20 research outputs found

    The University of Scholarly Deeds

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    The rhetoric of academic debates, especially at budget times, neglects some very important realities of the university. Acknowledging these realities means giving up some pretensions, but it opens the way to responsible action

    Study Comparing the Levels of Performance of Employee Involvement Teams to Those of Traditionally Supervised Employees Doing the Same Work

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    Occupational and Adult Educatio


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    Composite of such renewable material as timber and the most popular man-made material as concrete offers many benefits. Such of them are high load-bearing capacity with low dead load and increased structural bending stiffness. Higher specific strength of high-performance concrete in comparison with ordinary concrete ensures more efficient use of the material. Addition of fibres can reduce the fragility and autogenous shrinkage cracks of high-performance concrete and makes it possible to design thinner layers of concrete for timber-concrete composite structures. Ribbed slabs as solution for the floor slabs, allows to reduce material consumption and to integrate engineering communications into the structures. The current study focuses on determining the effect of the use of high-performance fibre reinforced concrete for timber-concrete composite ribbed slabs with adhesive connection between layers, as the most effective connection type for composite action. The effect of the use of high-performance fibre reinforced concrete is determined by comparison of mid-span displacements of the ribbed slabs numerical models. Three-dimensional finite element models of timber and ordinary concrete composite ribbed slab and high-performance fibre reinforced concrete with additional longitudinal reinforcement ribbed slab are validated by experiment data. Developed numerical models makes it possible to predict the dependence of applied load on mid-span displacement in three-point bending with sufficient precision. Obtained results showed, that replacement of ordinary concrete layer by high-performance fibre reinforced concrete in timber-concrete composite ribbed slab with adhesive connection up to 1.68 times decrease vertical mid-span displacements.

    Daugiafaktorės skalės, skirtos psichologiniams prisilietimo vengimo aspektams matuoti, kūrimas

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    The chief aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess the level of touch avoidance (TA), i.e., attitudes towards physical touch in relation to others. Material, methods. In order to validate the Touch Avoidance Questionnaire, an attachment style questionnaire was distributed to 293 Swedish university students. Reliability and validity tests of the TAQ were assessed. Statistical analyses of TAQ yielded sound psychometric properties. The results showed that the TAQ contains five factors. Results relating to attachment style were similar to previous research; ‘secure’ and ‘preoccupied’ attachment styles do not correlate with touch avoidance, while ‘fearful’ and ‘dismissing’ showed interesting relations. Males showed more TA than females in relation to partner, family, and friends of the same sex.Tyrimo tikslas. Pagrindinis šio tyrimo tikslas – sukurti klausimyną, skirtą prisilietimo vengimo lygiui, t. y. nuostatoms į fizinį kito žmogaus prisilietimą, tirti, bei įvertinti šio klausimyno patikimumą ir validumą. Metodai. Apklausti 293 Švedijos universitetų studentai naudojant Prisilietimo vengimo klausimyną (Touch Avoidance Questionnaire, TAQ) ir Prieraišumo stiliaus klausimyną (Attachment Style Questionnaire). Rezultatai, išvados. Statistinė rezultatų analizė parodė, kad Prisilie timo vengimo klausimynas pasižymi tinkamomis psichometrinėmis charakteristikomis. Faktorių analizė išskyrė penkis klausimyną sudarančius faktorius. Analizuojant prieraišumo stiliaus ir prisilietimo vengimo sąsajas, gauti ankstesnius tyrimus patvirtinantys rezultatai: saugus ir nerimastingas prieraišumo stilius nekoreliavo su prisilietimo vengimu; o vengiantis ir baimingas vengiantis prieraišumo stilius su prisilietimo vengimu buvo susijęs. Vyrai labiau vengia prisilietimo nei moterys partnerystės, šeimos ir tos pačios lyties draugų srityse

    Development of a multifactor scale measuring the psychological dimensions of touch avoidance.

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    The chief aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to assess the level of touch avoidance (TA), i.e., attitudes towards physical touch in relation to others. Material, methods. In order to validate the Touch Avoidance Questionnaire, an attachment style questionnaire was distributed to 293 Swedish university students. Reliability and validity tests of the TAQ were assessed. Statistical analyses of TAQ yielded sound psychometric properties. Results showed that the TAQ contains five factors. Results relating to attachment style were similar to previous research; 'secure' and 'preoccupied' attachment styles do not correlate with touch avoidance, while 'fearful' and 'dismissing' showed interesting relations. Males showed more TA than females in relation to partner, family, and friends of the same sex

    Body image in adolescents with cerebral palsy.

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    The study aims to describe important features of body image in adolescents with motor disabilities and compare them against similar features in able-bodied peers. Relational aspects of body image were given preference in a questionnaire distributed to 35 adolescents with cerebral palsy and 98 adolescents with no known disabilities. Similarities were shown, but also significant differences, indicating a less favourable body image in adolescents with cerebral palsy. It is paramount for young people who are constantly reminded of physical restrictions to experience body vitality. Professionals need to consider the importance of how they interact with young people when seeking to promote a positive body image

    Adverse childhood experiences as a risk factor for non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in forensic psychiatric patients

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    BACKGROUND: Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACE) have been found to have profound negative consequences on an individuals' health. Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a clinically complex and serious global health issue and is closely related to suicide attempts. Previous research has found associations between ACE and NSSI and suicide attempts in clinical samples. However, this association has to our knowledge not been studied to this extent in a sample of forensic psychiatric patients. The aim of this study was therefore to describe the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and their associations with non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and/or suicide attempts in forensic psychiatric patients.METHODS: The current study is a cross-sectional study of a consecutive cohort of 98 forensic psychiatric patients (86.7% male) in Sweden. We invited 184 patients with a predicted stay of > 8 weeks who had been cleared for participation by their treating psychiatrist. Of these, 83 declined and 98 eligible patients provided informed consent. Information on ACE, NSSI, and suicide attempts derived from files, self-reports (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form; CTQ-SF), and interviews were compared separately among participants with and without NSSI or suicide attempts using t-tests. The dose-response association between ACE and NSSI/suicide attempts was analysed using binary logistic regression.RESULTS: In file reviews, 57.2% of participants reported physical abuse, 20% sexual abuse, and 43% repeated bullying by peers during childhood. NSSI and suicide attempts were associated significantly with CTQ-SF total scores, with medium effect sizes (d = .60 to .63, p < .01), and strongly with several CTQ-SF subscales. Parental substance abuse was also associated with NSSI (p = .006, OR = 3.23; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.36 to 7.66) and suicide attempts (p = .018, OR = 2.75; 95% CI = 1.18 to 6.42). Each additional ACE factor predicted an increased probability of NSSI (p = .016, OR = 1.29; CI = 1.04 to 1.59) but not of suicide attempts. When anxiety and depressive disorders were included in the model, ACE remained a significant predictor of NSSI.CONCLUSIONS: We report extensive ACE, from both files and self-reports. When comparing groups, correlations were found between ACE and NSSI, and ACE and suicide attempts among forensic psychiatric patients. ACE seem to predict NSSI but not suicide attempts in this group, even when controlling for affective and anxiety disorders. Early ACE among forensic psychiatric patients, especially physical and emotional abuse and parental substance abuse, have important impacts on self-harming behaviours that must be acknowledged both by the institutions that meet them as children and in their later assessment and treatment

    Clinical Characteristics and Self-Harm in Forensic Psychiatric Patients

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    Self-harm, comprising non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide attempts, is a serious and potentially life-threatening behavior that has been associated with poor life quality and an increased risk of suicide. In forensic populations, increased rates of self-harm have been reported, and suicide is one of the leading causes of death. Aside from associations between self-harm and mental disorders, knowledge on self-harm in forensic psychiatric populations is limited. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinical needs of a cohort of forensic psychiatric patients, including self-harm and possible risk factors thereof. Participants (N = 98) were consecutively recruited from a cohort of forensic psychiatric patients in Sweden from 2016 to 2020. Data were collected through file information, self-reports, and complemented with semi-structured interviews. Results showed that self-harm was common among the participants, more than half (68.4%) of whom had at some point engaged in self-harm. The most common methods of non-suicidal self-injury were banging one's head or fist against a wall or other solid surface and cutting, and the most common method of suicide attempt was hanging. The most prominent functions of non-suicidal self-injury among the participants were intrapersonal functions such as affect regulation, self-punishment, and marking distress. Self-harm in general was associated to neurodevelopmental disorders (p = 0.014, CI = 1.23–8.02, OR = 3.14) and disruptive impulse-control and conduct disorders (p = 0.012, CI = 1.19–74.6, OR = 9.41), with reservation to very wide confidence intervals. Conclusions drawn from this study are that self-harm was highly prevalent in this sample and seems to have similar function in this group of individuals as in other studied clinical and non-clinical groups