34 research outputs found
Peculiarities of English Language Training for Electrical Engineering Students at Ukrainian Universities
The article deals with the issue of English language training for electrical engineering students at Ukrainian universities. Understanding the importance of studying foreign languages has been confirmed by a number of normative documents. The curricula of seven leading universities of Ukraine training electrical engineering students have been analysed. The recommended time for studying foreign languages and the study load at Ukrainian universities differ significantly. The content analysis of existing English language coursebooks and textbooks for engineers, electricians, electrical and power engineers has been conducted to find out the content of foreign language training. Recommendations for the improvement of teaching English for professional purposes at Ukrainian universities have been proposed
Analysis of experience of digital transformation in education in Germany
The article analyzes the experience of digitalization of higher education institutions in Germany. Based
on the analysis of scientific papers for the last 10 years, it has been found that the issue of digital
transformation in education is important in the German educational discourse. This is indicated by
the analysis of search results in Google Trends, Google Scholar, ERIC, Scopus and Web of Science. The
detailed analysis of papers for the last 5 years has been made. For this, the criteria have been determined
(5-year period of publication, compliance with the field of higher education in Germany, clear indication
of ways to implement digital transformation, significant practical contribution and effectiveness). The
selected papers have been classified into 5 thematic groups. Significant examples of scientific papers
from each thematic group have been analyzed in detail. Based on the analysis, certain ways to improve
the digital transformation of Ukrainian higher education institutions have been proposed
Analysis of the state of the art of modern e-learning in higher education in Germany
E-learning as a part of blended learning and a means for implementing distance
learning, as well as an independent phenomenon of the modern information society, has been
introduced and studied by researchers for several decades. In various countries, the relevance
of e-learning and the use of e-learning tools in higher education have increased during the
coronavirus pandemic. Different countries have their own approach and experience in using
e-learning tools. Therefore, it is advisable to study it both for each country separately and in
comparison. In the course of the research, the analysis of scientific publications on the topic
of e-learning in higher education in Germany over the last 10 years has been made, which has
shown certain changes in the interest in this issue of German scientists. The survey of students
and teachers of the University of Konstanz (Germany) has been conducted regarding the use of
e-learning tools and their attitude to e-learning. Despite the fact that the results of the analysis
of the scientific works of German scientists show a drop in interest in e-learning problems in
Germany and a slight rise during the coronavirus pandemic, the results of the survey indicate
an unequivocal interest in e-learning tools of teachers. In general, it is possible to state the
positive attitude on the part of teachers and uncertainty on the part of students
Realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine
The paper deals with the issue of realities and prospects of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine. Distance learning in Ukraine has been implementing for more than twenty years and distant learning technologies are used at most Ukrainian higher education institutions, but the necessity and feasibility of the introduction and development of remote technology is questionable both to faculty and students. The main purpose of this paper is to synthesize the real state of distance learning in Ukraine and outline its development prospects at higher education institutions of Ukraine. The paper represents the analysis of the survey results of student answers of four classical, pedagogical, maritime and agrotechnological higher education institutions regarding the practical implementation of distance learning in their institutions. The study of the realities of distance learning in the practice of higher education institutions in Ukraine has been conducted among 102 students. The questions concerned student attitude to distance learning, distance learning organisation, advantages and disadvantages of distance learning
Peculiarities of cloud computing use in the process of the first-year students' adaptive potential development
Technologies based on cloud computing is one of the demanded and actively developing areas of the modern
information world. Cloud computing refers to an innovative technology that allows you to combine IT resources
of vari-ous hardware platforms into a single whole and provide the user with access to them via a local
network or the global Internet. Cloud services from vari-ous providers offer users access to their resources via
the Internet via free or shareware cloud applications, the hardware and software requirements of which do not
imply that the user has high-performance and resource-consuming computers. Cloud technologies represent a
new way of organiz-ing the educational process and offers an alternative to traditional methods of organizing
the educational process, creates an opportunity for personal learning, collective teaching, interactive classes,
and the organization of psy-chological support. The scientific article is devoted to the problem of inte-grating
cloud technologies not only in the process of training highly qualified specialists, but also in the formation of
professionally important personality traits. The article describes the experience of introducing cloud technologies
into the process of forming the adaptive potential of students in conditions of social constraints caused by
the covid-19 pandemic
DeeDP: vulnerability detection and patching based on deep learning
We present the DeeDP system for automatic vulnerabilities detection and patch providing. DeeDP allows to detect vulnerabilities in C/C++ source code and generate patch for fixing detected issue. This system uses deep learning methods to organize rules for deciding whether a code fragment is vulnerable. Patch generation processes can be performed based on neural network and rule-based approaches. The system uses the abstract syntax tree (AST) representations of the source code fragments.
We have tested effectiveness of our approach on different open source projects. For example, Microsoft/Terminal (https://github.com/microsoft/Terminal) was analyzed with DeeDP: our system detected security issue and generated patch which was successfully approved and applied by Microsoft maintainers
Аналіз та узагальнення досвіду розвитку систем адаптивного навчання у вищій школі
The article provides a brief analysis and summarization of the existing experience of developing adaptive learning systems in higher education. Existing models of adaptive learning systems, which are necessary for the educational process in higher education, are analyzed. Conclusions are made as for the requirements for the design and modeling of the author’s adaptive system of future specialists’ professional training in a blended learning environment. The main ones are requirements for the approaches to modeling, types of adaptation implemented in the system, ways to ensure individualization and personification in the process of both face-to-face learning and learning with the help of information and communication technologies.У статті надано короткий аналіз та узагальнення існуючого досвіду розробки систем адаптивного навчання у вищій школі. Проаналізовано наявні моделі систем адаптивного навчання, які необхідні для навчального процесу у вищій школі. Зроблено висновки щодо вимог до проектування та моделювання авторської адаптивної системи професійної підготовки майбутніх спеціалістів у змішаному середовищі навчання. Основними з них є вимоги до підходів до моделювання, видів адаптації, що реалізуються в системі, способів забезпечення індивідуалізації та персоніфікації в процесі як очного навчання, так і навчання за допомогою інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій
Specific features of the use of augmented reality technologies in the process of the development of cognitive component of future professionals' mental capacity
Ways of development and modernization of modern higher education are largely determined by the scientific
and technological progress. The article is devoted to the current issue of the augmented reality technology
use in professional education. The paper analyzes foreign and domestic experience of the use of augmented
reality technologies as a means educational, research and project activities implementation. The author also
describes the benefits of the augmented reality technologies use for the curricula design. Taking into account
the reorganization of the educational process due to pandemic isolation, caused by COVID-19, the issue of
the identification of AR technologies impact on the development of cognitive component of future specialists’
mental capacity is becoming extremely relevant especially in the conditions of adaptive and blended learning.
The paper, in a structured way, describes the experience of introducing the augmented reality elements in
the process of developing cognitive component of future professionals’ mental capacity. The ascertaining and
formative stages of the empirical research were carried out during 2020 on the basis of Bogdan Khmelnytsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University. Relevant interdisciplinary research is a logical construct of cooperation
between leading scientists of the Department of Psychology and the Department of Informatics and Cybernetics
of Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University. The structure of the study includes the
main scientific developments in the context of the research work, performed at the expense of the General
Fund of the state budget: "Adaptive system for individualization and personalization of professional training
of future specialists in blended learning". Based on certain psychological and pedagogical determinants of the
AR technologies use for the development of cognitive component of the future specialists’ mental capacity, we
have proposed the implementation of interactive technologies at three levels: competence-oriented, structuralcognitive,
emotional-reflexive, on the example of doing the course "Introduction to Specialty (Psychology)" in
the conditions of distance learning. According to the results of an interdisciplinary research, it was found out
that students gained skills which are necessary for their adaptation to a new intellectual and educational environment.
Due to positive qualitative and quantitative changes in the cognitive structure of personality there
was an increase in the first-year students’ mental capacity in its main components (the level of attention stability
and selectivity, short-term memory span and analytical thinking, leve
Моделювання адаптивної системи індивідуалізації та персоналізації професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців в умовах змішаного навчання
The model of adaptive system of individualization and personalization of future specialists’ professional training in the conditions of blended learning is offered. It includes the contextual, pedagogical and instrumental subsystems. In the system, the adaptability is planned to be implemented through the adaptation of educational materials, monitoring, devices, face-to- face classes; individualization involves the study of students’ individual features, support and assistance of student’s individual syllabus, individualization of the learning process, development of student’s individual features and formation of new characteristics according to student’s educational needs, monitoring of student’s individual progress; personalization involves the organization of the educational environment, including the electronic one.Запропоновано модель адаптивної системи індивідуалізації та персоналізації професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців в умовах змішаного навчання. Вона включає контекстну, педагогічну та інструментальну підсистеми. У системі адаптивність планується реалізувати шляхом адаптації навчальних матеріалів, моніторингу, засобів, очних занять; індивідуалізація передбачає вивчення індивідуальних особливостей студентів, підтримку та сприяння індивідуальному навчальному плану студента, індивідуалізацію процесу навчання, розвиток індивідуальних особливостей студента та формування нових характеристик відповідно до освітніх потреб студента, моніторинг індивідуальної успішності студента; персоналізація передбачає організацію освітнього середовища, у тому числі електронного
Цифрове малювання та живопис у підготовці бакалаврів професійної освіти: досвід змішаного навчання
The aim of the study is to solve the problem of insufficient training of specialists who are able to meet the growing demand for projects in the digital design and computer games industry. In order to achieve the aim of the study the following methods were used: method of analysis, specification and systematization of documents, method of analysis of scientific and methodological works, methods of theoretical research. Based on the analysis of the content of digital drawing and painting, two elective courses "Digital drawing with the basics of composition" and "Digital painting with the basics of color" for Bachelors of Professional Education majoring in "Digital Technologies" were implemented. In order to properly organize the process of blended learning, which was caused by quarantine restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, appropriate tools to be used in the process of studying these courses, were selected. The Moodle distance learning platform and cloud technologies (Google Docs, Google Disk) were used to present theoretical material and set tasks for practical study. For operative communication with students VoIP program Discord was used. To develop students' skills of drawing from nature and high-speed drawing we offered such Internet resources as Line of action Character designs, Bodies in Motion, Human anatomy for artist. Approbation of the developed courses in the institution of higher education in the conditions of blended learning and the results of the survey of students proved the effectiveness of the developed courses and used software.Метою дослідження є вирішення проблеми недостатньої підготовки фахівців, здатних задовольнити зростаючий попит на проекти в індустрії цифрового дизайну та комп’ютерних ігор. Для досягнення мети дослідження були використані такі методи: метод аналізу, уточнення та систематизації документів, метод аналізу науково-методичних робіт, методи теоретичного дослідження. На основі аналізу змісту цифрового малювання та живопису реалізовано два курси за вибором «Цифровий малюнок з основами композиції» та «Цифровий живопис з основами кольору» для бакалаврів професійної освіти за спеціальністю «Цифрові технології». Для належної організації процесу змішаного навчання, викликаного карантинними обмеженнями у зв’язку з пандемією COVID-19, було підібрано відповідні інструменти, які використовуватимуться у процесі вивчення цих курсів. Для подання теоретичного матеріалу та постановки завдань для практичного вивчення використано платформу дистанційного навчання Moodle та хмарні технології (Google Docs, Google Disk). Для оперативного спілкування зі студентами використовувалася VoIP програма Discord. Для розвитку в учнів навичок малювання з натури та швидкісного малювання ми запропонували такі інтернет-ресурси, як Line of action Character designs, Bodies in Motion, Human anatomy for artist. Апробація розроблених курсів у ВНЗ в умовах змішаного навчання та результати анкетування студентів довели ефективність розроблених курсів та використовуваного програмного забезпечення