5 research outputs found

    Oral lichen planus and its relationship with systemic diseases. A review of evidence

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is one of the most common dermatological diseases which are present in the oral cavity. It is a chronic autoimmune, mucocutaneous disease that affects the oral mucosa as well as the skin, genital mucosa and other sites. Review the relevant information to OLP and its relationship with systemic diseases. Searches were carried out in the Medline/PubMed, Lilacs, Bireme, BVS, and SciELO databases by using key-words. After an initial search that provided us with 243 papers, this number was reduced to 78 from the last seven years. One of the first criteria adopted was a selective reading of the abstracts of articles for the elimination of publications that presented less information regarding the subject proposed for this work. All the selected articles were read in their entirety by all of the authors, who came to a consensus about their level of evidence. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) criteria were used as the criteria of methodological validation. Only 9 articles showed an evidence level of 1+, 2+, 3 or 4, as well as a recommendation level of A, B, C or D. Three of them were non-systematic reviews, one was a cohort study and only one was a controlled clinical trial. Three of the studies were case series, with respective sample sizes of 45, 171 and 633 patients. Several factors have been associated with OLP. Patients with OLP are carriers of a disease with systemic implications and may need the care of a multidisciplinary team. The correct diagnosis of any pathology is critical to making effective treatment and minimizes iatrogenic harm. For OLP is no different, taking into account its association with numerous systemic diseases that require special attention from health professionals. Periodic follow-up of all patients with OLP is recommended

    Economic, Health-Care and Teaching-Learning Impact of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) on Dentistry

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    The aim of this chapter is to look more closely at the impact that the crisis generated by the SARS-CoV-2 is having on health, the economy and education in the field of dentistry. The considerations that must be taken into account in dental practice will be presented, as well as the usefulness that the use of teledentistry (TD) could have in times of pandemic, reflecting on the different specialties of dentistry that can benefit from this modality, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that its use can present. Likewise, teaching has been condemned to a lack of presence, having to resort to distance learning, both synchronous and non-synchronous, which can cause needs and deficiencies in undergraduate and postgraduate students. We will analyse the health risks in the dental field and the changes and needs for safe dentistry in times of pandemic. We will also break down the effect of the crisis on the medical-dental sector and the economy, from the point of view of patients and professionals, especially in times of increased restriction and confinement worldwide

    Gu?a r?pidas de consultor?a telef?nica m?dica y de enfermer?a

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    Gu?a de consulta para o persoal m?dico e de enfermar?a que desenvolve o seu traballo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para a atenci?n ?s urxencias e ?s emerxencias sanitarias. Est? estruturada en 12 cap?tulos nos que describen os principais protocolos de actuaci?n para a asistencia ?s patolox?as m?is com?ns atendidas no ?mbito de urxencias extra hospitalarias.Gu?a de consulta para el personal m?dico y de enfermer?a que desarrolla su trabajo en centros de coordinaci?n telef?nica para la atenci?n a las urgencias y a las emergencias sanitarias. Est? estructurada en 12 cap?tulos en los que describen los principales protocolos de actuaci?n para la asistencia a las patolog?as m?s comunes atendidas en el ?mbito de urgencias extra hospitalarias

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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