24 research outputs found

    Les dĂ©terminants de l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) par les enseignants Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    L’objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette recherche doctorale est l’étude des dĂ©terminants de l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) par les professeurs Ă  l’UniversitĂ© de Ouagadougou (UO). Cela nous a conduit Ă  Ă©tudier respectivement les compĂ©tences technologiques des professeurs, les facteurs de rĂ©sistance contraignant l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des TIC par ces professeurs, l’acceptation et les usages spĂ©cifiques des TIC par les professeurs. Ce travail s’est bĂąti autour des concepts thĂ©oriques sur les usages Ă©ducatifs des TIC, les compĂ©tences technopĂ©dagogiques, les facteurs de rĂ©sistance, l’acceptation des TIC et l’intĂ©gration pĂ©dagogique des TIC. Ces concepts se sont inscrits dans les cadres d’analyses des modĂšles d’intĂ©gration des TIC par les professeurs et des modĂšles d’acceptation et d’utilisation d’une nouvelle technologie. La stratĂ©gie d’analyse des donnĂ©es s’est construite autour des approches descriptives et analytiques notamment au moyen de l’utilisation de la psychomĂ©trie et/ou de l’économĂ©trie des modĂšles Ă  variables dĂ©pendantes limitĂ©es. Utilisant la recherche quantitative, le recrutement de 82 professeurs par avis de consentement Ă  participer, a permis de collecter les donnĂ©es sur la base de questionnaires dont la majeure partie est bĂątie autour de questions Ă  Ă©chelle de Likert. L’étude des compĂ©tences technologiques des professeurs a permis d’une part, de dresser un portrait des usages des TIC par les professeurs. En effet, les usages les plus rĂ©pandus des TIC dans cette universitĂ© sont les logiciels de bureautique, les logiciels de messagerie Ă©lectronique et de navigation dans Internet. Elle a aussi permis de faire un portrait des compĂ©tences technologiques des professeurs. Ceux-ci utilisent Ă  la fois plusieurs logiciels et reconnaissent l’importance des TIC pour leurs tĂąches pĂ©dagogiques et de recherche mĂȘme si leur degrĂ© de maĂźtrise perçue sur certaines des applications tĂ©lĂ©matiques reste Ă  des niveaux trĂšs bas. Par rapport Ă  certaines compĂ©tences comme celles destinĂ©es Ă  exploiter les TIC dans des situations de communication et de collaboration et celles destinĂ©e Ă  rechercher et Ă  traiter des informations Ă  l’aide des TIC, les niveaux de maĂźtrise par les professeurs de ces compĂ©tences ont Ă©tĂ© trĂšs Ă©levĂ©s. Les professeurs ont eu des niveaux de maĂźtrise trĂšs faibles sur les compĂ©tences destinĂ©es Ă  crĂ©er des situations d’apprentissage Ă  l’aide des TIC et sur celles destinĂ©es Ă  dĂ©velopper et Ă  diffuser des ressources d’apprentissage Ă  l’aide des TIC malgrĂ© la grande importance que ceux-ci ont accordĂ©e Ă  ces compĂ©tences avancĂ©es essentielles pour une intĂ©gration efficace et efficiente des TIC Ă  leurs pratiques pĂ©dagogiques. L’étude des facteurs de rĂ©sistance a permis d’ériger une typologie de ces facteurs. Ces facteurs vont des contraintes matĂ©rielles et infrastructurelles Ă  celles liĂ©es aux compĂ©tences informatiques et Ă  des contraintes liĂ©es Ă  la motivation et Ă  l’engagement personnel des professeurs, facteurs pouvant susciter des comportements de refus de la technologie. Ces facteurs sont entre autres, la compatibilitĂ© des TIC d’avec les tĂąches pĂ©dagogiques et de recherche des professeurs, l’utilitĂ© perçue des TIC pour les activitĂ©s pĂ©dagogiques et de recherche, les facilitĂ©s d’utilisation des TIC et la motivation ou l’engagement personnel des professeurs aux usages des TIC. Il y a aussi les coĂ»ts engendrĂ©s par l’accĂšs aux TIC et le manque de soutien et d’assistance technique au plan institutionnel qui se sont rĂ©velĂ©s enfreindre le dĂ©veloppement de ces usages parmi les professeurs. Les estimations des dĂ©terminants de l’acceptation et des usages Ă©ducatifs des TIC par les professeurs ont montrĂ© que c’est surtout « l’intention comportementale » d’aller aux TIC des professeurs, « l’expĂ©rience d’Internet » qui affectent positivement les usages Ă©ducatifs des TIC. Les « conditions de facilitation » qui reprĂ©sentent non seulement la qualitĂ© de l’infrastructure technologique, mais aussi l’existence d’un soutien institutionnel aux usages des TIC, ont affectĂ© nĂ©gativement ces usages. Des Ă©lĂ©ments de recommandation issus de ce travail s’orientent vers la formation des professeurs sur des compĂ©tences prĂ©cises identifiĂ©es, l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de l’infrastructure technologique existante, la crĂ©ation d’un logithĂšque, la mise en Ɠuvre d’incitations institutionnelles adĂ©quates telles que l’assistance technique rĂ©guliĂšre aux professeurs, l’allĂšgement des volumes horaires statutaires des professeurs novateurs, la reconnaissance des efforts dĂ©jĂ  rĂ©alisĂ©s par ces novateurs en matiĂšre d’usages Ă©ducatifs des TIC dans leur institution.The general objective of this doctoral research is the study of the determinants of the pedagogical integration of information and communication technology (ICT) by teachers at the University of Ouagadougou (UO). This led us to study respectively the technological skills of teachers, the resistance factors forcing the integration of ICT by these teachers together with the driving forces of ICT acceptance and ICT educational uses by teachers at this university. This work is built around theoretical concepts of educational uses of ICT, techno pedagogical competences, factors of resistance to ICT use, acceptance and use of ICT and pedagogical integration of ICT. These concepts are included in frameworks for analysis of ICT integration models by teachers and acceptance and use of new technology models. The strategy of data analysis is built around descriptive and analytical approaches, including the use of psychometrics and / or econometrics models with limited dependent variables. Using quantitative research, the recruitment of 82 professors of this university by a notice of consent to participate to the survey, has allowed collecting data on the basis of questionnaires, most of which being built around Likert scale questions. The study of teachers’ technological skills enables on the one hand, to portray a picture of ICT use by teachers. The most common ICT uses at the University of Ouagadougou are the office software, software for email and Internet browsing. On the other hand, it allows a portrait of teachers’ technological skills. They use many softwares and most of them recognize the importance of ICT to their teaching duties and research, but their degree of perceived control on some of ICT applications remains at very low levels. The teachers presented very high control over the skills to exploit ICT in situations of communication and collaboration and also those intended to seek and process information using ICT. These skills reflect their use of electronic means of communication and search engines and the importance that teachers attach to these ICT applications. Moreover, despite the great importance that teachers give to some advanced skills in ICT, they were found at very low levels of mastery of these skills which are those to create learning situations in using ICT and those intended to develop and disseminate learning resources using ICT. Although teachers already use and combine several applications of ICT, their current level of technology skills and teaching does not allow them to effectively use these technologies in their teaching practices. They must necessarily acquire these essential advanced skills. The study of resistance factors helped to establish a typology of these factors. They range from material and infrastructural constraints to those related to computer skills and the availability of support and technical assistance at the institutional level to promote the use of ICT applications in education. It also assessed the compatibility of ICT with teaching duties and research faculty, the perceived usefulness of ICT for educational activities and research facilities, the motivation and / or personal commitment of teachers to use ICT and the influence of social conditions on such uses. There are also the costs of ICT access (Internet and computer equipment), which have shown a negative influence on teachers and violating the development of these educational uses of ICT. The empirical assessment of determinants of acceptance and educational uses of ICT by teachers reveals that, it is mainly the teachers’ "behavioural intention" to go to ICT and "the Internet experience" that affect positively these uses. The "facilitation conditions" that represent not only the quality of the technological infrastructure, but also the existence of institutional support to use ICT, have negatively affected these practices. The elements that can improve educational uses of ICT in the university have been identified from the results of this research: these recommend the teachers’ training on specific identified skills, the improvement of the quality of the existing technological infrastructure, the creation a software library, the implementation of adequate institutional incentives such as regular technical assistance to teachers, the reduction of statutory hourly volumes to innovative teachers, the recognition of the efforts already made by these innovative educational uses of ICT within their institution

    Productivité fruitiÚre du karité (

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    Introduction. Notre Ă©tude a eu pour objectif de comparer la production fruitiĂšre des karitĂ©s de parcs agroforestiers Ă  celle d’arbres prĂ©sents dans les formations naturelles. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes. La production fruitiĂšre de karitĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’un inventaire systĂ©matique effectuĂ© en 2002 sur trois transects Ă©tablis Ă  cheval sur deux types de peuplements : un parc agroforestier et une formation naturelle. Cet inventaire a permis de prĂ©lever dix fruits par arbre, qui ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s et pesĂ©s. Le rendement en amandes sĂšches a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© sur la production de deux lots de 25 arbres localisĂ©s l’un dans un parc agroforestier et l’autre dans une formation naturelle. RĂ©sultats. Nos rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que 94 % des arbres des parcs agroforestiers avaient fructifiĂ© pendant la pĂ©riode d’étude contre 56 % des arbres prĂ©sents dans les formations naturelles. Le rendement moyen en amandes des arbres des parcs, d’environ 4 kg·arbre–1, a Ă©tĂ© statistiquement supĂ©rieur Ă  celui des arbres des formations naturelles (1,5 kg·arbre–1 environ). Il en a Ă©tĂ© de mĂȘme pour les longueurs moyennes (3,7 cm contre 2,9 cm) et les largeurs moyennes (3,0 cm contre 2,3 cm) des fruits des arbres analysĂ©s dans l’un et l’autre des deux types de peuplements Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. Le poids moyen d’une amande sĂšche des arbres des parcs agroforestiers, de 4,5 g environ, a diffĂ©rĂ© significativement de celui des arbres des formations naturelles (2,6 g). Discussion et conclusion. Les karitĂ©s des parcs agroforestiers peuvent donc ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme des « arbres-plus » par rapport Ă  ceux des formations naturelles

    Groundwater Characteristics and Quality in the Cascades Region of Burkina Faso

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    In the context of low rainfall, groundwater abstraction is the main source of water, especially in rural areas. For better water management, a good knowledge of water resources is necessary. The Cascades region depends, like most regions, on the use of groundwater, especially in rural areas. However, this region has been subject to a strong anthropogenic impact in recent years, in association with mineralization. This study aims to establish the status of groundwater quality in order to strengthen the knowledge of groundwater resources, for better planning of preservation strategies and sustainability of actions. Fifty-eight borehole water samples were collected using techniques and methods for assessing groundwater properties. The results indicate that the electrical conductivity (EC) values of the water show slight mineralization. The waters are aggressive, with severe-to-significant corrosion, and with calcite saturation in relation to the geological facies. Principal component analysis allowed us to conclude that residence time and leaching due to anthropogenic activities have an impact on quality. The chemical and bacteriological quality of the groundwater systems is of great concern, as some parameters exceed the Burkina Faso guidelines

    COVID-19 epidemiological, sociological and anthropological investigation: study protocol for a multidisciplinary mixed methods research in Burkina Faso

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    International audienceBackground: The world has high hopes of vaccination against COVID-19 to protect the population, boost economies and return to normal life. Vaccination programmes are being rolled out in high income countries, but the pandemic continues to progress in many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) despite implementation of strict hygiene measures. We aim to present a comprehensive research protocol that will generate epidemiological, sociological and anthropological data about the COVID-19 epidemic in Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa with scarce resources. Methods: We will perform a multidisciplinary research using mixed methods in the two main cities in Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso). Data will be collected in the general population and in COVID-19 patients, caregivers and health care professionals in reference care centers: (i) to determine cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Burkinabe population using blood samples collected from randomly selected households according to the WHO-recommended protocol; (ii) develop a score to predict severe complications of COVID-19 in persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 using retrospective and prospective data; (iii) perform semi-structured interviews and direct observation on site, to describe and analyze the healthcare pathways and experiences of patients with COVID-19 attending reference care centers, and to identify the perceptions, acceptability and application of preventive strategies among the population. Discussion: This study will generate comprehensive data that will contribute to improving COVID-19 response strategies in Burkina Faso. The lessons learned from the management of this epidemic may serve as examples to the country authorities to better design preventive strategies in the case of future epidemics or pandemics. The protocol was approved by the Ministry for Health (N° 2020-00952/MS/CAB/INSP/CM) and the Health Research Ethics Committee in Burkina Faso (N° 2020-8-140)

    Socioeconomic and environmental factors associated with malaria hotspots in the Nanoro demographic surveillance area, Burkina Faso

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    Abstract Background With limited resources and spatio-temporal heterogeneity of malaria in developing countries, it is still difficult to assess the real impact of socioeconomic and environmental factors in order to set up targeted campaigns against malaria at an accurate scale. Our goal was to detect malaria hotspots in rural area and assess the extent to which household socioeconomic status and meteorological recordings may explain the occurrence and evolution of these hotspots. Methods Data on malaria cases from 2010 to 2014 and on socioeconomic and meteorological factors were acquired from four health facilities within the Nanoro demographic surveillance area. Statistical cross correlation was used to quantify the temporal association between weekly malaria incidence and meteorological factors. Local spatial autocorrelation analysis was performed and restricted to each transmission period using Kulldorff’s elliptic spatial scan statistic. Univariate and multivariable analysis were used to assess the principal socioeconomic and meteorological determinants of malaria hotspots using a Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) approach. Results Rainfall and temperature were positively and significantly associated with malaria incidence, with a lag time of 9 and 14 weeks, respectively. Spatial analysis showed a spatial autocorrelation of malaria incidence and significant hotspots which was relatively stable throughout the study period. Furthermore, low socioeconomic status households were strongly associated with malaria hotspots (aOR = 1.21, 95% confidence interval: 1.03–1.40). Conclusion These fine-scale findings highlight a relatively stable spatio-temporal pattern of malaria risk and indicate that social and environmental factors play an important role in malaria incidence. Integrating data on these factors into existing malaria struggle tools would help in the development of sustainable bottleneck strategies adapted to the local context for malaria control

    Connecting smallholder tomato producers to improved seed in West Africa

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    Abstract Background Environmental heterogeneity, emerging pathogens and limited access to financial and agricultural inputs prevent farmers from producing consistent crop yields in many developing countries. Yield instability impedes establishment of processing and export industries, thereby inhibiting economic development. Modern varieties offer significant increases in yield stability. Results A deeply collaborative, multi-national germplasm trialing network was established in West Africa to identify tomato varieties well adapted to each country and mobilize those varieties into local seed distribution networks alongside an integrated pest management program. Research partners in seven West African countries evaluated over 100 tomato varieties for resistance to tomato leaf curl disease (ToLCD). Using biotechnology, the identity and distribution of the key viruses (begomoviruses) causing ToLCD in these countries were identified, and a vector-independent inoculation method (agroinoculation) was developed. The trials identified a set of high-performing varieties with resistance. Agroinoculation with the three prevalent begomoviruses confirmed resistance. Conclusions These trial results fulfill the new Economic Community of West African States harmonized seed regulation policy, which requires at least 2 years of national performance trials prior to commercialization of a tomato variety. To compete with a rapidly expanding canned tomato import industry, West African growers need to increase productivity and processing capacity; therefore, we also assessed processing and export trade data for fresh and processed tomatoes from each of the seven countries