405 research outputs found

    Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Piliostigma reticulatum (DC.) Hochst extracts

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    The methanol and aqueous extracts of Piliostigma reticulatum barks were investigated for its antioxidant and antibacterial activities. The antioxidant test using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method demonstrated important radical scavenging activity for the methanol extract with IC50 = 0,37 ± 0,04 ΌgmL-1. The 2 extracts were then examined for antibacterial activity by using the broth micro dilution method. The extracts possessed the antibacterial effect against the almost germs tested; the aqueous extract exhibited a better activity than methanol extract. These results indicate that methanol and aqueous extracts of P. reticulatum could be used as a source of antioxidant and antibacterial ingredients in the food industry.Keywords: Piliostigma reticulatum, Ceasalpiniaceae, bark extracts, antioxidant, antibacterialAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(33), pp. 5407-5411, 16 August, 201

    Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements, regardless of their zinc content, increase growth and reduce the prevalence of stunting and wasting in young Burkinabe children : a cluster-randomized trial

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    Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS) are promising home fortification products, but the optimal zinc level needed to improve growth and reduce morbidity is uncertain. We aimed to assess the impact of providing SQ-LNS with varied amounts of zinc, along with illness treatment, on zinc-related outcomes compared with standard care. In a placebo-controlled, cluster-randomized trial, 34 communities were stratified to intervention (IC) or nonintervention cohorts (NIC). 2435 eligible IC children were randomly assigned to one of four groups: 1) SQ-LNS without zinc, placebo tablet; 2) SQ-LNS containing 5mg zinc, placebo tablet; 3) SQ-LNS containing 10mg zinc, placebo tablet; or 4) SQ-LNS without zinc and 5mg zinc tablet from 9-18 months of age. During weekly morbidity surveillance, oral rehydration salts were provided for reported diarrhea and antimalarial therapy for confirmed malaria. Children in NIC (n = 785) did not receive SQ-LNS, tablets, illness surveillance or treatment. At 9 and 18 months, length, weight and hemoglobin were measured in all children. Reported adherence was 97 +/- 6% for SQ-LNS and tablets. Mean baseline hemoglobin was 89 +/- 15g/L. At 18 months, change in hemoglobin was greater in IC than NIC (+8 vs -1g/L, p<0.0001), but 79.1% of IC were still anemic (vs. 91.1% in NIC). Final plasma zinc concentration did not differ by group. During the 9-month observation period, the incidence of diarrhea was 1.10 +/- 1.03 and of malaria 0.54 +/- 0.50 episodes per 100 child-days, and did not differ by group. Length at 18 months was significantly greater in IC compared to NIC (77.7 +/- 3.0 vs. 76.9 +/- 3.4cm; p<0.001) and stunting prevalence was significantly lower in IC (29.3%) than NIC (39.3%; p<0.0001), but did not differ by intervention group within IC. Wasting prevalence was also significantly lower in IC (8.7%) than in NIC (13.5%; p = 0.0003). Providing SQ-LNS daily with or without zinc, along with malaria and diarrhea treatment, significantly increased growth and reduced stunting, wasting and anemia prevalence in young children

    Savoirs paysans et dĂ©veloppement ‑ farming knowledge and development, par Georges DuprĂ© (sous la direction de) Paris, Karthala‑ORSTOM, 1991, 528 p.

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    Il s'agit d'un recueil de textes dont l'intĂ©rĂȘt manifeste est d'offrir au lecteur un ensemble d'Ă©tudes qui prĂ©sentent le double avantage de rĂ©sulter de recherches empiriques rĂ©alisĂ©es sur des terrains gĂ©ographiques et culturels divers. La rigueur des mĂ©thodologies monographiques visent Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les problĂ©matiques particuliĂšres des rapports entre savoirs paysans dans ce qu'ils ont de plus caractĂ©ristique et le monde scientifique et technique dans ce qu'il a de plus spĂ©cifique : rat..

    Dynamique des normes agricoles et rationalités paysannes au Sénégal. L'exemple des maraßchers sous tutelle étatique, Babacar Sall, ThÚse de Doctorat de sociologie, Paris, E.H.E.S.S., 1991.

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    Dans cette thĂšse brillante, Babacar Sall s'appuie sur une mĂ©thode d'investigation de la sociologie des organisations, le raisonnement stratĂ©gique, pour montrer comment, Ă  travers des normes agricoles Ă©dictĂ©es par le marchĂ© international, la CommunautĂ© Économique EuropĂ©enne et l'État, des maraĂźchers pĂ©riurbains du SĂ©nĂ©gal ont rĂ©ussi, en se rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă  leurs propres rationalitĂ©s, Ă  faire advenir leur autonomie. L'idĂ©e est que, en situation de jeu collectif, les paysans calculent et fondent leurs..

    Dynamique des normes agricoles et rationalités paysannes au Sénégal. L'exemple des maraßchers sous tutelle étatique, Babacar Sall, ThÚse de Doctorat de sociologie, Paris, E.H.E.S.S., 1991.

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    Dans cette thĂšse brillante, Babacar Sall s'appuie sur une mĂ©thode d'investigation de la sociologie des organisations, le raisonnement stratĂ©gique, pour montrer comment, Ă  travers des normes agricoles Ă©dictĂ©es par le marchĂ© international, la CommunautĂ© Économique EuropĂ©enne et l'État, des maraĂźchers pĂ©riurbains du SĂ©nĂ©gal ont rĂ©ussi, en se rĂ©fĂ©rant Ă  leurs propres rationalitĂ©s, Ă  faire advenir leur autonomie. L'idĂ©e est que, en situation de jeu collectif, les paysans calculent et fondent leurs..

    Le mangeable et le non-mangeable. Les définitions sociales de la nature et du naturel

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    Arouna P. OuĂ©draogo, chargĂ© de recherche Ă  l’INRA En prenant au sĂ©rieux la notion de « malaise alimentaire », on peut mesurer la convergence entre dispositions sociales et Ă©thiques et idĂ©ologies protestataires Ă  l’encontre de l’offre alimentaire standard. L’enseignement visait Ă  repĂ©rer les principaux dĂ©terminants sociaux des dĂ©goĂ»ts alimentaires, en Ă©tudiant le cas des groupes qui les exprimaient le plus : consommateurs de produits issus de l’agriculture biologique, individus se rĂ©clamant du..

    Le mangeable et le non-mangeable. Les définitions sociales de la nature et du naturel

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    Arouna P. OuĂ©draogo Accepter les aliments qu’on nous propose semble aller de soi. Le refus de manger, la mĂ©fiance ou encore le dĂ©goĂ»t qu’inspirent des aliments ne procĂšdent pas cependant d’un phĂ©nomĂšne de dĂ©viance Invariable. Que les aliments soient d’origine animale ou vĂ©gĂ©tale, le rejet dont ils sont l’objet est toujours socialement dĂ©terminĂ© et renvoie le plus frĂ©quemment Ă  des dĂ©finitions sociales de la nature et du naturel fort contrastĂ©es. Pour comprendre les mĂ©canismes complexes qui rĂ©..

    Manger « naturel »

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    Cet article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs de clients d’un magasin de produits de l’agriculture biologique de la rĂ©gion parisienne, en se fondant sur l’exemple d’un sous-groupe, dĂ©nommĂ© les « adeptes de la bio ». Il s’efforce de rendre compte des conditions sociales de la rĂ©ception des produits biologiques ; pour ce faire, on y procĂšde Ă  la description des caractĂ©ristiques socio-dĂ©mographiques des enquĂȘtĂ©s, puis Ă  l’analyse des dĂ©terminants de la consommation. L’examen des pratiques et des attitudes des « adeptes de la bio » rĂ©vĂšle leur appartenance Ă  ce qu’on pourrait considĂ©rer comme les « pionniers » de la consommation des produits biologiques et/ou les militants Ă©cologiques. Les croyances du groupe en matiĂšre de santĂ©, d’éthique, sont en cohĂ©rence avec leurs affinitĂ©s idĂ©ologiques.This article presents the results of a survey carried out on the customers of a shop selling organic farm products in the Paris region, and is based on the exa mple of a subgroup designated « organic farming enthusiasts ». The study endeavours to give an account of the social context of this subgroup's response to organic products. To this end, a description of the social demographic characteristics of the study subjects is given, followed by an analysis of the major factors influencing their consumer habits. An examination of the practices and attitudes of the « organic farming enthusiasts » shows them to be what may be considered « pioneer » consumers of organic products and/or militant ecologists. The beliefs of the group as regards health and ethics are consistent with their ideological affinities

    Knowledge, practices and beliefs of students regarding health effects of shisha use in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A cross‐sectional study

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    Background. The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. Shisha use has recently been gaining increased popularity in many developed and developing countries. Objective. To determine the prevalence of shisha use among students in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and associated knowledge, smoking practices and beliefs about health effects. Method. A total of 443 students were selected for this cross-sectional study, using a stratified sampling method. Data on shisha use, knowledge about shisha, shisha smoking practices, and factors associated with use of shisha were collected via a questionnaire. The association between the independent variables and shisha use was assessed using a χ2 test (p<0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine variables that were independently associated with shisha smoking. Results. Of the 421 respondents, 162 (38.5%) indicated that they had smoked shisha; 14.0% were regular smokers. We found that 183 students (43.5%) had poor knowledge about the health effects of shisha. The main reasons for shisha smoking were being in the company of friends who were users (57.4%), the pleasant flavour and fragrance of shisha (25.9%), and fashion (22.2%). Ninety-nine shisha smokers (61.1%) also consumed alcohol. Factors associated with shisha smoking included age <20 years (p<0.001), gender (p=0.034), and educational level of the respondent’s father (p=0.0001) and mother (p=0.0004). Conclusion. We found a relatively high prevalence of shisha smoking among the students, and that 43.5% of them had poor knowledge about its effects on health. Developing surveillance, intervention and regulatory/policy frameworks specific to shisha has become a public health priority
