2,678 research outputs found

    The Singing Insects of Michigan

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    Excerpt: The so-called singing insects are all those that make loud, rhythmical noises. They include members of three groups of Orthoptera (Gryllidae, Tettigoniidae, and Acridoidea) and one family of Homoptera (Cicadidae). There are about 300 noisy species in these four groups in eastern North America, perhaps a thousand in all of North America, and 25-30 thousand in the entire world. Only about 1000 of the world species have been studied in any detail, mostly in North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia

    Designing the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle Upper Stage Element and Integrating the Stack at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

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    Fielding an integrated launch vehicle system entails many challenges, not the least of which is the fact that it has been over 30 years since the United States has developed a human-rated vehicle - the venerable Space Shuttle. Over time, whole generations of rocket scientists have passed through the aerospace community without the opportunity to perform such exacting, demanding, and rewarding work. However, with almost 50 years of experience leading the design, development, and end-to-end systems engineering and integration of complex launch vehicles, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center offers the in-house talent - both junior- and senior-level personnel - to shape a new national asset to meet the requirements for safe, reliable, and affordable space exploration solutions.' These personnel are housed primarily in Marshall's Engineering Directorate and are matrixed into the programs and projects that reside at the rocket center. Fortunately, many Apollo era and Shuttle engineers, as well as those who gained valuable hands-on experience in the 1990s by conducting technology demonstrator projects such as the Delta-Clipper Experimental Advanced, X-33, X-34, and X-37, as well as the short-lived Orbital Space Plane, work closely with industry partners to advance the nation's strategic capability for human access to space. Currently, only three spacefaring nations have this distinction, including the United States, Russia, and, more recently, China. The U.S. National Space Policy of2006 directs that NASA provide the means to travel to space, and the NASA Appropriations Act of2005 provided the initial funding to begin in earnest to replace the Shuttle after the International Space Station construction is complete in 20 IO? These and other strategic goals and objectives are documented in NASA's 2006 Strategic Plan.3 In 2005, a team of NASA aerospace experts conducted the Exploration Systems Architecture Study, which recommended a two-vehicle approach to America's next space transportation system for missions to the International Space Station in the next decade and to explore the Moon and establish an outpost around the 2020 timeframe.4 Based on this extensive study, NASA selected the Ares I crew launch vehicle configuration and the heavy-lift Ares V cargo launch vehicle (fig 1). This paper will give an overview of NASA's approach to integrating the Ares I vehicle stack using capabilities and assets that are resident in Marshall's Engineering Directorate, working in partnership with other NASA Centers and the U.S. aerospace industry. It also will provide top-level details on the progress of the in-house design of the Ares I vehicle's upper stage element

    CSOIL 2000 een blootstellingsmodel voor humane risicobeoordeling van bodemverontreiniging. Een modelbeschrijving

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    This RIVM description of the CSOIL 2000 model deals, for the first time, with all aspects of the model. CSOIL 2000 can be used to derive intervention values. Intervention values are calculated for contaminated soil and represent a measure for determining when contaminated soil needs to be remediated. CSOIL 2000 calculates the risks that humans are exposed to if they come into contact with soil contamination. Humans can be exposed to contaminated soil via different exposure routes (soil, air, water and crops). The soil use, such as a vegetable garden, determines the measure of exposure. Physical-chemical properties of the contaminant in soil air, soil particles and groundwater also have an influence on the exposure. CSOIL 2000 also calculates the maximum concentration of a contaminant in the soil at which it is still safe for humans. This maximum concentration influences the level of the intervention value. In soil contamination the intervention value differentiates between lightly and seriously contaminated soils. The urgency of remediation is therefore determined by the level at which soil contamination exceeds the intervention value.Het RIVM heeft een beschrijving opgesteld van het model CSOIL 2000, waarmee de interventiewaarden voor bodemverontreiniging worden berekend. Interventiewaarden geven aan wanneer verontreinigde grond moet worden gesaneerd. In het rapport zijn voor het eerst alle onderdelen van dit model samen beschreven. Met CSOIL worden de risico's voor de mens die aan verontreiniging in de bodem wordt blootgesteld berekend. De mens kan via verschillende blootstellingsroutes (bodem, lucht, water en gewas) aan bodemverontreiniging worden blootgesteld. Het gebruik van de bodem, bijvoorbeeld moestuinen, bepaalt vervolgens de mate van blootstelling. Van invloed zijn ook de fysisch-chemische eigenschappen van de verontreinigingen in de bodemlucht, de bodemdeeltjes en het grondwater. Het model berekent daarnaast de maximale concentratie van een verontreiniging in de bodem die veilig is voor de mens. Deze bodemconcentratie is van invloed op de hoogte van de interventiewaarde. De interventiewaarde voor bodemverontreiniging maakt onderscheid tussen lichte en ernstig verontreinigde bodems. Bij overschrijding van de interventiewaarden wordt bepaald of spoedig saneren noodzakelijk is

    First Detection of the Crab Pulsar above 100 GeV

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    We present the detection of pulsed gamma-ray emission from the Crab pulsar above 100 GeV with the VERITAS array of atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. Gamma-ray emission at theses energies was not expected in pulsar models. The detection of pulsed emission above 100 GeV and the absence of an exponential cutoff makes it unlikely that curvature radiation is the primary production mechanism of gamma rays at these energies.Comment: 5 pages, proceedings of the TAUP 2011 conference in Munich, German

    The organizational dynamics enabling patient portal impacts upon organizational performance and patient health: a qualitative study of Kaiser Permanente.

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    BackgroundPatient portals may lead to enhanced disease management, health plan retention, changes in channel utilization, and lower environmental waste. However, despite growing research on patient portals and their effects, our understanding of the organizational dynamics that explain how effects come about is limited.MethodsThis paper uses qualitative methods to advance our understanding of the organizational dynamics that influence the impact of a patient portal on organizational performance and patient health. The study setting is Kaiser Permanente, the world's largest not-for-profit integrated delivery system, which has been using a portal for over ten years. We interviewed eighteen physician leaders and executives particularly knowledgeable about the portal to learn about how they believe the patient portal works and what organizational factors affect its workings. Our analytical framework centered on two research questions. (1) How does the patient portal impact care delivery to produce the documented effects?; and (2) What are the important organizational factors that influence the patient portal's development?ResultsWe identify five ways in which the patient portal may impact care delivery to produce reported effects. First, the portal's ability to ease access to services improves some patients' satisfaction as well as changes the way patients seek care. Second, the transparency and activation of information enable some patients to better manage their care. Third, care management may also be improved through augmented patient-physician interaction. This augmented interaction may also increase the 'stickiness' of some patients to their providers. Forth, a similar effect may be triggered by a closer connection between Kaiser Permanente and patients, which may reduce the likelihood that patients will switch health plans. Finally, the portal may induce efficiencies in physician workflow and administrative tasks, stimulating certain operational savings and deeper involvement of patients in medical decisions. Moreover, our analysis illuminated seven organizational factors of particular importance to the portal's development--and thereby ability to impact care delivery: alignment with financial incentives, synergy with existing IT infrastructure and operations, physician-led governance, inclusive decision making and knowledge sharing, regional flexibility to implementation, continuous innovation, and emphasis on patient-centered design.ConclusionsThese findings show how organizational dynamics enable the patient portal to affect care delivery by summoning organization-wide support for and use of a portal that meets patient needs
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