27 research outputs found

    Indoor Environmental Regulation Hrough Preference and Behaviour of Inhabitants in Houses

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    AbstractRegulating the indoor environment for comfort and energy savings requires appropriate attitude and human behaviour of the house inhabitants. The aim of this study is to identify people's main concerns when building or choosing a home. The research intends to determine how human behaviour regulates the indoor environmental conditions in houses towards achieving comfort and energy savings. A questionnaire survey was conducted through convenient sampling method with approximately 125 respondents. The results indicated the preferences for comfort and inhabitants’ attitude and behaviour in regulating the indoor environment

    The Role of Home Pocket Garden to Achieve Quality of Life during the Pandemic Era

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    Before the pandemic, residents in the Klang Valley tend to prioritize indoor living space to outdoor. This study analyzed the importance of outdoor green space in residential buildings. It consists of two objectives; to identify the type of home pocket gardens used and to evaluate the significant impact of home pocket gardens on the quality of life (QOL) during the pandemic. A survey was conducted using a five-point Likert scale and distributed to three housing communities within the Klang Valley. The finding shows the positive role of the Home Pocket Garden on the Quality of Life during the pandemic. Keywords: Pocket Garden, Quality of Life. eISSN: 2398-4287© 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6i18.307

    The impact of landscape setting and architectural element on the outdoor and indoor microclimate: a case study of Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Sri Damansara

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    Being in the tropical region, Malaysia experience relatively high air temperature and humidity throughout the year. People are trying to avoid the sun. Improper landscape design could contribute further in the increasing outdoor air temperature. This would further affect the indoor microclimate. Nowadays people are turning to the mechanical solution when indoors. Hence, this paper aims to identify the impact of landscape setting and its microclimate, and the architectural dimension on the indoor microclimate of a mosque, by taking the Masjid Al-Mukarramah, Bandar Seri Damansara in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur as a case study. Variables of this study includes environmental data such as relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature and surface temperature for the outdoor microclimate, air temperature and relative humidity for the indoor microclimate; landscape setting that involves ground surface material, vegetation, landscape furniture; as well as the orientation of the mosque. Therefore, this paper deals with the understanding of two components which are the architectural dimension and the landscape setting of the mosque that affects its indoor and outdoor environment. For the indoor, the focus is given to the main prayer hall of the mosque. The data were obtained through site inventories and analysis; and the environmental data collection using several equipment. The result shows that the air temperature differ between the west and east area of the indoor prayer hall following the orientation of the mosque

    Penghayatan Islam dalam masyarakat hari ini: tumpuan khusus di kalangan warga tua di Negeri Melaka / Rosniza Samsudin…[et al.]

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    Kajian ini membincangkan "Kebangkitan Penghayatan Islam Di Dalam Masyarakat Hari Ini" (tumpuan khusus di kalangan warga tua di Melaka). Untuk itu kajian ini telah dibahagikan kepada enam bab. Didalam bab yang pertama diterangkan tentang pengenalan, rasional, objektif, hypotesis, skop penyelidikan, methodologi kajian dan kekangan. Bab kedua pula menerangkan definisi Islam dari segi bahasa dan istilah, definisi Ad-din dari bahasa dan istilah, definisi Agama dari segi bahasa dan istilah, kandungan Islam, ciri-ciri keistimewaan Islam, kenapa manusia kepada Islam dan rumusan bab 2. Bab ketiga menerangkan tentang penghayatan Islam dalam masyarakat hari ini iaitu sejarah kedatangan Islam di Alam Melayu, perbezaan kehidupan masyarakat sebelum dan selepas kebangkitan Islam dan pembangunan penghayatan Islam masa kini. Bab keempat pula mengenai penemuan iaitu profail responden dan penemuan data. Bab kelima seterusnya menerangkan saranan-saranan ke arah membina kecermelangan umat Islam dalam menghayati Islam, keinsafan umat Islam, pembentukan insan berkualiti, penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, mempertingkatkan kemampuan berfikir,kepimpinan Islam berkualiti, ekonomi dan politik. Dan bab yang terakhir pula adalah kesimpulan mengenai temuduga dengan Pegawai Jaim, temuduga dengan Pegawai Zakat, temuduga dengan Pensyarah-pensyarah IPT (Universiti Teknologi Mara Kampus Melaka) dan pertemuan dengan responden (wargatua

    In vitro antiatherothrombotic effects of extracts from Berberis vulgaris L., Teucrium polium L., and Orthosiphon stamineus benth

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    Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. The pathogenesis is mainly due to atherosclerosis, plaque rupture, and platelet thrombus formation. The main risk factors for coronary artery disease include obesity, hypercholesterolemia, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure. As a part of disease management, treatment options using anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs can be applied with addition to lipid-lowering medication. However, medicinal plants comprising antiatherothrombotic effects can be used as options to combat the disease rather than drug therapies with lesser adverse effects. Therefore, the haematological effect of Berberis vulgaris L., Teucrium polium L., and Orthosiphon stamineus Benth extracts was studied using in vitro model to prevent and to treat coronary atherothrombotic disease. The aqueous, methanol, and polysaccharide extracts of B. vulgaris, T. polium, and O. stamineus, respectively, were studied for their anticoagulant and antiplatelet effect on human whole blood. Extracts were subjected to the prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) test for anticoagulant activity. The antiplatelet activity was investigated using an electrical impedance method. B. vulgaris aqueous extract (BVAE), B. vulgaris polysaccharide extract (BVPE), T. polium aqueous extract (TPAE), and T. polium polysaccharide extract (TPPE) significantly prolonged the coagulation time in a concentration-dependent manner (p<0.05). The administration of BVAE demonstrated the most effective antiplatelet activity against platelet aggregation caused by arachidonic acid (AA) and collagen. These antiplatelet activities may correspond to the presence of higher total phenolic compound, which thus inhibit the platelet aggregation activity. In conclusion, these findings provide strong evidence on the antiatherothrombotic effect of BVAE and TPAE

    Passive daylighting design strategies of colonial mosques in Malaysia

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    This study aims to investigate the daylight performance of Colonial Mosques in Malaysia. The first objective of this study is to identify passive daylighting strategies from colonial mosques. The second objective of this study is to evaluate the daylight performance of the colonial mosques. The research methodology consisted of table research, field observation, and daylight analysis simulation of the prayer hall in the Colonial Mosques, using Sefaira daylighting simulation software. The results have shown that the daylight in Colonial Mosques was affected by the building orientation, shading elements, window to wall ratio, and window type. In conclusion, the clerestory window type enhances indoor daylight performance

    Measurement of the acoustical performance of traditional vernacular mosques in Malaysia

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    Mosques are worship places used for activities performed by Muslim e.g. prayer, speech and Quran recitations. All activities in the mosques are important acoustical interests for satisfactory speech intelligibility i.e. verbal communication. Unfortunately, recent architectural styles or restoration works were given very little attention about acoustical considerations. In this research, the acoustical performance of five selected traditional vernacular mosques in Malaysia, built between 1728 - 1830, have been investigated as a preliminary study. The acoustic parameters such as reverberation time (RT), clarity (C50) and speech transmission index (ST!) were measured. Measurement of the influence of the operating facilities in the mosques on their acoustic quality was also carried out. The PC-based measuring system (dBBati32) with sound level meter (OldB Solo Metravib) as analyzer was utilized. Data collected reveals initial findings that the operating facilities in the mosques resulting higher rating of noise criteria which is reducing the performance of speech intelligibility

    Provision of spaces and space quality in housing area towards quality of life: case study of Taman Melati Mastika, Gombak

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    Every successful housing space is fix upon its user satisfaction living in that space itself. The quality of house and the spaces within the unit can be said as the most compelling factors in scaling the user satisfaction in dwelling in the residential area that can lead to a better quality of life. Limitation of space following high land cost that affect the indoor and outdoor spaces needs to be studied as it affects the residents’ satisfaction. Hence, this study concentrates on spaces within a housing area and their quality, as well as the opinion of the residents and their level of satisfaction and space utilization.The focus of the study is on double-storey terraced houses because it is among the most common and dominant form of housing in Malaysia. The techniques employed in collecting data are observation and survey questionnaire with the respondent rate of 25.2%. This study provides an insight on the types of outdoor spaces (front yard-front lane and backyard-back lane) and their elements and utilization, indoor spaces utilization, and quality of housing spaces toward users’ quality of life in Taman Melati Mastika, Kuala Lumpur. The result of this study suggests that the residents are satisfied with the existing spaces within their compound and adjacent to it, and this lead towards the overall satisfaction living in the area. It can also be said that quality spaces and good utilization of housing spaces can lead towards a better quality of life in the terrace housing area

    Housing space quality towards quality of life: a case study of double storey terrace houses

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    The success of every housing area is determined by its user satisfaction level, living there. The quality of the house, its spaces within the unit, housing neighbourhood and green open space can directly influence the quality of life. Limitation of space following high land cost in urban area, evaluation of the housing environment as a whole including the green open space needs to be studied as it affects the residents’ satisfaction level. This study concentrates on spaces within a housing area to evaluate the residents’ level of satisfaction of the Taman Melati Mastika (TMM), Kuala Lumpur and to understand how they perceived their quality of life through the housing environment and the availability of green open space. Thus, this research was carried out through site observation and analysis, and self-administered questionnaire survey. 247 questionnaire surveys were distributed to the residents of TMM and (n=62) responded. When focused on the housing unit, this study provides an insight on the types of outdoor spaces (front yard-front lane and backyard-back lane) and their elements and utilization, and quality of housing spaces toward users’ quality of life in TMM, Kuala Lumpur. On the green open space, the assessment of quality of life is based on three factors that are the safety level of the neighbourhood and park, health issues related to housing environment and park as well as the satisfaction on the housing amenities and park facilities. The result of this study suggests that the residents are satisfied with the existing spaces within their compound and adjacent to it and this lead towards the overall satisfaction living in the area. The quality of space and good utilization of housing areas can lead towards better quality of life in the Terrace housing area is confirmed

    Preliminary study shows novel variant detected in the screening of RET gene in Malaysian patients with Hirschsprung’s disease

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    Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is a disorder associated with congenital absence of ganglion cells in the gastrointestinal tract. Molecular analyses have identified variants in various genes including RET, GDNF, EDN3 and EDNRB that are involved in the development, migration and survival of neural cells. Variants in the receptor tyrosine kinase (RET) are most common and have been identified in 10-20% of sporadic HSCR patients. The objective of this study was to screen for RET gene variants in Malaysian patients with HSCR. Thirty-two patients with HSCR and 30 normal controls were recruited for this study. Mutations were screened using the Polymerase Chain Reaction – Denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (PCR-dHPLC) approach. Mutations identified were then confirmed using Sanger sequencing. We identified one novel rare variant in exon 4 (A268A c807 G>C) in one patient. We also identified the common coding sequence variantsA45A (c135G>A), A432A (c1296A>G), L769L (c2307 T>G) and the G691S in our cohort of patients. In conclusion, our Malaysian patients with HSCR diseases showed the presence of similar RET gene common variants which have been described in other populations. We have also identified a novel variant in exon 4 (A268A)