162 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora en el sistema de adquisiciones del instituto de salud del Estado de México

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    Contiene tablas y esquemasEl presente trabajo tiene como propósito presentar propuestas de mejora al sistema de adquisiciones y contratación de servicios, a través de un manual de procesos en la contratación pública del ISEM, estas es la elaboración de un manual de procesos en la contratación pública en el ISEM que permita, una mejor integración del Programa Anual de Adquisiciones y Servicios, la integración de procedimientos adquisitivos, y la actualización del proceso de realización de Contrato Pedido

    El proceso de transición a la vida adulta de los jóvenes tutelados en Canarias: los programas de acompañamiento.

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    El perfil del menor declarado en desamparo en Canarias sigue un patrón que se encuentra marcado por la falta o ausencia de aceptación de la realidad que viven, el bajo nivel de autoestima, la inhabilidad para guiar, identificar y regular sus emociones, la carencia de autocontrol, la baja tolerancia a la frustración, los déficits de aprendizaje, las dificultades para fundar relaciones sociales, los problemas relacionados con la afectividad, etc. Estos, son algunos de los aspectos que caracterizan a este colectivo y que se presentan como necesidades susceptibles de mejora a través del proyecto “Teatro pedagógico para la infancia en situación de vulnerabilidad social” se pueden solventar. Partiendo de este marco, el proyecto de intervención educativa que se presenta, plantea una propuesta que estará completamente ligada a la mejora de las necesidades anteriormente expuestas, a través de una medida o herramienta innovadora como es el Teatro Pedagógico. Se plantea ofrecer una propuesta de intervención individualizada para cada usuario/a, a partir de a una evaluación diagnóstica previa. La finalidad se centra en conseguir minimizar las carencias y problemáticas que ocasionan el retraso o el bloqueo de un desarrollo bio-psico-social y educativo favorable, permitiendo facilitar un tránsito adecuado y eficaz a la vida adulta.The profile of the child declared in homelessness in the Canary Islands follows a pattern that is marked by the lack of acceptance of the reality they live, the low level lof self-esteem, the inability to guide, identify and regulate their emotions, lack of self-control, low tolerance for frustration, learning deficits, difficulties in founding social relationships, problems related to affectivity, etc. These are, some of the aspects that characterize this collective and that are presented as needs that can be improved thanks to the project “Pedagogical theatre for children in situations of social vulnerability” can be solved. On the basis of this framework, the educational intervention project that is presented, proposes a proposal that will be completely linked to improve the needs previously exposed, through an innovative measure or tool such as the Pedagogical Theatre. It is proposed to offer an individualized intervention proposal for each user, based on a prior diagnostic evaluation

    Biomechanical effects of a new macrogeometry design of dental implants: an in vitro experimental analysis

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    The purpose of the present study was to measure and compare the insertion torque, removal torque, and the implant stability quotient by resonance frequency analysis in different polyurethane block densities of two implant macrogeometries. Four different polyurethane synthetic bone blocks were used with three cortical thickness: Bone 1 with a cortical thickness of 1 mm, Bone 2 with a cortical thickness of 2 mm, Bone 3 with a cortical thickness of 3 mm, and Bone 4, which was totally cortical. Four groups were created in accordance with the implant macrogeometry (n = 10 per group) and surface treatment: G1—regular implant design without surface treatment; G2—regular implant design with surface treatment; G3—new implant design without surface treatment; G4—new implant design with surface treatment. All implants used were 4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in length and manufactured in commercially pure titanium (grade IV) by Implacil De Bortoli (São Paulo, Brazil). The implants were installed using a computed torque machine, and following installation of the implant, the stability quotient (implant stability quotient, ISQ) values were measured in two directions using Osstell devices. The data were analyzed by considering the 5% level of significance. All implant groups showed similar mean ISQ values without statistical differences (p > 0.05), for the same synthetic bone block: for Bone 1, the value was 57.7 ± 3.0; for Bone 2, it was 58.6 ± 2.2; for Bone 3, it was 60.6 ± 2.3; and for Bone 4, it was 68.5 ± 2.8. However, the insertion torque showed similar higher values for the regular macrogeometry (G1 and G2 groups) in comparison with the new implant macrogeometry (G3 and G4 groups). The analysis of the results found that primary stability does not simply depend on the insertion torque but also on the bone quality. In comparison with the regular implant macrogeometry, the new implant macrogeometry decreased the insertion torque without affecting the implant stability quotient values

    Heteroleptic Oxidovanadium(V) complexes with activity against infective and non-infective stages of Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Five heteroleptic compounds, [VVO(IN-2H)(L-H)], where L are 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives and IN is a Schiff base ligand, were synthesized and characterized in both the solid and solution state. The compounds were evaluated on epimastigotes and trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi as well as on VERO cells, as a mammalian cell model. Compounds showed activity against trypomastigotes with IC50 values of 0.29–3.02 μM. IN ligand and the new [VVO2(IN-H)] complex showed negligible activity. The most active compound [VVO(IN-2H)(L2-H)], with L2 = 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline, showed good selectivity towards the parasite and was selected to carry out further biological studies. Stability studies suggested a partial decomposition in solution. [VVO(IN-2H)(L2-H)] affects the infection potential of cell-derived trypomastigotes. Low total vanadium uptake by parasites and preferential accumulation in the soluble proteins fraction were determined. A trypanocide effect was observed when incubating epimastigotes with 10 × IC50 values of [VVO(IN-2H)(L2-H)] and the generation of ROS after treatments was suggested. Fluorescence competition measurements with DNA:ethidium bromide adduct showed a moderate DNA interaction of the complexes. In vivo toxicity study on C. elegans model showed no toxicity up to a 100 μM concentration of [VVO(IN-2H)(L2-H)]. This compound could be considered a prospective anti-T. cruzi agent that deserves further research.ANII: POS_NAC_2016_1_129988ANII: POS_NAC_2018_1_15150

    Análise do discurso didático empregando uma tarefa de igualação da amostra da segunda ordem

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    Learning to teach seems to be a product of direct experiential learning. Therefore, in this study, a second-order matching-to-sample task was used to evaluate the didactic discourse that a person can elaborate from his own learning. The research design involved two different phases, learning and teaching. During the learning phase, the participants were trained in the matching task with a procedure that gradually increased its complexity .During the teaching phase, each trained participant had to teach another two participants on how to perform effectively in similar tasks. Results were analyzed in terms of the trained participants performance on the task, transference of learning, processes involved in the elaboration of didactic discourse, and the effects of teaching on he apprentices. Data suggest that all participants learned the matching task, either by direct training or by being exposed to didactic discourse. However, differences on performance during transfer tests were found among participants due to the different ways of verbalizing task criteria and effective performance involved in didactic discourse.Aprender a enseñar parece ser resultado de un aprendizaje vivencial y directo. Por ello, en el presente estudio, se utilizó una tarea de igualación de la muestra de segundo orden para evaluar la construcción de un discurso didáctico a partir del propio aprendizaje. El diseño experimental consideró dos momentos, uno de aprendizaje y otro de enseñanza. En el primero, se entrenó la tarea de igualación con un procedimiento de complejidad creciente. En el segundo, cada participante entrenado tuvo que enseñar a otros dos cómo contestar tareas similares a las que se sometieron. Los resultados se analizaron en términos del dominio de la tarea por los participantes expuestos al entrenamiento de aprendizaje, las posibilidades de transferencia de lo aprendido, los procesos implicados en la elaboración de un discurso didáctico, y los efectos del acto de enseñar sobre los aprendices. Todos los sujetos aprendieron la igualación, ya sea por entrenamiento directo o mediante la exposición al discurso didáctico. Sin embargo, hubo diferencias en el desempeño durante las pruebas de transferencia debido a las distintas formas de verbalizar los criterios de ejecución correcta implicados en el discurso didáctico.Aprender a ensinar parece o resultado de uma aprendizagem vivencial e direito. Portanto, neste estudo, utilizou-se uma tarefa de igualação da amostra de segunda ordem para avaliar a construção de um discurso didático a partir da aprendizagem própria. O desenho experimental considerou dois momentos. No primeiro, treinou-se a tarefa de igualação com um procedimento de complexidade crescente. No segundo, cada participante treinado tive que ensinar a outros dois como responder a tarefas semelhantes às que foram submetidos. Os resultados se analisaram em relação ao domínio da tarefa pelos participantes expostos ao treinamento de aprendizagem, as possibilidades de transferência do aprendido, os processos envolvidos na elaboração de um discurso didático e os efeitos que ato de ensinar produze nos aprendizes. Todos os sujeitos aprenderam a igualação, bem seja por treinamento direito ou através da exposição ao discurso didático. No entanto, apresentaram-se diferenças no desempenho durante as provas de transferência, devido as diferentes formas de verbalizar os critérios de execução correta envolvidos no discurso didático

    Visualizing the customization endeavor in product-based-evolving software product lines: a case of action design research

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    [EN] Software Product Lines (SPLs) aim at systematically reusing software assets, and deriving products (a.k.a., variants) out of those assets. However, it is not always possible to handle SPL evolution directly through these reusable assets. Time-to-market pressure, expedited bug fixes, or product specifics lead to the evolution to first happen at the product level, and to be later merged back into the SPL platform where the core assets reside. This is referred to as product-based evolution. In this scenario, deciding when and what should go into the next SPL release is far from trivial. Distinct questions arise. How much effort are developers spending on product customization? Which are the most customized core assets? To which extent is the core asset code being reused for a given product? We refer to this endeavor as Customization Analysis, i.e., understanding the functional increments in adjusting products from the last SPL platform release. The scale of the SPLs' code-base calls for customization analysis to be conducted through Visual Analytics tools. This work addresses the design principles for such tools through a joint effort between academia and industry, specifically, Danfoss Drives, a company division in charge of the P400 SPL. Accordingly, we adopt an Action Design Research approach where answers are sought by interacting with the practitioners in the studied situations. We contribute by providing informed goals for customization analysis as well as an intervention in terms of a visual analytics tool. We conclude by discussing to what extent this experience can be generalized to product-based evolving SPL organizations other than Danfoss Drives.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant number RTI2018099818-B-I00 and MCIU-AEI TIN2017-90644-REDT (TASOVA). ONEKIN enjoys support from the program 'Grupos de Investigacion del Sistema Univesitario Vasco 2019-2021' under contract IT1235-19. Raul Medeiros enjoys a doctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Titanium Surface Analysis after Instrumentation with Different Burs Simulating the Implantoplasty Technique: A Pilot In Vitro Experimental Study

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    Background: The present pilot in vitro study evaluated, physically and biologically, the effects produced by the wear of the titanium surface using different drill models. (2) Methods: Titanium disks were subjected to wear using four different burs and accordingly divided into the following test groups (n = 12 disks per group): Tungsten Burs (TB group), Tungsten Carbide Burs (TCB group), Coarse-Grained Diamond Burs (CGB group), and Fine-Grained Diamond Burs (FGB group). As a control group (CON group), titanium disks with a smooth surface (machined) were used. The samples were subjected to atomic force microscopy (AFM), profilometry analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and cell viability and adhesion assessments. (3) Results: The values of the measured roughness parameters showed statistical differences among the five groups (p = 0.0035 for Ra and p = 0.0010 for Rz). All test groups showed an important difference statistically (p = 0.0032) to the CON group for the cell viability and adhesion analysis. The data of cell absorbance at 570 nm were 0.4122 0.05 for the CON group, 0.1354 0.02 for the TB group, 0.123 0.01 for the TCB group, 0.1414 0.02 for the CGB group, and 0.1216 0.03 for the FGB group. Additionally, the cell count showed the following adherence percentages: 57.6 4.6% for the CON group, 22.9 3.3% for the TB group, 23.4 2.9% for the TCB group, 22.5 3.1% for the CGB group, and 23.7 3.3% for the FGB group. However, no statistical differences were found among the four test groups analyzed (p = 0.3916). (4) Conclusions: The results showed that the changes produced on the surface by the four different bur models altered the topography characteristics and affected the cell viability and adhesion in comparison with the control groupThe author Sergio Alexandre Gehrke was funded by a post-doctoral grant nº 2021/PER/00020 from the Ministerio de Universidades under the program “Ayudas para la recualificación del sistema universitario español de la Universidad Miguel Hernandez” modalidad “Margarita Salas para la formación de jóvenes doctores”. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, nor preparation of the manuscript. The authors thank M.A. Duhagon for kindly providing the cells for this experiment

    New implant macrogeometry to improve and accelerate the osseointegration: an in vivo experimental study

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    A new implant design with healing chambers in the threads was analyzed and compared with a conventional implant macrogeometry, both implants models with and without surface treatment. Eighty conical implants were prepared using commercially pure titanium (grade IV) by the company Implacil De Bortoli (São Paulo, Brazil). Four groups were performed, as described below: Group 1 (G1), traditional conical implants with surface treatment; group 2 (G2), traditional conical implants without surface treatment (machined surface); group 3 (G3), new conical implant design with surface treatment; group 4 (G4), new conical implant design without surface treatment. The implants were placed in the two tibias (n = 2 implants per tibia) of twenty New Zealand rabbits determined by randomization. The animals were euthanized after 15 days (Time 1) and 30 days (Time 2). The parameters evaluated were the implant stability quotient (ISQ), removal torque values (RTv), and histomorphometric evaluation to determine the bone to implant contact (%BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO%). The results showed that the implants with the macrogeometry modified with healing chambers in the threads produced a significant enhancement in the osseointegration, accelerating this process. The statistical analyses of ISQ and RTv showed a significative statistical difference between the groups in both time periods of evaluation (p 0.0001). Moreover, an important increase in the histological parameters were found for groups G3 and G4, with significant statistical differences to the BIC% (in the Time 1 p = 0.0406 and in the Time 2 p < 0.0001) and the BAFO% ((in the Time 1 p = 0.0002 and in the Time 2 p = 0.0045). In conclusion, the result data showed that the implants with the new macrogeometry, presenting the healing chambers in the threads, produced a significant enhancement in the osseointegration, accelerating the process

    Telepsicología para la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2: una revisión sistemática

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    Objetivos: el artículo tiene dos objetivos, 1) reunir los estudios controlados y no controlados que den evidencia de la eficacia de la Telepsicología sobre índices y conductas de adherencia terapéutica: dieta, actividad física, consumo de medicamentos, monitoreo de glucosa capilar, cuidado del pie y HbA1C; en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2; 2) analizar las características metodológicas de los estudios. Diseño metodológico: considerando los criterios prisma y la estrategia de búsqueda pit, se consultaron seis bases de datos: Pubmed, OVID .PsycINFO y PsycArticles), Scopus, CINAHL y Web of Science. Resultados: se identificaron un total de 1,547 artículos, pero sólo cinco, ensayos controlados aleatorizados, cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Las conductas e índices de adherencia terapéutica evaluadas fueron: HbA1C (n=3), actividad física (n = 2), consumo de medicamentos (n =1), monitoreo de glucosa capilar (n =1) y dieta (n =1). En dos estudios, la Telepsicología de tipo asincrónica (i.e. mediante páginas web y apps) mejoró la HbA1C, consumo de medicamentos, monitoreo de glucosa capilar y la dieta; los resultados en la actividad física difieren. Limitaciones de la investigación: dado que sólo dos estudios describieron información sobre el tamaño del efecto y su intervalo de confianza, no es viable realizar un metaanálisis. Hallazgos: la Telepsicología basada en la terapia cognitivo-conductual de tipo asincrónica muestra resultados alentadores para mejorar el control glucémico y conductas de adherencia terapéutica en personas con diabetes mellitus. Las investigaciones identificadas se realizaron en Estados Unidos, Europa y Oceanía

    Effect of different morphology of titanium surface on the bone healing in defects filled only with blood clot: a new animal study design

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    Background. The objective of the present histologic animal study was to analyze whether roughness of the titanium surface can influence and/or stimulate the bone growth in defects filled with the blood using a rabbit tibia model. Materials and Methods. Forty sets (implant and abutment), dental implant (3.5 mm in diameter and 7 mm in length) plus healing abutment (2.5 mm in diameter), were inserted in the tibiae of 10 rabbits. Moreover, twenty titanium discs were prepared. The abutment and discs were treated by 4 different methods and divided into 4 groups: (group A) machined abutments (smooth); (group B) double acid etching treatment; (group C) treatment with blasting with particles of aluminum oxide blasted plus acid conditioning; (group D) treatment with thorough blasting with particles of titanium oxide plus acid conditioning. The discs were used to characterize the surfaces by a profilometer and scanning electronic microscopy. Results. After 8 weeks, the new bone formation around the sets of the samples was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively in relation to bone height from the base of the implant and presence of osteocytes. Group C (1.50±0.20 mm) and group D (1.62±0.18 mm) showed bone growth on the abutment with higher values compared to group A (0.94±0.30 mm) and group B (1.19±0.23 mm), with significant difference between the groups (P < 0.05). In addition, osteocyte presence was higher in groups with surface treatment related to machined (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Within the limitations of the present study, it was possible to observe that there is a direct relationship between the roughness present on the titanium surface and the stimulus for bone formation, since the presence of larger amounts of osteocytes on SLA surfaces evidenced this fact. Furthermore, the increased formation of bone tissue in height demonstrates that there is an important difference between the physical and chemical methods used for surface treatment