115 research outputs found

    Emerging Regulatory Role of Nrf2 in Iron, Heme, and Hemoglobin Metabolism in Physiology and Disease

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    Iron has played an important role in energy production since the beginning of life, as iron-catalyzed redox reactions are required for energy production. Oxygen, a highly efficient electron acceptor with high reduction potential, facilitates highly efficient energy production in eukaryotic cells. However, the increasing atmospheric oxygen concentration produces new threats to the organism, as oxygen reacts with iron and produces reactive oxygen species unless its levels are strictly regulated. As the size of multicellular organisms increases, these organisms must transport oxygen to the peripheral tissues and begin to employ red blood cells containing hemoglobin. This system is potentially a double-edged sword, as hemoglobin autoxidation occurs at a certain speed and releases free iron into the cytoplasm. Nrf2 belongs to the CNC transcription factor family, in which NF-E2p45 is the founding member. NF-E2p45 was first identified as a transcription factor that binds to the erythroid gene regulatory element NF-E2 located in the promoter region of the heme biosynthetic porphobilinogen deaminase gene. Human Nrf2 was also identified as a transcription factor that binds to the regulatory region of the β-globin gene. Despite these original findings, NF-E2p45 and Nrf2 knockout mice exhibit few erythroid phenotypes. Nrf2 regulates the expression of a wide range of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. In this review article, we describe and discuss the roles of Nrf2 in various iron-mediated bioreactions and its possible coevolution with iron and oxygen

    Кривичните аспекти на азил во меѓународното и македонското кривично право“

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    Краток извадок Меѓународниот институт азил, како и неговата меѓународна кривичноправна рамка, е област на постојано надополнување и акумулација на материјални и формално - правни факти, со цел за изградба на универзален кривичноправен систем на азил кој би имал широкоопфатна примена. Теоретската рамка на поставениот проблем, низ годините на историјата, постојано била надополнувана во егзактните моменти на проблеми со именуваниот институт. Целта на мојот труд е искористување на изворите на правото и политиките на азил, нивна структурна анализа и дефиниција на имплементација. Миграцијата е поим тесно поврзан со азилот. Токму затоа, не може а да не се спомене нејзиното влијание врз правната форма на азилот како институт. Човештвото, во својата еволуција, тенденциозно дејствува кон создавање на универзални, регионални и национални правни лица кои ја претставуваат унилатералната желба за солидарност и сплотеност. Ваквите организации неопходно бараат консолидирано законодавство, во сите сегменти на општествениот живот. Токму затоа, анализата на ваквите организации во мојот труд е со цел да покаже во колкава мера и каква форма се конструираат и имплементираат правните норми на азилот. Исто така, ќе покаже во колкав капацитет е легислативата на азилот и од каде треба да се продолжи надградбата на правниот систем. Надградбата на системот на азил е сеопфатна и ги засега сите. Како европска држава со мултилатерални односи и желба за членство во евроатланската и европската заедница, Република Македонија настојува да го надградува својот правен систем секогаш кога ќе ѝ се овозможи терен за такво нешто. Мојата анализа го води трудот и до разградба на македонскиот правен систем, воочување на фактичката состојба во однос на азилот и привремената заштита, и критички анализирајќи ја поврзаноста на материјално - правните и формално - правните аспекти на азилните норми. Заклучокот на сето ова мора да биде објективен и во согласност со позитивното право, без остапување од начелата на непристрасност, јасност, еквивалентност, совестност и чесност. Клучни зборови: миграција, азил, кривично право, бегалци, бегалска криза, меѓународни организации

    TREM2 Expression in Schizophrenia

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    TREM2 and TYROBP are causal genes for Nasu–Hakola disease (NHD), a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by bone lesions and early-onset progressive dementia. TREM2 forms a receptor signaling complex with TYROBP, which triggers the activation of immune responses in macrophages and dendritic cells, and the functional polymorphism of TREM2 is reported to be associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The objective of this study was to reveal the involvement of TYROBP and TREM2 in the pathophysiology of AD and schizophrenia. Methods: We investigated the mRNA expression level of the 2 genes in leukocytes of 26 patients with AD and 24 with schizophrenia in comparison with age-matched controls. Moreover, we performed gene association analysis between these 2 genes and schizophrenia. Results: No differences were found in TYROBP mRNA expression in patients with AD and schizophrenia; however, TREM2 mRNA expression was increased in patients with AD and schizophrenia compared with controls (P < 0.001). There were no genetic associations of either gene with schizophrenia in Japanese patients. Conclusion: TREM2 expression in leukocytes is elevated not only in AD but also in schizophrenia. Inflammatory processes involving TREM2 may occur in schizophrenia, as observed in neurocognitive disorders such as AD. TREM2 expression in leukocytes may be a novel biomarker for neurological and psychiatric disorders

    Randomized, crossover questionnaire survey of acceptabilities of controlled-release mesalazine tablets and granules in ulcerative colitis patients

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    Background/Aims Oral mesalazine is an important treatment for ulcerative colitis (UC), and non-adherence to mesalazine increases the risk of relapse. Controlled-release (CR) mesalazine has 2 formulations: tablets and granules. The relative acceptabilities of these formulations may influence patient adherence; however, they have not been compared to date. This study aimed to evaluate the acceptabilities of the 2 formulations of CR mesalazine in relation to patient adherence using a crossover questionnaire survey. Methods UC patients were randomly assigned to 2 groups in a 1:1 ratio. Patients in each group took either 4 g of CR mesalazine tablets or granules for 6 to 9 weeks, and then switched to 4 g of the other formulation for a further 6 to 9 weeks. The acceptability and efficacy were evaluated by questionnaires, and adherence was assessed using a visual analog scale. The difference in acceptabilities between the 2 formulations and its impact on adherence were assessed. Results A total of 49 patients were prospectively enrolled and 33 patients were included in the analysis. Significantly more patients found the tablets to be less acceptable than the granules (76% vs. 33%, P=0.0005). The granules were preferable to the tablets when the 2 formulations were compared directly (73% vs. 21%, P=0.004), for their portability, size, and numbers of pills. The adherence rate was slightly better among patients taking the granules (94% vs. 91%) during the observation period, but the difference was not significant (P=0.139). Conclusions CR mesalazine granules are more acceptable than tablets, and may therefore be a better option for long-term medication

    CVIT expert consensus document on primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 2018

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    While primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has significantly contributed to improve the mortality in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction even in cardiogenic shock, primary PCI is a standard of care in most of Japanese institutions. Whereas there are high numbers of available facilities providing primary PCI in Japan, there are no clear guidelines focusing on procedural aspect of the standardized care. Whilst updated guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction were recently published by European Society of Cardiology, the following major changes are indicated; (1) radial access and drug-eluting stent over bare metal stent were recommended as Class I indication, and (2) complete revascularization before hospital discharge (either immediate or staged) is now considered as Class IIa recommendation. Although the primary PCI is consistently recommended in recent and previous guidelines, the device lag from Europe, the frequent usage of coronary imaging modalities in Japan, and the difference in available medical therapy or mechanical support may prevent direct application of European guidelines to Japanese population. The Task Force on Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT) has now proposed the expert consensus document for the management of acute myocardial infarction focusing on procedural aspect of primary PCI

    A nationwide, multi-center, retrospective study of symptomatic small bowel stricture in patients with Crohn\u27s disease.

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    BACKGROUND:Small bowel stricture is one of the most common complications in patients with Crohn\u27s disease (CD). Endoscopic balloon dilatation (EBD) is a minimally invasive treatment intended to avoid surgery; however, whether EBD prevents subsequent surgery remains unclear. We aimed to reveal the factors contributing to surgery in patients with small bowel stricture and the factors associated with subsequent surgery after initial EBD.METHODS:Data were retrospectively collected from surgically untreated CD patients who developed symptomatic small bowel stricture after 2008 when the use of balloon-assisted enteroscopy and maintenance therapy with anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) became available.RESULTS:A total of 305 cases from 32 tertiary referral centers were enrolled. Cumulative surgery-free survival was 74.0% at 1 year, 54.4% at 5 years, and 44.3% at 10 years. The factors associated with avoiding surgery were non-stricturing, non-penetrating disease at onset, mild severity of symptoms, successful EBD, stricture length < 2 cm, and immunomodulator or anti-TNF added after onset of obstructive symptoms. In 95 cases with successful initial EBD, longer EBD interval was associated with lower risk of surgery. Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed that an EBD interval of ≤ 446 days predicted subsequent surgery, and the proportion of smokers was significantly high in patients who required frequent dilatation.CONCLUSIONS:In CD patients with symptomatic small bowel stricture, addition of immunomodulator or anti-TNF and smoking cessation may improve the outcome of symptomatic small bowel stricture, by avoiding frequent EBD and subsequent surgery after initial EBD

    CVIT expert consensus document on primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 2018

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    While primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has significantly contributed to improve the mortality in patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction even in cardiogenic shock, primary PCI is a standard of care in most of Japanese institutions. Whereas there are high numbers of available facilities providing primary PCI in Japan, there are no clear guidelines focusing on procedural aspect of the standardized care. Whilst updated guidelines for the management of acute myocardial infarction were recently published by European Society of Cardiology, the following major changes are indicated; (1) radial access and drug-eluting stent over bare metal stent were recommended as Class I indication, and (2) complete revascularization before hospital discharge (either immediate or staged) is now considered as Class IIa recommendation. Although the primary PCI is consistently recommended in recent and previous guidelines, the device lag from Europe, the frequent usage of coronary imaging modalities in Japan, and the difference in available medical therapy or mechanical support may prevent direct application of European guidelines to Japanese population. The Task Force on Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of the Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT) has now proposed the expert consensus document for the management of acute myocardial infarction focusing on procedural aspect of primary PCI