5,609 research outputs found

    A Micromechanical Model of Hardening, Rate Sensitivity and Thermal Softening in BCC Single Crystals

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    The present paper is concerned with the development of a micromechanical model of the hardening, rate-sensitivity and thermal softening of bcc crystals. In formulating the model we specifically consider the following unit processes: double-kink formation and thermally activated motion of kinks; the close-range interactions between primary and forest dislocations, leading to the formation of jogs; the percolation motion of dislocations through a random array of forest dislocations introducing short-range obstacles of different strengths; dislocation multiplication due to breeding by double cross-slip; and dislocation pair annihilation. The model is found to capture salient features of the behavior of Ta crystals such as: the dependence of the initial yield point on temperature and strain rate; the presence of a marked stage I of easy glide, specially at low temperatures and high strain rates; the sharp onset of stage II hardening and its tendency to shift towards lower strains, and eventually disappear, as the temperature increases or the strain rate decreases; the parabolic stage II hardening at low strain rates or high temperatures; the stage II softening at high strain rates or low temperatures; the trend towards saturation at high strains; the temperature and strain-rate dependence of the saturation stress; and the orientation dependence of the hardening rate.Comment: 27 pages (LaTeX) and 15 Figures (jpg

    ERT impact on left ventricular mass in Fabry disease

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    PDGFR-β and kidney fibrosis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the fastest growing global causes of death, estimated to rank among the top five by 2040 (Foreman et al, 2018). This illustrates current pitfalls in diagnosis and management of CKD. Advanced CKD requires renal function replacement by dialysis or transplantation. However, earlier CKD stages, even when renal function is still normal, are already associated with an increased risk of premature death (Perez-Gomez et al, 2019). Thus, novel approaches to diagnose and treat CKD are needed. The histopathological hallmark of CKD is kidney fibrosis, which is closely associated with local inflammation and loss of kidney parenchymal cells. Thus, kidney fibrosis is an attractive process to develop tests allowing an earlier diagnosis of CKD and represents a potential therapeutic target to slow CKD progression or promote regression

    Magia barroca, hoy. Interpretación literaria y tradición demonológica para una lectura de Quevedo

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    El vínculo entre algunos textos de Quevedo y el lector actual que interpreta su versión satírica de los errores humanos tiene de fondo común la tradición contra las supersticiones que construyeron los tratados de demonología escritos durante el barroco. Las creencias alrededor de los demonios, el infierno y otros mitos, hoy pueden contrastarse con el horizonte cultural, incluso como argumento para criticarlas; sin embargo durante el barroco y especialmente en la obra de Quevedo, el tratamiento también podía ser ridiculizante por el afán de moralizar y parodiar las actitudes humanas, se trata del peso ético de la literatura que ahora parece ajeno. En realidad, frente a la exégesis, es posible y atractivo para cualquier lector contemporáneo reconocerse entre la galería crítica del autor, gracias a la interpretación del texto, de la tradición y de sí mismo

    Expanding congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) genetics: basonuclin 2 (BNC2) and lower urinary tract obstruction

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    his work was supported by FIS PI16/02057, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, DTS18/00032, REDinREN RD016/0009 Fondos FEDER, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071), Sociedad Española de Nefrología, FRIAT, and Comunidad de Madrid B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2 and Rio Hortega to MV Perez-Gome

    Oligopolios versus Democracia: ¿el fin de la comunicación?

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    It is a sine quanon condition to take again citizenship as political deliberation fundamental actor in constructing what is social and what is public, in a world full of oligopolies of communication media, in order to assure the preservation of democracy as a guarantee of human feasibility. New communication ways, resulting from chaos, crisis, and uncertainty, start organizing again the environment of human beings. Public communication is now appearing as an interface strategy in the democratic re-construction of society, especially in situations of crisis. This article is the result of the research on “Public Communication: a space to construct democracy,” carried out by CORPUS –Corporative Communication Research Group-, sponsored by Universidad de Medellin (Colombia) Research Vice-principal’s office and Communication School.En un mundo convulsionado por los oligopolios de los medios de comunicación, es condición sine quanon retornar a la ciudadanía como actor fundamental de la deliberación política en la edificación de lo social y lo público, para condicionar la supervivencia de la democracia como garantía de la viabilidad humana. Desde la crisis, el caos y la incertidumbre, nuevas formas de comunicación comienzan a recomponer el entorno simbólico del ser humano planetario. La comunicación pública comienza a perfilarse como una estrategia de interfase en la reconstrucción democrática del tejido social, en especial en situaciones de crisis Este artículo es producto de la investigación sobre “Comunicación Pública: un espacio para la construcción de democracia”, del Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Corporativa -CORPUS-, auspiciado por la Facultad de Comunicación y la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Medellín (Colombia)