas impermeables por parte de las aguas que circulan por los niveles cuarcíticos paleozoicos más permeables. Finalmente, se historian algunas de las afecciones que ha sufrido dicho manantial a lo largo de los siglos, y que culmina con el establecimiento de un perímetro de protección a alteraciones desde arriba de origen urbano, aunque se llama la atención de otros posibles impactos por parte de túneles profundo

    Clima laboral, síndrome de Burnout y satisfacción laboral en docentes de establecimientos municipalizados de Talca

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    80 p.La presente investigación describe y analiza la relación entre tres variables: Clima Laboral, Síndrome Burnout, y Satisfacción Laboral en una muestra de 123 docentes pertenecientes a establecimientos de educación municipalizada de la ciudad de Talca mediante la aplicación de 3 instrumentos: MBI-Ed (Maslach & Jackson, 1986), Instrumento de medida de Clima organizacional (Koys & Decotis 1991), S20-23 (Meliá y Peiró, 1989).Se observa que los docentes mostraban mayor presencia del Síndrome de Burnout o de síntomas de Burnout cuando estaban Insatisfechos Laboralmente. También se observa la relación entre algunas dimensiones de Clima laboral y Síndrome de Burnout, de modo que a mejor Clima Laboral menor es la presencia de Burnout. Por otra parte se observó que el Clima Laboral y Satisfacción Laboral se relaciona de forma positiva es decir a mejor Clima Laboral mayor es la Satisfacción Laboral. Finalmente observo que la Satisfacción Laboral tiene un efecto entre la relacion entre Clima Laboral y Burnout.De acuerdo a lo anterior y el cambiante contexto en el que se desenvuelven los docentes de colegios municipalizados, se sugiere tomar medidas preventivas en cuanto a desarrollo del Síndrome de Burnout, interviniendo el Clima laboral. Teniendo en consideración la Satisfacción de estos ya que tiene un efecto sobre dichas variables, es decir que si se interviene solo en el Clima Laboral, los resultados pueden no ser los esperados, por el efecto de esta variable. Palabras claves: Burnout , Clima Laboral, Satisfacción Laboral, Docentes

    Continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia: A potential risk zone for the onset of Alexandrium catenella toxic bloom?

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    Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) pose a severe socio-economic problem worldwide. The dinoflagellate species Alexandrium catenella produces potent neurotoxins called saxitoxins (STXs) and its blooms are associated with the human intoxication named Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Knowing where and how these blooms originate is crucial to predict blooms. Most studies in the Chilean Patagonia, were focused on coastal areas, considering that blooms from the adjacent oceanic region are almost non-existent. Using a combination of field studies and modelling approaches, we first evaluated the role of the continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia as a source of A. catenella resting cysts, which may act as inoculum for their toxic coastal blooms. This area is characterized by a seasonal upwelling system with positive Ekman pumping during spring-summer, and by the presence of six major submarine canyons. We found out that these submarine canyons increase the vertical advection of bottom waters, and thus, significantly enhance the process of coastal upwelling. This is a previously unreported factor, among those involved in bloom initiation. This finding put this offshore area at high risk of resuspension of resting cysts of A. catenella. Here, we discuss in detail the physical processes promoting this resuspension.Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) pose a severe socio-economic problem worldwide. The dinoflagellate species Alexandrium catenella produces potent neurotoxins called saxitoxins (STXs) and its blooms are associated with the human intoxication named Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). Knowing where and how these blooms originate is crucial to predict blooms. Most studies in the Chilean Patagonia, were focused on coastal areas, considering that blooms from the adjacent oceanic region are almost non-existent. Using a combination of field studies and modelling approaches, we first evaluated the role of the continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia as a source of A. catenella resting cysts, which may act as inoculum for their toxic coastal blooms. This area is characterized by a seasonal upwelling system with positive Ekman pumping during spring-summer, and by the presence of six major submarine canyons. We found out that these submarine canyons increase the vertical advection of bottom waters, and thus, significantly enhance the process of coastal upwelling. This is a previously unreported factor, among those involved in bloom initiation. This finding put this offshore area at high risk of resuspension of resting cysts of A. catenella. Here, we discuss in detail the physical processes promoting this resuspension.Postprint2,35

    Knowledge-based: facilitating access to medicines in Latin America

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    The World Health Organization (WHO), with the scientific support of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), guides the development of multisource pharmaceutical products for market authorization using in vivo bioequivalence studies or, where applicable,&nbsp; in vitro biowaiver strategies based on the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS). A review of the regulatory framework guiding generic medicines approval in Latin American countries revealed that less than 50% of regional health authorities offer a generic medicines development pathway utilizing a BCS-based biowaiver strategy. Aligned with the ONE FIP Strategy to facilitate access to medicines, a regional case study was carried out to implement and harmonize BCS-based biowaiver knowledge in Latin American countries. A steering committee involving regional representatives from health authorities, the pharmaceutical industry, and universities were established to coordinate to develop activities. A series of digital engagement events were held in Spanish and English with representatives from Latin America to share knowledge on BCS-based regulatory strategy, promote collaborations, and explore the alignment of biowaiver approval and regulatory pathways among Latin American countries. Feedback from diverse Latin American stakeholders demonstrated inconsistent implementation of bioequivalence testing within the region. However, there is support for a synergistic approach among countries to reduce duplication and increase efficiency in market authorization for generic medicines. This includes alignment with the WHO Prequalification of Medicines program as well as the development of a computational database for the classification of active pharmaceutical ingredients to demonstrate therapeutic interchangeability of immediate-release oral dosage forms according to the BCS. FIP-facilitated digital learning opportunities raised awareness of the BCS-based biowaiver regulatory strategy among Latin American stakeholders. It resulted in a plan to continually strengthen collaborative efforts in the region to harmonize regulations relevant to drug development generics medicines to introduce cost-effective medicines products that benefit public health

    Population genomics of parallel evolution in gene expression and gene sequence during ecological adaptation

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    Natural selection often produces parallel phenotypic changes in response to a similar adaptive challenge. However, the extent to which parallel gene expression differences and genomic divergence underlie parallel phenotypic traits and whether they are decoupled or not remains largely unexplored. We performed a population genomic study of parallel ecological adaptation among replicate ecotype pairs of the rough periwinkle (Littorina saxatilis) at a regional geographical scale (NW Spain). We show that genomic changes underlying parallel phenotypic divergence followed a complex pattern of both repeatable differences and of differences unique to specific ecotype pairs, in which parallel changes in expression or sequence are restricted to a limited set of genes. Yet, the majority of divergent genes were divergent either for gene expression or coding sequence, but not for both simultaneously. Overall, our findings suggest that divergent selection significantly contributed to the process of parallel molecular differentiation among ecotype pairs, and that changes in expression and gene sequence underlying phenotypic divergence could, at least to a certain extent, be considered decoupled processesMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. BFU2013- 44635-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2016-75482-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. CGL2016-75904-C2-1Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016-037Xunta de Galicia | Ref. INCITE09 310 006 PRSwedish Research Councils VR | Ref. Linnaeus grant Formas 217-2008-171

    RNA-seq coupled to proteomic analysis reveals high sperm proteome variation between two closely related marine mussel species

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    (a) RNA based approach to assess genomic differences between a Welsh and Spanish species of Mussell. Protein based analysis also carried out, both in gonad tissue. Not too sure why DNA based approaches not used? Clearly differences were observed. Lots of detailed analysis of differentially expressed genes. Not too sure about the significance of this data - this could be my lack of understanding. (b) Technically very competent transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of marine mussel sperm. However, the paper does not really get to grips with the underlying biological problem: that the two species studied are only partly reproductively isolated. With some hybridization being possible. This is discussed briefly in section 4.3.3, but the conclusions are very much in the form of hypothetical but undecided possibilities; as, indeed, are the conclusions generally

    El impacto del invierno cálido del 2007 en los rendimientos paperos de Cuba

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXX Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el IX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Zaragoza, del 5 al 7 de mayo de 2008

    Gene Expression Analyses in Non Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Reveals a Role for Alternative Splicing and Tp53 Status

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    Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) represents a crucial problem for the national health care systems due to its high rates of recurrence and the consequent need of frequent follow-ups. Here, gene expression analyses in patients diagnosed as NMIBC were performed to determine those molecular pathways involved in tumor initiation, finding that both MYC and E2F are up regulated and helps to tumor initiation and progression. Our results also support an important involvement of alternative splicing events, modifying key pathways to favour bladder tumor evolution. Finally, since MDM2 showed differential exon usage, mutations in TP53 and its protein expression have been also studied in the same patients. Our data support that recurrence is epigenetically mediated and favoured by an increase protein expression of TP53, which appears more frequently mutated in advanced stages and grades, being associated to a worse prognosis. Therefore, TP53 mutational status could be used as a potential biomarker in the first stages of NMIBC to predict recurrence and prognosis