1,058 research outputs found

    Environmental adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, and associative learning in insects: the desert locust as a case study

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    The ability to learn and store information should be adapted to the environment in which animals operate to confer a selective advantage. Yet the relationship between learning, memory, and the environment is poorly understood, and further complicated by phenotypic plasticity caused by the very environment in which learning and memory need to operate. Many insect species show polyphenism, an extreme form of phenotypic plasticity, allowing them to occupy distinct environments by producing two or more alternative phenotypes. Yet how the learning and memories capabilities of these alternative phenotypes are adapted to their specific environments remains unknown for most polyphenic insect species. The desert locust can exist as one of two extreme phenotypes or phases, solitarious and gregarious. Recent studies of associative food–odor learning in this locust have shown that aversive but not appetitive learning differs between phases. Furthermore, switching from the solitarious to the gregarious phase (gregarization) prevents locusts acquiring new learned aversions, enabling them to convert an aversive memory formed in the solitarious phase to an appetitive one in the gregarious phase. This conversion provides a neuroecological mechanism that matches key changes in the behavioral environments of the two phases. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the neural mechanisms that generate ecologically relevant behaviors and the interactions between different forms of behavioral plasticity

    The Grizzly, April 4, 2000

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    Future Changes in Store for UC • Phi Beta Kappa Speaker Set to Arrive on April 6th • International Round Table Important for Student Input • Mail Boxes, Etc. the Place for all Your Copying Needs • Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced • Letters to the Editor: Debate Disappointment; Bringing Culture to the Grizzly • Design Versus Darwinism, a New Twist on an Old Debate • Problems With Housing? Maybe it\u27s Something in the Air • Music Review: Jimmy Thackery and the Drivers • Softball Improves to 16-4 • UC Baseball Begins Defense of CC Title • Rocky Start for Ursinus Tennis • UC Lax: Prepared to Take the Challenge • Wrestling with the Books: A Full Pin • CC Honors • UC Tumblers Top Off Season at NCAA Championships • Ursinus Track Tackles Widener • Sports Profile: Matt Wiatrakhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1464/thumbnail.jp

    The Near Earth Object (NEO) Scout Spacecraft: A Low-cost Approach to In-situ Characterization of the NEO Population

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    This paper describes a microsatellite spacecraft with supporting mission profile and architecture, designed to enable preliminary in-situ characterization of a significant number of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) at reasonably low cost. The spacecraft will be referred to as the NEO-Scout. NEO-Scout spacecraft are to be placed in Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO), cis-lunar space, or on earth escape trajectories as secondary payloads on launch vehicles headed for GEO or beyond, and will begin their mission after deployment from the launcher. A distinguishing key feature of the NEO-Scout system is to design the spacecraft and mission timeline so as to enable rendezvous with and landing on the target NEO during NEO close approach (<0.3 AU) to the Earth-Moon system using low-thrust/high-impulse propulsion systems. Mission durations are on the order 100 to 400 days. Mission feasibility and preliminary design analysis are presented, along with detailed trajectory calculations

    Extreme genetic fragility of the HIV-1 capsid

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    Genetic robustness, or fragility, is defined as the ability, or lack thereof, of a biological entity to maintain function in the face of mutations. Viruses that replicate via RNA intermediates exhibit high mutation rates, and robustness should be particularly advantageous to them. The capsid (CA) domain of the HIV-1 Gag protein is under strong pressure to conserve functional roles in viral assembly, maturation, uncoating, and nuclear import. However, CA is also under strong immunological pressure to diversify. Therefore, it would be particularly advantageous for CA to evolve genetic robustness. To measure the genetic robustness of HIV-1 CA, we generated a library of single amino acid substitution mutants, encompassing almost half the residues in CA. Strikingly, we found HIV-1 CA to be the most genetically fragile protein that has been analyzed using such an approach, with 70% of mutations yielding replication-defective viruses. Although CA participates in several steps in HIV-1 replication, analysis of conditionally (temperature sensitive) and constitutively non-viable mutants revealed that the biological basis for its genetic fragility was primarily the need to coordinate the accurate and efficient assembly of mature virions. All mutations that exist in naturally occurring HIV-1 subtype B populations at a frequency &gt;3%, and were also present in the mutant library, had fitness levels that were &gt;40% of WT. However, a substantial fraction of mutations with high fitness did not occur in natural populations, suggesting another form of selection pressure limiting variation in vivo. Additionally, known protective CTL epitopes occurred preferentially in domains of the HIV-1 CA that were even more genetically fragile than HIV-1 CA as a whole. The extreme genetic fragility of HIV-1 CA may be one reason why cell-mediated immune responses to Gag correlate with better prognosis in HIV-1 infection, and suggests that CA is a good target for therapy and vaccination strategies

    Where do stars explode in the ISM? -- The distribution of dense gas around massive stars and supernova remnants in M33

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    Star formation in galaxies is regulated by turbulence, outflows, gas heating and cloud dispersal -- processes which depend sensitively on the properties of the interstellar medium (ISM) into which supernovae (SNe) explode. Unfortunately, direct measurements of ISM environments around SNe remain scarce, as SNe are rare and often distant. Here we demonstrate a new approach: mapping the ISM around the massive stars that are soon to explode. This provides a much larger census of explosion sites than possible with only SNe, and allows comparison with sensitive, high-resolution maps of the atomic and molecular gas from the Jansky VLA and ALMA. In the well-resolved Local Group spiral M33, we specifically observe the environments of red supergiants (RSGs, progenitors of Type II SNe), Wolf-Rayet stars (WRs, tracing stars >>30 M⊙_{\odot}, and possibly future stripped-envelope SNe), and supernova remnants (SNRs, locations where SNe have exploded). We find that massive stars evolve not only in dense, molecular-dominated gas (with younger stars in denser gas), but also a substantial fraction (∼\sim45\% of WRs; higher for RSGs) evolve in lower-density, atomic-gas-dominated, inter-cloud media. We show that these measurements are consistent with expectations from different stellar-age tracer maps, and can be useful for validating SN feedback models in numerical simulations of galaxies. Along with the discovery of a 20-pc diameter molecular gas cavity around a WR, these findings re-emphasize the importance of pre-SN/correlated-SN feedback evacuating the dense gas around massive stars before explosion, and the need for high-resolution (down to pc-scale) surveys of the multi-phase ISM in nearby galaxies.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome! The density distributions will be made publicly available after journal acceptance of manuscript. Please feel free to contact us in the meantime if you would like to use the
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