47 research outputs found

    Development of the state support for agriculture in Krasnoyarsk region

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    The work reviews the status of state support for agriculture in Krasnoyarsk region on an example of dairy cattle breeding. The main shortcomings of the existing mechanism of state support for agricultural organizations are shown. The authors proposed a new definition of the state support for agriculture and derived comprehensive indicators of the assessment of the level of profitability of the resources used in agricultural production. On the basis of the developed economic and statistical model, the standards of dairy cattle breeding subsidies are defined in terms of levels of productivity and characteristics of reproduction.peer-reviewe

    Increase of motivation in the process of studying foreign language during russian aggression

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    Ovsyanko, G. V. Increase of motivation in the process of studying foreign language during russian aggression / G. V. Ovsyanko // Матеріали ХIII міжнар. наук.-техн. конф. " Інновації в судобудуванні та океанотехніці". – Миколаїв : Видав. Торубара В. В., 2022. – С. 492–494.Theses are devoted to the study of motivation in the process of learning a foreign language under martial law using the example of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding. Emphasis is placed on the need for the teacher to understand students' motives, to be able to identify them correctly and manage them intelligently in order to intensify the educational process. Resources and examples of their use are provided to encourage students to learn a foreign language

    Novel local free energy minimum on the Cu(001) surface

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    High-resolution LEED (low-energy electron diffraction) data of Cu(001) reveal an uniaxial in-plane lattice reconstruction by 1%. One-dimensional nanogrooves induced by ion bombardment involve the creation of steps that enable this reconstruction. This is the first verification of van der Merwe's prediction of step facilitated reconstruction. We confirm the predicted dependence on step orientation: steps allow stress-relief and steps do not, consistent with the known elastic anisotropy. Similar behavior is predicted for other nonreconstructed (001) surfaces of 3d and 4d metals

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers

    Особливості формування іншомовної професійної компетенції студентів спеціальності «Психологія»

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    Овсянко, Г. В. Особливості формування іншомовної професійної компетенції студентів спеціальності «Психологія» = Features of formation of foreign language professional competence of students of the specialty «Psychology» / Г. В. Овсянко // Гуманіт. вісн. НУК. – Миколаїв : НУК, 2021. – Вип. 13. – С. 38–43.Розглянуто питання формування іншомовної професійної компетенції як важливої складової комунікативної компетентності майбутніх психологів. Наголошено на необхідності та важливості вивчення термінологічної лексики у процесі опанування іноземної мови фахового спрямування студентами-психологами. Проаналізовано етапи формування іншомовної професійної компетенції та зазначено необхідність постійного пошуку нових можливостей і способів її удосконалення у студентів-психологів.The issue of formation of foreign language professional competence as an important component of communicative competence of future psychologists is considered. The necessity and importance of studying terminological vocabulary in the process of mastering a foreign language of professional orientation by students-psychologists is emphasized. The stages of formation of foreign language professional competence are analyzed and the necessity of constant search of new opportunities and ways of its improvement in students-psychologists is noted

    KNO and Polyakov's multiplicity scaling in inelastic pp- and pp -collisions at superhigh energies

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    It is shown that the normalized Saleh-Teich's multiplicity charged particles distribution in inelastic pp- and pp-collisions describes the KNO scaling low in soft processes (the range of ISR energies) and can be exhibited as Polyakov's scaling low in hard processes ( (√s >> 1800 GeV) but in any case the multiplicity scaling is always violated in the range of Sp − pS energies. It is supposed that the increase of transverse momentuma (or, what is the same, increase of phase volume) is the reason of the violation of any type scaling in the range of Sp − pS energies, when the part of semi-hard processes is essentially increased

    Development of “green” and organic production in dairy cattle breeding

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    The problem of creating environmentally friendly products has become particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic from the standpoint of ensuring the health of the nation as well as from the point of view of increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of agricultural enterprises. Special attention should be paid to the issues of regulation and justification of the principles of building “green” and organic production that currently remain unsolved. The purpose of this study is to justify the priority of technological development in the agricultural sector of the economy by comparing development trends in the global and domestic market of organic products considering the analysis of the formation of the legislative framework in this area of activity as well as identifying industry principles of the typical for dairy cattle breeding production. The methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and generalization were used in the article. The results of the study can serve as a basis for the sustainable development of “green” and organic production, both in dairy cattle breeding and other sectors of agriculture as well as basis for the development of federal and regional programs for the organic market growth in the Russian Federation

    Methods of using digital technologies for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in higher educational institutions

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    The research is topical because of the mass inclusion of students in the digital world, the importance of listening comprehension in foreign language studies in higher educational institutions, the challenges of distance and blended learning. The aim of the study was to establish the effectiveness of digital technologies (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet) in the development of listening comprehension skills in students of higher educational institutions (HEIs). The research involved qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, simulation. The author’s programme intended for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs was elaborated and experimentally tested in the course of the research. The implementation of the proposed programme allowed improving the level of respondents’ academic performance in terms of listening comprehension. The programme involved the adequate student participation, a differentiated approach, the variability of digital technologies used (Zoom, YouTube channel, Instagram, Kahoot, Google Forms, Padlet), providing opportunities for creativity. The programme implementation resulted in the increased number of students with excellent grades in listening comprehension by 11.7%, with good grades — by 25%. The study confirmed the positive attitude of students to the use of digital technologies in foreign language learning, outlined the conditions for the development of students’ listening comprehension strategies in HEIs. The research results can be used to develop students’ listening comprehension skills in distance or blended learning. The prospect for the further research is the application of the obtained results to the development of students’ skills in other types of speech activity in foreign language classes. A separate area of research is the study of the impact of digital technologies on the development of students’ foreign language competence and the preparation of methodological advice for foreign language teachers