201 research outputs found

    The {\gamma} Dor stars as revealed by Kepler : A key to reveal deep-layer rotation in A and F stars

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    The {\gamma} Dor pulsating stars present high-order gravity modes, which make them important targets in the intermediate-and low-mass main-sequence region of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Whilst we have only access to rotation in the envelope of the Sun, the g modes of {\gamma} Dor stars can in principle deliver us constraints on the inner layers. With the puzzling discovery of unexpectedly low rotation rates in the core of red giants, the {\gamma} Dor stars appear now as unique targets to explore internal angular momentum transport in the progenitors of red giants. Yet, the {\gamma} Dor pulsations remain hard to detect from the ground for their periods are close to 1 day. While the CoRoT space mission first revealed intriguing frequency spectra, the almost uninterrupted 4-year photometry from the Kepler mission eventually shed a new light on them. It revealed regularities in the spectra, expected to bear signature of physical processes, including rotation, in the shear layers close to the convective core. We present here the first results of our effort to derive exploitable seismic diagnosis for mid- to fast rotators among {\gamma} Dor stars. We confirm their potential to explore the rotation history of this early phase of stellar evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the 22nd Los Alamos Stellar Pulsation Conference, "Wide-field variability surveys: a 21st-century perspective" held in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 201

    Seismic diagnostics for transport of angular momentum in stars 2. Interpreting observed rotational splittings of slowly-rotating red giant stars

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    Asteroseismology with the space-borne missions CoRoT and Kepler provides a powerful mean of testing the modeling of transport processes in stars. Rotational splittings are currently measured for a large number of red giant stars and can provide stringent constraints on the rotation profiles. The aim of this paper is to obtain a theoretical framework for understanding the properties of the observed rotational splittings of red giant stars with slowly rotating cores. This allows us to establish appropriate seismic diagnostics for rotation of these evolved stars. Rotational splittings for stochastically excited dipolar modes are computed adopting a first-order perturbative approach for two 1.3M⊙1.3 M_\odot benchmark models assuming slowly rotating cores. For red giant stars with slowly rotating cores, we show that the variation of the rotational splittings of ℓ=1\ell=1 modes with frequency depends only on the large frequency separation, the g-mode period spacing, and the ratio of the average envelope to core rotation rates (R{\cal R}). This leds us to propose a way to infer directly R{\cal R} from the observations. This method is validated using the Kepler red giant star KIC 5356201. Finally, we provide a theoretical support for the use of a Lorentzian profile to measure the observed splittings for red giant stars.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    PLATO: PSF modelling using a microscanning technique

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    The PLATO space mission is designed to detect telluric planets in the habitable zone of solar type stars, and simultaneously characterise the host star using ultra high precision photometry. The photometry will be performed on board using weighted masks. However, to reach the required precision, corrections will have to be performed by the ground segment and will rely on precise knowledge of the instrument PSF (Point Spread Function). We here propose to model the PSF using a microscanning method.Comment: 2 pages, conference proceedings of the CoRoT Symposium 3, KASC 7, appears in EPJ conference 201

    Bipolaris spicifera, un nouveau parasite foliaire de l’espèce ornementale, Erythrina caffra, au Maroc

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    Au cours de l’année 2010, des prospections réalisées dans les principales artères de la ville de Kénitra (Maroc) ont permis d’observer des lésions de couleur brune sur les feuilles de l’espèce ornementale Erythrina caffra. L’agent pathogène responsable a été isolé des symptômes observés sur cet arbre ornemental. Il a été identifié comme étant Bipolaris spicifera. Le postulat de Koch a été vérifié.Mots clés: Erythrina caffra, symptômes, Bipolaris spicifera, description, Maro

    Angular momentum redistribution by mixed modes in evolved low-mass stars. I. Theoretical formalism

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    Seismic observations by the space-borne mission \emph{Kepler} have shown that the core of red giant stars slows down while evolving, requiring an efficient physical mechanism to extract angular momentum from the inner layers. Current stellar evolution codes fail to reproduce the observed rotation rates by several orders of magnitude, and predict a drastic spin-up of red giant cores instead. New efficient mechanisms of angular momentum transport are thus required. In this framework, our aim is to investigate the possibility that mixed modes extract angular momentum from the inner radiative regions of evolved low-mass stars. To this end, we consider the Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) formalism, introduced by Andrews \& McIntyre (1978), that allows us to consider the combined effect of both the wave momentum flux in the mean angular momentum equation and the wave heat flux in the mean entropy equation as well as their interplay with the meridional circulation. In radiative layers of evolved low-mass stars, the quasi-adiabatic approximation, the limit of slow rotation, and the asymptotic regime can be applied for mixed modes and enable us to establish a prescription for the wave fluxes in the mean equations. The formalism is finally applied to a 1.3M⊙1.3 M_\odot benchmark model, representative of observed CoRoT and \emph{Kepler} oscillating evolved stars. We show that the influence of the wave heat flux on the mean angular momentum is not negligible and that the overall effect of mixed modes is to extract angular momentum from the innermost region of the star. A quantitative and accurate estimate requires realistic values of mode amplitudes. This is provided in a companion paper.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 11 pages, and 6 figure

    Rotational splittings for slow to moderate rotators: Latitudinal dependency or higher order effects in \Omega?

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    Information about the rotation rate is contained in the low frequency part of power spectra, where signatures of nonuniform surface rotation are expected, as well as in the frequency splittings induced by the internal rotation rate. We wish to figure out whether the differences between the seismic rotation period as determined by a mean rotational splitting, and the rotation period measured from the low frequency peak in the Fourier spectrum (observed for some of CoRoT's targets) can provide constraints on the rotation profile. For uniform moderate rotators,perturbative corrections to second and third order in terms of the rotation angular velocity \Omega, may mimic differential rotation. We apply our perturbation method to evaluate mode frequencies accurate up to \Omega^3 for uniform rotation. Effects of latitudinal dependence are calculated in the linear approximation. In \beta Cephei pulsators models, third order effects become comparable to that of a horizontal shear similar to the solar one at rotation rates well below the breakup values. We show how a clean signature of the latitudinal shear may be extracted. Our models of two CoRoT target HD 181906 and HD 181420, represent lower main sequence objects. These are slow rotators and nonlinear effects in splittings are accordingly small. We use data on one low frequency peak and one splitting of a dipolar mode to constrain the rotation profile in HD 181420 and HD 181906. The relative influence of the two effects strongly depends on the type of the oscillation modes in the star and on the magnitude of the rotation rate. Given mean rotational splitting and the frequency of a spot signature, it is possible to distinguish between the two hypothesis, and in the case of differential rotation in latitude, we propose a method to determine the type of rotation profile and a range of values for the shear.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, A&A accepte

    Angular momentum redistribution by mixed modes in evolved low-mass stars. II. Spin-down of the core of red giants induced by mixed modes

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    The detection of mixed modes in subgiants and red giants by the CoRoT and \emph{Kepler} space-borne missions allows us to investigate the internal structure of evolved low-mass stars. In particular, the measurement of the mean core rotation rate as a function of the evolution places stringent constraints on the physical mechanisms responsible for the angular momentum redistribution in stars. It showed that the current stellar evolution codes including the modelling of rotation fail to reproduce the observations. An additional physical process that efficiently extracts angular momentum from the core is thus necessary. Our aim is to assess the ability of mixed modes to do this. To this end, we developed a formalism that provides a modelling of the wave fluxes in both the mean angular momentum and the mean energy equations in a companion paper. In this article, mode amplitudes are modelled based on recent asteroseismic observations, and a quantitative estimate of the angular momentum transfer is obtained. This is performed for a benchmark model of 1.3 M⊙M_{\odot} at three evolutionary stages, representative of the evolved pulsating stars observed by CoRoT and Kepler. We show that mixed modes extract angular momentum from the innermost regions of subgiants and red giants. However, this transport of angular momentum from the core is unlikely to counterbalance the effect of the core contraction in subgiants and early red giants. In contrast, for more evolved red giants, mixed modes are found efficient enough to balance and exceed the effect of the core contraction, in particular in the hydrogen-burning shell. Our results thus indicate that mixed modes are a promising candidate to explain the observed spin-down of the core of evolved red giants, but that an other mechanism is to be invoked for subgiants and early red giants.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 7 pages, 8 figure

    Sur l’origine fongique des galles observées chez les Eucalyptus

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    Objectif : Dans la littérature, les galles observées sur les feuilles et les tiges des Eucalyptus sont attribuées à Leptocybe invasa (guêpe à galles) et aux champignons du genre Alternaria (A. tenuis). Dans cette étude, nous avons essayé de préciser si l’isolement des Alternaria à partir des symptômes observés peut induire le développement des galles sur les feuilles des plantes d’Eucalyptus sp. Méthodologie et résultats : Sur milieu Potato Sucrose Agar, des isolements ont été effectués à partir des galles observées sur les feuilles d’Eucalyptus. Pour l’étude du pouvoir pathogène, des inoculations artificielles ont été réalisées à l’aide d’Alternaria tenuis sur les différentes espèces d’Eucalyptus. Les résultats obtenus des isolements réalisés ont montré la présence d’Alternaria tenuis, Les lésions foliaires ainsi que les galles des feuilles âgées peuvent héberger Alternaria. Par contre, les isolements étaient négatifs à partir des galles jeunes de couleur rouge. Alternaria tenuis, isolé des lésions infectées, induit, après inoculation des plants d’Eucalyptus, la formation des lésions foliaires. Les indices foliaires varient entre 7,5 et 17,5%. Toutes les lésions développées sont sporulantes. Le développement des galles n’a pas été observé. Conclusion et application de résultats : Les galles observées sur les feuilles et les pétioles des plants d’Eucalyptus ne sont pas induits par les Alternaria tenuis. Par contre, les représentants de ces champignons sont capables d’induire des lésions sur les feuilles des plants d’Eucalyptus. Mots clés: Eucalyptus, galles, Alternaria, Postulat de Koch

    Helminthosporium bicolor, un pathogène foliaire du riz et de Stenotaphrum secundatum au Maroc

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    Helminthosporium bicolor est isolé pour la première fois au Maroc à partir des lésions foliaires d’Oryza sativa et de Stenotaphrum secundatum. Les plantes de ces deux espèces hôtes inoculées avec deux isolats d’Helminthosporium bicolor ont développé des lésions sporulantes. Les réisolements du pathogène à partir des ces lésions étaient positifs. Les indices de sévérité sur les deux variétés du riz varient entre 43,62% et 52,87%, par contre sur Stenotaphrum secundatum, ils atteignent 65,65% sur les plantes inoculées avec l’isolat R1. La sporulation est maximale sur S. secundatum, elle est de 8,4.105 conidies/cm2 pour l’isolat R1 et varie entre 3,28. 105 et 4,32.105 conidies /cm2 sur les feuilles de deux variétés du riz. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Helminthosporium bicolor, Oryza sativa, Stenotaphrum secundatum, inoculation, sporulation
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