56 research outputs found

    Microwave-assisted synthesis and spectroscopic properties of novel pyridine-based fluorescent molecular probes

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    [EN] Fluorescent molecular probes become interesting analytical tools in determination and labeling of chemical compounds and physical properties such as viscosity and polarity. Currently known fluorescent molecular probes can selectively and regardless of the environment detect only few molecules, and applicability in determination of micro- viscosity and micro-polarity are limited to narrow range and specific condition, therefore design and synthesis of novel molecular probes with extended range of operation are highly needed [1]. Traditional synthesis of 2-amino-4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile’s requires two step reaction with long heating time or and toxic solvent. By application of microwave irradiation, reaction time can be firmly shortened with the same or higher efficiency [2]. Derivatives of 2-amino-4,6-diphenyl-pyridine-3-carbonitrile can find application in different fields of science. Depending on the structure of fluorophore, those compounds exhibit high sensitivity to changes in polarity and viscosity of environment, also concentration of specific cations, and pH can be determined by measuring of fluorescence spectrum.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Polish Science (Warsaw, Poland) - Project REINTEGRATION (Contract No. REINTEGRATION/2016-1/4 – “Synthesis and photochemistry/photophysics studies of the intelligent luminescent molecular sensors for selective detection in biochemistry and chemistry”) for financial support of the FPT research. The authors also acknowledge the support of the PROM programme no. PPI/PRO/2018/1/00013/U/001 which is co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/AMPERE2019/AMPERE2019Fiedor, P.; Ortyl, J.; Galek, M. (2019). Microwave-assisted synthesis and spectroscopic properties of novel pyridine-based fluorescent molecular probes. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 394-400. https://doi.org/10.4995/AMPERE2019.2019.9829OCS39440

    Photochemical study of a new bimolecular photoinitiating system for vat photopolymerization 3D printing techniques under visible light

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    In this work, we presented a new bimolecular photoinitiating system based on 2-amino-4,6-diphenylpyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives as visible photosensitizers of diphenyliodonium salt. Real-time FTIR and photo-DSC photopolymerization experiments with a cycloaliphatic epoxide and vinyl monomers showed surprisingly good reactivity of the bimolecular photoinitiating systems under UV-A, as well as under visible light sources. Steady-state photolysis, fluorescence experiments, theoretical calculations of molecular orbitals, and electrochemical analysis demonstrated photo-redox behavior as well as the ability to form initiating species via photo-reduction or photo-oxidation pathways, respectively. Therefore, the 2-amino-4,6-diphenylpyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives were also investigated as a type II free-radical photoinitiator with amine. It was confirmed that the 2-amino-4,6-diphenylpyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives, in combination with different types of additives, e.g., amine as a co-initiator or the presence of onium salt, can act as bimolecular photoinitiating systems for cationic, free-radical, and thiol-ene photopolymerization processes by hydrogen abstraction and/or electron transfer reactions stimulated by either near-UV or visible light irradiation. Finally, the 2-amino-4,6-diphenylpyridine-3-carbonitrile derivatives were selected for 3D printing rapid prototyping experiments. Test objects were successfully printed using purely cationic photosensitive resin, created on a 3D printer with a visible LED light source

    Visible-light amine thioxanthone derivatives as photoredox catalysts for photopolymerization processes

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    Herein, mono- and disubstituted thioxanthones have been synthesized and introduced as photosensitizers of iodonium salt for cationic and free-radical photopolymerization of epoxy and an acrylate monomer, respectively. Photoinitiation activity of these molecules was verified during photopolymerization processes performed upon exposure to visible LEDs of 420, 455, and 470 nm. The kinetics of the photopolymerization processes was followed using FT-IR spectroscopy. Moreover, the developed compounds were proposed as strongly reducing metal-free photoredox catalysts in organocatalyzed atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Thioxanthone derivatives (with alkyl halide) efficiently activate the ATRP of methyl methacrylate using a visible LED as an irradiation source. The formed polymers in the ATRP process were characterized by SEC. Apart from studying the photopolymerization processes with the participation of obtained thioxanthones, absorption, fluorescence, as well as electrochemical properties of thioxanthone derivatives were investigated. Furthermore, the performance of studied compounds in 3D printing applications was also examined. The most important result of this study is the design and possible application of photosensitizers/photocatalysts for photopolymerization processes

    Wybrane aspekty zarządzania organizacjami

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    Ze wstępu: "Prezentowane artykuły są wynikiem badań prowadzonych w Katedrze Zarządzania i Edukacji Prakseołogicznej Krakowskiej Szkoły Wyższej im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego. Autorami są pracownicy Katedry oraz doktoranci i habilitanci, realizujący swe rozprawy na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz na Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie. Po wejściu Polski do struktur Unii Europejskiej polskie firmy muszą sprostać licznym wyzwaniom i pokonać wiele barier, by nadrobić wciąż znaczący dystans, jaki dzieli nas od krajów byłej „piętnastki”. Strategia integracji jest określona z jednej strony przez diagnozę stanu polskiej gospodarki, a z drugiej przez obraz gospodarki Unii Europejskiej. Podstawowymi problemami wymagającymi pilnego rozwiązania, a determinującymi rozwój polskich firm są obecnie: strategia ich działania, wzrost jakości i konkurencyjności produktów i usług, znacząca poprawa wyników ekonomicznych. Sukcesywne rozwiązywanie tych i innych wyzwań wymaga wiedzy, umiejętności, a także innowacyjności, kreatywności i współdziałania wszystkich członków organizacji. Duże znaczenie w tym trudnym procesie zarządzania organizacjami ma motywacja pracowników, których zadowolenie z pracy powinno wiązać się ze wzrostem efektywności ich działania."(...