33 research outputs found

    What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement

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    The social behavioral perspective is under-researched in the extant literature. This hinders the holistic understanding of social media brand engagement. This study examines the interplay of socio-psychological gratification variables (perceived homophily, perceived critical mass, and self-status seeking) and consumer values (personal, interpersonal, and fun) on consumer participation in social media brand engagement. The conceptual model in this study is situated on the principles of Uses and Gratifications, Critical Mass, Homophily, and Values theories. Based on an online survey of 713 Facebook users, we examine the model using structural equation modeling (with Amos 23.0). The analysis disclosed insights on the interplay of motivational factors that underlie social media brand engagement. Our findings suggest that socio-psychological gratification variables (perceived homophily, perceived critical mass, and self-status seeking) drive consumers’ engagement with brand pages and brand communities on social media. This relationship is strengthened by the consumer values. These insights serve as an important basis for researchers and practitioners to understand social media brand engagement and its outcomes

    Convex Regularization Method for Solving Cauchy Problem of the Helmholtz Equation

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    In this paper, we introduce the Convex Regularization Method (CRM) for regularizing the (instability) solution of the Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data. The CRM makes it possible for the solution of Helmholtz equation to depend continuously on the small perturbations in the Cauchy data. In addition, the numerical computation of the reg- ularized Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data is stable, accurate and gives high rate of convergence of solution in Hilbert space. Undoubtedly, the error estimated analysis associated with CRM is minimal.Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 44B28; 44B30Keywords: Convex Regularization Method, ill-posed Helmholtz equation with Cauchy data, stable solutio

    What drives me there? The interplay of socio-psychological gratification and consumer values in social media brand engagement

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe social behavioral perspective is under-researched in the extant literature. This hinders the holistic understanding of social media brand engagement. This study examines the interplay of socio-psychological gratification variables (perceived homophily, perceived critical mass, and self-status seeking) and consumer values (personal, interpersonal, and fun) on consumer participation in social media brand engagement. The conceptual model in this study is situated on the principles of Uses and Gratifications, Critical Mass, Homophily, and Values theories. Based on an online survey of 713 Facebook users, a structural equation modeling (with Amos 23.0) disclosed insights on the interplay of motivational factors that underlie social media brand engagement. Our findings suggest that socio-psychological gratification variables (perceived homophily, perceived critical mass, and self-status seeking) drive consumers’ engagement with brand pages and brand communities on social media. This relationship is strengthened by the consumer values. These insights serve as an important basis for researchers and practitioners to understand social media brand engagement and its outcomes

    Monoamniotic twin pregnancy discordant for body stalk anomaly: a case report

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    Body stalk anomaly, also known as limb-body syndrome, is a rare and lethal congenital anomaly. It presents a major abdominal wall defect and severe kyphosis with either a rudimentary or absent umbilical cord. We present a case of monoamniotic twin discordant for body stalk anomaly diagnosed at 27 weeks. Ultrasound findings demonstrated a normal Twin A, but Twin B was abnormal with a large ventral wall defect and severe kyphoscoliosis. The pregnancy was managed conservatively and concluded with an emergency caesarean section at 31 weeks on account of preterm labour. The unaffected twin survived with no significant morbidity. This case highlights some of the challenges posed to the obstetrician in managing such a rare anomaly in twin pregnancy

    Agronomic potentials of quality protein maize hybrids developed in Ghana

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    A quality protein maize (QPM) hybrid programme was started in 1991 to develop and promote high and stableyielding QPM hybrids to increase production of nutritionally superior maize varieties in Ghana. Six 3- way QPM hybrids developed from inbred lines originating from germplasm of the International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) were evaluated on research stations and in farmers\' fields in Ghana from 1995 to 1996. In the on-station evaluations, grain yields across 10 sites in both years averaged 6.0 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 and GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa, and 3.60 ton ha-1 for the local maize variety. In farmers\' fields, data from over 50 farm sites in 1995 and 1996 showed mean yields of 4.95 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids, and 4.28 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa compared to 3.59 ton ha-1 for farmers\' varieties. On the average, the hybrids were similar to Obatanpa in days to 50 per cent silking, but were shorter in plant height and ear placement. Consumer preference tests showed that the three hybrids were rated similar to the local variety in popular traditional food preparations such as ‘kenkey\' and ‘tuo zafi\'. In 1997, the National Variety Release Committee approved the release of GH132-28, GH110-5, and GH2328-88 under the local names Dadaba, Mamaba, and CIDA-ba, respectively. These hybrids are recommended for planting in all the major agro-ecologies to boost maize production in Ghana.Les variĂ©tĂ©s de maĂŻs hybride (Zea mays L.) dont les plus sĂ©sirĂ©es que les variĂ©tĂ©s de pollinisation libre Ă  cause de leur uniformtĂ© et leurs potentiels de rendement plus Ă©levĂ©s. Pour augmenter la production de variĂ©tĂ©s de maĂŻs nutritionnellement supĂ©rieures au Ghana, I\'Institut de Recherche de Cultures a mis en place un programme hybrid de maĂŻs protĂ©ique de qualitĂ© (MPQ) en 1991 pour dĂ©velopper et promouvoir des hybrides de MPQ de rendement Ă©levĂ©s et stable. Six hybrids en trois de MPQ dĂ©veloppĂ©s d\'issu de la mĂȘme souch provenant de germeplasmes de CIMMYT (Centre International pour I\'amĂ©lioration de maĂŻs et de blĂ©) Ă©taient Ă©valuĂ©s aux stations de recherches et aux champs d\'agriculteurs au Ghana de 1995 Ă  1996. Dans les Ă©valuations sur place, les rendements de grain Ă  travers 10 sites dans les deux annĂ©es ont atteint la moyenne de 6.0 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 pour \'Obatanpa\' et 3.60 ton ha-1 pour la variĂ©tĂ©s de maĂŻs local. Sur les champs d\'agriculteurs des donnĂ©es de plus que 50 sites de champs en 1995 et 1996 montraient les rendements moyens de 4.95 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids et 4.28 ton ha-1 pour les \'Obatanpa\' comparĂ©es Ă  3.59 ton ha-1 pour les variĂ©tĂ©s d\'agriculteurs. En moyenne, les hybrides Ă©taient semblables Ă  \'Obatanpa\' en jours jusqu Ă  50% d\'apparition de soie maĂŻs Ă©taient plus courtes en taille de plante et en placement d\'Ă©pi. Les essais de prĂ©fĂ©rence de consommateur montraient que les trios hybrides Ă©taient Ă©valuĂ©s semblables Ă  la variĂ©tĂ© locale dans les prĂ©parations de nouriture traditionnelle populaire telle que \'kenkey\' et \'tuo zafi\'. En 1997, le comitĂ© pour la mise en vente de VariĂ©tĂ© Nationale a approuvĂ© la mise en vente de GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88 sous les noms locaux respectifs de Dadaba, Mamaba, et CIDA-ba. Ce hybrides sont recommandĂ©s pour la popultion dans toutes les agroĂ©clogies majeures pour stimuler la production de maĂŻs au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 81-8

    Storage rot of seed yam resulting from speargrass injuries

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    Postharvest rot due to injury is a major contributing factor to the declining quality of stored seed yams ( Dioscorea spp.). Among the several known injuries, the piercing effect of speargrass rhizomes has become a serious constraint for yam production in Ghana. The objective of this study was to assess injuries on seed yams resulting from piercing of speargrass rhizomes and their effects on postharvest rots in Ghana. Eighty farmer fields from Mem, Watro, Asanteboa and Abour in the Atebubu-Amantin Municipal in the Bono East Region of Ghana were screened for speargrass incidence and injury on harvested tubers, for laboratory analysis of pathogens in 2016 and 2017. The tubers were sorted into four categories of seed yam based on weight. Thirty seed yams each of two selected white yam cultivars (Dente and Kpamyo) with visible speargrass rhizome-pierced-tubers (VSRPT) and non-speargrass rhizome pierced healthy tubers (NSRPHT) were randomly selected and stored in a ban for weekly assessment of rot. The rotten tissues from the localised area of VPSRT were subjected to pathological investigations in the laboratory. The incidence of injury seemingly increased with increasing tuber weight. It was 0% for < 100 g samples and averagely 14% for > 1 kg samples, irrespective of cultivars and locations. Incidence of rot from NSRPHT sample was observed 5 weeks after storage (WAS) for both cultivars; and 2 WAS from the VSRPT sample and 40% higher than NSRPHT at 8 WAS. Eight and six known rot pathogens were isolated from the rotten tissues of VSRPT of Dente and Kpamyo, respectively. Injury from the piercing of speargrass rhizome significantly contributed to hastening of tuber rots; while tuber injury increased with increasing speargrass density. Appropriate management of speargrass is essential for commercial seed yam growers to reduce tuber damage which affects yam quality, storage and marketing.La pourriture post-r\ue9colte due \ue0 une d\ue9chirure est un facteur majeur contribuant \ue0 la baisse de la qualit\ue9 des ignames des semences stock\ue9es ( Dioscorea spp.). Parmi les nombreuses d\ue9chirures connues, l\u2019effet per\ue7ant des rhizomes de la gerbe d\u2019herbe est devenu une contrainte s\ue9rieuse pour la production d\u2019igname au Ghana. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer les d\ue9chirures sur les ignames de semence r\ue9sultant du per\ue7age des rhizomes de gerbe d\u2019herbe et leurs effets sur les pourritures post-r\ue9colte au Ghana. Quatre-vingts champs d\u2019agriculteurs de Mem, Watro, Asanteboa et Abour dans la municipalit\ue9 d\u2019Atebubu-Amantin dans la region de l\u2018 Est de Bono au Ghana ont \ue9t\ue9 examin\ue9s pour d\ue9terminer l\u2019incidence et les dommages de la gerbe d\u2019herbe sur les tubercules r\ue9colt\ue9s, pour une analyse en laboratoire des agents pathog\ue8nes en 2016 et 2017. Les tubercules ont \ue9t\ue9 tri\ue9s en quatre cat\ue9gories d\u2019igname de semence en fonction du poids. Trente ignames de semence de chacun des deux cultivars s\ue9lectionn\ue9s d\u2019igname blanche (Dente et Kpamyo) avec des tubercules perc\ue9s de rhizome de gerbe d\u2019herbe (VSRPT) et des tubercules sains perc\ue9s de rhizome non- gerbe d\u2019herbe (NSRPHT) ont \ue9t\ue9 s\ue9lectionn\ue9s au hasard et stock\ue9s dans une interdiction pour une \ue9valuation hebdomadaire de la pourriture . Les tissus pourris de la zone localis\ue9e de VPSRT ont \ue9t\ue9 soumis \ue0 des investigations pathologiques en laboratoire. L\u2019incidence des d\ue9chirures a apparemment augment\ue9 avec l\u2019augmentation du poids des tubercules. Il \ue9tait de 0% pour les \ue9chantillons <100 g et de 14% en moyenne pour les \ue9chantillons > 1 kg, quels que soient les cultivars et les emplacements. L\u2019incidence de pourriture de l\u2019\ue9chantillon NSRPHT a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9e 5 semaines apr\ue8s stockage (WAS) pour les deux cultivars; et 2 WAS de l\u2019\ue9chantillon VSRPT et 40% plus \ue9lev\ue9s que NSRPHT \ue0 8 WAS. Huit et six agents pathog\ue8nes de la pourriture connus ont \ue9t\ue9 isol\ue9s respectivement dans les tissus pourris du VSRPT de Dente et de Kpamyo. Les d\ue9chirures caus\ue9es par le per\ue7age du rhizome de gerbe d\u2019herbe ont consid\ue9rablement contribu\ue9 \ue0 acc\ue9l\ue9rer la pourriture des tubercules; tandis que les dommages aux tubercules augmentaient avec l\u2019augmentation de la densit\ue9 de la gerbe d\u2019herbe. Une gestion appropri\ue9e de la groseille verte est essentielle pour les producteurs commerciaux d\u2019ignames de semence afin de r\ue9duire les dommages aux tubercules qui affectent la qualit\ue9, le stockage et la commercialisation des ignames

    Growth inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer cells by AP-1 blockade using a cJun dominant-negative mutant

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    cJun, a major constituent of AP-1 transcription factor transducing multiple mitogen growth signals, is frequently overexpressed in non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs). The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of AP-1 blockade on the growth of NSCLC cells using a cJun dominant-negative mutant, TAM67. Transiently transfected TAM67 inhibited AP-1 transcriptional activity in NSCLC cell lines, NCI-H1299 (H1299), A549 and NCI-H520 (H520). The colony-forming efficiency of H1299 and A549 was reduced by TAM67, while that of H520 was not. To elucidate the effects of TAM67 on the growth of H1299, we established H1299 clone cells that expressed TAM67 under the control of a doxycycline-inducible promoter. In the H1299 clone cells, the induced TAM67 inhibited anchorage-dependent growth by promoting G1 cell-cycle block, but not by apoptosis. The induced TAM67 decreased the expression of a cell-cycle regulatory protein, cyclin A. TAM67 also inhibited anchorage-independent growth of these cells. Furthermore, TAM67 reduced growth of established xenograft tumours from these cells in nude mice. These results suggest that AP-1 plays an essential role in the growth of at least some of NSCLC cells