34 research outputs found

    Classical and nonclassical symmetries of a generalized Boussinesq equation

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    We apply the Lie-group formalism and the nonclassical method due to Bluman and Cole to deduce symmetries of the generalized Boussinesq equation, which has the classical Boussinesq equation as an special case. We study the class of functions f(u)f(u) for which this equation admit either the classical or the nonclassical method. The reductions obtained are derived. Some new exact solutions can be derived

    Nonlinear Dirac and diffusion equations in 1 + 1 dimensions from stochastic considerations

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    We generalize the method of obtaining the fundamental linear partial differential equations such as the diffusion and Schrodinger equation, Dirac and telegrapher's equation from a simple stochastic consideration to arrive at certain nonlinear form of these equations. The group classification through one parameter group of transformation for two of these equations is also carried out.Comment: 18 pages, Latex file, some equations corrected and group analysis in one more case adde

    Strichartz estimates for the water-wave problem with surface tension

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    Strichartz-type estimates for one-dimensional surface water-waves under surface tension are studied, based on the formulation of the problem as a nonlinear dispersive equation. We establish a family of dispersion estimates on time scales depending on the size of the frequencies. We infer that a solution uu of the dispersive equation we introduce satisfies local-in-time Strichartz estimates with loss in derivative: uLp([0,T])Ws1/p,q(R)C,2p+1q=1/2, \| u \|_{L^p([0,T]) W^{s-1/p,q}(\mathbb{R})} \leq C, \qquad \frac{2}{p} + \frac{1}{q} = {1/2}, where CC depends on TT and on the norms of the initial data in Hs×Hs3/2H^s \times H^{s-3/2}. The proof uses the frequency analysis and semiclassical Strichartz estimates for the linealized water-wave operator.Comment: Fixed typos and mistakes. Merged with arXiv:0809.451

    Study of the risk-adjusted pricing methodology model with methods of Geometrical Analysis

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    Families of exact solutions are found to a nonlinear modification of the Black-Scholes equation. This risk-adjusted pricing methodology model (RAPM) incorporates both transaction costs and the risk from a volatile portfolio. Using the Lie group analysis we obtain the Lie algebra admitted by the RAPM equation. It gives us the possibility to describe an optimal system of subalgebras and correspondingly the set of invariant solutions to the model. In this way we can describe the complete set of possible reductions of the nonlinear RAPM model. Reductions are given in the form of different second order ordinary differential equations. In all cases we provide solutions to these equations in an exact or parametric form. We discuss the properties of these reductions and the corresponding invariant solutions.Comment: larger version with exact solutions, corrected typos, 13 pages, Symposium on Optimal Stopping in Abo/Turku 200

    Group classification of variable coefficient KdV-like equations

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    The exhaustive group classification of the class of KdV-like equations with time-dependent coefficients ut+uux+g(t)uxxx+h(t)u=0u_t+uu_x+g(t)u_{xxx}+h(t)u=0 is carried out using equivalence based approach. A simple way for the construction of exact solutions of KdV-like equations using equivalence transformations is described.Comment: 8 pages; minor misprints are corrected. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.198

    On asymptotic nonlocal symmetry of nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    A concept of asymptotic symmetry is introduced which is based on a definition of symmetry as a reducibility property relative to a corresponding invariant ansatz. It is shown that the nonlocal Lorentz invariance of the free-particle Schr\"odinger equation, discovered by Fushchych and Segeda in 1977, can be extended to Galilei-invariant equations for free particles with arbitrary spin and, with our definition of asymptotic symmetry, to many nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations. An important class of solutions of the free Schr\"odinger equation with improved smoothing properties is obtained

    Symmetry justification of Lorenz' maximum simplification

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    In 1960 Edward Lorenz (1917-2008) published a pioneering work on the `maximum simplification' of the barotropic vorticity equation. He derived a coupled three-mode system and interpreted it as the minimum core of large-scale fluid mechanics on a `finite but unbounded' domain. The model was obtained in a heuristic way, without giving a rigorous justification for the chosen selection of modes. In this paper, it is shown that one can legitimate Lorenz' choice by using symmetry transformations of the spectral form of the vorticity equation. The Lorenz three-mode model arises as the final step in a hierarchy of models constructed via the component reduction by means of symmetries. In this sense, the Lorenz model is indeed the `maximum simplification' of the vorticity equation.Comment: 8 pages, minor correction

    Equivalence of conservation laws and equivalence of potential systems

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    We study conservation laws and potential symmetries of (systems of) differential equations applying equivalence relations generated by point transformations between the equations. A Fokker-Planck equation and the Burgers equation are considered as examples. Using reducibility of them to the one-dimensional linear heat equation, we construct complete hierarchies of local and potential conservation laws for them and describe, in some sense, all their potential symmetries. Known results on the subject are interpreted in the proposed framework. This paper is an extended comment on the paper of J.-q. Mei and H.-q. Zhang [Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 2006, in press].Comment: 10 page

    Enhanced Group Analysis and Exact Solutions of Variable Coefficient Semilinear Diffusion Equations with a Power Source

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    A new approach to group classification problems and more general investigations on transformational properties of classes of differential equations is proposed. It is based on mappings between classes of differential equations, generated by families of point transformations. A class of variable coefficient (1+1)-dimensional semilinear reaction-diffusion equations of the general form f(x)ut=(g(x)ux)x+h(x)umf(x)u_t=(g(x)u_x)_x+h(x)u^m (m0,1m\ne0,1) is studied from the symmetry point of view in the framework of the approach proposed. The singular subclass of the equations with m=2m=2 is singled out. The group classifications of the entire class, the singular subclass and their images are performed with respect to both the corresponding (generalized extended) equivalence groups and all point transformations. The set of admissible transformations of the imaged class is exhaustively described in the general case m2m\ne2. The procedure of classification of nonclassical symmetries, which involves mappings between classes of differential equations, is discussed. Wide families of new exact solutions are also constructed for equations from the classes under consideration by the classical method of Lie reductions and by generation of new solutions from known ones for other equations with point transformations of different kinds (such as additional equivalence transformations and mappings between classes of equations).Comment: 40 pages, this is version published in Acta Applicanda Mathematica

    Dynamics of the Universe with global rotation

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    We analyze dynamics of the FRW models with global rotation in terms of dynamical system methods. We reduce dynamics of these models to the FRW models with some fictitious fluid which scales like radiation matter. This fluid mimics dynamically effects of global rotation. The significance of the global rotation of the Universe for the resolution of the acceleration and horizon problems in cosmology is investigated. It is found that dynamics of the Universe can be reduced to the two-dimensional Hamiltonian dynamical system. Then the construction of the Hamiltonian allows for full classification of evolution paths. On the phase portraits we find the domains of cosmic acceleration for the globally rotating universe as well as the trajectories for which the horizon problem is solved. We show that the FRW models with global rotation are structurally stable. This proves that the universe acceleration is due to the global rotation. It is also shown how global rotation gives a natural explanation of the empirical relation between angular momentum for clusters and superclusters of galaxies. The relation JM2J \sim M^2 is obtained as a consequence of self similarity invariance of the dynamics of the FRW model with global rotation. In derivation of this relation we use the Lie group of symmetry analysis of differential equation.Comment: Revtex4, 22 pages, 5 figure