3,904 research outputs found

    Social Security and Retirement across OECD Countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security and working. These observations suggest that they might be an important factor. I assess quantitatively this hypothesis using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security can indeed account for the differences in employment to population ratio at old age in the OECD. I also evaluate which features of social security are most important in this context and find that generosity and whether it allows collecting social security while working are the most important contributors

    Social security and retirement across OECD countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security while working. These observations suggest that they might be an important contributing factor in accounting for differences in retirement. I assess quantitatively the importance of these features using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security account for 90% of the differences in employment to population ratio at ages 60-64 in the OECD. The differences in the replacement rates and whether the system allows for collecting social security while working are the most important contributing factors to account for the differences in retirement.Social security, retirement, idiosyncratic labor income risk

    Social Security and Retirement across OECD Countries

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    There are large differences in the employment to population ratio relative to the US across OECD countries, and these differences are even larger for the old age (55-69 years). There are also large differences in various features of social security, such as the replacement rate, the entitlement age or whether it is allowed to collect social security and working. These observations suggest that they might be an important factor. I assess quantitatively this hypothesis using a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. I find that the differences in social security can indeed account for the differences in employment to population ratio at old age in the OECD. I also evaluate which features of social security are most important in this context and find that generosity and whether it allows collecting social security while working are the most important contributors.Social security, retirement, idiosyncratic labor income risk

    Cancer immunotherapy as a new treatment option

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    Cancer can coaptate the immune control of the immune system (IS), evade immunity and its destruction. So, could we say openly that immunotherapy is a viable treatment option for patients with advanced cancer? Yes, immunotherapy would give us great advances in the war against cancer. Therefore, the development of a new generation of immune modulators (which have been analyzed in the following article) is necessary. In addition, these will be more effective if we use them in combination, taking advantage of their synergy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Social security and retirement across the OECD

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    Employment to population ratios differ markedly across OECD coun- tries, especially for people over 55. Social security features also differ markedly across the OECD, particularly with respect to replacement rates, entitlement ages and earnings tests. I conjecture that differences in social security features explain many differences in employment to population ratios at older ages. I assess my conjecture quantitatively with a life cycle general equilibrium model of retirement. At ages 60-64 the correlation between my model’s simulations and observed data is .67. Replacement rates and the earnings tests are key features.Social security, retirement, idiosyncratic labor income risk

    Analysis of the Machining Process of Inconel 718 Parts Manufactured by Laser Metal Deposition

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    Laser metal deposition (LMD) is an additive manufacturing process that allows the manufacturing of near-net-shape products. This could mean significant savings in terms of materials and costs in the manufacturing of high-performance components for the aeronautical industry. In this work, an analysis of how the LMD processing of alloy 718 affects the final machining has been carried out. For this purpose, a comparative study has been done by means of the monitoring of the end milling process of a part manufactured by LMD and a rough-milled part from forged material. Differences between process outputs such as chip morphology and cutting forces were studied. Material characteristics such as microstructure, hardness and mechanical properties were also analyzed.This research was funded by European Commission grant number 723440 (PARADDISE project), which is an initiative of the Photonics and Factories of the Future Public Private Partnership, and by the Vice-Counselor of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness of the Basque Government grant number KK-2018/00115 (ADDISEND project) and grant number KK-2019/00004 (PROCODA project)

    Comparing surface-soil moisture from the SMOS mission and the ORCHIDEE land-surface model over the Iberian Peninsula

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    The aim of this study is to compare the surface soil moisture (SSM) retrieved from ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity mission (SMOS) with the output of the ORCHIDEE (ORganising Carbon and Hydrology In Dynamic EcosystEm) land surface model forced with two distinct atmospheric data sets for the period 2010 to 2012. The comparison methodology is first established over the REMEDHUS (Red de Estaciones de MEDición de la Humedad def Suelo) soil moisture measurement network, a 30 by 40. km catchment located in the central part of the Duero basin, then extended to the whole Iberian Peninsula (IP). The temporal correlation between the in-situ, remotely sensed and modelled SSM are satisfactory (r. >. 0.8). The correlation between remotely sensed and modelled SSM also holds when computed over the IP. Still, by using spectral analysis techniques, important disagreements in the effective inertia of the corresponding moisture reservoir are found. This is reflected in the spatial correlation over the IP between SMOS and ORCHIDEE SSM estimates, which is poor (¿. ~. 0.3). A single value decomposition (SVD) analysis of rainfall and SSM shows that the co-varying patterns of these variables are in reasonable agreement between both products. Moreover the first three SVD soil moisture patterns explain over 80% of the SSM variance simulated by the model while the explained fraction is only 52% of the remotely sensed values. These results suggest that the rainfall-driven soil moisture variability may not account for the poor spatial correlation between SMOS and ORCHIDEE products.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Poblamiento prerromano y recintos ciclopeos de La Serena, Badajoz

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es dar a conocer, dentro del marco general del poblamiento prerromano del valle medio del Guadiana, una primera valoración global de los trabajos arqueológicos realizados entre 1986 y 1988 en los recintos ciclópeos de la serena (Badajoz). Dichos asentamientos fueron prospectados en su practica totalidad durante los años 1985 y 1986, con vistas a la elaboración de las cartas arqueológicas de Castuera-Zalamea de la Serena y don Benito. Los primeros resultados de estos trabajos de prospección pusieron enseguida de relieve las peculiaridades de esta comarca respecto al resto de la provincia badajocense, al comprobar la particular concentración en dicho espacio de diversos tipos de construcciones ciclópeas. Sin descartar la posibilidad de que los romanos hubieran construido algunos de estos recintos, la base teórica de nuestro proyecto, inicialmente, contemplaba la posibilidad de un origen prerromano de los mismos en función de los resultados obtenidos, años antes, en yacimientos similares en el sureste de la provincia de Córdoba. A medida que hemos ido avanzando en su estudio, basado hasta ahora en nuevas prospecciones y sondeos estratigráfic

    New polymer catalytic membranes for nitrite reduction: experimental assessment

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    In this work we report the experimental assessment of the performance of a new catalytic hollow fiber reactor with supported Pd catalyst for nitrite removal from polluted waters. The reactor configuration facilitates working at low flowrate and hydrogen concentrations in order to improve the selectivity of the reduction reaction towards nitrogen, thus, inhibiting the formation of ammonia. Pd catalyst was supported on propylene and polyethersulfone hollow fibers following a simple impregnation method; the stability of the supported catalyst was checked along the operation time. Experiments of nitrite reduction were carried out in the range of 0.075-1 bar of H2 partial pressure, 0.3-0.4 bar of CO2 partial pressure, 200-400 mL/min of water flowrate and 20-200 mL/min of gas flowrate with an initial nitrite concentration of 150 mg/L. Under the experimental conditions a selectivity to N2 close to 90% with 80% conversion of nitrites was achieved.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science under the project CTQ2015-66078-R (MINECO, Spain-FEDER 2014–2020) is gratefully acknowledge