348 research outputs found

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on four research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant GK-37979X)U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(11-1)-3070

    DM-like anomalies in neutron multiplicity spectra

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.A new experiment collects data, since November 2019, at a depth of 210 m.w.e. in the Callio Lab in the Pyhasalmi mine in Finland. The setup, called NEMESIS (New Emma MEasurementS Including neutronS), incorporates infrastructure from the EMMA experiment with neutron and large-area plastic scintillator detectors. The experiment's primary aim is to combine muon tracking with position-sensitive neutron detection to measure precision yields, multiplicities, and lateral distributions of high-multiplicity neutron events induced by cosmic muons in various materials. The data are relevant for background evaluation of the deep-underground searches for Dark Matter (DM), neutrino-less double beta decay, etc. Preliminary analysis revealed anomalies in muon-suppressed neutron multiplicity spectra collected during a 344-day run (live time) with a 565 kg Pb target. The spectra, otherwise well described by an exponential fit, show three peaks at high multiplicities. Although still at a low statistical significance, these small excesses match the outcome of an earlier measurement. The nature of the anomalies remains unclear, but, in principle, they may be a signature of self-annihilation of a WIMP with a mass close to 13 GeV/c2. With that assumption, the expected cross-section would be around 10-42 cm2 for Spin-Dependent or 10-46 cm2 for Spin Independent interactions. We propose verifying this hypothesis with an upgraded NEMESIS experiment, able to collect an order of magnitude more data than this measurement. Based on the statistical uncertainty, analysis of the event rate indicates that cross-section limits for DM mass range of approximately 3-40 GeV/c2 can be investigated with such a setup.Peer reviewe

    New NEMESIS Results

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    Funding Information: This work has been supported in part by the EU INTERREG for the Baltic Sea programme within the BSUIN project, and by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Grant no. Funding Information: This work has been supported in part by the EU INTERREG for the Baltic Sea programme within the BSUIN project, and by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Grant no. 3988/INTERREG BSR/2018/2). Publisher Copyright: © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons.Preliminary results from a 349-day run (live time) with a 565 kg Pb target and a 166-day background measurement are presented. Three minor anomalies were detected in muon-suppressed neutron multiplicity spectra. The multiplicities of these small excesses match the outcome of an earlier, similar but independent measurement. The nature of the anomalies remains unclear, but, in principle, they may be a signature of self-annihilation of a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) with a mass around 10 GeV/c2. If our interpretation is correct, the expected cross section would be of the order of 10-42 cm2 for Spin Dependent and 10-46 cm2 for Spin Independent interactions. Analysis of the event rate, based on the statistical uncertainty, indicates that cross-section limits for Dark Matter (DM) mass range of approximately 3-40 GeV/c2 can be investigated with an upgraded NEMESIS setup.Peer reviewe

    NEMESIS setup for Indirect Detection of WIMPs

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    We summarize the evidence for DM-like anomalies in neutron multiplicity spectra collected underground with Pb targets by three independent experiments: NEMESIS (at 210 m.w.e.) NMDS (at 583 m.w.e.), and ZEPLIN-II (at 2850 m.w.e.). A new analysis shows small but persistent anomalies at high neutron multiplicities. Adjusted for differences in detection efficiencies, the positions of the anomalies are consistent between the three systems. Also, the intensities match when corrected for the acquisition time and estimated detection efficiency. While the three measurements are inconclusive when analyzed separately, together, they exclude a statistical fluke to better than one in a million. To prove the existence of the anomalies above the 5-sigma discovery threshold, we propose to upgrade the current NEMESIS setup. The upgrade concept and the critical components of the new experiment are described. The upgraded setup would already acquire the needed data sample during the first year of operation. Additional information, vital for the physics interpretation of the analysis, will be obtained with a Cu target.Peer reviewe

    Fiscal and Policy Implications of Selling Pipe Tobacco for Roll-Your-Own Cigarettes in the United States

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    The Federal excise tax was increased for tobacco products on April 1, 2009. While excise tax rates prior to the increase were the same for roll-your-own (RYO) and pipe tobacco, the tax on pipe tobacco was 21.95perpoundlessthanthetaxonRYOtobaccoaftertheincrease.Subsequently,tobaccomanufacturersbeganlabelingloosetobaccoaspipetobaccoandmarketingtheseproductstoRYOconsumersatalowerprice.Retailersrefertotheseproductsas“dualpurpose"or“dualuse"pipetobacco.DataontobaccotaxcollectionscomesfromtheAlcoholandTobaccoTaxandTradeBureau.Joinpointsoftwarewasusedtoidentifychangesinsalestrends.EstimatesweregeneratedfortheamountofpipetobaccosoldforRYOuseandforFederalandstatetaxrevenuelostthroughAugust2011.Approximately45millionpoundsofpipetobaccohasbeensoldforRYOusefromApril2009toAugust2011,loweringstateandFederalrevenuebyover21.95 per pound less than the tax on RYO tobacco after the increase. Subsequently, tobacco manufacturers began labeling loose tobacco as pipe tobacco and marketing these products to RYO consumers at a lower price. Retailers refer to these products as “dual purpose" or “dual use" pipe tobacco.Data on tobacco tax collections comes from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Joinpoint software was used to identify changes in sales trends. Estimates were generated for the amount of pipe tobacco sold for RYO use and for Federal and state tax revenue lost through August 2011.Approximately 45 million pounds of pipe tobacco has been sold for RYO use from April 2009 to August 2011, lowering state and Federal revenue by over 1.3 billion.Marketing pipe tobacco as “dual purpose" and selling it for RYO use provides an opportunity to avoid paying higher cigarette prices. This blunts the public health impact excise tax increases would otherwise have on reducing tobacco use through higher prices. Selling pipe tobacco for RYO use decreases state and Federal revenue and also avoids regulations on flavored tobacco, banned descriptors, prohibitions on shipping, and reporting requirements

    The BSUIN project

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    Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network (BSUIN) is an European Union funded project that extends capabilities of underground laboratories. The aim of the project is to join efforts in making the underground laboratories in the Baltic Sea Region’s more accessible for innovation, business development and science by improving the availability of information about the underground facilities, service offerings, user experience, safety and marketing.The development of standards for the characterization of underground laboratories will allow to compared them with each other. This will help you choose the best places for physical measurements such as neutrino physics or searching for dark matter. The project concerns laboratories where so far no measurements have been made, and even undergrounds where there are no organized laboratories yet.The description of the BSUIN project and the first results of characterization of natural radioactive background in underground laboratories will be presented ˙ The BSUIN Project is funded by Interreg Baltic Sea funding cooperation [2]

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on twenty research projects split into two sections.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG75-06242-A01)U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-2766)U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (Contract E(11-1)-3070
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