28 research outputs found

    Variação anual da biomassa bêntica em viveiros de cultivo de camarões

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Biologi

    Influence of storm surges on intertidal meiofauna of an exposed sandy beach

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    Caracterização da macrofauna de substratos consolidados do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento qualitativo e descrever a zonação dos organismos incrustantes, sedentários e vágeis em diferentes substratos consolidados na costa norte do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil, contribuindo para o conhecimento da biodiversidade subtropical marinha. Os registros das espécies foram feitos através de consulta à literatura específica e também através de observações e coletas mensais em substratos consolidados naturais (costão rochoso) e artificiais (molhes, plataformas, monoboias) de março de 2010 a junho de 2011, totalizando 16 meses. Obteve-se o registo de 160 espécies de invertebrados associados a substratos consolidados para o RS através da literatura e 83 espécies a partir do levantamento de campo, sendo que 42,2 % das espécies foram registradas no costão rochoso da Praia do Meio, Torres; 24,1 % nos molhes de Imbé-Tramandaí e Torres; 45,8 % nos pilares das plataformas de pesca de Cidreira, Tramandaí e Atlântida e 72,3 % na estrutura das monoboias de oleoduto, MN- 601 e MN-602 de Tramandaí. Sobre a ocorrência exclusiva de espécies, verificaram-se maiores valores para as monoboias, seguida das plataformas de pesca, costão rochoso e molhes. Quanto a novos registros, 34 táxons ainda não haviam sido citados para RS.This work aimed to perform a qualitative survey and to describe a zoning of the fouling, sedentary, and vagile organisms on different hard substrates in the north coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, contributing to the knowledge of the subtropical marine biodiversity. The records of the species were made through a search of the specific literature and observations, as well as monthly collections on natural (rocky shore) and artificial (piers, platforms, monoboys) hard substrates from March 2010 to June 2011, totaling 16 months. In total, 160 invertebrate species associated to hard substrates for RS in the literature and 83 species from field survey were recorded, being 42.2% of the species on rocky shore of Praia do Meio, Torres; 24.1% on breakwater of Imbé-Tramandaí and Torres; 45.8% on pillars of the Cidreira, Tramandaí and Atlântida fishing platforms, and 72.3% on pipeline MN-601 and MN-602 monoboys structure, Tramandaí. From the exclusive species occurrence, there were higher values for monoboys, followed by fishing platforms, rocky shore and breakwater. As for new records, 34 taxa had not yet been cited for RS


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    Atualmente compreende-se que as águas continentais têm importância na conservação da biodiversidade global. Dentre os ecossistemas aquáticos, os banhados são um dos mais produtivos em biomassa e ricos em diversidade de vida. Ao mesmo tempo, constituem-se em ambientes vulneráveis às perturbações ambientais e fortemente ameaçados pelas atividades humanas. De um modo geral, sabe-se que os banhados, ainda, são insuficientemente conhecidos, fato que pode estar relacionado à pouca atenção dada a estes sistemas mediante sua grande importância ecológica. Através de levantamentos bibliográficos, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a estrutura e função ecológica dos banhados e identificar as principais áreas de ocorrência dos mesmos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, avaliando os impactos ambientais que comprometem a sua integridade como sistema. Os dados obtidos mostram que os ecossistemas de banhados no Rio Grande do Sul estão sofrendo rápidas modificações e reduções de área significativas, devido a atividades antrópicas, das quais destacam-se as atividades agrícolas, a pecuária, os aterros, a urbanização, o despejo de lixo e esgoto doméstico. Palavras chaves: áreas úmidas; banhados; conservação; ocorrência geográfica ABSTRACT Evaluation of marsh in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Continental waters are currently considered to play an important role in the conservation of global biodiversity. Among aquatic ecosystems, marsh are one of the most productive in terms of biomass and rich in biodiversity. At the same time, they are environments vulnerable to environmental disturbances and strongly threatened by human activities. In general, marsh are still insufficiently known, a fact that could be related to the little attention given to these systems considering their great ecological importance. Through bibliographic research, the present study aimed at characterizing the structure and ecological function of marsh and identifying their main areas in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, evaluating the environmental impacts that compromise their integrity as a system. The data obtained show that the ecosystems of marsh in Rio Grande do Sul are suffering fast changes and significant area reductions due to anthropic activities, among which farming activities, cattle raising, landfills, urbanization, waste disposal and domestic sewage stand out. Keywords: Wetlands, marsh , conservation, geographical occurrenc

    Estrutura espacial e sazonal da macrofauna bentônica da Lagoa das Custódias, Tramandaí (RS), Brasil : situações de verão e inverno

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    A variação espacial e temporal do macrobentos da Lagoa das Custódias, pertencente ao Sistema Lagunar Tramandaí-Sul, foi avaliada no ano de 1989, a partir de amostragens de verão e inverno. As coletas foram realizadas em 48 pontos dispostos em cinco perfis transversais, sendo a área de sedimento amostrada, em cada ponto, de 0,24 m2. Medidas de temperatura, cloretos, pH, matéria orgânica, quantidade de fragmentos e cobertura vegetal foram tomadas do sedimento e/ou água. A associação biológica encontrada é tipicamente estuarina, tendo as espécies Nephtys fluviatilis, Heteromastus similis, Ciprideis riograndensis e Heleobia australis como alguns de seus componentes principais. O padrão temporal mostra maior abundância de organismos no inverno, o que parece estar relacionado à combinação de picos reprodutivos das espécies e atividade sazonal de predadores na laguna. Espacialmente, a presença da macrófita submersa Chara zeilanica foi o fator que mais influenciou a distribuição das espécies estuarinas.Spational and temporal variation of macrofauna of Custódias Lagoon, Tramandaí, Brazil, was analyzed in 1989 through summer and winter samplings. Bottons samples were taken in 48 stations organized by five W-E transects. The sediment sampled area was 0,24 m2 at each station. Measurements of temperature, CI- ions, pH, organic matter, vegetation fragment and cover were taken of sediment and/or water. The biological associaton found is characteristically estuarine, with Nephtys fluviatilis, Heteromastus similis, Ciprideis riograndensis and Heleobia australis as some of its principal components. Temporal pattern showed greatest abundance o f fauna during the winter, which seems to relate with a combination of reprodutive pulses and seazonal intense predation. Spationally, the presence of submergent macrophyta Cbara zeilanica. was played the most important role in the distribution of estuarine benthic macroinvertebrates

    The metamorphic heritage : dissemination and mediation of urban heritage in french towns and lands of art and history

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    Cette recherche se donne pour objectif de questionner la circulation du patrimoine au cœur de l’espace social dans un contexte de développement des politiques locales du patrimoine. Le label Villes et pays d’art et d’histoire conçu il y a trente ans par le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication fait office d’analyseur ; la ville d’Annecy de terrain emblématique. Une poétique du patrimoine urbain est mise au jour, dépassant la forme traditionnelle du centre historique pour révéler trois régimes d’opérativité symbolique : l’unicum, le typicum et le totum. Chacun et ensemble, ils fabriquent la dimension patrimoniale de la ville : le premier mobilise le monument historique, le deuxième le centre historique, le troisième la ville patrimoniale. L’analyse de la circulation du patrimoine est ensuite mesurée comme polychrésique à partir des discours produits sur le patrimoine par des acteurs locaux considérés dans toutes leurs diversités (associations, secteurs touristique, culturel, patrimonial). Elle montre que le patrimoine constitue, pour chacun, l’argument d’un discours d’accompagnement spécifique justifiant leur place dans le réseau local : chaque acteur se caractérise par la mobilisation de différentes facettes du patrimoine pour légitimer son activité. L’interrogation des médiations prend pour point de départ l’objet patrimonial. Elle se concentre sur des stratégies communicationnelles distinctes : les centres d’interprétation de l’architecture et du patrimoine construisent le discours en l’absence d’objet patrimonial et l’espace urbain est mis en exposition à partir des objets patrimoniaux in situ. Leur analyse combinée révèle deux régimes de patrimonialisation : au régime de la trace qui convoque une relation indicielle de l’objet avec son monde d’origine s’adjoint un régime de la ressemblance exprimant une relation iconique. À un second niveau, une circulation de la figure de l’objet de musée apparaît, tant dans l’espace d’exposition par le développement d’une méta-communication, qu’en dehors de celui-ci à travers la mobilisation des caractéristiques habituelles de cette figure. Ces résultats nous permettent d’établir une dimension métamorphique du patrimoine apparaissant tant dans les parts polychrésiques de l’objet que par ses transformations successives au sein des médiations.This thesis questions how the idea of heritage disseminates among the social space in a context of increasing heritage policies, with a focus on the policy of “Villes et pays d’art et d’histoire” and the city of Annecy (France). The preliminary analysis of urban heritage goes beyond the traditional form of the historic district and reveals three forms (unicum, typicum, totum). Each one of them uses different operators to build the heritage of the city: historical monument for the first, historic district for the second and the whole city as heritage for the third. The analysis of this dissemination reveals a “polychresic” heritage through the study of multiple local actors’ discourses (associations, touristic business, cultural and heritage fields, etc.). These discourses about heritage allow each group of actors to insure itself a significant spot in the local network. Each actor distinguishes himself from the others by using its own perception of heritage to improve and secure its activity. The last part of the thesis interrogates two communicational strategies about cultural heritage focusing on the role of objects. On one hand the interpretation centres for architecture and heritage set up a discourse about local heritage and urban space through a documentary exhibition but without object. On another hand, objects (such as monuments) are parts of an in situ exhibition. From the combined analysis of these strategies results two processes of “heritagisation”: object as a relic (index) connecting its present days to its original age, and resemblance as a visual connection (icon). The features of an exhibit finally disseminate in the exhibition venue by initiating a meta-communication and by transferring its characteristics to heritage objects in the urban space. These results allow us to notice a metamorphic dimension of heritage in the various ways it is seen, transformed and featured