4,581 research outputs found

    Modern English Classical Scientific Terminology

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    The main aim is to show the introduction of classical loanwords into the scientific terminology of Modern English due to the influence they exert in English as a result of the importance of Latin and Greek language, culture and literature, their extensive acceptance and their international nature. The high degree of specialization forces 18th c. and 19th c. scientists to acquire classical technical terms. These new words (concerning the division of science into new branches and their sub-branches, mathematics, physics and chemistry) are recorded in the literary language and in scientific and technical writings of this period.El objetivo principal es mostrar la introducción de préstamos clásicos en la terminología científica del Inglés Moderno debido a la influencia que ejercen en el inglés como resultado de la importancia de la lengua, cultura y literatura greco-latinas, su amplia aceptación y su carácter internacional. El alto grado de especialización obliga a los científicos de los siglos XVIII y XIX a adquirir tecnicismos clásicos. Estas nuevas palabras (sobre la división de la ciencia en nuevas ramas y sus sub-ramas, matemáticas, física y química) se registran por primera vez en la lengua literaria y en los escritos científico-técnicos de este perido

    Asian Borrowing in Commercial and Scientific Modern English

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    The main aim of this paper is to show the introduction of Asian loanwords in commercial and scientific Modern English. There are several reasons why English speakers might want to adopt a foreign word. The simplest one is that the word is the name for something new, which is often the case in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The definitions and etymologies of the loanwords selected together with the date and work where they are first registered are extracted from the OED.

    Polysemy in specialized lexicon from Old English to Present-Day English

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    The main aim of this paper is to show the multiplicity of meanings given to the same word in specialized English lexicon from Old English to Present-Day English in order to provide the English language with linguistic economy and flexibility, thus increasing its vocabulary. The terms analysed are extracted from the OED, together with their date, author and work where they were first registered with the different meanings, and they mainly belong to Commerce, Law, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Technology and Computing.

    Shortening processes in EST lexicon

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    Expression Economy in Computing Terminology: Compounding, Blending and Conversion

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    The main aim is to show the morphological processes of compounding, blen- ding and conversion found in some computing manuals and infer the most productive combinations. We must remember that specialized English seeks economy of expression, a feature that the morphological processes of derivation, compounding, blending, conversion and shortening fulfil. In this paper we have concentrated on compounding, blending and conversion because they are some of the most frequent morphological processes in the formation of computing terminology.

    Assessment of mortar evolution in pig slurry by mechanical and ultrasonic measurements

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    This work presents the results obtained in a long-term experiment focused on the study of the evolution of cementitious materials immersed in pig slurry at real conditions. Cement mortars were made with four different cement types and immersed in pig slurry for 48 months. Furthermore, to separate pure hydration process from pig slurry effect, mortar samples were immersed in water for 12 months at laboratory conditions. Compressive strength, X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic measurements were made in all samples. Ultrasonic measurements were made from ultrasonic images obtained from automatic ultrasonic inspections. Use of ultrasonic images has allowed the extraction of information about the state of the studied materials. An empirical relationship between ultrasonic velocity and compressive strength has been obtained and the long-term effect of pig slurry on cementitious materials has been determined

    Deterioro cognitivo asociado a radioterapia en tumores cerebrales

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    Introduction: There is limited knowledge about the influence on cognitive functions of the treatments for brain tumors based on radiotherapy (RT). Objective: To review the works conducted in recent years about the effects of RT on cognition in brain tumors. Method: Using EndNote software X5, articles containing “radiotherapy” and “cognition” in its title, keywords, abstracts or main text in the years 2009-2011 were extracted. Also, an extensive search through the references of articles taken was done. Those works that did not reflect the relationship between RT and the development of cognitive impairment or did not focus on brain tumors were disregarded. Results: 14 articles were selected: 7 originals, 6 reviews, and 1 opinion article. The findings focused on three aspects: a) cognitive impairment due to the RT, b) risk factors for cognitive impairment induced by RT c) time from the application of RT to the onset of cognitive impairment. Conclusions: The new studies confirm findings of recent decades, namely that the functions most commonly affected are attention, memory and learning, psychomotor and executive functions; that there are identifiable risk factors for cognitive impairment associated to RT; and that alterations in cognitive function after RT usually occur after a long period of time.Introducción: Existe un limitado conocimiento acerca de la influencia sobre las funciones cognitivas de los tratamientos para los tumores cerebrales basados en la radioterapia (RT). Objetivo: Realizar una revisión actualizada de los trabajos desarrollados en los últimos años acerca de los efectos de la RT sobre la cognición en los tumores cerebrales. Método: Mediante el software EndNote X5 se extrajeron los artículos que contenían “radiotherapy” y “cognition” tanto en su título, como en palabras claves, abstracts o contenidos en los años 2009-2011. Asimismo, se realizó una búsqueda ampliada a través de las referencias de los artículos extraídos. Se descartaron aquellos artículos en los que no se reflejase la relación entre RT y el desarrollo de alteraciones cognitivas o no se centraran en tumores cerebrales. Resultados: 14 artículos fueron seleccionados: 7 originales, 6 revisiones y 1 artículo de opinión. Los hallazgos se centraron en 3 aspectos: a) alteraciones cognitivas debidas a la RT; b) factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de deterioro cognitivo inducido por la RT; c) tiempo transcurrido desde la aplicación de la RT hasta la aparición de las alteraciones cognitivas. Conclusiones: Los nuevos estudios confirman hallazgos de las últimas décadas, principalmente que las funciones más comúnmente afectadas son la atención, la memoria y el aprendizaje, la psicomotricidad y las funciones ejecutivas; que existen algunos factores de riesgo identificables para el desarrollo de deterioro cognitivo asociado a la RT; así como que las alteraciones en la función cognitiva tras la RT suelen aparecer de manera evidente después un largo período de tiempo