12 research outputs found

    Mouthwashes for the control of supragingival biofilm and gingivitis in orthodontic patients: evidence-based recommendations for clinicians

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    Properly performed daily mechanical biofilm control is the most important prevention strategy for periodontal diseases. However, proper mechanical biofilm control is not performed effectively by the majority of the population, mainly due to lack of motivation and of manual dexterity. Local biofilm retention factors may aggravate home oral hygiene quality. For this reason, patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances comprise a group that may benefit from the daily use of mouthwashes. The purpose of this review was to perform a systematic search in the literature on antiseptics used to control supragingival biofilm and gingivitis in orthodontic patients. Six studies investigating the effect of chlorhexidine and 5 studies evaluating the effect of the daily use of antiseptics were found. Chlorhexidine showed better results in reducing plaque and gingivitis. However, because of its adverse effects after continuous use, it should not be indicated for long-term periods. Among the agents considered for daily use, the fixed combination of essential oils was the only one evaluated in a clinical trial, in which a comparative group presented a statistically significant clinical impact. There is no direct evidence supporting the indication of antiseptic agents for orthodontic patients other than chlorhexidine and essential oils. It can be concluded that, for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment, chlorhexidine should be considered for treating acute gingival inflammation, whereas essential oils should be indicated for long-term daily use in controlling supragingival biofilm

    Long-term atmospheric corrosion of zinc

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    A great deal of information is available on the short- and mid-term atmospheric corrosion of zinc: corrosion rate data as a function of atmosphere type, corrosion mechanisms, effect of environmental variables, effect of surface orientation, damage functions, etc. However, very little information has been published on the atmospheric corrosion of zinc over long time periods (10-20 years), despite its great usefulness. On the other hand, many studies have analyzed the nature of corrosion products formed on zinc in a wide range of atmospheric environments, using different experimental techniques, but few have focused on the morphology of corrosion product layers. This paper reports the characteristics-mainly composition and morphology-of corrosion products formed on zinc panels after long-term exposure (13-16 years) in various types of atmospheres in Spain: rural, urban, industrial, mild marine and severe marine. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer Reviewe

    Tumeur fi breuse solitaire du rein: A propos d\'un cas avec revue de la littérature

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    Les tumeurs fi breuses solitaires sont des tumeurs mésenchymateuses qui se développent à partir du tissu conjonctif. Les localisations rénales sont exceptionnelles et à notre connaissance seuls 11 cas ont été rapportés dans la littérature. Nous rapportons une nouvelle observation d\'une tumeur fi breuse solitaire découverte chez une patiente âgée de 60 ans à l\'occasion d\'un seul épisode de colique néphrétique. La tomodensitométrie abdominale a révélé une tumeur développée aux dépens du hile rénal. Une néphrectomie élargie a été réalisée et l\'analyse anatomopathologique a mis en évidence une prolifération tumorale fusocellulaire d\'aspect fi breux. L\'immunohistochimie a confi rmé le diagnostic en montrant un marquage positif pour le CD 34 et le bcl-2. African Journal of Urology Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 50-5