77 research outputs found

    The model of assessment of schoolchildren and student engagement in physical culture studies

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    The article describes the model of assessment of schoolchildren and student engagement in physical culture studies, which has been employed by the People’s Friendship University of Russia within the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2016. The importance of the engagement assessment for the purpose of physical education system upgrading is explained, and the model components theoretical background is representedВ работе представлена модель оценки вовлеченности обучающихся в занятия по предмету (дисциплине) «Физическая культура», реализованная ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов» в рамках проекта Минобрнауки России в 2016 г. Обоснована актуальность изучения вовлеченности школьников и студентов в обязательные учебные занятия по физической культуре в интересах разработки системных мер по их совершенствованию и приведено теоретическое обоснование компонентов модел

    Dynamics of global and segmental strain as a marker of right ventricular contractility recovery in patients after COVID-19 pneumonia

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    Aim. To study the changes of morphological and functional right ventricular (RV) parameters depending on the severity of coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia over long-term follow-up.Material and methods. A total of 200 patients (men, 51,5%, mean age, 51,4±10,9 years) were examined at 2 control visits (3, 12 months after receiving two negative polymerase chain reaction tests). Patients were divided into following groups: group I (n=94) — lung tissue involvement ≥50% according to inhospital chest computed tomography (chest CT), group II (n=106) — lung tissue involvement˂50% according to chest CT.Results. The groups were comparable in key clinical and functional parameters 3 months after COVID-19 pneumonia. Speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) revealed a significant increase in following global longitudinal strain (LS) parameters: RV free wall endocardial LS (-22,7±3,2% and -24,3±3,8% in group I, p<0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p><0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p><0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014). Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method.>˂0,001; -23,2±3,5% and -24,5±3,4% in group II, p˂0,001), and RV endocardial LS (-21,0±3,1% and -22,5±3,7% in group I, p˂0,001, -21,5±3,2% and -22,6±3,3% in group II, p=0,001 ). Significant increase of segmental endocardial LS was revealed in group I in the basal segments of RV free wall (-26,2±5,1% and -28,1±5,1%, p=0,004) and interventricular septum (IVS) (-16,2 [13,9; 19,5]% and -17,5 [14,6; 21,4]%, p=0,024), IVS middle segment (-20,3±4,1% and -21,5±4,8%, p=0,030), as well as in group II in the apical segments of RV free wall (-21,9±6,7% and -24,4±5,2%, p=0,001) and IVS (-23,7±4,7% and -24,9±4,8%, p=0,014).Conclusion. Recovery of RV function during a 12-month follow-up period in patients with both severe and moderate/mild lung involvement in COVID-19 was detected using the STE method

    Training and methodological support to the process of future teachers' readiness formation to implement the younger generation civic education

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    © The authors. The relevance of this problem study is due to the fact that main disadvantage of many manuals and textbooks in teachers training high schools is the lack of definition and solution of civic education problems, as well as undeveloped effective, methodologically competent, comprehensive system of civil education of the younger generation. In this regard, this article is aimed at the development of training and methodological support to the process of future teachers' readiness formation for the younger generation civil education implementation. A leading approach to this problem study is a systematic approach aimed at interdependence and interdependence ensuring in the development of civil meaningful personal and professional qualities of students. The article presents the structure and content of training and methodological support to the process of future teachers' readiness formation to implement the students' civic education, consisting of a comprehensive curriculum, of special course "Civic education of the younger generation" and diagnostic tools to assess the levels of future teachers' readiness formation for the younger generation civil education implementation. The article can be used in the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers and in education process of teachers training high schools and pedagogical colleges

    Quality management of pedagogical research

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the positioning of education as a public good and meaningful domain of personality. Socio-economic transformations of modern society affect different social institutions, including education, participating in the development of mechanisms for reproduction of social structure, the formation of socially and economically active individual, creating a competitive situation on the market of educational services and serving as a basis of human resources capital. It claims to improve the quality of educational research that has acquired an interdisciplinary character. The testing of the effectiveness of educational researches’ results is carried out during the experimental work. The purpose of the article is to reveal the contents of experience-experimental work as the subject of quality management of pedagogical research. The leading approaches to the study are system approach that allows identifying of the types and functions of the experimental work and to establish relationships among them, and technological approach that allows developing of a program of experimental work. The paper defines the principles, clarifies the types, identifies functions and describes program and theoretical methods of the experimental work. Also it proposes classification of innovations in the educational system. The paper submissions can be useful for managers and teachers of educational institutions; employees of the centers of advanced training and retraining of personnel in the selection and structuring of the content for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff

    Влияние спиртового экстракта большой восковой моли (Galleria mellonella) на внутренние органы мышей

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    The paper highlights the effect of 40% alcohol extract of large bee- moth (Galleria mellonella) on the organs of mice. The researchers used white mice, arranged in groups of 5. The control group consisted of mice that did not receive the extract. The researchers applied the specimen in mice of groups 1, 2 and 3, when the specimen was applied during 21 days dozed 6, 12, 24 ml per 100 ml (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%), respectively. The authors found out that in histological examination of the myocardium in all experimental groups, the structure of the endocardium, myocardium and epicardium corresponded to physiological parameters. The authors observed the tendency to increase the size of renal bodies and a slight increase in urinary space in the kidney tissues of all experimental animals. This may indicate some increase in renal filtration. The authors observed less thickness of the glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex in the animals of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups. Higher thickness of the beam zone was observed only in animals of the 1st experimental group, which could indicate stress effects. This lower index was observed in other experimental groups of mice, which could be caused by depletion of compensatory mechanisms. After applying the extract dozed 0.3 %, the authors found out an increase in the thickness of the adrenal brain zone, while 0.6 and 0.9% dozes led to the decrease of the index. Changes in the liver certify the impact of ethyl alcohol on hepatocytes. The authors observed higher number of dual-core hepatocytes and vacuolazed ones in proportion to higher concentration of the extract in the experimental animals. Studying the spleen, the researchers found an increase in the area of the white pulp and signs of blast transformation in the animals of the 2nd experimental group. Thus, oral application of G. mellonella extract in different dosage provokes histological changes that characterize compensatory reactions, severity of which was determined by specimen doze. The authors didn’t prove specimen toxicity. The specimen dozed 0.3 % has a frank adaptogenic effect on the internal organs of mice.Представлены результаты исследования воздействия препарата 40 %-го спиртового экстракта большой восковой моли (Galleria mellonella) на внутренние органы мышей. В опыте использовали белых мышей, подобранных в группы по 5 голов. Контрольную группу составляли мыши, не получавшие экстракт. Мышам 1, 2 и 3-й групп препарат вводили путем выпаивания в течение 21 дня в дозировке 6, 12, 24 мл на 100 мл (0,3; 0,6 и 0,9 %) соответственно. При гистологическом исследовании миокарда во всех опытных группах структура эндокарда, миокарда и эпикарда соответствовала физиологическим показателям. В тканях почек у животных всех опытных групп наблюдалась тенденция к увеличению размеров почечных телец и незначительному увеличению мочевого пространства, что может свидетельствовать о некотором усилении почечной фильтрации. У животных 2-й и 3-й опытных групп наблюдалось уменьшение толщины клубочковой зоны коры надпочечников. Увеличение толщины пучковой зоны отмечали лишь у животных 1-й опытной группы, что могло свидетельствовать о стрессогенном воздействии. У мышей остальных опытных групп наблюдалось уменьшение данного показателя, что могло быть связано с истощением компенсаторных механизмов. После введения экстракта в дозе 0,3 % наблюдалось увеличение толщины мозговой зоны надпочечников, тогда как дозировка 0,6 и 0,9 % приводила к понижению показателя. Изменения в печени свидетельствовали о воздействии этилового спирта на состояние гепатоцитов. У животных опытных групп увеличивалось число двуядерных и вакуолизированных гепатоцитов пропорционально увеличению концентрации экстракта. При исследовании селезенки увеличение площади белой пульпы и признаки бластной трансформации обнаруживали у животных 2-й опытной группы. Таким образом, пероральное введение экстракта G. mellonella в различной дозировке провоцирует гистологические изменения, характеризующие картину компенсаторных реакций, выраженность которых определялась дозировкой вводимого препарата. Токсичность препарата не доказана. Дозировка экстракта 0,3 % оказывает выраженный адаптогенный эффект на внутренние органы мышей

    The Erotic and the Vulgar: Visual Culture and Organized Labor's Critique of U.S. Hegemony in Occupied Japan

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    This essay engages the colonial legacy of postwar Japan by arguing that the political cartoons produced as part of the postwar Japanese labor movement’s critique of U.S. cultural hegemony illustrate how gendered discourses underpinned, and sometimes undermined, the ideologies formally represented by visual artists and the organizations that funded them. A significant component of organized labor’s propaganda rested on a corpus of visual media that depicted women as icons of Japanese national culture. Japan’s most militant labor unions were propagating anti-imperialist discourses that invoked an engendered/endangered nation that accentuated the importance of union roles for men by subordinating, then eliminating, union roles for women

    Coronary atherosclerosis progression in patients after coronary stenting, depending on a cardiology follow-up strategy

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    Aim. To compare the prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis in patients after coronary stenting (CS) receiving outpatient and remote cardiology follow-up during a one-year study.Material and methods. We enrolled 279 patients aged 61,5±9,5 years with class ≥II stable angina or silent ischemia after CS. Three groups were formed: group 1 (n=96) — outpatient visits before CS, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after CS. Group 2 (n=95) — remote monitoring: patients were followed up by a primary care physician with the involvement of a cardiologist via remote communication (e-mail, telephone, Skype) 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after CS. Group 3 (n=88) were followed up by a primary care physician and contacted with the study coordinator before and 12 months after CS. After 12 months, all patients underwent stress-induced myocardial ischemia testing. In case of a positive or uncertain test result, coronary angiography (CA) was performed.Results. Stress-induced myocardial ischemia 12 months after CS was verified in 58 patients (21%): 19 patients (19,8%) — group 1; 9 patients (9,5%) — group 2; 30 patients (34,1%) — group 3 (p<0,05). Repeat CA was performed in 96 patients (34,4% of the total number of patients). Restenosis was detected in 8 (2,9%) patients, coronary atherosclerosis progression — in 38 (13,6%), combination of restenosis and atherosclerosis progression — in 4 (1,4%) patients. Coronary atherosclerosis progression was significantly more frequent in group 3: 10,4%, 9,5% and 21,6% in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively (p<0,05). The incidence of stent restenosis was comparable: 2,1%, 3,2% and 3,5% in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively.Conclusion. Coronary atherosclerosis progression was the main reason for repeated revascularizations 12 months after the CS. Outpatient and remote cardiology follow-up is associated with a lower incidence of coronary atherosclerosis progression and repeated CA during 12-month follow-up after CS

    Cardiovascular status and echocardiographic changes in survivors of COVID-19 pneumonia three months after hospital discharge

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affects the function of all organs and systems. Today, studying the effect of COVID-19 on cardiovascular system, including on echocardiographic characteristics, is relevant.Aim. To study the prevalence of symptoms, cardiovascular disease and changes in echocardiographic data in persons after documented COVID-19 pneumonia 3 months after discharge from the hospital.Material and methods. The study included 106 patients after documented COVID-19 pneumonia. The patients underwent a comprehensive examination during hospitalization and 3 months±2 weeks after discharge from the hospital. The mean age of participants was 47±16 years (19-84 years); 49% of subjects were women.Results. Three months after hospital discharge, the symptoms persisted in 86% of examined patients. There were significant echocardiographic changes as follows: a decrease in LV end-diastolic, end-systolic and stroke volume (113,8±26,8 ml vs 93,5±29,4 ml; 37,7±13,0 ml vs 31,3±14,2 ml; 77,2±17,8 ml vs 62,2±18,7 ml, respectively, p<0,001 for all). The right ventricular anteroposterior dimension and the pulmonary trunk diameter decreased over time (26,0 [24,0-29,3] mm vs 25,0 [23,0-27,0] mm, p=0,004; 21,7±3,6 mm vs 18,7±2,5 mm, p<0,001), the same as the pulmonary artery systolic pressure, estimated by tricuspid regurgitation gradient (28,0 [25,0-32,25] mm Hg vs 21,5 [17,0-25,0] mm Hg). The right atrial volume (42,0 [37,0-50,0] m><0,001), the same as the pulmonary artery systolic pressure, estimated by tricuspid regurgitation gradient (28,0 [25,0-32,25] mm Hg vs 21,5 [17,0-25,0] mm Hg). The right atrial volume (42,0 [37,0-50,0] ml vs 31,0 [22,0-36,5] ml, p<0,001) a><0,001) and maximum width (36,1±4,6 mm vs 34,5±6,5 mm, p=0,023) decreased, while the right atrial maximum length increased (46,7±6,8 mm vs 48,6±7,1 mm, p=0,021).Conclusion. In survivors of COVID-19 pneumonia three months after hospital discharge, complaints persisted in 86% of cases. Cardiovascular diseases were detected in 52% of participants, including hypertension in 48,1% and coronary artery disease in 15,1%. Compared with in-hospital data, the echocardiographic characteristics improved, which was expressed mainly in a decrease in right heart load

    Echocardiographic characteristics of COVID-19 pneumonia survivors three months after hospital discharge

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that affects almost all organs and systems. The main target is the respiratory system, but cardiovascular involvement is also common. Today, it is relevant to study the effect of complicated COVID-19 course on the patient’s cardiovascular system after hospital discharge — in particular, echocardiographic parameters.Aim. To study the echocardiographic parameters of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia 3 months after discharge from the hospital.Material and methods. The study included 106 patients with documented COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients underwent a comprehensive examination during hospitalization and 3 months ± 2 weeks after hospital discharge. The mean age of participants was 47±16 years (from 19 to 84 years), while 49% were women.Results. Three months after discharge, the average body mass index of the subjects was 28,2±5,7 kg/m2. Obesity was noted in 37,1%, cardiovascular diseases — in 52%. According to echocardiography, the prevalence of right ventricular (RV) dilatation was 2,9%, a decrease in tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) — 9,5%, grade ≥2 tricuspid regurgitation — 1,9%, pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery systolic pressure >36 mm Hg) — 3,8%. The mean value of RV global longitudinal myocardial strain (GLMS RV) and global longitudinal myocardial strain (GLES RV) was 19,6±4,5 and 20,6±4,6, respectively. We found moderate correlations between GLMS RV and blood flow time through the left ventricular outflow tract (OT) (r=-0,436), through the mitral valve (r=-0,390; both p<0,0001) and through the RVOT (r=-0,348; р=0,004), with cardiac index (CI) (r=0,316; p=0,009), as well as between GLES RV and blood flow time through the LVOT (r=-0,411; p<0,0001) and RVOT (r=-0,300; p=0,005), and with CI (r=0,302; p=0,004). At the same time, the correlation of GLES RV with RV fractional area change (FAC) was weak (r=-0,283; p=0,007), while there was no correlation with the TAPSE. In addition, correlation of GLMS RV with these parameters were not defined.Conclusion. Three months after COVID-19 pneumonia, RV strain parameters were shown to have stronger relationships with time characteristics of flows in LVOT and RVOT, as well as with CI, than with such generally accepted characteristics of RV function as FAC and TAPSE

    Lower Bound on the Magnetic Field Strength of a Magnetar from Analysis of SGR Giant Flares

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    Based on the magnetar model, we have studied in detail the processes of neutrino cooling of an electron--positron plasma generating an SGR giant flare and the influence of the magnetar magnetic field on these processes. Electron--positron pair annihilation and synchrotron neutrino emission are shown to make a dominant contribution to the neutrino emissivity of such a plasma. We have calculated the neutrino energy losses from a plasma-filled region at the long tail stage of the SGR 0526--66, SGR 1806--20, and SGR 1900+14 giant flares. This plasma can emit the energy observed in an SGR giant flare only in the presence of a strong magnetic field suppressing its neutrino energy losses. We have obtained a lower bound on the magnetic field strength and showed this value to be higher than the upper limit following from an estimate of the magnetic dipole losses for the magnetars being analyzed in a wide range of magnetar model parameters. Thus, it is problematic to explain the observed energy release at the long tail stage of an SGR giant flare in terms of the magnetar model.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure