33 research outputs found

    A novel battery network modelling using constraint differential evolution algorithm optimisation

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    The use of battery storage devices has been advocated as one of the main ways of improving the power quality and reliability of the power system, including minimisation of energy imbalance and reduction of peak demand. Lowering peak demand to reduce the use of carbon-intensive fuels and the number of expensive peaking plant generators is thus of major importance. Self-adaptive control methods for individual batteries have been developed to reduce the peak demand. However, these self-adaptive control algorithms of are not very efficient without sharing the energy among different batteries. This paper proposes a novel battery network system with optimal management of energy between batteries. An optimal management strategy has been implemented using a population-based constraint differential evolution algorithm. Taking advantage of this strategy the battery network model can remove more peak areas of forecasted demand data compared to the self-adaptive control algorithm developed for the New York City study case

    Mise en œuvre de nouvelles approches d’optimisation multi-objectif de systèmes hybrides éolien-solaire-batterie-groupe électrogène

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    The works presented in this thesis are part of the problem of design and optimization of power systems using renewable energy sources. The major target is to propose new approaches of multi-objective optimization of hybrid systems consisting of wind source, solar source and storage system with or without diesel generator. This optimization begins by a better knowledge of wind and solar potential of the study sites. Indeed, the analysis of the wind speed and solar radiation using real collected data in several localities in Senegal has allowed to assess the wind and solar potential in these areas. The results of estimation of these two potentials are then used for design of optimized hybrid wind-solar-battery-diesel generator using a multi-objective genetic algorithm.The analysis of the influence of the wind and solar potential and the load profile showed that the cost of the optimal configuration is very sensitive to the variation of the wind speed, the solar radiation and the variation of the load profile. Further, the obtained results in this study showed that the cost of the optimal configuration decreases as the Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) increases.The analysis of influence of the diesel generator on the optimal configuration showed also that for LPSP=0, the total cost of system decreases with more request of the diesel generators. However, the emission rate of the CO2 becomes more important.The influence study of the variations of the load profile on the optimal configuration of hybrid system with diesel generator (SHESBG) showed that the total cost system is lower for the load profile which adapted to changes in wind and solar potential. This result is also observed for a system without diesel generator (SHESB).Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s’inscrivent dans la problématique de dimensionnement et de l’optimisation de systèmes électriques utilisant des sources d’énergies renouvelables. L’objectif principal est de proposer de nouvelles approches d’optimisation multi-objectif de systèmes hybrides composés de sources éolienne et solaire avec ou sans groupe électrogène et d’un système de stockage. Cette optimisation passe d’abord par une meilleure connaissance des potentiels éolien et solaire des sites d’étude. En effet, l’analyse de la vitesse du vent et du rayonnement solaire à l’aide de mesures réelles collectées dans plusieurs localités du Sénégal a permis d’évaluer les potentiels éolien et solaire dans ces zones. Les résultats d’estimation de ces deux potentiels sont ensuite utilisés pour faire le dimensionnement de systèmes hybrides éolien-solaire-batterie-groupe-électrogène optimisés en utilisant un algorithme génétique multi-objectif.L’analyse de l’influence des potentiels éolien et solaire et du profil de charge a montré que le coût de la configuration optimale est très sensible à la variation des potentiels éolien et solaire disponibles et à la variation du profil de charge. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de cette étude ont montré aussi que le coût de la configuration optimale diminue au fur et à mesure que le taux de non couverture de charge (LPSP) augmente.L’analyse de l’influence du groupe électrogène sur la configuration optimale a aussi montré que pour LPSP=0, le coût global du système baisse avec une sollicitation plus accrue des groupes électrogènes. Cependant, le taux d’émission de CO2 devient plus important.L’étude de l’influence des variations du profil de charge sur la configuration optimale du système hybride avec groupe électrogène (SHESBG) a montré que le coût global du système est plus faible pour un profil de charge adapté aux variations des potentiels éolien et solaire. Ce résultat est aussi observé pour un système sans groupe électrogène (SHESB)

    Economic analysis of wind electricity generation in the northern coast of Senegal

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    The main target of this paper is to determine the seasonal features of the wind speed in the northwestern of Senegal and to assess the cost of annual energy output using wind turbines provided from several manufactures. The wind data used for this study were collected in four sites located in the northwestern coast of Senegal and cover the period of one year. The seasonal mean wind speed and the annual distribution curves were obtained by using the Weibull distribution function. A technical assessment of electricity generation from five big wind turbines which power is between 640 kW and 2000 kW and from six small wind turbines which power is between 250 W and 10 kW were carried out. The results obtained show that the lower cost (0.0265 €/kWh in Sokhar) was observed for the wind turbine Ecotècnia 62. The highest cost was 0.5103 €/kWh (in Gandon) observed for the technology of Alize. All wind turbines was better suited to the site of Sokhar with the highest capacity factor and the lowest cost of output energy

    Etude et modélisation du potentiel éolien du site de Nouakchott.

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    L\'objet de cet article est d\'évaluer le gisement éolien sur le site de Nouakchott. Les données utilisées pour cette étude couvrent la période de 5 ans et ont été collectées à la station météorologique de Nouakchott (ASECNA). L\'étude est effectuée à partir des données tri horaires du vent (vitesse et direction). Les traitements portent sur les taux de couverture, la vitesse moyenne mensuelle, la vitesse moyenne annuelle, les vitesses moyennes par secteur et leurs fréquences. Les résultats obtenus ont permis, d\'une part d\'évaluer le potentiel éolien et en particulier de mettre en évidence les périodes les plus favorables pour l\'exploitation de l\'énergie éolienne. On montre ainsi que les mois d\'avril et de mai sont les mois les plus ventés avec respectivement 5,28 m/s et 5,2 m/s. Des effets diurnes correspondant à des vitesses moyennes du vent plus importantes dans la journée que la nuit sont observés. L\'étude montre aussi que les vents dominants sont orientés dans la direction Nord-est. Les paramètres de Weibull qui ont été déterminés pour le site pour les cinq années donnent une moyenne de 5 m/s pour le paramètre d\'échelle et pour le paramètre de forme 2,58 correspondant à une densité de puissance moyenne de 85 w/m2.The object of this article is to evaluate the wind layer on the site of Nouakchott. The data used for this study cover the 5 years period and were collected at the weather station of Nouakchott (ASECNA). The study is carried out starting from the time tri data of the wind (speed and direction). The treatments relate to the cover rates, the monthly mean velocity, the annual mean velocity, the mean velocities by sector and their frequencies. The results obtained allowed, on the one hand to evaluate the wind potential and to highlight in particular the periods most favourable for the exploitation of the wind power. One shows as well as April and of May are the months most been windy with respectively 5,28 m/s and 5,2 m/s. Diurnal effects corresponding to mean velocities of the wind more important in the course of the day than the night are observed. The study also shows that the dominant winds are directed in the North-eastern direction. The parameters of Weibull which were given for the site for the five years give an average of 5 m/s for the parameter of scale and the parameter of form 2,58 correspondent to a density of average power of 85 w/m2. Keywords: Potentiel éolien, distribution de Weibull, rose du vent, densité de puissance.Wind potential, distribution of Weibull, pink of the wind, density of power. Journal des Sciences Pour l\'Ingénieur. Vol. 9 2008: pp. 28-3

    Economic analysis of wind electricity generation in the northern coast of Senegal

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    The main target of this paper is to determine the seasonal features of the wind speed in the northwestern of Senegal and to assess the cost of annual energy output using wind turbines provided from several manufactures. The wind data used for this study were collected in four sites located in the northwestern coast of Senegal and cover the period of one year. The seasonal mean wind speed and the annual distribution curves were obtained by using the Weibull distribution function. A technical assessment of electricity generation from five big wind turbines which power is between 640 kW and 2000 kW and from six small wind turbines which power is between 250 W and 10 kW were carried out. The results obtained show that the lower cost (0.0265 €/kWh in Sokhar) was observed for the wind turbine Ecotècnia 62. The highest cost was 0.5103 €/kWh (in Gandon) observed for the technology of Alize. All wind turbines was better suited to the site of Sokhar with the highest capacity factor and the lowest cost of output energy

    Economic analysis of wind electricity generation in the northern coast of Senegal

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    The main target of this paper is to determine the seasonal features of the wind speed in the northwestern of Senegal and to assess the cost of annual energy output using wind turbines provided from several manufactures. The wind data used for this study were collected in four sites located in the northwestern coast of Senegal and cover the period of one year. The seasonal mean wind speed and the annual distribution curves were obtained by using the Weibull distribution function. A technical assessment of electricity generation from five big wind turbines which power is between 640 kW and 2000 kW and from six small wind turbines which power is between 250 W and 10 kW were carried out. The results obtained show that the lower cost (0.0265 €/kWh in Sokhar) was observed for the wind turbine Ecotècnia 62. The highest cost was 0.5103 €/kWh (in Gandon) observed for the technology of Alize. All wind turbines was better suited to the site of Sokhar with the highest capacity factor and the lowest cost of output energy