677 research outputs found

    R&D Uncertainty in Future Benefits

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    This paper contributes to the current debate on accounting treatment of R&D expenditures. We considered two different measures of future benefits to a firm, sales revenue and operating cash flows. We provide evidence that R&D expenditures do not generate more uncertain future sales revenue or operating cash flows compared to capital expenditures. In terms of sales revenue, R&D expenditures generate significantly less uncertain future benefits compared to capital expenditures. And in terms of operating cash flows, our results do not provide conclusive evidence that whether R&D expenditures generate more uncertain future benefits than capital expenditures or not

    High-sensitivity noncontact atomic force microscope/scanning tunneling microscope (nc AFM/STM) operating at subangstrom oscillation amplitudes for atomic resolution imaging and force spectroscopy

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We describe a new, highly sensitive noncontact atomic force microscope/scanning tunneling microscope (STM) operating in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) with subangstrom oscillation amplitudes for atomic resolution imaging and force-distance spectroscopy. A novel fiber interferometer with similar to4x10(-4) A/rootHz noise level is employed to detect cantilever displacements. Subangstrom oscillation amplitude is applied to the lever at a frequency well below the resonance and changes in the oscillation amplitude due to tip-sample force interactions are measured with a lock-in amplifier. Quantitative force gradient images can be obtained simultaneously with the STM topography. Employment of subangstrom oscillation amplitudes lets us perform force-distance measurements, which reveal very short-range force interactions, consistent with the theory. Performance of the microscope is demonstrated with quantitative atomic resolution images of Si(111)(7x7) and force-distance curves showing short interaction range, all obtained with <0.25 Angstrom lever oscillation amplitude. Our technique is not limited to UHV only and operation under liquids and air is feasible. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Visualizing landscapes of the superconducting gap in heterogeneous superconductor thin films: geometric influences on proximity effects

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    The proximity effect is a central feature of superconducting junctions as it underlies many important applications in devices and can be exploited in the design of new systems with novel quantum functionality. Recently, exotic proximity effects have been observed in various systems, such as superconductor-metallic nanowires and graphene-superconductor structures. However, it is still not clear how superconducting order propagates spatially in a heterogeneous superconductor system. Here we report intriguing influences of junction geometry on the proximity effect for a 2D heterogeneous superconductor system comprised of 2D superconducting islands on top of a surface metal. Depending on the local geometry, the superconducting gap induced in the surface metal region can either be confined to the boundary of the superconductor, in which the gap decays within a short distance (~ 15 nm), or can be observed nearly uniformly over a distance of many coherence lengths due to non-local proximity effects.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    On the perturbative chiral ring for marginally deformed N=4 SYM theories

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    For \cal{N}=1 SU(N) SYM theories obtained as marginal deformations of the \cal{N}=4 parent theory we study perturbatively some sectors of the chiral ring in the weak coupling regime and for finite N. By exploiting the relation between the definition of chiral ring and the effective superpotential we develop a procedure which allows us to easily determine protected chiral operators up to n loops once the superpotential has been computed up to (n-1) order. In particular, for the Lunin-Maldacena beta-deformed theory we determine the quantum structure of a large class of operators up to three loops. We extend our procedure to more general Leigh-Strassler deformations whose chiral ring is not fully understood yet and determine the weight-two and weight-three sectors up to two loops. We use our results to infer general properties of the chiral ring.Comment: LaTex, 40 pages, 4 figures, uses JHEP3; v2: minor correction

    Strings on the deformed T^{1,1}: giant magnon and single spike solutions

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    In this paper we find giant magnon and single spike string solutions in a sector of the gamma-deformed conifold. We examine the dispersion relations and find a behavior analogous to the undeformed case. The transcendental functional relations between the conserved charges are shifted by certain gamma-dependent term. The latter is proportional to the total momentum and thus qualitatively different from known cases.Comment: 35 pages, no figure

    Thermodynamics of Decaying Vacuum Cosmologies

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    The thermodynamic behavior of vacuum decaying cosmologies is investigated within a manifestly covariant formulation. Such a process corresponds to a continuous irreversible energy flow from the vacuum component to the created matter constituents. It is shown that if the specific entropy per particle remains constant during the process, the equilibrium relations are preserved. In particular, if the vacuum decays into photons, the energy density ρ\rho and average number density of photons nn scale with the temperature as ρT4\rho \sim T^{4} and nT3n \sim T^{3}. The temperature law is determined and a generalized Planckian type form of the spectrum, which is preserved in the course of the evolution, is also proposed. Some consequences of these results for decaying vacuum FRW type cosmologies as well as for models with ``adiabatic'' photon creation are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, uses LATE

    Cosmological constraints from lensing statistics and supernovae on the cosmic equation of state

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    We investigate observational constraints from lensing statistics and high-z type Ia supernovae on flat cosmological models with nonrelativistic matter and an exotic fluid with equation of state, px=(m/31)ρxp_x=(m/3 -1)\rho_x. We show that agreement with both tests at the 68% confidence level is possible if the parameter mm is low (m0.85m \lesssim 0.85) and 0.24Ωm00.380.24 \lesssim \Omega_{m0} \lesssim 0.38 with lower values of Ωm0\Omega_{m0} corresponding to higher mm. We find that a conventional cosmological constant model with Ωm00.33\Omega_{m0}\simeq 0.33 is the best fit model of the combined likelihood.Comment: 7 pages, 4 postscript figures, revtex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Nonsingular FRW cosmology and nonlinear electrodynamics

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    The possibility to avoid the cosmic initial singularity as a consequence of nonlinear effects on the Maxwell eletromagnetic theory is discussed. For a flat FRW geometry we derive the general nonsingular solution supported by a magnetic field plus a cosmic fluid and a nonvanishing vacuum energy density. The nonsingular behavior of solutions with a time-dependent Λ(t)\Lambda(t)-term are also examined. As a general result, it is found that the functional dependence of Λ(t)\Lambda(t) can uniquely be determined only if the magnetic field remains constant. All these models are examples of bouncing universes which may exhibit an inflationary dynamics driven by the nonlinear corrections of the magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    A Massive S-duality in 4 dimensions

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    We reduce the Type IIA supergravity theory with a generalized Scherk-Schwarz ansatz that exploits the scaling symmetry of the dilaton, the metric and the NS 2-form field. The resulting theory is a new massive, gauged supergravity theory in four dimensions with a massive 2-form field and a massive 1-form field. We show that this theory is S-dual to a theory with a massive vector field and a massive 2-form field, which are dual to the massive 2-form and 1-form fields in the original theory, respectively. The S-dual theory is shown to arise from a Scherk-Schwarz reduction of the heterotic theory. Hence we establish a massive, S-duality type relation between the IIA theory and the heterotic theory in four dimensions. We also show that the Lagrangian for the new four dimensional theory can be put in the most general form of a D=4, N=4 gauged Lagrangian found by Schon and Weidner, in which (part of) the SL(2) group has been gauged.Comment: 20 pages, references adde

    Uncertainty estimation for operational ocean forecast products-a multi-model ensemble for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

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    Multi-model ensembles for sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface currents (SSC), and water transports have been developed for the North Sea and the Baltic Sea using outputs from several operational ocean forecasting models provided by different institutes. The individual models differ in model code, resolution, boundary conditions, atmospheric forcing, and data assimilation. The ensembles are produced on a daily basis. Daily statistics are calculated for each parameter giving information about the spread of the forecasts with standard deviation, ensemble mean and median, and coefficient of variation. High forecast uncertainty, i.e., for SSS and SSC, was found in the Skagerrak, Kattegat (Transition Area between North Sea and Baltic Sea), and the Norwegian Channel. Based on the data collected, longer-term statistical analyses have been done, such as a comparison with satellite data for SST and evaluation of the deviation between forecasts in temporal and spatial scale. Regions of high forecast uncertainty for SSS and SSC have been detected in the Transition Area and the Norwegian Channel where a large spread between the models might evolve due to differences in simulating the frontal structures and their movements. A distinct seasonal pattern could be distinguished for SST with high uncertainty between the forecasts during summer. Forecasts with relatively high deviation from the multi-model ensemble (MME) products or the other individual forecasts were detected for each region and each parameter. The comparison with satellite data showed that the error of the MME products is lowest compared to those of the ensemble members