287 research outputs found

    Psychiatric Aspects of Reason and Morality of Reason

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    Reason allows us to arrive at knowledge of what is good and true and what is wrong and evil. Reason-ing is a process to reach a conclusion by taking all related factors into account if there are enough evidence and information. Humans who have reasoning skills must analyze new situation which are faced in all aspects, explore, make logical inferences, explain his thoughts, reach conclusions and protect his conclusions. Some thinkers argue that reason is the source of morality that makes the distinction between right and wrong behaviour. In this respect, everyone who has mind and will has morality responsibility for their actions. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of received education and subculture on the moral development that can be directly or indirectly influenced by genetic and environmental factors. [Psikiyatride Guncel Yaklasimlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2017; 9(1.000): 115-121

    Organik Kivi Üretiminde Toprak Düzenleyicilerin ve Organik Materyallerin Verim ve Bazı Meyve Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

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    Bu çalışma, Samsun Toprak ve Su Kaynakları Araştırma Enstitüsü Deneme İstasyonunda, kivi üretiminde, yöresel organik artık olan fındık zurufunun (taze ve kompost hali) organik ticari gübrelerin yerine ikame edilme durumunu ve kullanılan miktarın azaltılıp azaltılamayacağını ortaya koymak amacıyla 2008-2009 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Toprak düzenleyici olarak klinoptilolit ve leonardit, organik ticari gübre (biofarm), yöresel atık olan fındık zurufunun iki farklı kullanım şekli (taze ve kompost) araştırmanın materyalini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma, tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Fındık zurufu ve biofarm, azot içerikleri göz önüne alınarak, toprak analiz sonuçlarına göre parsellere uygulanmıştır. Hasat, meyvede suda çözünen kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM) 7 olduğu dönemde elle kopartılmak suretiyle yapılmış, meyve eni ve boyu, ortalama meyve ağırlığı, tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan istatistiki analiz sonucunda, meyve verimi üzerine organik gübrelerin etkisi çok önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek verim organik ticari gübre (Biofarm) uygulamalarında belirlenmiştir

    Rational Choice Theory in Psychiatry

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    The rational choice approach has become more prevalent in many disciplines in recent years. The rational choice theory of neurosis maintains that patients consciously and deliberately adopt neurotic disorders when confronted with intolerable levels of stress. Despite the striking differences, rational choice theory of neurosis continues Freud's framework of thinking as it employs a new concept of repression. According to this new theory, all therapies exert their effect either by disrupting patients’ ability to preserve unawareness, increasing the cost of the symptom, decreasing the patient’s emotional distress, or eliminating the stressor. Repression is defined as a conscious coping mechanism by which the individual deliberately employs distractive measures to eliminate stress-related thoughts from attention in this theory. This article aims to review the definition of rational choice theory and its integrative therapeutic approach in psychiatry

    Bazı Organik Materyallerin ve Toprak Düzenleyicilerin Organik Fındık Yetiştiriciliğinde Verim ve Toprak Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

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    Bu çalışma, yöresel organik artık olan fındık zurufunun (taze ve kompost hali) organik tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılan organik ticari gübrelerin yerine kullanılma durumunu ve kullanılan miktarın azaltılıp azaltılamayacağı, verim ve bazı toprak özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2008 yılında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma, Samsun İli Ağcagüney Beldesi organik sertifikalı fındık bahçesinde Tombul fındık çeşidinde kurulmuştur. Toprak düzenleyici olarak klinoptilolit ve leonardit, organik ticari gübre (biofarm), yöresel atık olan fındık zurufunun iki farklı kullanım şekli (taze ve kompost) araştırmanın materyalini oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Yapılan istatistik analiz sonucunda organik gübrelerin etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek meyve verimi fındık zurufu (taze) ve organik ticari gübrenin (Biofarm) tek başına uygulandığı parsellerden belirlenmiştir. Hasat sonrası 0-20 cm derinlikten alınan toprak örneklerinde bazı toprak özellikleri incelenmiştir

    Cognitive Evaluation of Bupropion Sustained Release in Heavy Tobacco Smokers Using Event-Related Potentials

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of bupropion sustained release (SR) on cognitive function, evaluated by event-related potentials (ERPs), in heavy tobacco smokers

    A Time-Series Approach to Predict Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) Episodes

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    Abstract -Sleep apnea is a common respiratory disorder during sleep. It is characterized by pauses in breathing or shallow breathing during sleep for longer than 10 seconds. Except the fact that not having a proper sleep and being rested for the next day, in some cases the apnea period (not breathing interval) may last more than 30 seconds and this situation can even be fatal. 14% of men and 5% of women suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in United States. Patients may experience apnea for more than 300 times in a single night sleep. Polysomnography (PSG) is a multi-parametric recording of biophysiological changes, containing EEG, ECG, SpO2, Nasal Airflow signals, performed during overnight sleep. In this study, a fully automatic apnea detection algorithm is developed and an early warning system is proposed to predict OSA episodes by extracting time-series features of OSA periods and regular respiration using nasal airflow signal. Extracted features are then reduced to improve the performance of the prediction. Support vector machines (SVM), one of the commonly used classification algorithms in medical applications, is implemented for learning and prediction of the OSA episodes. The results show that OSA episodes are predicted with 87.6% of accuracy and 91.3% of sensitivity, 30 seconds before patient faces apnea. By this approach, apnea related health risks can be minimized by foreknowledge

    Right ventricular involvement in anterior myocardial infarction: a tissue Doppler-derived strain and strain rate study

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    OBJECTIVE: Strain and strain rate imaging is currently the most popular echocardiographic technique that reveals subclinical myocardial damage. There are currently no available data on this imaging method with regard to assessing right ventricular involvement in anterior myocardial infarction. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate right ventricular regional functions using a derived strain and strain rate imaging tissue Doppler method in patients who were successfully treated for their first anterior myocardial infarction. METHODS: The patient group was composed of 44 patients who had experienced their first anterior myocardial infarction and had undergone successful percutaneous coronary intervention. Twenty patients were selected for the control group. The right ventricular myocardial samplings were performed in three regions: the basal, mid, and apical segments of the lateral wall. The individual myocardial velocity, strain, and strain rate values of each basal, mid, and apical segment were obtained. RESULTS: The right ventricular myocardial velocities of the patient group were significantly decreased with respect to all three velocities in the control group. The strain and strain rate values of the right mid and apical ventricular segments in the patient group were significantly lower than those of the control group (excluding the right ventricular basal strain and strain rate). In addition, changes in the right ventricular mean strain and strain rate values were significant. CONCLUSION: Right ventricular involvement following anterior myocardial infarction can be assessed using tissue Doppler based strain and strain rat

    Astronomical Site Selection for Turkey Using GIS Techniques

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    A site selection of potential observatory locations in Turkey have been carried out by using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) coupled with Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery which in turn reduced cost and time and increased the accuracy of the final outcome. The layers of cloud cover, digital elevation model, artificial lights, precipitable water vapor, aerosol optical thickness and wind speed were studied in the GIS system. In conclusion of MCDA, the most suitable regions were found to be located in a strip crossing from southwest to northeast including also a diverted region in southeast of Turkey. These regions are thus our prime candidate locations for future on-site testing. In addition to this major outcome, this study has also been applied to locations of major observatories sites. Since no goal is set for \textit{the best}, the results of this study is limited with a list of positions. Therefore, the list has to be further confirmed with on-site tests. A national funding has been awarded to produce a prototype of an on-site test unit (to measure both astronomical and meteorological parameters) which might be used in this list of locations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Experimental Astronom

    Giant facial schwannoma with intracranial extension: A case report

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    Introduction: Facial nerve schwannoma is a rare benign tumor which may originate from any segment of the facial nerve. We present a case of a giant cystic facial nerve schwannoma that showed extension to the middle cerebral fossa, together with its clinical and radiological characteristics, and a short review of the related literature. Case Report: A 52-year old female patient attended with complaints of numbness in the right half of her face, and mild hearing loss. Examinations revealed House-Brackmann Grade 3 peripheral facial paralysis, sensorineural hearing loss of 30% in her right ear. She described three episodes of facial paralysis in the last six years. Cranial MRI and CT scan revealed a round cystic lesion of about 40x44x38 mm, located centrally and medially in the right temporal area. The surgical operation was performed and the lesion was totally extracted. The histopathological investigation reported the lesion as a schwannoma. Conclusion: Facial nerve schwannoma is a rare, benign tumor that occurs in different localizations. It may commonly be mistaken in prediagnosis and may be confused with other clinical states due to its clinical characteristics. It has to be kept in mind in the prediagnosis of patients with facial paresis and hearing loss