873 research outputs found

    Estudio de la mujer emprendedora: el medio rural como oportunidad

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    La mujer constituye un sujeto especialmente relevante para el desarrollo, no sólo económico, sino también social y cultural de las zonas rurales. Y, en este sentido, el emprendimiento rural en los últimos años ha adquirido un papel cada vez más protagonista, ya que contribuye a la modernización y sostenibilidad de estos entornos gracias a la creación de nuevas empresas que, en muchas ocasiones, implementan nuevos modelos de negocio distintos de los tradicionales. En este trabajo se examinan algunas de las características del perfil de la mujer emprendedora rural, así como sus motivaciones y sus limitaciones en el desarrollo de la actividad. En concreto, en relación con los factores que inciden en la decisión de emprender, se estudia con cierto detenimiento la importancia del capital medioambiental, especialmente puesto en relación con un fenómeno de ‘contraurbanización’ que tiene lugar en la actualidad, y que se conoce con el término ‘naturbanización’. El análisis se aborda desde la perspectiva del estudio de diversos casos reales de emprendimiento rural femenino.The woman constitutes a relevant subject on the development, not only economic but also social and cultural of rural areas. In this sense, recently the entrepreneurship has acquired an increasing leading role because it contributes to the modernization and sustainability of these environments by creating new enterprises that, on many occasions, implement new business models different than the traditional ones. In this study, some of the characteristics of the profile of rural women entrepreneurs and their motivations and limitations are discussed. Specifically, relative to the factors that influence the decision to start an entrepreneurial business, the importance of environmental capital is carefully detailed, especially as related to the phenomenon of contraurbanization which takes place today, known as "naturbanization". This study has been made by analyzing several real case studies of rural female entrepreneurship

    Evaluación de la efectividad y seguridad de los antivirales de acción directa de primera generación en el tratamiento de la hepatitis crónica por virus C

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    ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVOS: La introducción en la terapéutica de los antivirales de acción directa de primera generación (Telaprevir y Boceprevir) supuso un gran avance en el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la población de pacientes monoinfectados por VHC tratados con Telaprevir y Boceprevir que alcanzan respuesta viral sostenida, el perfil de toxicidad de la terapia así como los costes asociados al tratamiento y al manejo de los efectos adversos en nuestra población de estudio MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo retrospectivo de la totalidad de pacientes que recibieron tratamiento con Telaprevir o Boceprevir, atendidos en la Unidad de Pacientes Externos del Servicio de Farmacia del Hospital de Navarra. Se analizaron variables de eficacia como la respuesta viral al final del tratamiento y la respuesta viral sostenida así como variables de seguridad como la incidencia y la gravedad de los efectos secundarios y los costes asociados. RESULTADOS: Se analiza a una población total de 19 pacientes (TVR=11; BOC=8) de los que el 47,4% eran pacientes naive y 42,1% presentaban fibrosis F4. A las 12 semanas post tratamiento presentaron respuesta Viral Sostenida el 78,9% de los pacientes. Los efectos adversos más frecuentes fueron anemia, neutropenia, leucopenia, cansancio, prurito, exantema, disgeusia y molestias anorectales. En 4 pacientes fue necesaria la interrupción del tratamiento por toxicidad de la terapia. En 3 pacientes fue necesaria la asistencia de urgencia y 3 fueron hospitalizados debido a los efectos adversos. El coste de los recursos adicionales fue de 597 euros por paciente. DISCUSIÓN: La incorporación de los nuevos inhibidores de proteasa al tratamiento convencional supone un aumento de las tasas de RVS, pero también conlleva una mayor incidencia de efectos adversos dermatológicos y hematológicos. El manejo de estos EA hace necesario el empleo de recursos adicionales que incrementan el coste total de la terapia. Por lo que, el conocimiento de las reglas de parada y de los factores predictivos de respuesta pueden maximizar la eficiencia de la triple terapia y minimizar la aparición de efectos secundarios graves.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The development of protease inhibitors such as Telaprevir and Boceprevir was a breakthrough in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. The aim of the study was to analyze the population of HCV monoinfected patients treated with Boceprevir and Telaprevir reaching sustained viral response and toxicity profile of the therapy and the costs associated with the treatment and management of adverse effects in our population study. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective observational study of the patients treated with Telaprevir and Boceprevir at the outpatient unit of the pharmacy service of Navarra´s Hospital. Efficacy variables as sustained viral response at the end of the treatment and viral response were analyzed. We also analyzed safety endpoints such as the incidence and severity of side effects and the associated costs. RESULTS: A population of 19 patients was analyzed (BOC=8; TVR=11), of which 47.4 % were naive patients and 42.1% had grade 4 fibrosis. At 12 weeks post treatment 78.9% of patients showed sustained viral response. The most common side effects were anemia, neutropenia, leukopenia, fatigue, itching, rash, dysgeusia and anorectal discomfort. In 4 patients treatment was interrupted due to toxicity of the therapy. In 3 patients emergency assistance was needed and other 3 were hospitalized due to adverse effects. The cost of the additional resources was 597 euros / patient. CONCLUSIONS: the incorporation of the new protease inhibitors to conventional treatment involves an increase in SVR rates, but it also carries an increased incidence of dermatologic and hematologic adverse events. The management of these adverse effects requires the use of additional resources that increase the overall cost of therapy. Therefore, knowledge of stopping rules and predictors of response can maximize the efficiency of triple therapy and minimize the occurrence of serious side effects.Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias de la SaludUnibertsitate Masterra Osasun Zientzietako Ikerketa

    Governance in small-scale fisheries of Galicia (NW Spain): moving toward co-management?

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    The historical lack of fishers’ participation in decision making had led to weak fishing management and explains the meagre results achieved so far in conserving marine resources. European Commission recommends greater participation by fishers in the decision-making process so that adopted measures will better reflect local circumstances. It should be easier to introduce co-management measures in fisheries that have a tradition of cooperative behaviour among groups of fishers, as is generally the case in the small-scale fishing sector. This paper studies how small-scale Galician fishers view greater participation in the decision-making process. The results show that fishermen are clearly in favour of increased participation—through their guilds and, to a lesser extent, alongside trade unions, producer organizations, and scientists. The results show that fishers also favour moving toward co-management on such issues as participating in the establishment of regulating mechanisms, monitoring compliance with fishing rules, and demarcating areas for sport fishing.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B2018/095Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-10

    Market concentration in the Spanish turbot aquaculture sector: A regional analysis

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    This paper analyses the regional evolution of the market structure in the Spanish turbot industry, which is the leading turbot producer in Europe, using different concentration rates. The analysis is performed considering several factors that have influenced the evolution of the sector, the most important being the application of technology, business strategies and the institutional framework. The results confirm a process of concentration. Starting from an initial phase in which the sector was composed of a considerable number of small companies, this industry has evolved towards a situation in which only two large firms dominate the market.Este artículo analiza la evolución regional de la estructura del mercado en la industria española del rodaballo, la mayor productora de rodaballo en Europa, mediante el empleo de diferentes índices de concentración. El análisis se realizó teniendo en cuenta varios factores que han influido en la evolución del sector, entre los más importantes el uso de tecnología, las estrategias empresariales y el marco institucional. Los resultados confirman un proceso de concentración. Partiendo de una fase inicial en la que el sector estaba compuesto por un gran número de pequeñas empresas, esta industria ha evolucionado hacia una situación en la que tan sólo dos grandes empresas dominan el mercado.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-I0

    An analysis of production factors for Galician-farmed turbot: From boom to stagnation

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    Aquaculture production of turbot in Galicia (Spain) has grown significantly in the last 35 years. The evolution of the sector and the variations in its production technologies are the result of the confluence of different phenomena such as horizontal integration, the arrival of foreign investment or the independence of imported inputs. This article analyses the evolution of Galician-farmed turbot sector production. Five main factors (space, technology, production, marketing and environment), and profitability are studied and analyzed. The results show that the average rate of return in the sector has increased significantly over the last years.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-I0

    Main issues and key factors for development of turbot aquaculture in Spanish regions: a social-ecological perspective

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    In 2018, Spain produced more than 70% of the European aquaculture turbot. Over the past three decades, several efforts have been made to cultivate turbot on the Atlantic, Cantabrian and Mediterranean coasts of Spain. However, although the Cantabrian turbot sector has been moderately successful, it has been the Atlantic region that has consolidated its hegemony over the years. The social-ecological system framework is an appropriate instrument to identify the key variables that have displayed heterogeneous behavior across regions, given their transdisciplinary, adaptive and multiscale nature. In this study, a comparative analysis is made through the first-tier categories (Resource Systems, Governance Systems and Actors) and their second-level variables, which present differences between regions. The results show that both the ecological and social systems have performed better in the Atlantic region. Its adequate environmental characteristics, together with the incentives generated by the actors of the governance system, promote interactions that build scenarios conducive to the success of the Galician turbot sector.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-099225-B-I00Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C2018/48Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431E2018/07Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B2018/09

    Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in older adults: A panel data analysis

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    Background: This paper investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on depression in the older population, an especially vulnerable group for which to date there is limited empirical research. Methods: We employ a panel data consisting of seven waves of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (2010–2020). The breadth and depth of the data considered enabled us to control for individual fixed effects, to adjust for pre-pandemic trends in depression levels and to perform a heterogeneity analysis, depending on the intensity of the lockdown measures implemented and relevant socioeconomic characteristics. Results: We find that, following the COVID-19 pandemic, study participants reported a statistically significant increase in the depressive symptoms by around 0.7 over 8 points as measured by the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) index. The estimated coefficients were larger in November than in July, for individuals who lost their job, retired and women. Interestingly, we observed that mental health has worsened substantially relative to the pre-pandemic period across all income groups of the older population, suggesting a limited role of income as a protective mechanism for mental health. Conclusions: Our findings provide compelling evidence that depression levels amongst older adults have worsened considerably following the COVID-19 pandemic, and that factors other than income, such as social interactions, may be highly relevant for well-being in later life.Universidad de Granada/ CBU

    Certains indicateurs de la qualité en Éducation préscolaire

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    The finding of the true quality indicators in Pre-Primary Education is an objective that has not been fully reached so far, though there is an increasing amount of papers dealing with the topic. To bridge this gap we considered that we could turn to the opinion of the teaching staff about the quality of the Pre-Primary Education and the possibilities of improvement. The work we are presenting here is the result of discussions with doctoral candidates in Pedagogy in an Inter-University Programme that started in 2004 and in which there has been a comprehensive analysis of the documentary sources. In order to obtain the data we have given the participants a self-administered questionnaire based on a quantitative and qualitative methodology. The different options offered by the Lickert scales allowed us to get the opinion of the teaching staff in the different areas under study, whereas the Analysis of the Main Components allowed us to develop an interpretation of certain aspects.Encontrar los auténticos indicadores de la calidad en la Educación infantil es un objetivo aún no totalmente alcanzado, a pesar de la creciente cantidad de escritos en torno a ellos. Para cubrir el trecho que falta hemos considerado necesario contextualizar la opinión del profesorado sobre la calidad de la Educación infantil y las posibilidades de mejora. El trabajo que aquí presentamos es fruto de un debate con doctorandos de Pedagogía en un Programa Interuniversitario que se inició en 2004, en el que no ha faltado un exhaustivo análisis de las fuentes documentales. El instrumento que hemos aplicado para obtener los datos es un cuestionario autoadministrado que utiliza una metodología cuantitativa-cualitativa. Las diferentes opciones de las escalas Lickert nos han permitido recabar la opinión de profesorado en las distintas áreas solicitadas, mientras que el Análisis de Componentes Principales nos ha facilitado la interpretación de determinados aspectos.La recherche de vrais indicateurs de la qualité en Éducation préscolaire est un objectif qui n’est pas encore totalement atteint, malgré la croissante quantité de textes sur le sujet. Pour couvrir cette lacune, nous avons pensé que le mieux était de demander au corps professoral de nous donner leur opinion sur la qualité de l’Éducation préscolaire et sur les possibilités d’amélioration. Le travail que nous présentons ici est le fruit d’un débat avec des élèves au doctorat en Pédagogie dans un programme inter-université qui a commencé en 2004, dans lequel il y a une analyse exhaustive des sources documentaires. L’outil utilisé pour obtenir les données est un questionnaire auto-administré se basant sur une méthodologie quantitative-qualitative. Les options des échelles Lickert nous ont permis d’obtenir l’opinion du corps professoral dans les domaines voulus, alors que l’Analyse des Principales Composantes nous a permis d’interpréter certains aspects.</span

    Treating anxiety and depression of cancer survivors: Behavioral activation versus acceptance and commitment therapy

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónTratamiento de ansiedad y depresión en supervivientes de cáncer: activación conductual versus terapia de aceptación. Antecedentes: la activación conductual (AC) y la terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) se plantean como tratamientos especialmente útiles para los problemas emocionales de los supervivientes de cáncer. Se evaluó y comparó la eficacia de ambas terapias aplicadas en formato grupal. Método: se analizaron los cambios pre-post tratamiento en el estado emocional y los patrones de activación/evitación de 52 supervivientes de cáncer con ansiedad y/o depresión que se asignaron aleatoriamente a tres grupos (AC/ACT/control de lista de espera). Resultados: ambas terapias fueron superiores al no tratamiento en todas las variables evaluadas. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos a favor de la ACT en deterioro social y evitación/rumia. Conclusiones: la AC y la ACT, en formato grupal, son eficaces para el tratamiento de las dificultades emocionales más prevalentes en supervivientes de cáncer. Los resultados apuntan a la activación y la evitación como mecanismos responsables de los cambios.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    Activation vs. Experiential avoidance as a transdiagnostic condition of emotional distress: An empirical study

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    Background: From a contextual transdiagnostic approach, this study focuses on the importance of the processes of Experiential Avoidance and Activation in explaining and treating psychological problems. There exists widespread empirical evidence to suggest that the response pattern known as Experiential Avoidance, a general unwillingness to remain in contact with particular private experiences through the use of maladaptive avoidance strategies, acts as a functional dimension in various psychological problems. Activation, that is, maintaining contact with experiences/conditions of life and consequently with associated sources of reward, is a condition present in most therapeutic processes. Although a great deal of research has analyzed the relationship of the value of reward with the etiology and maintenance of psychological problems, Activation, as a transdiagnostic factor, has been studied less. The aim of this paper is to carry out an empirical study of the relationship between Activation, EA and emotional state and analyze the capacity of these two conditions to discriminate the intensity and symptomatology type in subjects with emotional distress.Methods: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) and Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) were completed by 240 health center users.Results: Of the participants, 55% showed clinically relevant emotional distress. All cases of depression showed clinical anxiety. To discriminate between subjects without (n = 109) and with emotional distress (n = 131), analyses of the ROC curves and logistic regression analysis identified the BADS-Avoidance/Rumination followed by the EROS. To discriminate between subjects with anxiety but without depression (n = 61) and with anxiety and depression (n = 70), the most efficient scales were EROS followed by BADS-Social Impairment.Conclusion: It was shown that people with no emotional complaints maintained greater contact with life experiences and with environmental sources of reward than those with emotional distress. Response patterns showing Experiential Avoidance and a reduction in Activation responses were associated with clinical distress. A reduction in Activation was the condition which distinguished those people with the greatest distress and also the greatest comorbidity of symptoms of depression and anxiety. These data support the transdiagnostic nature of Activation and suggest greater attention should be paid to this concept