19,986 research outputs found

    Should the United States hold foreign currency reserves?

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    An argument that for countries with well-developed money markets and flexible exchange rates, there is little to be gained from holding a vast foreign exchange portfolio and intervening in the world's currency markets.Foreign exchange - Law and legislation

    Thermal constraints on in vivo optogenetic manipulations.

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    A key assumption of optogenetics is that light only affects opsin-expressing neurons. However, illumination invariably heats tissue, and many physiological processes are temperature-sensitive. Commonly used illumination protocols increased the temperature by 0.2-2 °C and suppressed spiking in multiple brain regions. In the striatum, light delivery activated an inwardly rectifying potassium conductance and biased rotational behavior. Thus, careful consideration of light-delivery parameters is required, as even modest intracranial heating can confound interpretation of optogenetic experiments

    Symmetrical and asymmetrical separations about a yawed cone

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    Three dimensional flow separations about a circular cone were investigated in the Mach number range 0.6 - 1.8. The cone was tested in the Ames 1.8 by 1.8 m wind tunnel at Reynolds numbers based on the cone length from 4,500,000 to 13,500,000 under nominally zero heat transfer conditions. Results indicate that: (1) the lee-side separated flow develops from initially symmetrically disposed and near-conical separation lines at angle of incidence/cone semiangle equal to approximately 1, with the free shear layers eventually rolling up into tightly coiled vortices at all Mach numbers; (2) the onset of asymmetry of the lee-side separated flow about the mean pitch plane is sensitive to Mach number, Reynolds number, and the nose bluntness; and (3) as the Mach number is increased beyond 1.8, the critical angle of incidence for the onset of asymmetry increases until at about M = 2.75 there is no longer any significant side force development

    Radio and X-ray properties of submillimeter galaxies in the A2125 field

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    We present the radio and X-ray properties of 1.2 mm MAMBO source candidates in a 1600 sq. arcmin field centered on the Abell 2125 galaxy cluster at z=0.247. The brightest, non-synchrotron mm source candidate in the field has a photometric redshift, z = 3.93^+1.11_-0.80, and is not detected in a 31 ks Chandra X-ray exposure. These findings are consistent with this object being an extremely dusty and luminous starburst galaxy at high-redshift, possibly the most luminous yet identified in any blank-field mm survey. The deep 1.4 GHz VLA imaging identifies counterparts for 83% of the 29 mm source candidates identified at >=4-sigma S(1.2mm) = 2.7 - 52.1 mJy, implying that the majority of these objects are likely to lie at z <~ 3.5. The median mm-to-radio wavelength photometric redshift of this radio-detected sample is z~2.2 (first and third quartiles of 1.7 and 3.0), consistent with the median redshift derived from optical spectroscopic surveys of the radio-detected subsample of bright submm galaxies (S(850um) > 5 mJy). Three mm-selected quasars are confirmed to be X-ray luminous in the high resolution Chandra imaging, while another mm source candidate with potential multiple radio counterparts is also detected in the X-ray regime. Both of these radio counterparts are positionally consistent with the mm source candidate. One counterpart is associated with an elliptical galaxy at z = 0.2425, but we believe that a second counterpart associated with a fainter optical source likely gives rise to the mm emission at z~1.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Endotaxial Si nanolines in Si(001):H

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    We present a detailed study of the structural and electronic properties of a self-assembled silicon nanoline embedded in the H-terminated silicon (001) surface, known as the Haiku stripe. The nanoline is a perfectly straight and defect free endotaxial structure of huge aspect ratio; it can grow micrometre long at a constant width of exactly four Si dimers (1.54nm). Another remarkable property is its capacity to be exposed to air without suffering any degradation. The nanoline grows independently of any step edges at tunable densities, from isolated nanolines to a dense array of nanolines. In addition to these unique structural characteristics, scanning tunnelling microscopy and density functional theory reveal a one-dimensional state confined along the Haiku core. This nanoline is a promising candidate for the long sought after electronic solid-state one-dimensional model system to explore the fascinating quantum properties emerging in such reduced dimensionality.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Low voltage control of ferromagnetism in a semiconductor p-n junction

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    The concept of low-voltage depletion and accumulation of electron charge in semiconductors, utilized in field-effect transistors (FETs), is one of the cornerstones of current information processing technologies. Spintronics which is based on manipulating the collective state of electron spins in a ferromagnet provides complementary technologies for reading magnetic bits or for the solid-state memories. The integration of these two distinct areas of microelectronics in one physical element, with a potentially major impact on the power consumption and scalability of future devices, requires to find efficient means for controlling magnetization electrically. Current induced magnetization switching phenomena represent a promising step towards this goal, however, they relay on relatively large current densities. The direct approach of controlling the magnetization by low-voltage charge depletion effects is seemingly unfeasible as the two worlds of semiconductors and metal ferromagnets are separated by many orders of magnitude in their typical carrier concentrations. Here we demonstrate that this concept is viable by reporting persistent magnetization switchings induced by short electrical pulses of a few volts in an all-semiconductor, ferromagnetic p-n junction.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    A Comprehensive Radio and Optical Study of Abell 2256: Activity from an Infalling Group

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    Abell 2256 is a nearby (z~0.06), rich cluster of galaxies with fascinating observed properties across a range of wavelengths. Long believed to represent a cluster merger, recent X-ray and optical results have suggested that in addition to the primary cluster and subcluster there is evidence for a third, poorer system. We present wide-field, high sensitivity 1.4 GHz VLA radio observations of Abell 2256 in conjunction with optical imaging and additional spectroscopy. Over 40 cluster radio galaxies are identified, with optical spectroscopy indicating the emission source (star formation or AGN) for most of them. While the overall fraction of galaxies exhibiting radio emission is consistent with a large sample of other nearby clusters, we find an increase in the activity level of galaxies belonging to the third system (hereafter, the ``Group''). Specifically, the Group has relatively more star formation than both the primary cluster and main subcluster. The position of the Group is also coincident with the observed cluster radio relic. We suggest that the Group recently (~0.3 Gyr) merged with the primary cluster and that this merger, not the ongoing merger of the primary and the main subcluster, might be responsible for many of the unusual radio properties of Abell 2256. Furthermore, the greater star formation activity of the Group suggests that the infall of groups is an important driver of galaxy evolution in clusters.Comment: 21 pages plus 13 JPEG figures; to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    One dimensional Si-in-Si(001) template for single-atom wire growth

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    Single atom metallic wires of arbitrary length are of immense technological and scientific interest. We describe a novel silicon-only template enabling the self-organised growth of isolated micrometer long surface and subsurface single-atom chains. It consists of a one dimensional, defect-free reconstruction - the Haiku core, here revealed for the first time in details - self-assembled on hydrogenated Si(001) terraces, independent of any step edges. We discuss the potential of this Si-in-Si template as an appealing alternative to vicinal surfaces for nanoscale patterning.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Comparison of the anabolic effects of reported osteogenic compounds on human mesenchymal progenitor-derived osteoblasts

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    There is variability in the reported effects of compounds on osteoblasts arising from differences in experimental design and choice of cell type/origin. This makes it difficult to discern a compound’s action outside its original study and compare efficacy between compounds. Here, we investigated five compounds frequently reported as anabolic for osteoblasts (17β-estradiol (oestrogen), icariin, lactoferrin, lithium chloride, and menaquinone-4 (MK-4)) on human mesenchymal progenitors to assess their potential for bone tissue engineering with the aim of identifying a potential alternative to expensive recombinant growth factors such as bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2). Experiments were performed using the same culture conditions to allow direct comparison. The concentrations of compounds spanned two orders of magnitude to encompass the reported efficacious range and were applied continuously for 22 days. The effects on the proliferation (resazurin reduction and DNA quantification), osteogenic differentiation (alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity), and mineralised matrix deposition (calcium and collagen quantification) were assessed. Of these compounds, only 10 µM MK-4 stimulated a significant anabolic response with 50% greater calcium deposition. Oestrogen and icariin had no significant effects, with the exception of 1 µM icariin, which increased the metabolic activity on days 8 and 22. 1000 µg/mL of lactoferrin and 10 mM lithium chloride both significantly reduced the mineralised matrix deposition in comparison to the vehicle control, despite the ALP activity being higher in lithium chloride-treated cells at day 15. This demonstrates that MK-4 is the most powerful stimulant of bone formation in hES-MPs of the compounds investigated, highlighting its potential in bone tissue engineering as a method of promoting bone formation, as well as its prospective use as an osteoporosis treatment

    Reptiles of Rancho Grande and vicinity, Estado Aragua, Venezuela

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