22 research outputs found

    Control y mejora de la coordinación entre asignaturas de una titulación universitaria

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    Entre las múltiples exigencias que impone el EEES, la mejora de la coordinación entre las asignaturas de una titulación es una de las que más preocupan, y se ha convertido en uno de los temas de debate más vivos en la comunidad educativa. Por una parte los docentes nos hemos encontrado impartiendo asignaturas a un alumnado con notorias carencias en algunos contenidos, mientras que ellos, por su parte, no sólo tienen que suplir dichas carencias con esfuerzo adicional, sino que además se encuentran con numerosas duplicidades de contenidos que restan tiempo y calidad a su formación. Una de las causas de estos defectos es la celeridad en la implantación de titulaciones, unido posiblemente a una falta de recursos por parte de los responsables de la elaboración de los planes. Este trabajo presenta un conjunto de aplicaciones web orientadas a la elaboración de un mapa de dependencias entre las asignaturas de una titulación. Basándose en un sistema de encuestas, se ha implementado una base de datos de dependencias y un sistema web que permiten detectar e informar de los defectos de coordinación existentes, proporcionando una herramienta de gran valor para mejorar la coherencia y la calidad de los planes de estudiosUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Diseño e integración en una plataforma docente de una herramienta de respuesta de audiencia para mejorar la atención, la evaluación y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes

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    Durante años hemos desarrollado y usado una plataforma web docente para, entre otras funcionalidades, facilitar a los estudiantes la realización de test online, aunque la evaluación continua se ha hecho mediante test presenciales. Tras la experiencia adquirida, hemos diseñado e incorporado a la plataforma una funcionalidad de juegos tipo test (estilo Kahoot! o Socrative), con la intención de obtener los beneficios de estas herramientas de respuesta de audiencia tanto respecto al aula (asistencia, atención, participación) y al aprendizaje (interacción, rendimiento) como respecto a la automatización de la evaluación continua. Esta gamificación básica ha sido recibida muy positivamente por los estudiantes, les ha hecho tomar conciencia de su progreso en la asignatura de una forma más gradual, ha roto la dinámica de asistir sólo al test presencial permitiendo trocear el juego a lo largo de toda la clase presencial, ha permitido la realimentación inmediata al estudiante (calificación) y al profesor (detección de errores conceptuales sobre la marcha), y ha eliminado el trabajo mecánico de corrección por parte del profesorado. Esta experiencia se ha implantado de forma piloto en cuatro grupos de una asignatura (unos 300 estudiantes) del Grado en Ingeniería Informática, y pretendemos seguir usándola, ampliándola a más asignaturas de Ingeniería Informática y de Telecomunicación.For years we have developed and used a teaching web platform to facilitate students to take online tests –among other functionalities, although continuous evaluation has been done with classroom tests. With this acquired experience, we have designed and incorporated into the platform a functionality of test games (in Kahoot! or Socrative style), with the aim of obtaining the benefits of these audience response tools both in terms of classroom (attendance, attention, participation) and learning (interaction, performance) as well as in respect to the automation of continuous evaluation. This basic gamification has been very positively welcome by the students, has made them aware of their progress in the subject in a more gradual way, has broken the habit of attending just the test day by allowing us to scatter the game throughout the entire class time, has provided immediate feedback to students (grading) and the teacher (spotting conceptual errors as they show up), and has eliminated the mechanical grading work by teachers. This experience has been carried out as a pilot experiment in four groups of a subject (about 300 students) of the Degree in Computer Engineering, and we intend to continue using it, expanding it to more subjects of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications

    Funcionalidad, implementación y líneas de desarrollo de la plataforma educativa SWAD / OpenSWAD

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    La plataforma de b-learning y gestión académica SWAD ofrece múltiples herramientas de apoyo a la gestión docente y al aprendizaje, y ha sido utilizada durante 19 años por 180.000 usuarios en la Universidad de Granada (UGR) y en los últimos 4 años por otros 23.000 usuarios procedentes de 1.500 instituciones educativas de todo el mundo. Este artículo resume las funcionalidades actuales de la plataforma y su implementación, y propone la incorporación de una serie de técnicas como son la gamificación, la geolocalización y la minería de datos con los objetivos de mejorar la motivación y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y de facilitar al profesorado las tareas de evaluación.The b-learning and academic management platform SWAD offers multiple tools to support teaching management and learning, and has been used for 19 years by 180,000 users at the University of Granada (UGR) and in the last 4 years by other 23,000 users from 1,500 educational institutions around the world. This article summarizes the current functionalities of the platform and its implementation, and proposes the incorporation of a series of techniques such as gamification, geolocation and data mining with the goals of improving students' motivation and academic performance, and supporting teachers in assessment tasks.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadore

    Maresin 1 activates brown adipose tissue and promotes browning of white adipose tissue in mice

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    Objective Maresin 1 (MaR1) is a docosahexaenoic acid-derived proresolving lipid mediator with insulin-sensitizing and anti-steatosis properties. Here, we aim to unravel MaR1 actions on brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation and white adipose tissue (WAT) browning. Methods MaR1 actions were tested in cultured murine brown adipocytes and in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC)-derived adipocytes. In vivo effects of MaR1 were tested in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice and lean WT and Il6 knockout (Il6−/−) mice. Results In cultured differentiated murine brown adipocytes, MaR1 reduces the expression of inflammatory genes, while stimulates glucose uptake, fatty acid utilization and oxygen consumption rate, along with the upregulation of mitochondrial mass and genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function and the thermogenic program. In Leucine Rich Repeat Containing G Protein-Coupled Receptor 6 (LGR6)-depleted brown adipocytes using siRNA, the stimulatory effect of MaR1 on thermogenic genes was abrogated. In DIO mice, MaR1 promotes BAT remodeling, characterized by higher expression of genes encoding for master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and function and iBAT thermogenic activation, together with increased M2 macrophage markers. In addition, MaR1-treated DIO mice exhibit a better response to cold-induced BAT activation. Moreover, MaR1 induces a beige adipocyte signature in inguinal WAT of DIO mice and in hMSC-derived adipocytes. MaR1 potentiates Il6 expression in brown adipocytes and BAT of cold exposed lean WT mice. Interestingly, the thermogenic properties of MaR1 were abrogated in Il6−/− mice. Conclusions These data reveal MaR1 as a novel agent that promotes BAT activation and WAT browning by regulating thermogenic program in adipocytes and M2 polarization of macrophages. Moreover, our data suggest that LGR6 receptor is mediating MaR1 actions on brown adipocytes, and that IL-6 is required for the thermogenic effects of MaR1

    Maresin 1 activates brown adipose tissue and promotes browning of white adipose tissue in mice

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    [Objective]: Maresin 1 (MaR1) is a docosahexaenoic acid-derived proresolving lipid mediator with insulin-sensitizing and anti-steatosis properties. Here, we aim to unravel MaR1 actions on brown adipose tissue (BAT) activation and white adipose tissue (WAT) browning. [Methods]: MaR1 actions were tested in cultured murine brown adipocytes and in human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC)-derived adipocytes. In vivo effects of MaR1 were tested in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice and lean WT and Il6 knockout (Il6−/−) mice. [Results]: In cultured differentiated murine brown adipocytes, MaR1 reduces the expression of inflammatory genes, while stimulates glucose uptake, fatty acid utilization and oxygen consumption rate, along with the upregulation of mitochondrial mass and genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function and the thermogenic program. In Leucine Rich Repeat Containing G Protein-Coupled Receptor 6 (LGR6)-depleted brown adipocytes using siRNA, the stimulatory effect of MaR1 on thermogenic genes was abrogated. In DIO mice, MaR1 promotes BAT remodeling, characterized by higher expression of genes encoding for master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and function and iBAT thermogenic activation, together with increased M2 macrophage markers. In addition, MaR1-treated DIO mice exhibit a better response to cold-induced BAT activation. Moreover, MaR1 induces a beige adipocyte signature in inguinal WAT of DIO mice and in hMSC-derived adipocytes. MaR1 potentiates Il6 expression in brown adipocytes and BAT of cold exposed lean WT mice. Interestingly, the thermogenic properties of MaR1 were abrogated in Il6−/− mice. [Conclusions]: These data reveal MaR1 as a novel agent that promotes BAT activation and WAT browning by regulating thermogenic program in adipocytes and M2 polarization of macrophages. Moreover, our data suggest that LGR6 receptor is mediating MaR1 actions on brown adipocytes, and that IL-6 is required for the thermogenic effects of MaR1.The authors received support for the current study from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (grants BFU2012-36089 to MJM-A; BFU2015-65937-R to MJM-A, SL-C; PID2019-106982RB-I00 to MJM-A; SAF2017-83813-C3-1-R to LH and PID2021-122766OB-I00 to AMV), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); Dept. of Health, Navarra Government (67–2015) to MJM-A; Merck Health Foundation to LH; CIBEROBN (CB12/03/30002; CB06/03/0001; CB06/03/0025) and CIBERDEM (CB07/08/0033) from ISCIII (Spain). “Juan de la Cierva” Grant to MF-G (IJCI-2016-30025) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Predoctoral grant to LML (Asociación de Amigos, Universidad de Navarra/“la Caixa” Banking Foundation) and to LM-F (FPI, BES-2013-064970). S.Q.-V. is supported by a fellowship from the Vicente Lopez Program (Eurecat).Peer reviewe

    Uso y difusión de la plataforma educativa SWAD / OpenSWAD en la Universidad de Granada y en el mundo

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    Este trabajo resume el uso y la difusión que ha tenido la plataforma de b-learning y gestión académica SWAD desde 1999 hasta 2018. SWAD ofrece herramientas de apoyo a la gestión docente y al aprendizaje, y ha sido utilizada durante 19 años por 180 000 usuarios en la Universidad de Granada (UGR). En los últimos 5 años se ofrece además de forma abierta y gratuita a través del portal OpenSWAD.org, donde ha sido utilizada por 23 000 usuarios procedentes de 1 500 instituciones educativas de todo el mundo.This work summarizes the use and dissemination of the SWAD blearning and academic management platform from 1999 to 2018. SWAD offers tools to support teaching management and learning, and has been used for 19 years by 180,000 users at the University of Granada (UGR). In the last 5 years it is also offered in an open and free way through the portal OpenSWAD.org, where it has been used by 23,000 users from 1,500 educational institutions around the world.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadore

    Parallelization Strategies for the VMEC Program

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    . The magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium problem in magnetic confinement fusion devices is solved by using the Variational Moments Equilibrium Code (VMEC). The sequential version of the code is computationally very expensive and may take several days of CPU time. In this work we present two parallelization techniques for the code. First, an automatic tool has been used as a guidance for the parallelization of the critical parts of the code, and some deficiencies of its automatic parallelization techniques have been determined . In a second approach, these shortcomings are overcome to develop manual techniques which offer better results and can be used in future automatic parallelizers. 1 Introduction VMEC (Variational Moments Equilibrium Code) [1] is used to solve the magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium problem, found in the plasma physics in magnetic confinement fusion devices. It is particularly interesting to remark that this code takes into account the fully 3D nature of some designs (st..

    Realtime computing platform for spiking neurons (rt-spike),” Neural Networks

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    Abstract—A computing platform is described for simulating arbitrary networks of spiking neurons in real time. A hybrid computing scheme is adopted that uses both software and hardware components to manage the tradeoff between flexibility and computational power; the neuron model is implemented in hardware and the network model and the learning are implemented in software. The incremental transition of the software components into hardware is supported. We focus on a spike response model (SRM) for a neuron where the synapses are modeled as input-driven conductances. The temporal dynamics of the synaptic integration process are modeled with a synaptic time constant that results in a gradual injection of charge. This type of model is computationally expensive and is not easily amenable to existing software-based event-driven approaches. As an alternative we have designed an efficient time-based computing architecture in hardware, where the different stages of the neuron model are processed in parallel. Further improvements occur by computing multiple neurons in parallel using multiple processing units. This design is tested using reconfigurable hardware and its scalability and performance evaluated. Our overall goal is to investigate biologically realistic models for the real-time control of robots operating within closed action-perception loops, and so we evaluate the performance of the system on simulating a model of the cerebellum where the emulation of the temporal dynamics of the synaptic integration process is important. Index Terms—Field-programmable gate arrays, pipeline processing, real time system, spiking neural network hardware. I