1,498 research outputs found

    Greedy Algorithms for Steiner Forest

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    In the Steiner Forest problem, we are given terminal pairs {si,ti}\{s_i, t_i\}, and need to find the cheapest subgraph which connects each of the terminal pairs together. In 1991, Agrawal, Klein, and Ravi, and Goemans and Williamson gave primal-dual constant-factor approximation algorithms for this problem; until now, the only constant-factor approximations we know are via linear programming relaxations. We consider the following greedy algorithm: Given terminal pairs in a metric space, call a terminal "active" if its distance to its partner is non-zero. Pick the two closest active terminals (say si,tjs_i, t_j), set the distance between them to zero, and buy a path connecting them. Recompute the metric, and repeat. Our main result is that this algorithm is a constant-factor approximation. We also use this algorithm to give new, simpler constructions of cost-sharing schemes for Steiner forest. In particular, the first "group-strict" cost-shares for this problem implies a very simple combinatorial sampling-based algorithm for stochastic Steiner forest

    Multisetting Bell-type inequalities for detecting genuine tripartite entanglement

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    In a recent paper, Bancal et al. put forward the concept of device-independent witnesses of genuine multipartite entanglement. These witnesses are capable of verifying genuine multipartite entanglement produced in a lab without resorting to any knowledge of the dimension of the state space or of the specific form of the measurement operators. As a by-product they found a three-party three-setting Bell inequality which enables to detect genuine tripartite entanglement in a noisy 3-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state for visibilities as low as 2/3 in a device-independent way. In this paper, we generalize this inequality to an arbitrary number of settings, demonstrating a threshold visibility of 2/pi~0.6366 for number of settings going to infinity. We also present a pseudo-telepathy Bell inequality achieving the same threshold value. We argue that our device-independent witnesses are optimal in the sense that the above value cannot be beaten with three-party-correlation Bell inequalities.Comment: 7 page

    A közoktatási típusú sportiskolai kerettantervek tantervelméleti vonatkozásai

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    A Kormány 202/2007. (VII. 31.) rendelete részeként kihirdetésre kerülő Nemzeti alaptanterv 2007. évi változatának egyik pozitív eleme a közoktatási típusú sportiskolai nevelés és oktatás megjelenése volt. A rendelet értelmében számos iskola láthat el sportiskolai feladatot meghatározott sportágak körében, a helyi közoktatási típusú sportiskolai kerettanterve alapján. Ezeknek az iskoláknak biztosítaniuk kell a testnevelés tantárgy emelt szintű oktatását az elsőtől a tizenkettedik osztályig. A tanintézetek több sportág közül választhatnak a helyi sajátosságaiknak, létesítményeiknek, igényeiknek megfelelően. Az iskolák órarendbe iktatva, egy vagy több kiválasztott sportágra szakosodva, sportági képzést végezhetnek az alkalmazásukban lévő szakedzőkkel

    Evidence for fresh frost layer on the bare nucleus of comet Hale--Bopp at 32 AU distance

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    Here we report that the activity of comet Hale--Bopp ceased between late 2007 and March, 2009, at about 28 AU distance from the Sun. At that time the comet resided at a distance from the Sun that exceeded the freeze-out distance of regular comets by an order of magnitude. A Herschel Space Observatory PACS scan was taken in mid-2010, in the already inactive state of the nucleus. The albedo has been found to be surprisingly large (8.1±\pm0.9%{}), which exceeds the value known for any other comets. With re-reduction of archive HST images from 1995 and 1996, we confirm that the pre-perihelion albedo resembled that of an ordinary comet, and was smaller by a factor of two than the post-activity albedo. Our further observations with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) also confirmed that the albedo increased significantly by the end of the activity. We explain these observations by proposing gravitational redeposition of icy grains towards the end of the activity. This is plausible for such a massive body in a cold environment, where gas velocity is lowered to the range of the escape velocity. These observations also show that giant comets are not just the upscaled versions of the comets we know but can be affected by processes that are yet to be fully identified.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Molecular dynamics simulations of the water adsorption around malonic acid aerosol models

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    Water nucleation around a malonic acid aggregate has been studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations in the temperature and pressure range relevant for atmospheric conditions. Systems of different water contents have been considered and a large number of simulations have allowed us to determine the phase diagram of the corresponding binary malonic acid–water systems. Two phases have been evidenced in the phase diagrams corresponding either to water adsorption on a large malonic acid grain at low temperatures, or to the formation of a liquid-like mixed aggregate of the two types of molecules, at higher temperatures. Finally, the comparison between the phase diagrams simulated for malonic acid–water and oxalic acid–water mixtures emphasizes the influence of the O : C ratio on the hydrophilic behavior of the aerosol, and thus on its ability to act as a cloud condensation nucleus, in accordance with recent experimental conclusions

    Antitumor effect of lysine-isopeptides

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    Isopeptides (ε-peptides) of lysine, with a given Mw and low polydispersity (10–400 units), were synthesized to study the relationship between their chemical structure and biological effect. The designed compounds were of high purity, low polydispersity and high stereochemical purity. The effect of the compounds was tested on a human erythroleukemia cell line (K-562) and on four transplantable mouse tumors (L1210 lymphoid leukemia, P38 macrophage derived tumor, Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, Lewis lung tumor /LLT/). In case of the L1210 and P388 tumors and the Ehrlich carcinoma, survival of the animals was used as an indicator of the effect. In case of the Lewis lung tumor, the number and size of metastases in the lung and/or liver of treated and untreated mice were used as indicators. The polymers of polymerisation degree 80–120 (Mw 10.2–15.4 KD) showed the strongest antiproliferative effect both on K562 cells and the tumors growing in vivo. This effect was manifest with a significantly higher survival rate as compared to the control (L1210, P38, Ehrlich ascites), furthermore, by a decrease in the number and size of liver and lung metastases (LLT)

    Pushing the limits: K2 observations of the trans-Neptunian objects 2002 GV31 and (278361) 2007 JJ43

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    We present the first photometric observations of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) taken with the Kepler space telescope, obtained in the course of the K2 ecliptic survey. Two faint objects have been monitored in specifically designed pixel masks that were centered on the stationary points of the objects, when their daily motion was the slowest. In the design of the experiment, only the apparent path of these objects were retrieved from the detectors, i.e. the costs in terms of Kepler pixels were minimized. Because of the faintness of the targets we employ specific reduction techniques and co-added images. We measure rotational periods and amplitudes in the unfiltered Kepler band as follows: for (278361) 2007 JJ43 and 2002 GV31 we get P_rot=12.097 h and P_rot=29.2 h while 0.10 and 0.35 mag for the total amplitudes, respectively. Future space missions, like TESS and PLATO are not well suited to this kind of observations. Therefore, we encourage to include the brightest TNOs around their stationary points in each observing campaign to exploit this unique capability of the K2 Mission -- and therefore to provide unbiased rotational, shape and albedo characteristics of many objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 5.2 pages in emulateapj style, misspelled 2007 JJ43 designation correcte