68 research outputs found

    Expression profiling in transgenic FVB/N embryonic stem cells overexpressing STAT3

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    BACKGROUND: The transcription factor STAT3 is a downstream target of the LIF signalling cascade. LIF signalling or activation is sufficient to maintain embryonic stem (ES) cells in an undifferentiated and pluripotent state. To further investigate the importance of STAT3 in the establishment of ES cells we have in a first step derived stable pluripotent embryonic stem cells from transgenic FVB mice expressing a conditional tamoxifen dependent STAT3-MER fusion protein. In a second step, STAT3-MER overexpressing cells were used to identify STAT3 pathway-related genes by expression profiling in order to identify new key-players involved in maintenance of pluripotency in ES cells. RESULTS: Transgenic STAT3-MER blastocysts yielded pluripotent germline-competent ES cells at a high frequency in the absence of LIF when established in tamoxifen-containing medium. Expression profiling of tamoxifen-induced transgenic FVB ES cell lines revealed a set of 26 genes that were markedly up- or down-regulated when compared with wild type cells. The expression of four of the up-regulated genes (Hexokinase II, Lefty2, Pramel7, PP1rs15B) was shown to be restricted to the inner cell mass (ICM) of the blastocysts. These differentially expressed genes represent potential candidates for the maintenance of pluripotency of ES cells. We finally overexpressed two candidate genes, Pem/Rhox5 and Pramel7, in ES cells and demonstrated that their overexpression is sufficient for the maintenance of expression of ES cell markers as well as of the typical morphology of pluripotent ES cells in absence of LIF. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of STAT3-MER in the inner cell mass of blastocyst facilitates the establishment of ES cells and induces the upregulation of potential candidate genes involved in the maintenance of pluripotency. Two of them, Pem/Rhox5 and Pramel7, when overexpressed in ES cells are able to maintain the embryonic stem cells in a pluripotent state in a LIF independent manner as STAT3 or Nanog

    Метод лабораторного определения параметров устройства гидроимпульсного воздействия

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    Дана стаття описує лабораторний метод, що визначає: мету, умови, обсяг і порядок проведення досліджень параметрів пристрою гідроімпульсної дії.This article describes the laboratory method that defines: the purpose, conditions, effort and procedure of the researching the device settings of hydroimpulsive impact

    The Tissue-Specific Rep8/UBXD6 Tethers p97 to the Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane for Degradation of Misfolded Proteins

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    The protein known as p97 or VCP in mammals and Cdc48 in yeast is a versatile ATPase complex involved in several biological functions including membrane fusion, protein folding, and activation of membrane-bound transcription factors. In addition, p97 plays a central role in degradation of misfolded secretory proteins via the ER-associated degradation pathway. This functional diversity of p97 depends on its association with various cofactors, and to further our understanding of p97 function it is important that these cofactors are identified and analyzed. Here, we isolate and characterize the human protein named Rep8 or Ubxd6 as a new cofactor of p97. Mouse Rep8 is highly tissue-specific and abundant in gonads. In testes, Rep8 is expressed in post-meiotic round spermatids, whereas in ovaries Rep8 is expressed in granulosa cells. Rep8 associates directly with p97 via its UBX domain. We show that Rep8 is a transmembrane protein that localizes to the ER membrane with its UBX domain facing the cytoplasm. Knock-down of Rep8 expression in human cells leads to a decreased association of p97 with the ER membrane and concomitantly a retarded degradation of misfolded ER-derived proteasome substrates. Thus, Rep8 tethers p97 to the ER membrane for efficient ER-associated degradation

    ATF7 is stabilized during mitosis in a CDK1-dependent manner and contributes to cyclin D1 expression

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    The transcription factor ATF7 undergoes multiple post-translational modifications, each of which has distinct effects upon ATF7 function. Here, we show that ATF7 phosphorylation on residue Thr112 exclusively occurs during mitosis, and that ATF7 is excluded from the condensed chromatin. Both processes are CDK1/cyclin B dependent. Using a transduced neutralizing monoclonal antibody directed against the Thr112 epitope in living cells, we could demonstrate that Thr112 phosphorylation protects endogenous ATF7 protein from degradation, while it has no effect on the displacement of ATF7 from the condensed chromatin. The crucial role of Thr112 phosphorylation in stabilizing ATF7 protein during mitosis was confirmed using phospho-mimetic and phospho-deficient mutants. Finally, silencing ATF7 by CRISPR/Cas9 technology leads to a decrease of cyclin D1 protein expression levels. We propose that mitotic stabilized ATF7 protein re-localizes onto chromatin at the end of telophase and contributes to induce the cyclin D1 gene expression

    Distribution of Parkinson's disease associated RAB39B in mouse brain tissue.

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    Pathogenic variants in the gene encoding the small GTPase Ras analogue in Brain 39b (RAB39B) are associated with early-onset parkinsonism. In this study we investigated the expression and localization of RAB39B (RNA and protein) in mouse brain tissue to gain a better understanding of its normal physiological function(s) and role in disease.We developed novel resources, including monoclonal antibodies directed against RAB39B and mice with Rab39b knockout, and performed real-time PCR and western blot analysis on whole brain lysates. To determine the spatial localization of Rab39b RNA and protein, we performed in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry on fresh frozen and fixed brain tissue. Our results show that RAB39B is localized throughout the cortex, hippocampus and substantia nigra of mice throughout postnatal life. We found high levels of RAB39B within MAP2 positive cortical and hippocampal neurons, and TH positive dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.Our studies support and extend current knowledge of the localization of RAB39B. We validate RAB39B as a neuron-enriched protein and demonstrate that it is present throughout the mouse cortex and hippocampus. Further, we observe high levels in the substantia nigra pars compacta, the brain region most affected in Parkinson's disease pathology. The distribution of Rab39b is consistent with human disease associations with parkinsonism and cognitive impairment. We also describe and validate novel resources, including monoclonal antibodies directed against RAB39B and mice with Rab39b knockout, both of which are valuable tools for future studies of the molecular function of RAB39B.Yujing Gao, Gabrielle R. Wilson, Sarah E. M. Stephenson, Mustapha Oulad-Abdelghani, Nicolas Charlet-Berguerand ... Paul Q. Thomas ... et al

    Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Polyglutamine Tracts Have Similar Structural Properties: Towards a Length-dependent Toxicity Gradient

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    Abnormally expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts provide a gain of toxic functions to nine otherwise unrelated human proteins and induce progressive neurodegenerative diseases. Over the past ten years, it was suggested that only polyQ tracts longer than a specific threshold adopt a particular structure, which would be the cause of the apparent polyQ length-dependent toxicity threshold observed in polyQ diseases. We have used a combination of biochemical and biophysical approaches to compare the structural properties of polyQ of pathogenic and non-pathogenic lengths under various conditions. We observe that pathogenic and non-pathogenic polyQ, as soluble species and upon interaction with a partner, during aggregation, or as mature aggregates, display very similar structural properties. PolyQ length only influences the aggregation kinetics and, to a lesser extent, the stability of the aggregates. We thus propose that polyQ toxicity does not depend on a structural transition occurring above a specific threshold, but rather that polyQ tracts are inherently toxic sequences, whose deleterious effect gradually increases with their length. We discuss how polyQ properties and other cellular factors may explain the existence of an apparent polyQ length-dependent toxicity threshold