429 research outputs found

    The Praetorians: An Analysis of U.S. Border Patrol Checkpoints Following Martinez-Fuerte

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    In the late seventies, the United States Supreme Court held in United States v. Martinez-Fuerte that the United States Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) could constitutionally operate checkpoints within the United States for the purpose of conducting brief, routine questioning in order to verify a person’s citizenship and immigration status. The case was fueled by efforts to curtail the flow of undocumented immigrants into the United States from Mexico. Some of these undocumented immigrants came to the United States because of economic opportunities unavailable in Mexico. But throughout the thirty-eight-year history since the Court’s holding, some argue that CBP routinely ignores, misunderstands, or continuously refuses to acknowledge the fact that the checkpoints were to be solely utilized for immigration inquiries. In addition to preventing undocumented immigrants from entering the United States, checkpoints are utilized in other law enforcement functions, such as seizing illegal drugs and contraband, apprehending human traffickers, and intercepting unregistered firearms. One can hypothesize the endless law enforcement functions that checkpoints could serve outside the immigration context: perhaps apprehending inmates who break out of prison, catching notorious drug lords like “El Chapo” Guzman, or perhaps even preventing terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and ISIS from committing gruesome acts against Americans. Thus, the checkpoints can pursue laudable objectives within the United States. This broader use of the checkpoints, however, “subverts the rationale of Martinez–Fuerte and turns a legitimate administrative search into a massive violation of the Fourth Amendment.” The underlying reasons the checkpoints are scrutinized are twofold. First, the “Martinez–Fuerte [court] approved immigration checkpoints for a very narrow purpose—detecting, and thereby deterring, illegal immigrants.” Second, individuals have become frustrated by the undermining of fundamental constitutional protections that, presumably, apply within the United States. Individuals traveling through the checkpoints consist of US citizens, lawful permanent residents, and foreign travelers. Hispanics primarily take issue with the controversial language from Martinez-Fuerte, where the Court allowed CBP to use “Mexican ancestry” to interrogate, and potentially search, certain individuals. Non-Hispanics likewise take issue with the checkpoints because the procedures have opened the floodgates to harassment and abuse. This Note proposes standards for checkpoint procedures that would strike an equilibrium between implementing effective law enforcement procedures at interior checkpoints and preserving constitutional values within the United States. This Note distinguishes CBP procedures conducted at the international border, which address compelling governmental interests in regulating foreign commerce and preserving national security, from CBP procedures not conducted at the international border that should be scrutinized much more stringently

    Del átomo al bit o de lo físico a lo virtual

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    Es el texto, la palabra escrita, la que llega al receptor bajo múltiples formas con la única finalidad de ser descifrada y comprendida. A lo largo de la Historia (y Prehistoria) no sólo mediante la palabra el hombre ha tratado de escapar de su profunda soledad y ha intentado trascender a sí mismo: imágenes, sonidos y artefactos múltiples que condensan ideas, sensaciones, emociones y todo tipo de pensamientos. El ser humano ha logrado siempre desarrollar las técnicas que le permiten ampliar los caminos de la expresión


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: J. L. PATERSON, David Harvey's Geograph

    Reial Societat de Tennis Pompeia, arquitectura e historia

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    Finalizando la carrera de Ingeniería de la Edificación vimos en la web de la universidad una propuesta hecha por el profesor Benet Meca que consistía en el levantamiento de la sede social y pistas de un club de tenis centenario. En dicho levantamiento deberían constar los planos de proyecto básico y acotados, además de la recopilación de la historia existente del club, como parte de la investigación histórica. En la propuesta se especificaba que era necesario dos personas que dominasen técnicas gráficas de ordenador como: autocad o similares, photoshop o programas parecidos de levantamientos. Como nos pareció interesante decidimos ponernos en contacto con el profesor Benet Meca para hablar sobre la propuesta. La primera reunión fue satisfactoria, ya que el trabajo era exactamente lo que estábamos buscando, mucho trabajo de campo y de despacho con autocad y photoshop. El profesor Benet Meca nos aconsejó que nos acercásemos al club de tenis antes de darle una respuesta, observáramos detenidamente todo el trabajo que había que hacer, hiciéramos un pequeño reportaje fotográfico y una vez estudiado detenidamente le dijéramos si estábamos interesados o no. No hizo falta ver mucho para acabar de convencernos, era exactamente lo que estábamos buscando. Una vez aceptado el proyecto solo quedaba entregar la propuesta y ponerse manos a la obra con el levantamiento de planos. No obstante, antes de empezar con el levantamiento intentamos buscar información gráfica que nos pudiese ayudar en el trabajo, para ello decidimos ir al Archivo Municipal situado en la C/. Bisbe Caçador, 4 de Barcelona, pero en esta primera visita no encontramos ningún plano, así que nos pusimos manos a la obra partiendo desde cero. Poco a poco fuimos entendiendo la composición del edificio y nos dimos cuenta de que se componía por diferentes fases de construcción y que cada una pertenecía a una fecha diferente, gracias a las sucesivas visitas al Archivo Municipal y a la colaboración de los socios y trabajadores del club, en especial, Sr. Antonio Vallecillos Sánchez, actual gerente, pudimos entender las fases a las que éste había estado sometido y entrelazarlas a la historia de la Sociedad

    HUESCAR (Granada). 1:6.600

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    "Visto Bueno" de GarridoManuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor. A plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en verde, azul y carmínOrientado con lisRelieve representado por sombreadoRelación de los principales edificios religiosos, caminos, calles y huertas de la ciudad indicada por clave numéricaIndica cultivos, masas forestales, caminos, acequias, cortijos y accidentes geográficosEn: Proyectos de fortificación del Reyno de Granada en sus avenidas por el de Murcia. N 1

    Evidence of widespread Cretaceous remagnetisation in the Iberian Range and its relation with the rotation of Iberia

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    A palaeomagnetic investigation has been carried out at 13 sites of Jurassic age in the Iberian Range (northern Spain). Two components of remanent magnetisation have been found at each site. A primary high-temperature component shows an average counterclockwise rotation with respect to the north of 33 2º clockwise about a vertical axis corresponding to the absolute rotation of the Iberian plate since the Jurassic. A secondary low-temperature component shows a systematic declination difference of 16 4º with respect to the primary component. This indicates that a rotation of Iberia must have occurred between the two acquisition times. Comparison of the magnetisation directions with previous palaeomagnetic data and with sea-floor spreading data, constrains the age of the remagnetisation between 95 and 125 Ma. The remagnetisation may be associated with the extensional phases in the Iberian Basin in the Early Cretaceous (Barremianearly Albian) or Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian). A principal characteristic of the remagnetisation is its widespread character in the Iberian Range. Ó 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Palaeomagnetic results from Upper Miocene and Pliocene rocks from the Internal Zone of the eastern Betic Cordilleras (southern Spain)

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    Palaeomagnetic and rock-magnetic studies were carried out on samples from thirteen volcanic and nine sedimentary sites of Late Miocene to Pliocene age from the Internal Zone of the eastern Betic Cordilleras. After comparing palaeomagnetic results with the expected Pliocene/Miocene direction, rotated and unrotated areas can be recognized, rotations being clockwise and counter-clockwise. Some rotations are of great magnitude. Unlike deformation in the External Betics, Late Miocene to Present block rotations in the Internal Betic Zone are non-systematic, and related to the movement of faults as local responses to the Late Miocene-Present regional stress field, due to the N140 convergence of Africa and the Iberian Peninsula

    Advancing induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology by assessing genetic instability and immune response

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    [eng] Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) can be made from adult somatic cells by reprogramming them with Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc. IPSC have given rise to a new technology to study and treat human disease (Takahashi et al., 2007). However, before iPSC clinical application, we need to step back and address two main challenges: (i) Genetic stability of iPSC. (ii) Immune response of iPSC-derived cells. To address these key issues, the overall mission of this PhD thesis is to advance iPSC technology by addressing two objectives. First, is to replace c-Myc with Cyclin D1 in the reprogramming cocktail (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc or Cyclin D1) and second, to study the immune response of iPSC-derived cells. The quality of the starting iPSC determines the quality of the differentiated cells to be transplanted for clinical applications. In terms of genetic stability, aberrant cell reprogramming leads to genetic and epigenetic modifications that are the most significant barriers to clinical applications of patient iPSC derivatives (Gore et al., 2011). Such aberrations can result from the cellular stress that accompanies reprogramming or from the reprogramming factors themselves (Lee et al., 2012a). IPSC made with c-Myc are neoplastic in mouse models and have a higher tumorigenic potential than embryonic stem cells, prompting a search for new pluripotency factors that can replace the oncogenic factors Klf4 and c-Myc (Huangfu et al., 2008; Miura et al., 2009; Okita et al., 2007). We chose Cyclin D1 to replace c-Myc because of previous observation it can be used to reprogram cells to iPSC (Edel et al., 2010) and because of its DNA repair function (Chalermrujinanant et al., 2016). In this thesis we adopt a synthetic mRNA method to demonstrate that Cyclin D1 and c-Myc made iPSC have equal pluripotency using standard methods of characterisation. Moreover, no significant changes in copy number variation were found between starting skin cells and iPSC highlighting it is the method of choice for generating high quality iPSC. Further in- depth analysis revealed that Cyclin D1 made iPSC have reduced genetic instability assessed by: (i) reduced DNA double strand breaks (DSB), (ii) higher nuclear amount of the homologous recombination key protein Rad51, (iii) reduced multitelomeric signals (MTS) and (iv) reduced teratoma growth kinetics in vivo, compared to c-Myc made iPSC. Moreover, we demonstrate that Cyclin D1 iPSC derived neural stem cells engraft successfully, survive long term and differentiate into mature neuron cell types with high efficiency, with no evidence of pathology in a spinal cord injury rat model. As we move towards the clinic with iPSC-derived cells for cell transplantation, the immunogenic response is thought to be one of the main advantages of iPSC technology for clinical application, because of its perceived lack of immune rejection of autologous cell therapy. We hypothesize that iPSC derived cells are unlikely to provoke an immune response. Here we have performed an analysis of the innate and adaptive immune response of human skin cells (termed F1) reprogramed to iPSC and then compared to iPSC-derived cells (termed F2) using proteomic and methylome arrays. We found little differences between MHCI expression and function; however, we discovered a short isoform of the Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), essential for viral dsRNA innate immune recognition, which is predominantly upregulated in all iPSC derived cells analysed and not seen in normal endogenous cells. High levels of the TLR3 isoform is associated with unresponsiveness to viral stimulation measured by lack of IL6 secretion in iPSC derived neural stem cells. We propose a new model that TLR3 short isoform competes with the full length wild type isoform destabilizing the essentially required TLR3 dimerization process. These differences could result in supressed inflammatory effects for transplanted human iPSC-derived cells in response to viral or bacterial insult. Further work to determine the in vivo effects is warranted and calls for screening of iPSC lines for TLR3 isoform expression levels before clinical use. In conclusion, this thesis has advanced iPSC technology by defining a new method that is a significant advance with novel insights that has immediate impact on current methods to generate iPSC for clinical application and more accurate disease modelling.[cat] Les cèl·lules mare pluripotents induïdes (iPSC) es poden derivar de cèl·lules somàtiques adultes mitjançant la reprogramació amb Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 i c-Myc. Les iPSC han donat lloc a una nova tecnologia per estudiar i tractar malalties humanes (Takahashi et al., 2007). No obstant, abans de la aplicació clínica de les iPSC, dos problemes principals han de ser adreçats: (i) Estabilitat genètica de les iPSC. (ii) Resposta immune de les cèl·lules derivades de iPSC. Per adreçar aquests dos qüestions cabdals, la missió principal d’aquest doctorat és avançar la tecnologia de les iPSC adreçant dos objectius. El primer, és la substitució de c-Myc per Ciclina D1 al còctel de reprogramació (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc o Ciclina D1) i segon, estudiar la resposta immune de les cèl·lules derivades de iPSC. Hem escollit Ciclina D1 per substituir c-Myc atès a observacions prèvies que pot ser emprat per reprogramar (Edel et al., 2010) i donada la seva funció en reparació de l’ADN (Chalermrujinanant et al., 2016). Les iPSC reprogramades amb Ciclina D1 presenten una pluripotència similar a les reprogramades amb c-Myc, l’anàlisi en profunditat mostra però, que les iPSC reprogramades amb Cyclin D1 tenen una reduïda inestabilitat genètica adreçada per: (i) reducció en ruptures de doble cadena de DNA, (ii) major quantitat nuclear de la proteïna clau en la recombinació homòloga Rad51, (iii) reducció en senyals multitelomèriques (MTS) i (iv) reducció en la cinètica de creixement de teratomas in vivo, en comparació amb iPSC reprogramades amb c-Myc. A més a més, demostrem que les cèl·lules mare neuronals derivades d’aquestes iPSC son capaces de implantar-se exitosament, sobreviure a llarg termini i diferenciar a neurones madures sense evidències de patologia en un model de dany medul·lar. També hem realitzat un anàlisi del sistema immune innat i adaptatiu de cèl·lules humanes de la pell (nomenades F1) reprogramades a iPSC i comparades amb cèl·lules derivades de iPSC (nomenades F2). Hem descobert una isoforma curta del Toll-Like Receptor 3 (TLR3), essencial en el reconeixement de RNA de doble cadena d’origen víric, que està predominantment sobreexpresada en totes les cèl·lules derivades de iPSC analitzades i no trobat en cèl·lules endògenes. Nosaltres proposem un nou model per el qual la isoforma curta del TLR3 competeix amb la isoforma llarga wild type desestabilitzant el procés essencial de dimerització del TLR3

    HUESCAR (Granada). Planos de población (1809). 1:2.000

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    "Visto Bueno" de GarridoManuscrito firmado y rubricado por el autor. A plumilla en tinta negra y coloreado a la acuarela en verde, amarillo, siena y carmínOrientado con flechaNota relativa a las construcciones realizadas para fortificar la ciudadAcompañado de una hoja con el "Corte por la linea A.B.". Escala [ca. 1:250]En: Proyectos de fortificación del Reyno de Granada en sus avenidas por el de Murcia. N 1