118 research outputs found

    ECG study in practical labs for biomedical engineering training

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    Non-invasive biomedical measurements are one of the most important technological contributions whitin the biomedical engineering field. On this paper, a dual laboratory session student oriented is designed to simulate and implement a cardial signal monitor. During the first session, ORCAD PSpice software is used to simulate the whole process. The students can acquire knowledge on the process by configuring and running both the instrumentation amplifier and a passive filter to improve the signal quality. The second session requires from the student basic laboratory skills to use a specific printed circuit board (PCB) to measure its very own cardiac potential. As a result, from this session, the student can visualize the ECG signal acquired directly on the laboratory oscilloscope


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    Oral cancer is a global health problem with increasing incidence and mortality rates, which is why screening programs have been implemented for the population in some countries. On the other hand, the presence of the most relevant risk factors for these diseases in the population of Manabi Province, Ecuador is recognized, especially the consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, high insolation, characteristic of the region as a protective factor of these pathologies. The objective of the work was to diagnose oral lesions in some localities of Portoviejo, Ecuador. An exploratory descriptive epidemiological study was carried out during the period 2013 to 2016. The study population in the first stage was the general population of the parishes of 18 de Octubre, Riochico, San Placido, Crucita, Colón, of the San Pablo sector, of the military fort Manabí, Ecuador, and the dental clinics of the Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo. The most relevant risk factors for the population studied were the consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, sun exposure and the use of ill-fitting prostheses. The diagnostic results of the studied population show leukoplakia with 29 cases and squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity with nine cases. It is concluded that the high prevalence of lesions such as oral cancer found shows the importance of including the systematic examination of the oral cavity in dental practice, a fact that can drastically reduce the incidence and prevalence of oral cancer.El cáncer bucal es un problema de salud global con una incidencia y tasas de mortalidad en aumento por lo cual se han implementado programas de cribaje para la población en algunos países. Por otra parte, es reconocida la presencia de los factores de riesgo de mayor relevancia para estas enfermedades en la población de la Provincia Manabí, Ecuador especialmente el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, el hábito de fumar, la alta insolación, característica de la región como factor protector de estas patologías. El objetivo del trabajo fue diagnosticar lesiones bucales en algunas localidades de Portoviejo, Ecuador. Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo exploratorio, durante el período 2013 hasta 2016. La población de estudio en la primera etapa fueron la población general de las parroquias 18 de Octubre, Riochico, San Plácido, Crucita, Colón, del sector San Pablo, del fuerte militar Manabí, Ecuador y de las clínicas odontológicas de la Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo. Se identificaron como factores de riesgo más relevantes, para la población estudiada, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, el hábito de fumar, la exposición solar y el uso de prótesis mal ajustadas. Los resultados diagnósticos de la población estudiada muestran la leucoplasia con 29 casos y Carcinoma epidermoide de cavidad bucal en nueve casos. Se concluye que la alta prevalencia de lesiones como de cáncer bucal hallada muestran la importancia de incluir en la práctica odontológica el examen sistemático de la cavidad oral, hecho que puede disminuir drásticamente la incidencia y prevalencia del cáncer bucal

    Implementación y configuración bajo nethserver solucionando necesidades especificas con GNU/Linux

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    Este articulo es presentado para demostrar a través de una serie de imágenes la instalación y configuración de GNU/Linux Nethserver, siendo este un sistema operativo una base para disponer de los servicios de infraestructura IT. Se realiza una configuración previa de Nethserver y red, para el desarrollo de distintas temáticas que manejan temas como DHCP, DNS y Controlador de dominio, Proxy, Cortafuegos, File Server y Print Server, y por ultimo VPN. En la ejecución de estos temas se instalaron y configuraron aplicaciones fundamentales para el desarrollo de estas y se obtuvieron resultados favorables entorno a lo solicitado; de esta manera dejando en evidencia unos breves escritos los cuales detallan paso a paso el desarrollo.This article is presented to demonstrate through a series of images the installation and configuration of GNU/Linux Nethserver, this being an operating system that is the basis for having IT infrastructure services. A prior configuration of Nethserver and network is carried out, for the development of different themes that handle topics such as DHCP, DNS and Domain Controller, Proxy, Firewall, File Server and Print Server, and finally VPN. In the execution of these topics, fundamental applications for their development were installed and configured and favorable results were obtained in the requested environment; in this way revealing some brief writings which detail the development step by step

    Environmental impact assessment of chicken meat production via an integrated methodology based on LCA, simulation and genetic algorithms

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    This study performed a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impact of chicken meat production from a Mexican case study, with a “cradle-to-slaughterhouse gate” approach. To overcome the LCA's limitations and provide a more holistic picture of the system, simulation and artificial intelligence techniques were integrated. First, raw material/energy requirements were obtained from the case study and simulated using Process simulation (PS) and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to estimate the emissions and quantify their uncertainty. Then, IMPACT 2002 + was used to calculate the overall impact using Ecoinvent and LCA Food databases. The results highlight that chicken farms are the main factors responsible for the environmental impacts assessed, where feed production (use of chemicals and energy requirements) and on-farm emissions (organic waste decomposition) are the main contributors. Concerning the slaughterhouse, the energy production (electricity and steam) and the cooling-related activities present a significant impact. Afterwards, three impact allocation procedures (mass method, neural networks, and stepwise regression) were tested, showing similar results. Finally, a multiobjective optimization model based on a Genetic Algorithm was applied looking to minimize the environmental impacts and maximize the economic benefits. The selected alternative achieved a reduction of 15.14% per functional unit at the environmental indicators. The results encourage the use of support techniques for LCA to perform a reliable assessment and an environmental/economic optimization of the system

    Isolation ofBdellovibriosp. from soil samples in Mexico and their potential applications in control of pathogens

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    In this study, two strains of Bdellovibrio were isolated from soil samples using the culture-dependent technique and two members of the family Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella sp. and Salmonella sp.) as prey. The Bdellovibrio strains were bacteriolytic, plaque-forming, and highly motile gram-negative bacteria. We identified and confirmed the Bdellovibrio strains using microscopy, PCR amplification, and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. They were observed to be different strains based on hit locus and prey range analyses. Here, the first report on Bdellovibrio strains isolated from soil in Mexico corroborates earlier report indicating that populations of Bdellovibrio found in soil are heterogeneous thereby the need to identify the various strains

    Comparación de la castración quirúrgica al nacimiento versus inmunocastration sobre las características de la canal y carne en machos Holstein

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    El objetivo fue comparar el efecto de la castración quirúrgica al nacimiento vs immunocastración, sobre las características de la canal y carne en machos Holstein en engorda; se utilizaron 720 machos Holstein aproximadamente de 7 a 8 meses de edad con peso inicial de 240.82 kg. Se formaron 2 tratamientos con 4 corrales de 90 animales en cada uno: toros castrados quirúrgicamente que fueron castrados 24 h después del nacimiento y toros inmunocastrados vacunados con Bopriva aplicando cuatro dosis, al día 1, 21, 101 y 181 de engorda. Se tomaron pesos individuales en cada vacunación. Los animales se sacrificaron a los 242 días de engorda. A partir de la segunda vacunación se observaron diferencias (P0.05) entre tratamientos mientras que los valores de b*, C* y H* fueron más altos (P<0.05) en los animales inmunocastrados. Para fines de producción, el sacrificar los machos Holstein al nacimiento, se obtienen animales más pesados y con mejores características en la canal; sin embargo es importante evaluar el impacto del bienestar animal por la castración al nacimiento