1,230 research outputs found

    Rural non-agricultural employment in Colombia from 1990 to 2012

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    En este ensayo, se pretende establecer cuál ha sido la participación del empleo rural no agrícola en Colombia dentro del conjunto del empleo rural en el período 1990 a 2012. La expresión “empleo rural no agrícola (ERNA)” se utilizará para referirnos a la ocupación principal en actividades no agrícolas de residentes en zonas rurales, entendiéndose por ERNA el empleo directo generado en los subsectores: ganadería, pesca, caza, porcicultura, avicultura, comercio, manufactura, servicios financieros, minas y canteras, comunicaciones y servicios personales. El presente documento fue elaborado a partir del análisis de información obtenida a través de fuentes secundarias y corresponde a un estudio de tipo retrospectivo y horizontal con enfoque cuantitativo.This essay seeks to establish what has been the participation of rural nonfarm employment in Colombia within the set of rural employment in the period 1990-2012. The term " rural nonfarm employment ( ERNA ) " is used to refer to the main occupation of residents farm activities in rural areas , meaning ERNA direct employment generated in the sub-sectors : farming, fishing , hunting , pig , poultry , trade, manufacturing , financial services, mining and quarrying , communications and personal services. This document was developed through the analysis of information obtained through secondary sources and corresponds to a retrospective study and quantitative approach horizontal.Pregrad

    Performance of Pre and Post-Partum Weather Stressed Cows Supplemented with Yeast Culture

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    Livestock have been fed yeast as a feed supplement for more than 100 years Stone, C. 00). Yeast is a microscopic, single cell fungi of the plant kingdom. Of the 50,000 species of fungi, only 60 different genera of yeast representing about 500 different species exist. A few of these are used commercially in the animal feed industry as active dry yeast or yeast culture (Kreger, van Rij, 1984). Yeast culture consists of live yeast cells, plus the medium on which yeast is grown. Yeast products are commonly fed as pro-biotics, but little is known about their effects. Some studies have reported that yeast products increased milk yield and milk fat percentage; however, other studies found that yeast products had no effect on any of these factors (Middelveld. H 1998). A three phase trial, starting August 2003 and ending February 2005, was conducted at the Western Kentucky University Agricultural Research and Education Complex (Dairy facilities), in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Trial 1 evaluated the affect of dietary yeast, (WY) a, fed to cows in early lactation during heat stress conditions. Trial 2 evaluated the effect of dietary yeast WY fed to pre and post-partum cows during weather stress conditions. Trial 3 evaluated milk yield of cows fed post-partum cows 2 different types of yeast, (CC5)b or (YS)C, versus a no yeast control group (CG)d, during weather stress conditions to post-partum cows. Cows in trials 1 and 2 were fed a total mixed ration (TMRs) consisting of corn silage, alfalfa hay and haylage, grain mix, whole cottonseed and controlled access to alfalfa pasture; while the third trial cows received a TMR of corn silage, alfalfa hay, whole cottonseed and grain mix. In all trials, milk weights were captured and recorded at each milking using electronic weigh meters, which download into a computer. Seven day average milk weights were used for the analysis in all the trials. Data were analyzed using SPSS 13 and Microsoft Excel XP 2006, standard statistical analysis software. In trial one milk yield and energy corrected milk (ECM)were statistically higher (p\u3c0.05) in the Holstein WY group. The limited Jersey sample size did not provide adequate statistical data for analysis. In the second trial, milk yield and ECM were statistically higher in the Jerseys in trial WY versus the Jerseys in the CG group. There was no significant statistical difference in Holsteins treated WY versus the Holsteins in the CG group. In the third trial, ECM was statistically significant at (p= 0.05) in the CC5 groups versus the CG group. The CC5 group differed from YS group at the (p= 0.05) level in the Holstein groups as well as in the Jersey groups. The statistical difference in ECM may be due to the different composition of the yeast used in the diet plus the stress caused by environment. The CC5 group and YS groups were statistically higher in average milk yield (p=0.05) han the CG group. A positive response on milk yield appears to be found in those groups feed yeast. Based on these completed trials, the usage of yeast has a moderate impact on milk production as well as milk composition. These heat and transition trials suggest positive economical returns based on ECM from the usage of yeast

    Modelo predictivo de los niveles de sedentarismo en población de 18 a 60 años de la ciudad de Popayán

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    El desarrollo de la presente investigación permite realizar un aporte a lo planteado en el objetivo No.6 del Plan Nacional de Salud Pública Nacional (2007 - 2010) el cual plantea disminuir las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y las discapacidades, con esta información se podrán tomar decisiones oportunas sobre la salud pública y realizar priorización de los programas y proyectos para el fomento de la actividad física encaminadas al logro final de la calidad de vida de la población. En este sentido esta investigación parte de la concepción de salud que asume la posibilidad de modificar los condicionantes o determinantes de la salud, con el fin de mitigar su impacto en la salud individual y colectiva.The development of this research allows a contribution to be made to what is stated in objective No. 6 of the National Plan of National Public Health (2007 - 2010) which proposes to reduce chronic non-communicable diseases and disabilities, with this information it will be possible to take timely decisions on public health and prioritize programs and projects to promote physical activity aimed at the final achievement of the quality of life of the population. In this sense, this research starts from the conception of health that assumes the possibility of modifying the conditioning factors or determinants of health, in order to mitigate its impact on individual and collective health

    Efecto Hipolipemiante del Extracto de las Hojas de Frutipan (Artocarpus altilis), en Ratas (Rattus novergicus) con Hiperlipidemia Inducida

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    Comprobar el efecto hipolipemiante de las hojas de Frutipan (Artocarpus Altilis), en ratas (Rattus Novergicus), con hiperlipidemia inducida. Se realizó en el Bioterio de la ESPOCH. Se estudió in vivo en 18 rata Wistar, conformándose 6 grupos de 3 animales cada uno: T1 [0,13 mL de extracto de hojas de Frutipan (1,22 mg ß-sitosterol/Kg)], T2 [0,29 mL de extracto de hojas de Frutipan (2,49 mg ß-sitosterol/Kg)], T3 [0,62 mL de extracto de hojas de Frutipan (4,87 mg ß-sitosterol/Kg)], B [Blanco], C+ [Control Positivo], C- [Control negativo]. La hiperlipemia se consiguió mediante dieta hipergrasa elevando lípidos séricos, obteniéndose en 3 semanas niveles necesarios de inducción. Se continuó con el tratamiento de la patología utilizando extracto de hojas de Frutipan (Artocarpus altilis) y empleo de Atorvastatina como control positivo durante 7 días, realizando determinaciones periódicas de niveles de colesterol total y triglicéridos mediante bioreflectometría. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron estadísticamente mediante ANOVA un factor con datos agrupados y pruebas de Tuckey HSD (Honestly Significant Difference) a un intervalo de confianza del 95. El tratamiento T(3) es el más eficaz, ya que existe una reducción de concentración plasmática de Colesterol total de 98,33 mg/dL y Triglicéridos de 43 mg/dL; respecto al grupo Control Positivo con una reducción de 131 la concentración plasmática de Colesterol total de 121,67 mg/dL y Triglicéridos de 50 mg/dL. Se atribuye actividad hipolipemiante a las hojas de Frutipan (Artocarpus altilis. Recomiendándose continuar con estudios para determinar otras actividades biológicas como antiasmático, antidiarreico, entre otras

    Recuperación de la memoria histórica del barrio Minuto de Dios

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    En el barrio Minuto de Dios el padre Rafael García Herreros creó una comunidad con sus propias manos y desde cero, todo con el esfuerzo para conseguir apoyo de personas de buen corazón que empezarían con una gran labor que con el tiempo se convirtió en una gran obra social que involucró personas que realmente necesitaban de una vivienda. Muchas de esas personas siguen viviendo en el barrio y fueron participes de toda la ideología que hacía parte del barrio, esto incluye actividades que beneficiaban al barrio y a sus habitantes. Con el paso del tiempo, la llegada de nuevos habitantes y la muerte del padre Rafael García Herreros, esas costumbres y actividades se fueron perdiendo, éste proyecto pretende rescatar algunas de esas costumbres que beneficiaban al barrio y cada uno de sus habitantes. No existe un documento que tenga información sobre todas las costumbres y actividades que fueron implantadas por el padre Rafael y que dieron al barrio una identidad que su comunidad acogió fuertemente y que aún sigue vigente pero no con la misma fuerza de hace unos años. Es así como este proyecto pretende por medio de las redes sociales reafirmar en los habitantes del barrio Minuto de Dios esa identidad que se ha venido perdiendo poco a poco y que identificaba la obra y legado que el padre Rafael dejó para su comunidad. La web y las redes sociales son una herramienta, que bien utilizadas sirven para reforzar la recolección de información que puede dar testimonio de la historia del barrio y también para hacer un paralelo fotográfico del antes y el ahora de diferentes partes que han venido cambiando con el pasar de los años

    Plataforma web club del teléfono rojo

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    La Plataforma web Club del Teléfono Rojo es una aplicación web desarrollada con el fin de automatizar los procesos manuales de los que dependía el desempeño del programa de lealtad de Virtual Communications LLC. De esta manera, se logra suplir la intervención de personal de distintas áreas para el control de referidos, premios y puntos. Esta mejora permite a la compañía enfocar los esfuerzos en otros temas que requieren la capacidad productiva de la empresa. El código fuente de la aplicación fue escrito en PHP, sus bases de datos están bajo el motor de BD MySQL, el lenguaje HTML y CSS ayudaron a definir el estilo gráfico de la aplicación siguiendo los lineamientos de imagen de la empresa

    Efeitos da paisagem urbana sobre a diversidade filogenética de hesperiidae (lepidoptera) em Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil

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    Orientadora : Prof. Dr. Olaf Hermann Hendrik MielkeCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Eduardo Carneiro do SantosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Entomologia). Defesa: Curitiba, 22/06/2017Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : EntomologiaResumo: A urbanização é um dos causadores de fragmentação dos ecossistemas, desencadeando um efeito negativo sobre a biodiversidade, reduzindo a área total de ambientes naturais e isolando-os entremeio a uma matriz de habitats diferente da original. Estes efeitos têm sido avaliados usando diferentes parâmetros da diversidade, mas são poucos os trabalhos que os consideram em uma perspectiva filogenética. Desta forma o objetivo principal do trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da fragmentação sobre a diversidade filogenética das borboletas da família Hesperiidae, utilizando o mosaico urbano da cidade de Curitiba como modelo. Foram realizadas coletas com rede entomológica em oito fragmentos urbanos entre os meses de setembro de 2015 a abril de 2016 totalizando 56 horas/rede por fragmento. Um índice taxonômico e cinco índices filogenéticos foram estimados para fazer comparações de diversidade alfa e beta entre os fragmentos amostrados. Por último, as métricas de beta-diversidade foram ordenadas com MDS para então ser correlacionadas com variáveis da paisagem urbana em três escalas diferentes (buffers de 250, 500 e 750m). Coletou-se um total de 1449 indivíduos de 103 espécies, cuja cobertura amostral taxonômica e filogenética variou entre 83% e 93.8%. Embora tenham diferido na abundância, a riqueza de espécies não diferiu entre os fragmentos. Os demais índices, no entanto, não apresentaram uniformidade nos resultados obtidos. A maioria dos fragmentos apresentou uma estrutura filogenética aleatória, embora um agrupamento filogenético tenha sido significativo em três fragmentos (MPD) e a sobredispersão filogenética foi significativa em apenas um deles (MNTD). Três variáveis da paisagem se mostraram correlacionadas com a diversidade: área do fragmento, área pavimentada e conectividade, em geral quando representadas pelas escalas menores (250 e 500m) e por índices que representam a estrutura filogenética das assembleias. Estes fragmentos urbanos compreendem aproximadamente 46% das espécies de Hesperiidae registradas para o município, abrigando portanto, uma importante fração da fauna do município. Estes resultados sugerem que os fragmentos urbanos podem abrigar uma alta diversidade, embora as influências locais da paisagem afetem a estruturação filogenética de seus organismos. Fatores como o tamanho do fragmento, a conectividade e a urbanização estão correlacionados com características evolutivas presentes na diversidade de assembleias de Hesperiidae, modificando não apenas a presença ou ausência de espécies, mas de linhagens evolutivas como um todo. Compreender como os fatores evolutivos e ecológicos interagem para influenciar os padrões atuais de diversidade resulta de grande importância para dilucidar processos causados pela fragmentação urbana. Palavras-chaves: fragmentação urbana, filogenia, escalas da paisagem, hesperídios, urbanização.Abstract: Urbanization is one of the major causes of ecosystem fragmentation, triggering a negative effect on biodiversity, leading to a reduction of the total area of natural environments and isolating them into a different habitat matrix respect to the original one. The effects of these modifications have been evaluated by different parameters of diversity, but the studies that make an approach on an phylogenetic perspective are few. Considering this, the main objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of habitat fragmentation on the phylogenetic diversity of the butterflies of the family Hesperiidae, using as a model an urban mosaic of the city of Curitiba. Collections with entomological network were carried out in eight urban fragments between September 2015 and April 2016, with a total effort of 56 hours/network per fragment. For comparisons of alpha and beta diversity among the fragments sampled, was used taxonomic and phylogenetic indexes. Finally, the beta-diversity metrics were ordered with MDS and then correlated with urban landscape variables in three different scales (buffers of 250, 500 and 750m). A total of 1449 individuals were collected from 103 species, whose taxonomic and phylogenetic sample coverage ranged from 83% to 93.8%. Although they differed in abundance, the richness of species did not differ among the urban fragments. The other indexes did not show uniformity in the results obtained. Most of the fragments presented a random phylogenetic structure, although a phylogenetic clustering was significant in three fragments (MPD) and phylogenetic over dispersion was significant in only one (MNTD). Three variables of the landscape were correlated with diversity: fragment area, paved area and connectivity, generally when represented by the smaller scales (250 and 500m) and by indexes that represent the phylogenetic structure of the assemblages. These urban fragments comprise approximately 46% of the Hesperiidae species of the municipality, sheltering, therefore, an important fraction of the fauna of the municipality. These results suggest that urban fragments may possess a higher diversity, although local landscape influences affect the phylogenetic structuring of their organisms. Factors such as fragment size, connectivity, and urbanization are correlated with evolutionary features present in the diversity of Hesperiidae assemblages, modifying not only the presence or absence of species but also the evolutionary lineages as a whole. Understanding how an evolutionary and ecological factor interacts and their influence on current patterns of diversity is of great importance in elucidating processes that are products of urban fragmentation. Keywords: urban fragmentation, phylogeny, landscape scales, skipper, urbanization

    Diplomado de profundizacion cisco prueba de habilidades practicas ccnp

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    Diferentes compañías a nivel mundial hoy en día emplean la tecnología de VRF tanto para segmentar como enrutar el tráfico, los servicios, datos, voz y hasta el tráfico de video de varios usuarios proporcionando la separación del tráfico de estos usuarios sobre un mismo enrutador. Es por esto por lo que se realizara la creación, interconexión, configuración tanto de dispositivos como de interfaces y el direccionamiento de diferentes dispositivos de una topología de red planteada como parte la prueba de habilidades practica; por medio de una serie de pasos que están divididos en 4 partes con base en algunas tecnologías de red (VRF, Trunking, EtherChannel, etc.) con el objetivo de que los usuarios generales y los usuarios especiales tengan accesibilidad de un extremo a otro, teniendo presente que estos dos grupos no deben poder establecer comunicación entre sí. Allí también se consignarán los códigos de configuración para cada dispositivo con la finalidad de detallar y comprender cual proceso se realiza con cada comando ejecutado. La metodología empleada es básicamente una metodología basada en laboratorios remotos o aplicaciones de simulación que para este caso se denomina GNS3 enlazada con una máquina virtual administrada a través de Oracle VirtualBox. Al finalizar el documento se encontrará con diferentes imágenes basadas en las pruebas de conectividad que se realizó entro los dispositivos teniendo en cuenta los lineamientos establecidos para la prueba de habilidades asimismo se podrá hallar los resultados de esas pruebas de conectividad como también la satisfacción de haber obtenido el objetivo propuesto.Different companies worldwide today employ VRF technology to segment and route traffic, services, data, voice and even video traffic from multiple users providing the separation of the traffic of these users on the same router. It is for this reason that the creation, interconnection, configuration of devices and interfaces and the addressing of different devices of a network topology raised as part of the practical skills test; through a series of steps that are divided into 4 parts based on some network technologies (VRF, Trunking, EtherChannel, etc.) with the aim that general users and special users have accessibility from one end to another, bearing in mind that these two groups should not be able to establish communication with each other will be performed. The configuration codes for each device will also be recorded there to detail and understand which process is conducted with each command executed. The methodology used is basically a methodology based on remote laboratories or simulation applications that in this case is called GNS3 linked to a virtual machine managed through Oracle VirtualBox. At the end of the document, you will find different images based on the connectivity tests that were performed between the devices considering the guidelines established for the skills test and you can also find the results of these connectivity tests as well as the satisfaction of having obtained the proposed objective