13 research outputs found

    Situación adidáctica en entornos informáticos sobre sistema de numeración decimal

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    Esta conferencia recoge alguno de los avances del trabajo de grado que se viene adelantando como prerrequisito para optar por el título de Licenciatura en Educación Básica con énfasis en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Valle, donde se propone un diseño, implementación, análisis y evaluación de una secuencia didáctica mediante una serie de actividades en Geogebra, que conducen a la apropiación, por parte del estudiante, del concepto de sistema de numeración decimal. De esta manera propiciar al estudiante una situación de aprendizaje didáctica y darle la oportunidad de construir sus propios conocimientos del concepto referente al sistema de numeración decimal, mediante el análisis, la exploración, y una gestión didáctica. Además, que el estudiante pueda mediante la experimentación con las matemáticas, visualizar conceptos abstractos mediante una constante conexión conceptual con el nuevo concepto asimilado y los conocimientos previos

    PAX4 Enhances Beta-Cell Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Background Human embryonic stem cells (HESC) readily differentiate into an apparently haphazard array of cell types, corresponding to all three germ layers, when their culture conditions are altered, for example by growth in suspension as aggregates known as embryoid bodies (EBs). However, this diversity of differentiation means that the efficiency of producing any one particular cell type is inevitably low. Although pancreatic differentiation has been reported from HESC, practicable applications for the use of β-cells derived from HESC to treat diabetes will only be possible once techniques are developed to promote efficient differentiation along the pancreatic lineages. Methods and Findings Here, we have tested whether the transcription factor, Pax4 can be used to drive the differentiation of HESC to a β-cell fate in vitro. We constitutively over-expressed Pax4 in HESCs by stable transfection, and used Q-PCR analysis, immunocytochemistry, ELISA, Ca2+ microfluorimetry and cell imaging to assess the role of Pax4 in the differentiation and intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis of β-cells developing in embryoid bodies produced from such HESC. Cells expressing key β-cell markers were isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting after staining for high zinc content using the vital dye, Newport Green. Conclusion Constitutive expression of Pax4 in HESC substantially enhances their propensity to form putative β-cells. Our findings provide a novel foundation to study the mechanism of pancreatic β-cells differentiation during early human development and to help evaluate strategies for the generation of purified β-cells for future clinical applications

    Ten new insights in climate science 2022

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    Non-technical summary We summarize what we assess as the past year's most important findings within climate change research: limits to adaptation, vulnerability hotspots, new threats coming from the climate-health nexus, climate (im)mobility and security, sustainable practices for land use and finance, losses and damages, inclusive societal climate decisions and ways to overcome structural barriers to accelerate mitigation and limit global warming to below 2°C. Technical summary We synthesize 10 topics within climate research where there have been significant advances or emerging scientific consensus since January 2021. The selection of these insights was based on input from an international open call with broad disciplinary scope. Findings concern: (1) new aspects of soft and hard limits to adaptation; (2) the emergence of regional vulnerability hotspots from climate impacts and human vulnerability; (3) new threats on the climate-health horizon - some involving plants and animals; (4) climate (im)mobility and the need for anticipatory action; (5) security and climate; (6) sustainable land management as a prerequisite to land-based solutions; (7) sustainable finance practices in the private sector and the need for political guidance; (8) the urgent planetary imperative for addressing losses and damages; (9) inclusive societal choices for climate-resilient development and (10) how to overcome barriers to accelerate mitigation and limit global warming to below 2°C. Social media summary Science has evidence on barriers to mitigation and how to overcome them to avoid limits to adaptation across multiple fields