56 research outputs found

    Local descriptors for visual SLAM

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    We present a comparison of several local image descriptors in the context of visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). In visual SLAM a set of points in the environment are extracted from images and used as landmarks. The points are represented by local descriptors used to resolve the association between landmarks. In this paper, we study the class separability of several descriptors under changes in viewpoint and scale. Several experiments were carried out using sequences of images in 2D and 3D scenes

    Interest point detectors for visual SLAM

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    In this paper we present several interest points detectors and we analyze their suitability when used as landmark extractors for vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping (vSLAM). For this purpose, we evaluate the detectors according to their repeatability under changes in viewpoint and scale. These are the desired requirements for visual landmarks. Several experiments were carried out using sequence of images captured with high precision. The sequences represent planar objects as well as 3D scenes

    Collective classification for labeling of places and objects in 2D and 3D range data

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    In this paper, we present an algorithm to identify types of places and objects from 2D and 3D laser range data obtained in indoor environments. Our approach is a combination of a collective classification method based on associative Markov networks together with an instance-based feature extraction using nearest neighbor. Additionally, we show how to select the best features needed to represent the objects and places, reducing the time needed for the learning and inference steps while maintaining high classification rates. Experimental results in real data demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in indoor environments

    Furniture models learned from the WWW: using web catalogs to locate and categorize unknown furniture pieces in 3D laser scans

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    In this article, we investigate how autonomous robots can exploit the high quality information already available from the WWW concerning 3-D models of office furniture. Apart from the hobbyist effort in Google 3-D Warehouse, many companies providing office furnishings already have the models for considerable portions of the objects found in our workplaces and homes. In particular, we present an approach that allows a robot to learn generic models of typical office furniture using examples found in the Web. These generic models are then used by the robot to locate and categorize unknown furniture in real indoor environments

    Efficiently learning metric and topological maps with autonomous service robots

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    Models of the environment are needed for a wide range of robotic applications, from search and rescue to automated vacuum cleaning. Learning maps has therefore been a major research focus in the robotics community over the last decades. In general, one distinguishes between metric and topological maps. Metric maps model the environment based on grids or geometric representations whereas topological maps model the structure of the environment using a graph. The contribution of this paper is an approach that learns a metric as well as a topological map based on laser range data obtained with a mobile robot. Our approach consists of two steps. First, the robot solves the simultaneous localization and mapping problem using an efficient probabilistic filtering technique. In a second step, it acquires semantic information about the environment using machine learning techniques. This semantic information allows the robot to distinguish between different types of places like, e. g., corridors or rooms. This enables the robot to construct annotated metric as well as topological maps of the environment. All techniques have been implemented and thoroughly tested using real mobile robot in a variety of environments

    Semantic labeling of places

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, kitchens, offices, or seminar rooms. We believe that such semantic information enables a mobile robot to more efficiently accomplish a variety of tasks such as human-robot interaction, path-planning, or localization. In this paper, we propose an approach to classify places in indoor environments into different categories. Our approach uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from vision and laser range data. Furthermore,we apply a Hidden Markov Model to take spatial dependencies between robot poses into account and to increase the robustness of the classification. Our technique has been implemented and tested on real robots as well as in simulation. Experiments presented in this paper demonstrate that our approach can be utilized to robustly classify places into semantic categories

    Semantic labeling of places using information extracted from laser and vision sensor data

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    Indoor environments can typically be divided into places with different functionalities like corridors, kitchens, offices, or seminar rooms. The ability to learn such semantic categories from sensor data enables a mobile robot to extend the representation of the environment facilitating the interaction withhumans. As an example, natural language terms like corridor or room can be used to communicate the position of the robot in a map in a more intuitive way. In this work, we firrst propose an approach based on supervised learning to classify the pose of a mobile robot into semantic classes. Our method uses AdaBoost to boost simple features extracted from range data and vision into a strong classifier. We present two main applications of this approach. Firstly, we show how our approach can be utilized by a moving robot for an online classification of the poses traversed along its path using a hidden Markov model. Secondly, we introduce an approach to learn topological maps from geometric maps by applying our semantic classification procedure in combination with a probabilistic relaxation procedure. We finally show how to apply associative Markov networks (AMNs) together with AdaBoost for classifying complete geometric maps. Experimental results obtained in simulation and with real robots demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in various indoor environments

    Cumulative object categorization in clutter

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    In this paper we present an approach based on scene- or part-graphs for geometrically categorizing touching and occluded objects. We use additive RGBD feature descriptors and hashing of graph configuration parameters for describing the spatial arrangement of constituent parts. The presented experiments quantify that this method outperforms our earlier part-voting and sliding window classification. We evaluated our approach on cluttered scenes, and by using a 3D dataset containing over 15000 Kinect scans of over 100 objects which were grouped into general geometric categories. Additionally, color, geometric, and combined features were compared for categorization tasks

    Indoor place categorization using co-occurrences of LBPs in gray and depth images from RGB-D sensors

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    Indoor place categorization is an important capability for service robots working and interacting in human environments. This paper presents a new place categorization method which uses information about the spatial correlation between the different image modalities provided by RGB-D sensors. Our approach applies co-occurrence histograms of local binary patterns (LBPs) from gray and depth images that correspond to the same indoor scene. The resulting histograms are used as feature vectors in a supervised classifier. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our method to categorize indoor places using RGB-D cameras

    Categorization of indoor places by combining local binary pattern histograms of range and reflectance data from laser range finders

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    This paper presents an approach to categorize typical places in indoor environments using 3D scans provided by a laser range finder. Examples of such places are offices, laboratories, or kitchens. In our method, we combine the range and reflectance data from the laser scan for the final categorization of places. Range and reflectance images are transformed into histograms of local binary patterns and combined into a single feature vector. This vector is later classified using support vector machines. The results of the presented experiments demonstrate the capability of our technique to categorize indoor places with high accuracy. We also show that the combination of range and reflectance information improves the final categorization results in comparison with a single modality