191 research outputs found

    Immediate-loading post extractive implants: indications, advantages and limits

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    The possibility of rehabilitating immediately an edentulous patient offers today remarkable advantages because it satisfies the patient’s demands for comfort, aesthetics, and functionality and reduces the surgical stages for the professional. In the last years clinicians and companies have been concentrating their efforts in the development of new surgical techniques and biomaterials in order to speed up the osteointegration process, which fosters the functionality, that is the immediate-loading. This clinical report, based on the analysis of the literature and on the presentation of a case report, shows how satisfying results in functionality and aesthetic can be obtained by a careful diagnosis and an accurate therapeutic planning, reducing at the same time the stress for the patient and the surgical stages for the professional. In any case, it is necessary to have the rehabilitations with immediate-loaded implants directed by workers with a good knowledge and experience in surgery, periodontology, and prosthesis or by a work team able to face all the complications such advanced rehabilitations may cause

    A novel technique to close large perforation of sinus membrane

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    Maxillary sinus floor elevation is generally accepted as a regenerative procedure to facilitate dental implants placement in the posterior atrophic maxilla. Although the sinus lift procedure is relatively safe, some potential problems could be occur. The most prevalent intraoperative complication is perforation of sinus membrane, which can lead to graft infection and early failure. The Aim of this work. Is to present a new technique to repair large perforation of sinus membrane. This case report. Is focused on a 10 mm perforation of sinus membrane occurred during preparation of the sinus window. The obliteration of the perforation was obtained by means of suturing sinus membrane with a resorbable material to the bone directly lateral to the osteotomy site. Sinus augmentation procedure could complete and the insertion of a graft was permitted

    The External Ligurian units (Northern Apennine, Italy): from rifting to convergence of a fossil ocean-continent transition zone

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    The External Ligurian Units of the Northern Apennine are interpreted as derived from the continent-ocean transition domain at the northern thinned conti- nental margin of the Adria microplate, i.e. the External Ligurian domain. The evolution of this paleogeographic realm from pre-orogenic times to the Eo- alpine and Meso-alpine tectonics is presented here, through a review of stratigraphic, petrological and structural data. The tectono-metamorphic evolution started in the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian (about 290 Ma), with the emplacement at deep crustal levels of the gabbroic protholits of mafic granulites. These lower continental crust rocks subsequentely underwent Permo-Triassic tectonic exhumation and were finally exhumed at shallow crustal levels in mid- dle Jurassic. The latter period was characterized by extensive brittle faulting at shallow crustal levels, giving rise to extensional allochtons formed by stretched slices of upper continental crust (mainly granitoids). At deep structural levels high temperature shearing of ophiolitic gabbros took place. Opening of the Lig- urian Tethys is finally testified by the basalt emplacement and radiolarian chert sedimentation in the Late Jurassic. During Late Cretaceous, development of Alpine intraoceanic subduction led to the inversion of the External Ligurian domain: the Eo-alpine deformation is recorded by syn-tectonic sedimentation of the Complessi di Base Auct., by development of very low-grade metamorphism and deformation at about 80 Ma. Middle Eocene deformation related with collision and indentation of the Adria with the Alpine accretionary wedge can be subdivided in two main stages: the first one (Ligurian Phase 1) implies large-scale, westward displacement of the EL Units, whereas the second stage (Ligurian Phase 2) is characterized by east- verging structures probably driven by the thinning of the preexisting nappe pile associated with exumation of underplated HP/LT Alpine units

    Immediate vs non-immediate loading post-extractive implants: A comparative study of Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ)

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    Purpose. This study aims to evaluate differences in implant stability between post-extractive implants vs immediately placed post-extractive implants by resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Materials and methods. Patients were grouped into two different categories. In Group A 10 patients had an immediate postextractive implant, then a provisional, acrylic resin crown was placed (immediate loading). In Group B (control group) 10 patients only had an immediate post-extractive implant. Both upper and lower premolars were chosen as post-extractive sites. Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) was measured thanks to RFA measurements (Osstell®). Five intervals were considered: immediately after surgery (T0) and every four weeks, until five months after implant placement (T1, T2, T3, T4,T5). A statistical analysis by means of Student’s T-test (significance set at p<0.05) for independent sample was carried out in order to compare Groups A and B. Results. The ISQ value between the two groups showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.02) at T1. No statistically significant difference in ISQ was assessed at T0, T2, T3, T4 and T5. Conclusions. After clinical assessment it is possible to confirm that provisional and immediate prosthetic surgery in postextraction sites with cone-shaped implants, platform-switching abutment and bioactive surface can facilitate osseointegration, reducing healing time

    Polyphase folding at upper structural levels in the Borbera valley (Northern Apennines, Italy): implications for the tectonic evolution of the linkage area between Alps and Apennines

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    The Borbera Valley (northwestern Italy) is located in a complex geological area where the linkage between Alps and Apennines occurs. In this area the Antola Unit (Late Cretaceous–Palaeocene) is unconformably overlain by the Upper Eocene–Miocene succession of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The structural analysis indicates the occurrence of a folding phase of Late Oligocene–Early Miocene age, characterised by recumbent F2 folds. These folds are superposed onto D1 structures related to an early folding phase of Middle Eocene, affecting only the Antola Unit. The occurrence of map-scale D2 folding phase structures that affect the Tertiary Piedmont Basin succession suggests that the linkage area between Alps and Apennines was reactivated during the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene

    U-Pb zircon geochronology of intrusive rocks from an exotic block in the Late Cretaceous – Paleocene Taraklı Flysch (northern Turkey): Constraints on the tectonics of the Intrapontide suture zone

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    In the Boyal\u131 area (northern Anatolia), a thick succession of the Early Maastrichtian - Middle Paleocene Tarakl\u131 Flysch crops out. The Tarakl\u131 Flysch represents a foredeep sediment deposited during the final stage of collision between the Sakarya and Istanbul-Zonguldak continental margins, that developed as a consequence of the closure of the Intrapontide oceanic basin. The top of the Tarakl\u131 Flysch is characterized by a level of slide-block in shaly-matrix lithofacies that can be considered as the result of several fast catastrophic events predating the closure of the basin and its deformation. This level consists of slide-blocks surrounded by monomict pebbly-mudstones and pebbly-sandstones. Among the slide-blocks, the biggest one consists of quartz-monzonites and leucocratic granodiorites of Late Permian age (260.8 \ub1 2.2 Ma) dated by zircon LA-ICP-MS method. By comparison with the regional data, the source area of these granitoids can be identified in the Istanbul-Zonguldak terrane. This evidence suggests a new picture for the paleogeographic setting of the ultimate stage of the continental collision between the Istanbul-Zonguldak and the Sakarya continental margins. In this scenario the coarse-grained deposits of the Tarakl\u131 Flysch are supplied by an orogenic wedge, consisting of oceanic units topped by the Istanbul-Zonguldak terrane. This orogenic wedge represented the north side of the foredeep, while the southern one was represented by the still undeformed Sakarya continental margin

    Evidences for a Late Cretaceous continental arc in the Central Pontides: new insights on alternative geodynamic reconstructions for the Neotethys in Northern Turkey

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    The Intra-Pontide Suture Zone (IPSZ) is the less known one among the suture zones present in Turkey. The IPSZ is well exposed along the Daday-Arac-Kursunlu and Tosya – Emirköy geotraverses where several tectonic units can be recognized. Most of these units are characterized by the occurrence of basic rocks reflecting distinct tectonic origins and geochemical signatures. The study of the basic rocks emerges as an important tool for the geodynamic reconstruction as it can reveal the occurrence of of different types of oceanic basins, the development of a magmatic arc or the presence of rifting-related magmatism. The study of the geotraverses indicates that the imbricate stack of the IPSZ consists of four distinct tectonic units whose successions bear basic rocks: the Aylı Dağ ophiolite Unit, the Arkot Dağ Mèlange and two metamorphic units, referred to as Daday and Devrekani Units. This imbricate stack is probably the result of several episodes of out-of-sequence thrusts that affected the whole IPSZ. The Aylı Dağ Unit includes an about 5 km-thick ophiolite sequence topped by the middle Bathonian to early Callovian radiolarian cherts. In addition, a metamorphic sole is present at the base of the serpentinized peridotites. The geochemical evaluation of pillow-basalts and dykes highlights subduction-related characteristics, similar to IAT- and BABB-type lavas generated above intra-oceanic subduction systems. The Arkot Dağ Mèlange consists of an assemblage of slide-blocks, with different size and lithology, enclosed in a Late Santonian sedimentary matrix. The slide-blocks also include ophiolitic lithologies, mainly represented by basalts, but gabbros and peridotites are also found. The slide-blocks of basalts display affinites to IAT- and BABB-type magmas, signifying the involvement of subduction component, whereas no MORB-like basalt have been found. The Daday unit is characterized by metasedimentary and metabasic rocks deformed under blueschist to subgreenschist metamorphic facies conditions. The metasedimentary rocks include mica-bearing schists, fine-grained marbles and black quartzites. The metabasic lithologies, on the other hand, comprise actinolite-bearing schists and Naamphibole- bearing varieties possibly derived from basaltic and gabbroic protoliths. The metabasic rocks have a wide range of chemical compositions, displaying N-MORB-, E-MORB-, OIB- BABB- and IAT-type signatures. The Devrekani Unit is represented by an assemblage of amphibolites, marbles and micaschists showing a metamorphic climax developed under upper amphibolite facies in the Late Jurassic time. The amphibolites display EMORB-, OIB- BABB- and IAT-type signatures. The geochemical signature of the studied basic rocks provide the evidence that all the basic rocks from the tectonic units of IPSZ are derived by a supra-subduction zone. This finding can provide new nsights for the recostruction of the sgeodynamic history of the Intra-Pontide domain

    Pharmacogenomics and analogues of the antitumor agent N6-isopentenyladenosine.

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    N6-isopentenyladenosine (i6A), a member of the cytokinin family of plant hormones, has potent in vitro antitumour activity in dif- ferent types of human epithelial cancer cell lines. Gene expression profile analysis of i6A-treated cells revealed induction of genes (e.g., PPP1R15A, DNAJB9, DDIT3, and HBP1) involved in the negative regulation of cell cycle progression and reportedly up- regulated during cell cycle arrest in stress conditions. Of 6 i6A analogues synthesized, only the 1 with a saturated double bond of the isopentenyl side chain had in vitro antitumour activity, although weaker than that of i6A, suggesting that i6A biological ac- tivity is highly linked to its structure. In vivo analysis of i6A and the active analogue revealed no significant inhibition of cancer cell growth in mice by either reagent. Thus, although i6A may inhibit cell proliferation by regulating the cell cycle, further studies are needed to identify active analogues potentially useful in vivo

    Burial and exhumation history of the Daday Unit (Central Pontides, Turkey): implications for the closure of the Intra-Pontide oceanic basin

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    In northern Turkey, the Intra-Pontide suture zone represents one of the first-order tectonic structures located between the Istanbul-Zonguldak and the Sakarya continental terranes. It consists of an east-west trending assemblage of deformed and variably metamorphosed tectonic units, including sedimentary rocks and ophiolites derived from a NeoTethyan oceanic basin, known as Intra-Pontide oceanic basin. One of these units is represented by the Daday Unit that consists of an assemblage of block-in-matrix derived from a supra-subduction oceanic crust and related deep-sea sedimentary cover of Middle Jurassic age. This setting has been acquired during the Late Jurassic by underplating at 26-38 km of depth associated with blueschist facies metamorphism (D1 phase). The following D2, D3 and D4 phases developed in a time span running from Albian to late Paleocene during the exhumation of the Daday Unit from 26-38 km to uppermost structural levels. The high geothermal gradient detected during the development of the D2 phase seems to be consistent with the exhumation of the Daday Units during a continent-arc collisional setting. The tectonic structures of the Intra-Pontide suture zone, resulting from the previously described tectonic history, are unconformably sealed by the late Paleocene - Eocene deposits. This tectonic setting was intensely reworked by the activity of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, producing the present-day geometrical relationships of the Intra-Pontide suture zone of central Pontides

    Everolimus Nanoformulation in Biological Nanoparticles Increases Drug Responsiveness in Resistant and Low-Responsive Breast Cancer Cell Lines

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    Everolimus (Eve) is an FDA approved drug that inhibits mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). It is employed in breast cancer treatment even if its responsiveness is controversial. In an attempt to increase Eve effectiveness, we have developed a novel Eve nanoformulation exploiting H-ferritin nanocages (HEve) to improve its subcellular delivery. We took advantage of the natural tumor targeting of H-Ferritin, which is mediated by the transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1). Breast cancer cells overexpressing TfR-1 were successfully recognized by H-Ferritin, displaying quick nanocage internalization. HEve has been tested and compared to Eve for in vitro efficacy in sensitive and resistant breast cancer cells. Nanoformulated Eve induced remarkable antiproliferative activity in vitro, making even resistant cell lines sensitive to Eve. Moreover, the antiproliferative activity of HEve is fully in accordance with cytotoxicity observed by cell death assay. Furthermore, the significant increase in anticancer efficacy displayed in HEve-treated samples is due to the improved drug accumulation, as demonstrated by UHPLC-MS/MS quantifications. Our findings suggest that optimizing Eve subcellular delivery, thanks to nanoformulation, determines its improved antitumor activity in a panel of Eve-sensitive or resistant breast cancer cell lines
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