33 research outputs found

    "Ei kukaan sitä haluu että on sairas" -Esimiestyön merkitys osatyökykyisyystilanteissa kunta-alalla

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä erityisesti kuntaorganisaatioiden johtamisen sekä varhaisen tuen käytäntöjä osatyökykyisten työntekijöiden työssä jatkamisen tukemiseksi. Tutkimuskysymyksinäni on 1) millaisena esimiestyö ja johtamiskäytännöt kunnassa näyttäytyvät osatyökykyisyystilanteisiin liittyen ja 2) millaisena esimiehet näkevät omat mahdollisuutensa tukea osatyökykyisten työntekijöiden työssä jatkamista. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jonka aineistona ovat viiden kunta-alan esimiehen teemahaastattelut. Teoreettisena lähestymistapana on sosiaalinen konstruktionismi ja analysoinnin menetelmänä aineistolähtöinen sisällönanalyysi. Hyvä ja toimiva esimiestyö osatyökykyisyystilanteissa on tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan molemminpuoliseen luottamukseen ja arvostukseen perustuvaa yhteistyötä, jossa esimiehen punaisena lankana ovat organisaation arvot ja toimintatavat. Olennaisena näyttäytyy esimiehen kyky myötätuntoon ja inhimillisyyteen. Myös työyhteisön merkitys osatyökykyisten työntekijöiden työssä jatkamisen tukemisessa kuvautui keskeisenä. Tutkimus analysoi esimiesten puheelle ominaisia puhetapoja ja niiden funktioita. Puhetavoista esimiestyö mahdottomana tehtävänä-, esimiestyö roolina-sekä lojaalisuuspuhe kuvautuvat haastateltujen esimiesten puheissa pitkälti yhteisesti jaetuiksi ja reunaehtoja luoviksi esimiestyössä toimimiselle. Osatyökykyisyystilanteita koskien esimiesten puheista oli löydettävissä esimiehen ja työntekijöiden välistä suhdetta korostavat luottamus-, myötätunto- ja vastuupuhetavat, jotka tukevat pitkälti aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia työssä jatkamista tukevista johtamiskäytännöistä. Edeltävistä poikkeavan kontrollipuhetavan kautta työkykyongelmat näyttäytyvät ikään kuin työntekijän olemassa olevina ominaisuuksina, jotka tulevat esille työssä ennemmin tai myöhemmin. Osatyökykyisyystilanteiden hyvä hoitaminen edellyttää organisaatioilta jatkuvaa panostamista esimiesten tiedolliseen ja taidolliseen kouluttamiseen sekä valmentamiseen henkilöstö- ja työkykyjohtamisessa. Tavanomaisen johtamisen ja vuorovaikutuksen teemojen ohella huomiota tulee kiinnittää myös tunneälytaitojen kehittämiseen eli omien esimiestyöhön liittyvien tunteiden tiedostamiseen, tunnistamiseen ja sanoittamiseen. Työterveyshuoltoyhteistyössä tulee luoda uusia toimivia arjen käytäntöjä osatyökykyisten työntekijöiden työyhteisöjen ja esimiesten tukemiseen. Myös työterveyshuollon roolia yhteistyökumppanina työkykyasioissa sekä työhöntulotarkastusten osalta on tarpeen työpaikkojen näkökulmalta selkeyttää

    Do logging residue piles trigger extra decomposition of soil organic matter?

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    Logging residue piles have been suggested to markedly increase the decomposition of the underlying peat soil leading to large carbon dioxide emissions. We aimed at scrutinizing this postulate with straightforward decomposition (mass loss) measurements. For the purpose, authentic soil organic matter (humus and peat) was incubated in mesh bags under piles and at control plots. The effect of piles was assumed to result from physical (shading and insulation on soil surface) and chemical-biological (leaching of nutrients and fresh organic matter) sources. To distinguish between the two, artificial piles of inorganic matter were established to mimic the bare physical effects. Enhancement of decomposition in the soil under the real and artificial piles was assessed by measuring the mass loss of cellulose strips. Logging residue piles had clear physical effects on soil: temperatures were lowered and their diurnal variation subdued, and relative humidity at the soil surface was higher. The effect on soil moisture was also evident, but more variable, including both decreases and increases. These effects, mimicked by the artificial piles, decreased rather than increased cellulose mass loss. As the real piles, on the other hand, increased mass loss, we conclude that logging residue piles may enhance decomposition in soil due to chemical-biological mechanisms. Also the results on humus and peat mass loss indicate that piles can both increase and decrease decomposition. Consistent, remarkable increase in mass loss was not observed. Thus, our results do not support the postulate of logging residue piles dramatically increasing decomposition of soil organic matter. Rather, they hint that the effect of logging residue piles on soil is an interplay of physical and chemical-biological effects and carbon transport via roots and fungi. To fully understand and quantify these effects, vertical C fluxes between piles and soil and horizontal C fluxes within soil need to be assessed in addition to decomposition in soil and piles.Peer reviewe

    Response of Soil Surface Respiration to Storm and Ips typographus (L.) Disturbance in Boreal Norway Spruce Stands

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    Disturbances such as storm events and bark beetle outbreaks can have a major influence on forest soil carbon (C) cycling. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration may be affected by the increase in tree mortality. We studied the effect of a storm in 2010 followed by an outbreak of the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) on the soil surface respiration (respiration by soil and ground vegetation) at two Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) dominated sites in southeastern Finland. Soil surface respiration, soil temperature, and soil moisture were measured in three types of plots—living trees (undisturbed), storm-felled trees, and standing dead trees killed by I. typographus—during the summer–autumn period for three years (2015–2017). Measurements at storm-felled tree plots were separated into dead tree detritus-covered (under storm-felled trees) and open-vegetated (on open areas) microsites. The soil surface total respiration for 2017 was separated into its autotrophic and heterotrophic components using trenching. The soil surface total respiration rates at the disturbed plots were 64%–82% of those at the living tree plots at one site and were due to a decrease in autotrophic respiration, but there was no clear difference in soil surface total respiration between the plots at the other site, due to shifts in either autotrophic or heterotrophic respiration. The soil surface respiration rates were related to plot basal area (living and all trees), as well as to soil temperature and soil moisture. As storm and bark beetle disturbances are predicted to become more common in the future, their effects on forest ecosystem C cycling and CO2 fluxes will therefore become increasingly important

    Responses of fine-root biomass and production to drying depend on wetness and site nutrient regime in boreal forested peatland

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    Introduction: Peatlands are terrestrial-carbon hotspots, where changes in carbon pools and fluxes potentially caused by drying or warming may have significant feedbacks to climate change. In forested peatlands, fine-root biomass (FRB), and production (FRP) are important carbon pools and fluxes, but they and their depth distribution and plant functional type (PFT) composition are poorly known. Methods: We studied the effects of persistent water-table level (WTL) drawdown on these characteristics in four forested boreal peatland site types that varied in soil nutrient and WTL regimes, ground vegetation and tree stand characteristics. Each site type was represented by a pair of one undrained and one drained site. Two pairs were nutrient-poor, Scots pine dominated sites, one very wet and one relatively dry in their undrained condition. The other two pairs were nutrient-rich, Norway spruce dominated sites, again one wetter and one drier in the undrained condition. FRB was estimated by separating and visually identifying roots from soil cores extending down to 50 cm depth. FRP was estimated using ingrowth cores covering the same depth, and the separated roots were identified using infrared spectroscopy. Results and discussion: Both FRB and FRP varied widely both within and among the different types of boreal forested peatland. In FRB, the clearest differences were seen in the two originally wettest sites, nutrient-poor tall-sedge pine fen and nutrient-rich herb-rich spruce swamp: FRB was smaller in the drained site compared to the undrained site in the pine fen, but the opposite was true in the spruce swamp. FRP was generally higher in the nutrient-poor, pine-dominated sites than the nutrient-rich, spruce-dominates sites. The depth distribution of FRB was more superficial than that of FRP, except for the most nutrient-rich spruce swamp. Tree and shrub roots dominated both FRB and FRP, except for the undrained pine fen, where graminoids and forbs dominated. Even there, these PFTs were replaced by trees and shrubs at the drained site. Site wetness and nutrient regime both thus clearly regulated FRB and FRP of the forested peatland site types studied, and both need to be considered when making any generalizations

    Fine-root production in boreal peatland forests: Effects of stand and environmental factors

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    Fine roots are an important component of ecosystem carbon (C) cycling in boreal forests and peatlands. We aimed to estimate fine-root production (FRP) for a range of peatland forests, examine the patterns in, and develop models for estimating, the relationships between FRP and tree stand characteristics as well as environmental conditions. Fine-root production of 28 drained boreal peatland forest sites in Finland, representing different site types and soil water-table conditions, was measured using the ingrowth-core method. Total FRP and FRP of conifers decreased from south to north but long-term mean annual temperature sum and precipitation alone did not significantly explain this trend. Tree stand basal area predicted FRP better than any other stand variable alone, explaining 16 % of the variation in stand-level total FRP. Basal areas of pine and spruce correlated positively with the FRP of conifers. Total FRP varied considerably among the site types and, with the exception of the most fertile site type, decreased with decreasing fertility. A model that included stand basal area and site type accounted for 47% of the variation in stand-level total FRP. Total FRP was generally higher with a deeper water-table level (WT). Together, WT and basal area explained 25 % of the variation in stand-level total FRP. Most FRP occurred in the top 20-cm layer comprising 76–95% of total FRP. The most fertile site type showed lower FRP in deeper layers than the other site types. These results can be used for estimation of FRP with forest inventory data

    Responses of fine-root biomass and production to drying depend on wetness and site nutrient regime in boreal forested peatland

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    IntroductionPeatlands are terrestrial-carbon hotspots, where changes in carbon pools and fluxes potentially caused by drying or warming may have significant feedbacks to climate change. In forested peatlands, fine-root biomass (FRB), and production (FRP) are important carbon pools and fluxes, but they and their depth distribution and plant functional type (PFT) composition are poorly known.MethodsWe studied the effects of persistent water-table level (WTL) drawdown on these characteristics in four forested boreal peatland site types that varied in soil nutrient and WTL regimes, ground vegetation and tree stand characteristics. Each site type was represented by a pair of one undrained and one drained site. Two pairs were nutrient-poor, Scots pine dominated sites, one very wet and one relatively dry in their undrained condition. The other two pairs were nutrient-rich, Norway spruce dominated sites, again one wetter and one drier in the undrained condition. FRB was estimated by separating and visually identifying roots from soil cores extending down to 50 cm depth. FRP was estimated using ingrowth cores covering the same depth, and the separated roots were identified using infrared spectroscopy.Results and discussionBoth FRB and FRP varied widely both within and among the different types of boreal forested peatland. In FRB, the clearest differences were seen in the two originally wettest sites, nutrient-poor tall-sedge pine fen and nutrient-rich herb-rich spruce swamp: FRB was smaller in the drained site compared to the undrained site in the pine fen, but the opposite was true in the spruce swamp. FRP was generally higher in the nutrient-poor, pine-dominated sites than the nutrient-rich, spruce-dominates sites. The depth distribution of FRB was more superficial than that of FRP, except for the most nutrient-rich spruce swamp. Tree and shrub roots dominated both FRB and FRP, except for the undrained pine fen, where graminoids and forbs dominated. Even there, these PFTs were replaced by trees and shrubs at the drained site. Site wetness and nutrient regime both thus clearly regulated FRB and FRP of the forested peatland site types studied, and both need to be considered when making any generalizations

    Set-up and instrumentation of the greenhouse gas measurements on experimental sites of continuous cover forestry

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    A set of experimental study sites was established to monitor greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from drained peatland forests under different harvesting regimes in Finland. The purpose of these experimental sites is to study the effects of continuous cover forestry (CCF) and clear-cutting (CC) on ecosystem processes including GHG emissions and stand development on drained peatland forests. The sites represent fertile Norway spruce dominated peatland forests, where soil GHG emissions are high due to drainage that has exposed peat to decomposition in aerobic conditions. Two “flagship” sites for greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring have been established and instrumented by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), University of Helsinki (UH) and the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The sites host continuous GHG monitoring with Eddy Covariance (EC) towers and with automatic chambers. In addition, greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions are monitored with manually operated chambers at four sites, where effects of selection (CCF) harvests are studied with replicated treatments. These data will be used to calculate the ecosystem and soil GHG balances of the sites by using methodologies standardized earlier and compatible with the IPCC guidelines. On all experimental sites, ground water table (WT), tree growth and regeneration are monitored in different management trials. These data will form the basic data needed for designing and demonstrating optimal harvesting cycles and evaluating and generalizing the climate impacts. The results including the biological drainage capacity (evapotranspiration) of different-sized tree stands as well as the soil GHG balance of different tree stand – WT combinations will be incorporated into existing models that can be used to estimate the mitigation obtained with different management options and in different site and climatic conditions. The study sites are actively used for training and demonstration of alternative peatland management practices by host projects and by multiple stakeholders. The host projects and organizations also promote further extensions for the measurements and all complementary research activities are welcome to these study sites