9 research outputs found

    Measurement of health-related quality by multimorbidity groups in primary health care

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    [EN] Background: Increased life expectancy in Western societies does not necessarily mean better quality of life. To improve resources management, management systems have been set up in health systems to stratify patients according to morbidity, such as Clinical Risk Groups (CRG). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of multimorbidity on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in primary care. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study, based on a representative random sample (n = 306) of adults from a health district (N = 32,667) in east Spain (Valencian Community), was conducted in 2013. Multimorbidity was measured by stratifying the population with the CRG system into nine mean health statuses (MHS). HRQL was assessed by EQ-5D dimensions and the EQ Visual Analogue Scale (EQ VAS). The effect of the CRG system, age and gender on the utility value and VAS was analysed by multiple linear regression. A predictive analysis was run by binary logistic regression with all the sample groups classified according to the CRG system into the five HRQL dimensions by taking the ¿healthy¿ group as a reference. Multivariate logistic regression studied the joint influence of the nine CRG system MHS, age and gender on the five EQ-5D dimensions. Results: Of the 306 subjects, 165 were female (mean age of 53). The most affected dimension was pain/discomfort (53%), followed by anxiety/depression (42%). The EQ-5D utility value and EQ VAS progressively lowered for the MHS with higher morbidity, except for MHS 6, more affected in the five dimensions, save self-care, which exceeded MHS 7 patients who were older, and MHS 8 and 9 patients, whose condition was more serious. The CRG system alone was the variable that best explained health problems in HRQL with 17%, which rose to 21% when associated with female gender. Age explained only 4%. Conclusions: This work demonstrates that the multimorbidity groups obtained by the CRG classification system can be used as an overall indicator of HRQL. These utility values can be employed for health policy decisions based on cost-effectiveness to estimate incremental quality-adjusted life years (QALY) with routinely e-health data. Patients under 65 years with multimorbidity perceived worse HRQL than older patients or disease severity. Knowledge of multimorbidity with a stronger impact can help primary healthcare doctors to pay attention to these population groups.The authors would like to thank the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Sanitat Pública of the Generalitat Valenciana (the Regional Valencian Health Government) for providing the study data. We would also like to thank Helen Warbuton for editing the English.Milá-Perseguer, M.; Guadalajara Olmeda, MN.; Vivas-Consuelo, D.; Usó-Talamantes, R. (2019). 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    Impacto del tratamiento con teriparatida en la calidad de vida de las personas con osteoporosis

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    Background: Lost bone in osteoporotic patients increases the risk of fractures and back pain, and decreases quality of life. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of teriparatide (TPTD) in osteoporotic patients with vertebral pain. Methods: A prospective observational study between April 2006 and February 2014 was done with 77 patients treated with teriparatide in the Pain Unit of Hospital Obispo Polanco of Teruel (Spain). Treatment duration was 18 or 24 months. Pain was assessed by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Health-related quality of life was measured using the European Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQol-5D) in order to obtain the social tariff (ST). Pre and post-treatment values were collected respectively. A descriptive and regression analysis was done. Results: Improvement in pain was observed (80%) and in health-related quality of life (65%). The mean VAS improved (from 5.42 to 3.47 points) and the mean health status value too (from 0.36 to 0.58 points). The regression indicated an improvement of VAS in 0.441 for each initial VAS point, and of ST in 0.0528 points for each 0.1 initial ST point. The probability of VAS reduction in 3 points (OR = 2.021) was greater than in 2 points (OR = 1.695). Conclusions: TPTD reduces pain and improves quality of life of osteoporotic patients. The worse the baseline situation, the more patients' health improved, so it could be used as criteria for therapeutic decisions and health management.Fundamentos: La pérdida ósea en pacientes osteoporóticos, conlleva riesgo de fracturas, dolor óseo vertebral y disminución de la calidad de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de la teriparatida (TPTD) en pacientes osteoporóticos y con dolor vertebral. Métodos: Estudio observacional longitudinal prospectivo, entre abril de 2006 y febrero de 2014, en los 77 pacientes tratados con TPTD en la Unidad del Dolor del Hospital de Teruel. La duración del tratamiento fue de 18 o 24 meses. Se utilizó la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA) para la medición del dolor y el cuestionario europeo de calidad de vida (EuroQol-5D) para obtener la tarifa social (TS), antes y después el tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, de regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: Se observó una mejoría del dolor (80%) y de la calidad de vida (65%). Se mejoró la EVA media (5,42 a 3,47 puntos) y el EuroQol-5D (0,36 a 0,58 puntos). La regresión indicó una mejora de la EVA en 0,441 puntos por cada punto de EVA inicial, y de la TS en 0,0528 puntos por cada 0,1 puntos de TS inicial. La probabilidad de mejorar la EVA en 3 puntos (OR = 2,021), fue mayor que de mejorar 2 puntos (OR = 1,695). Conclusiones: La TPTD en pacientes osteoporóticos reduce el dolor óseo y mejora la calidad de vida. Su efecto es mayor en pacientes con peor estado de salud inicial, pudiendo ser utilizado como criterio para las decisiones terapéuticas y de gestión clínica

    Estudio comparativo de los recursos y servicios en las bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación de la ciudad de Valencia

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una comparación de los recursos disponibles y de los servicios ofrecidos en las bibliotecas dependientes de la Universidad de Valencia (U. V.), de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (U. P. V.) y del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (C. S. I. C.), y localizadas geográficamente en la ciudad de Valencia. Asimismo, se pretende evaluar y comparar estos recursos y servicios en el conjunto de las bibliotecas dependientes de las tres instituciones citadas, mediante el empleo de unos ratio

    Estudio comparativo de los recursos y servicios en las bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación de la ciudad de Valencia

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una comparación de los recursos disponibles y de los servicios ofrecidos en las bibliotecas dependientes de la Universidad de Valencia (UV), de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) y del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), y localizadas geográficamente en la ciudad de Valencia. Asimismo, se pretende evaluar y comparar estos recursos y servicios en el conjunto de las bibliotecas dependientes de las tres instituciones citadas, mediante el empleo de unos ratio

    Bone mineral density and body composition among athletes: Lightweight versus heavyweight sports

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    Objectives: Energy restriction and weight loss techniques are associated with adverse effects on bone mineral density (BMD) whilst participation in sports is known to be beneficial for skeletal health. However, it is not entirely clear the skeletal health status in lightweight sports where participants often use weight management techniques to attain relatively low mass. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the differences in BMD and body composition among athletes engaged in weight restricted and non-weight restricted sports.Published versio