12 research outputs found

    Una estrategia didáctica que promueve el desarrollo de la competencia matemática comunicar en el contexto cafetero

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    En una investigación que se adelanta con estudiantes de noveno grado de la I. E. Guacacallo del Municipio de Pitalito, se pretende aplicar una estrategia didáctica que apoyada en un modelo teórico a priori, articula el aprendizaje del conocimiento de la función cuadrática en aspectos afectivos y cognitivos para permitir el desarrollo de la competencia matemática comunicar. Teniendo en cuenta la postura sociocultural de competencia, como una propuesta educativa que trasciende el carácter funcional de la matemática y que propende por una formación integral de los estudiantes desde la interacción en el aula, y el uso social de la competencia en aprendizajes situados, dando solución a problemas contextualizados, como en este caso, referente a la producción y comercialización del café

    Una estrategia didáctica que promueve el desarrollo de la competencia matemática comunicar en el contexto cafetero

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    En una investigación que se adelanta con estudiantes de noveno grado de la I. E. Guacacallo del Municipio de Pitalito, se pretende aplicar una estrategia didáctica que apoyada en un modelo teórico a priori, articula el aprendizaje del conocimiento de la función cuadrática en aspectos afectivos y cognitivos para permitir el desarrollo de la competencia matemática comunicar. Teniendo en cuenta la postura sociocultural de competencia, como una propuesta educativa que trasciende el carácter funcional de la matemática y que propende por una formación integral de los estudiantes desde la interacción en el aula, y el uso social de la competencia en aprendizajes situados, dando solución a problemas contextualizados, como en este caso, referente a la producción y comercialización del café

    An empirical analysis of Okun\u27s law in the Philippines using a production function model

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    Arthur Okun\u27s [1962] initial study uncovered the underlying negative relationship between the United States\u27 output and unemployment. Okun\u27s study paved the way for the establishment of one of the most stable macroeconomic relationships known as Okun\u27s Law, which states that a for every one percentage point increase of the unemployment rate above its natural rate, there is a corresponding 3 point percentage decrease in real GNP. Presently, the stability of Okun\u27s coefficient is questioned and several studies have uncovered that the coefficient may vary across time. This study offers an initial insight of the Okun\u27s coefficient in the Philippines. Using quarterly data of unemployment, real GDP, labor hours, labor force and capacity utilization from 1988 - 2000, and employing the Prachowny\u27s [1993] production function model, this study revealed that the negative relationship between output and employment in the Philippines holds true and the Okun\u27s coefficient is 0.28. In particular, for every 1-percentage point increase in the employment rate above its natural rate, there is a corresponding 0.28 percentage point decrease in the Philippines\u27 real GDP. The study also uncovered that factors like the average weekly labor hours, labor force and capacity utilization rates significantly affect the measurement of output. Future researchers may want to verify the coefficient generated in this study by employing other production function models and including other variables that may affect output through unemployment

    Exploring Mentees’ Needs from a Mentoring Program: Towards the Development of a Mentoring Toolkit

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    This study aimed to find out mentees' needs from a mentoring program, mentor characteristics that are considered desirable by mentees, and to develop the mentoring toolkit. It was based on a developmental research design. Through purposive or selective sampling, it involved eight (8) informants. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and mentoring chat records were used to collect data, which was then analyzed using NVivo Software under the guidance of the qualitative content analysis technique. A duly-validated researcher-made instrument was used to evaluate the toolkit's acceptability. Mentees' needs included study abilities, thinking skills, resource management, teaching skills, personal and family concerns, and articulated mentors' desirable characteristics, according to part one (1) of this study. The five (5) components of the toolkit that was developed were listed in the second (2) portion of this study. Targets, Ideas, Plans, and Supplements were the four (4) parts of the toolkit. The toolkit also includes six (6) mentoring blocks, and the physical attributes, objectives, content, usefulness, and self-help aspects of the toolkit were all evaluated outstanding (M = 3.92). Mentoring programs are useful in determining the needs of mentees as well as providing a basis for developing materials that are useful to both mentors and mentees

    Extraction of Novel Bioactive Peptides from Fish Protein Hydrolysates by Enzymatic Reactions

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    Bioactive peptides derived from fish the byproduct protein hydrolysate have wide potential as functional food ingredients. The preparation of bioactive peptides is commonly achieved via enzymatic hydrolysis; this is the most preferred method because it has high specificity, fewer residual organic solvents in the product, and it is usually carried out in mild conditions. The use of various enzymes such as proteases is widely practiced in the industry, yet there are various limitations as it is of high cost and there is a limited availability of food-grade enzymes in the market. Moreover, high-throughput purification and the identification analysis of these peptides are currently being studied to further understand the functionality and characterization of the bioactive peptides. This review mainly focuses on the novel bioactive peptides derived from fish protein hydrolysates from various fish wastes and byproducts. The hydrolysis conditions, source of hydrolysate, and amino acid sequence of these novel peptides are presented, along with their corresponding methods of analysis in purification and identification. The use of various enzymes yields novel peptides with potent bioactivities, such as antiproliferative, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, antiglycemic, antitumor, and antioxidative biological functions. The increasing interest in proteomics in marine and aquatic waste utilization continues due to these products’ bioactivity and sustainability