7 research outputs found

    A Homozygous Ancestral SVA-Insertion-Mediated Deletion in WDR66 Induces Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagellum and Male Infertility.

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    International audienceMultiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagellum (MMAF) is a severe form of male infertility defined by the presence of a mosaic of anomalies, including short, bent, curled, thick, or absent flagella, resulting from a severe disorganization of the axoneme and of the peri-axonemal structures. Mutations in DNAH1, CFAP43, and CFAP44, three genes encoding axoneme-related proteins, have been described to account for approximately 30% of the MMAF cases reported so far. Here, we searched for pathological copy-number variants in whole-exome sequencing data from a cohort of 78 MMAF-affected subjects to identify additional genes associated with MMAF. In 7 of 78 affected individuals, we identified a homozygous deletion that removes the two penultimate exons of WDR66 (also named CFAP251), a gene coding for an axonemal protein preferentially localized in the testis and described to localize to the calmodulin- and spoke-associated complex at the base of radial spoke 3. Sequence analysis of the breakpoint region revealed in all deleted subjects the presence of a single chimeric SVA (SINE-VNTR-Alu) at the breakpoint site, suggesting that the initial deletion event was potentially mediated by an SVA insertion-recombination mechanism. Study of Trypanosoma WDR66's ortholog (TbWDR66) highlighted high sequence and structural analogy with the human protein and confirmed axonemal localization of the protein. Reproduction of the human deletion in TbWDR66 impaired flagellar movement, thus confirming WDR66 as a gene associated with the MMAF phenotype and highlighting the importance of the WDR66 C-terminal region

    PATL2 is a key actor of oocyte maturation whose invalidation causes infertility in women and mice

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    Abstract The genetic causes of oocyte meiotic deficiency (OMD), a form of primary infertility characterised by the production of immature oocytes, remain largely unexplored. Using whole exome sequencing, we found that 26% of a cohort of 23 subjects with OMD harboured the same homozygous nonsense pathogenic mutation in PATL2, a gene encoding a putative RNA‐binding protein. Using Patl2 knockout mice, we confirmed that PATL2 deficiency disturbs oocyte maturation, since oocytes and zygotes exhibit morphological and developmental defects, respectively. PATL2's amphibian orthologue is involved in the regulation of oocyte mRNA as a partner of CPEB. However, Patl2's expression profile throughout oocyte development in mice, alongside colocalisation experiments with Cpeb1, Msy2 and Ddx6 (three oocyte RNA regulators) suggest an original role for Patl2 in mammals. Accordingly, transcriptomic analysis of oocytes from WT and Patl2−/− animals demonstrated that in the absence of Patl2, expression levels of a select number of highly relevant genes involved in oocyte maturation and early embryonic development are deregulated. In conclusion, PATL2 is a novel actor of mammalian oocyte maturation whose invalidation causes OMD in humans

    Mutations in TTC29, Encoding an Evolutionarily Conserved Axonemal Protein, Result in Asthenozoospermia and Male Infertility

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    International audienceIn humans, structural or functional defects of the sperm flagellum induce asthenozoospermia, which accounts for the main sperm defect encountered in infertile men. Herein we focused on morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagellum (MMAF), a phenotype also termed "short tails," which constitutes one of the most severe sperm morphological defects resulting in asthenozoospermia. In previous work based on whole-exome sequencing of a cohort of 167 MMAF-affected individuals, we identified bi-allelic loss-of-function mutations in more than 30% of the tested subjects. In this study, we further analyzed this cohort and identified five individuals with homozygous truncating variants in TTC29, a gene preferentially and highly expressed in the testis, and encoding a tetratricopeptide repeat-containing protein related to the intraflagellar transport (IFT). One individual carried a frameshift variant, another one carried a homozygous stop-gain variant, and three carried the same splicing variant affecting a consensus donor site. The deleterious effect of this last variant was confirmed on the corresponding transcript and protein product. In addition, we produced and analyzed TTC29 loss-of-function models in the flagellated protist T. brucei and in M. musculus. Both models confirmed the importance of TTC29 for flagellar beating. We showed that in T. brucei the TPR structural motifs, highly conserved between the studied orthologs, are critical for TTC29 axonemal localization and flagellar beating. Overall our work demonstrates that TTC29 is a conserved axonemal protein required for flagellar structure and beating and that TTC29 mutations are a cause of male sterility due to MMAF

    A Recurrent Deletion of DPY19L2 Causes Infertility in Man by Blocking Sperm Head Elongation and Acrosome Formation

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    An increasing number of couples require medical assistance to achieve a pregnancy, and more than 2% of the births in Western countries now result from assisted reproductive technologies. To identify genetic variants responsible for male infertility, we performed a whole-genome SNP scan on patients presenting with total globozoospermia, a primary infertility phenotype characterized by the presence of 100% round acrosomeless spermatozoa in the ejaculate. This strategy allowed us to identify in most patients (15/20) a 200 kb homozygous deletion encompassing only DPY19L2, which is highly expressed in the testis. Although there was no known function for DPY19L2 in humans, previous work indicated that its ortholog in C. elegans is involved in cell polarity. In man, the DPY19L2 region has been described as a copy-number variant (CNV) found to be duplicated and heterozygously deleted in healthy individuals. We show here that the breakpoints of the deletions are located on a highly homologous 28 kb low copy repeat (LCR) sequence present on each side of DPY19L2, indicating that the identified deletions were probably produced by nonallelic homologous recombination (NAHR) between these two regions. We demonstrate that patients with globozoospermia have a homozygous deletion of DPY19L2, thus indicating that DPY19L2 is necessary in men for sperm head elongation and acrosome formation. A molecular diagnosis can now be proposed to affected men; the presence of the deletion confirms the diagnosis of globozoospermia and assigns a poor prognosis for the success of in vitro fertilization

    Mutations in CFAP43 and CFAP44 cause male infertility and flagellum defects in TrypanosomaTrypanosoma and human.

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    International audienceSpermatogenesis defects concern millions of men worldwide, yet the vast majority remains undiagnosed. Here we report men with primary infertility due to multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella with severe disorganization of the sperm axoneme, a microtubule-based structure highly conserved throughout evolution. Whole-exome sequencing was performed on 78 patients allowing the identification of 22 men with bi-allelic mutations in DNAH1 (n = 6), CFAP43 (n = 10), and CFAP44 (n = 6). CRISPR/Cas9 created homozygous CFAP43/44 male mice that were infertile and presented severe flagellar defects confirming the human genetic results. Immunoelectron and stimulated-emission-depletion microscopy performed on CFAP43 and CFAP44 orthologs in Trypanosoma bruceiTrypanosoma\ brucei evidenced that both proteins are located between the doublet microtubules 5 and 6 and the paraflagellar rod. Overall, we demonstrate that CFAP43 and CFAP44 have a similar structure with a unique axonemal localization and are necessary to produce functional flagella in species ranging from TrypanosomaTrypanosoma to human

    Biotechnologies du palmier dattier

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    Le palmier dattier est une plante d'intérêt écologique, économique et social majeur pour de nombreux pays des zones arides qui comptent parmi les plus pauvres du globe. En effet, en créant au milieu du désert un microclimat favorable au développement de cultures sous-jacentes, le palmier dattier constitue l'axe principal de l'agriculture dans les régions désertiques et représente la principale ressource vivrière et financière des populations oasiennes. Pour traiter les problématiques liées à la culture du palmier au Maghreb, en Afrique et en Europe du Sud, 60 chercheurs font ici un bilan de leurs recherches sur l'évaluation, la conservation et la valorisation des ressources génétiques du palmier dattier, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perspectives pluridisciplinaires. L'ouvrage présente les dernières avancées scientifiques sur la production à grande échelle, les variations somaclonales et l'amélioration génétique. Enfin, il pose les bases de nouveaux projets internationaux sur la conservation des ressources génétiques du palmier dattier, un enjeu important pour développer l'agriculture oasienne