342 research outputs found

    Los muscoidea de la región etiópica

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de Madrid.Fac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Manual audiovisual sobre guerrilla de la comunicación como resultado de talleres de comunicación popular realizados en el barrio de La Roldós

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    The present project was made as a result of colaboration of several collectives of artists of the District of La Roldós, with which through music, guerrilla communication and a little of the popular communication, a documentary was developed as an alternative to the Visual pollution that we live daily in the communication and the cultural grammar of capitalist hegemony, for this has been made an audiovisual manual as the result of the workshops worked in La Roldós under the popular communication methodology in conjunction with the guerrilla communication, exemplifying the various techniques that the guerrillas of communication gives us to fight the relations of power and consumerism, besides that helped the resignification of situations in the daily life of young people in the neighborhood of La Roldós, such as discrimination, classism, gender issues, and the production of dissident and alternative messages that emerged to raise awareness of the catastrophic result of consumerism as a social practice and the most important thing that could be found, ways to combat these communicational diseases through artistic proposals combined with the guerrilla of the communication.El presente producto vinculó los esfuerzos en conjunto de varios grupos y colectivos de artistas del barrio de La Roldós, con los cuales se realizaron talleres de música, guerrilla de comunicación y comunicación popular, para generar un documental a modo de manual audiovisual, como una alternativa hacia la contaminación visual que vivimos diariamente en la comunicación y en la gramática cultural de la hegemonía capitalista. Así, el producto ejemplifica algunas técnicas que la guerrilla de la comunicación nos brinda para combatir a las relaciones de poder y al consumismo, y busca ayudar en la resignificación de situaciones de la vida cotidiana de los jóvenes del barrio de La Roldós, como la discriminación, el clasismo, violencia de género, etc. El documental muestra así la producción de mensajes disidentes y alternativos que surgieron para dar a conocer el resultado catastrófico del consumismo como práctica social y, lo más importante, expone a modo de manual, formas para combatir las enfermedades comunicacionales a las que estamos expuestos, mediante propuestas artísticas combinadas con la guerrilla de la comunicación

    Ideación suicida en internos de un centro penitenciario, Chimbote 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general identificar el nivel de ideación suicida en internos de un centro penitenciario, Chimbote 2022, el diseño de estudio fue no experimental con un enfoque cuantitativo, así mismo, se trabajó con el tipo de investigación básico, la muestra estuvo constituida por 200 internos, cuyas edades oscilan de los 18 a 80 años de edad; la técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado fue el Inventario de ideación suicida de Beck. Como resultados y conclusiones se evidencia que el 70% de la muestra se encuentra en un nivel medio de ideación suicida, en cuanto a las dimensiones se evidencia un nivel medio con un 50% en actitudes hacia la vida y muerte y con un 75% la dimensión desesperanza; finalmente con niveles bajos se encuentran las dimensiones pensamientos/ deseos suicidas con un 53% y proyecto de intento suicida con un 70%

    Desarrollo de una aplicación web y móvil para el seguimiento de actividades académicas de los estudiantes de la Unidad educativa “Dr. Gabriel García Moreno”.

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un aplicativo web y móvil para la Unidad Educativa “Dr. Gabriel García Moreno” ubicada en la parroquia la matriz del cantón Guano, provincia de Chimborazo, se lo realizó con el fin de automatizar el proceso de seguimiento de las actividades académicas de sus estudiantes. Para ello, se utilizó la metodología ágil SCRUM dado que esta brinda la facilidad de crear un entorno óptimo de trabajo entre el Product Owner y los miembros del equipo de desarrollo y como herramientas tecnológicas: PostgreSQL, Java, jsp, Glassfish, servicios web SOAP, Html5, Css5, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, JQuery, Android Studio, Xml, KSoap, Firebase, Picasso, Json y Gson. A fin de demostrar el objetivo planteado, se establecieron dos estratos de estudio correspondientes a docentes y padres de familia con el fin de evaluar la métrica de calidad de la usabilidad en los aplicativos web y móvil establecida por la norma ISO/IEC 25010, esta norma contiene cinco subcaracterística de las cuales se seleccionó la facilidad de uso y la facilidad de aprendizaje obteniendo puntajes de 6.12/7 y 6.11/7 respectivamente mediante el uso del cuestionario USE y de acuerdo a la escala de Likert. Concluyendo de esta manera que los resultados son positivos y por lo tanto el sistema “SAGAMO” servirá como una herramienta de ayuda para los docentes y padres de familia optimizando el tiempo empleado en el seguimiento de actividades académicas de los estudiantes de la institución por lo que se recomienda el uso del sistema “SAGAMO” a todos quienes se encuentran comprometidos con el mejoramiento de la institución.The purpose of this degree work is to develop a web and mobile application for the educational unit “Dr. Gabriel García Moreno” located in Guano canton, Chimborazo province, to automate the process of monitoring the academic activities of students. For this, the agile SCRUM methodology was used since it provides the facility to create an optimal working environment between the Product Owner and the members of the development team and as technological tools: PostgreSQL, Java, JSP, Glassfish, SOAP web services, Html5, Css5, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, JQuery, Android Studio, XML, KSoap, Firebase, Picasso, Json and Gson. To demonstrate the objective, two strata of study were established for teachers and parents to evaluate the usability quality metric in web and mobile applications established by ISO⁄IEC 25010, this standard It contains five sub characteristics of which ease of use and ease of learning were selected, obtaining scores of 6.12⁄7 and 6.11⁄7 respectively, using the USE questionnaire and according to the Likert scale. Concluding in this way that the results are positive and therefore the “SAGAMO” system will serve as a helpful tool for teachers and parents optimizing the time spent in monitoring the academic activities of the students of the institution so the use of the “SAGAMO” system is recommended to all who are committed to the improvement of the institution

    Simulating NEPs in a cluster with jNEP

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    This paper introduces jNEP: a general, flexible, and rigorous implementation of NEPs (the basic model) and some interestenting variants; it is specifically designed to easily add the new results (filters, stopping conditions, evolutionary rules, and so on) of the research in the area. jNEP is written in Java; there are two different versions that implement the concurrency of NEPs by means of the Java classes Process and Threads respectively. There are also extended versions that run on clusters of computers under JavaParty. jNEP reads the description of the currently simulated NEP from a XML configuration file. This paper shows how jNEP tackles the SAT problem with polynomial performance by simulating an ANSP.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) under Project TSI2005-08225-C07-06

    Are virtual water "flows" in Spanish grain trade consistent with relative water scarcity?

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    Virtual water adds a new dimension to international trade, and brings along a new perspective about water scarcity and water resource management. Most of virtual water literature has mainly focused on quantifying virtual water flows and on its application to ensure water and food security. Nevertheless, the analysis of the potential gains from international trade, at least from a water resources perspective, needs to take into account both spatial and temporal variations of blue (groundwater and stream flow) and green (soil moisture) water, as well as the socioeconomic and policy conditions. This paper evaluates whether grain trade in Spain is consistent with relative water scarcity. For this purpose, the study estimates the volume and economic value of virtual water “flow” through international grain trade for the period 1997-2005, which includes three years with different rainfall levels. The calculations show that Spain is a net virtual water “importer” through international grain trade. The volume of net virtual water “imports” amounts to 3420, 4383 and 8415 million m3 in a wet (1997), medium (1999) and dry (2005) year, respectively. Valuing blue water at its shadow price or scarcity value, blue water “exports” oscillate between 0.7 and 34.2 million Euros for a wet and dry year, respectively. Overall, grain trade is apparently consistent with relative water scarcity as net imports increase in dry years. However, the evolution of grain exports, expressed as a variation in quantity and volume, does not match the variations in resource scarcity. A disaggregated crop analysis reveals that there are other factors, such as quality, product specialization or the demand for a standardized product, which also influence trade decision and are not included in the notion of virtual water. These facts, among others, can therefore create potential distortions in the application of virtual water to the analysis of specific trade patterns. Nevertheless, from a water resources perspective, virtual water can bring important insights across countries for improving water and land management globally, fostering adaptation strategies to climate change and to transboundary resource management

    Estructura y resiliencia social en comunidades indígenas : el caso de la Unión de Palmeadoras de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, México

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    Las capacidades de resiliencia de comunidades indígenas pueden ser verificadas a través de su análisis como sistemas meso reticulares, abordando la fortaleza de sus estructuras en red endógenas y exógenas. El presente artículo analiza, desde el enfoque de redes sociales, el proceso de consolidación y persistencia organizativa de la Unión de Palmeadoras, integrada por mujeres mixtecas que se dedican a la elaboración y venta de tortillas artesanales. Las preguntas a responder, fueron: ¿cuál es la estructura social que dinamiza a la Unión de Palmeadoras de Tlaxiaco? ¿Para qué les ha servido formar parte de la unión? ¿Cuáles son las capacidades de resiliencia de la unión, considerando dicha estructura social? Los datos se obtuvieron en 2015 mediante un cuestionario aplicado a las 89 mujeres que integran la Unión. Los resultados muestran que la Unión de Palmeadoras es una estructura social con determinadas capacidades de resiliencia, derivadas de los procesos de cohesión, inclusión y competencia generados en su interior, pero también, una organización sumamente frágil debido a procesos endógenos y exógenos de su entorno local y regional.The resilience capacities of indigenous communities can be seen as reticular mesosystems by focusing on their endogenous and exogenous social networks. In this paper, we analyze, from the perspective of social networks analysis, the consolidation process and the organizational persistence of the Unión de Palmeadoras, in Tlaxiaco city, Oaxaca, México, which is integrated by mixtec women devoted to the elaboration and sale of handmade tortillas. Some of the question to be answered were: what is the social structure that dynamizes the Unión de Palmeadoras? What has been the use of being part of the organization? What are the resilience capacities that the Union has developed? Data were obtained in 2015-2017 by applying a questionnaire to the 89 women who make up the Union. Results indicate that women's networks can generate social support mechanisms, so the Union of Palmeadoras has developed certain qualities of resilience and fragility, which are derived from the inner processes of cohesion, inclusion and competitiveness, but also by exogenous processes of its local and regional environment

    Microglial responses in the human Alzheimer’s disease frontal cortex

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    The continuing failure to develop an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) reveals the complexity for this pathology. Increasing evidence indicates that neuroinflammation involving particularly microglial cells contributes to AD pathogenesis. The actual view, based on the findings in APP based models, gives a cytotoxic/proinflammatory role to activated microglia. However, we have previously reported a limited activation and microglial degeneration in the hippocampus of AD patients in contrast with that observed in amyloidogenic models. Here, we evaluated the microglial response in a different region of AD brains, the frontal cortex. Post mortem tissue from controls (Braak 0-II) and AD patients (Braak V-VI) including familial cases, were obtained from Spain Neurological Tissue Banks. Cellular (immunohistochemistry and image analysis) and molecular (qPCR and western blots) approaches were performed. Frontal cortex of AD patients (Braak V-VI) showed strong microglial activation similar to that observed in amyloidogenic mice. These strongly activated microglial cells, predominantly located surrounding amyloid plaques, could drive the AD pathology and, in consequence, could be implicated in the pathology progression. Furthermore, different microglial responses were observed between sporadic and familial AD cases. These findings in the frontal cortex were highly in contrast to the attenuated activation and degenerative morphology displayed by microglial cells in the hippocampus of AD patients. Regional differences in the microglial response suggest different functional states of microglial cells in a region-specific manner. All together, these data provide a better understanding of the immunological mechanisms underlying AD progression and uncover new potential therapeutic targets to fight this devastating neurodegenerative disease.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Supported by PI18/01557 (AG) and PI18/01556 (JV) grants from ISCiii of Spain co-financed by FEDER funds from European Unio

    A Milestone-Driven Approach for Lab Assignments Evaluation in Information Security

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    In this paper we describe a methodology for designing and evaluating lab assignments based on the fulfilment of milestones. The approach relies on the integration of ICTs with an automatic, milestone-based evaluation. The final goal of this methodology is to diminish educators’ workload on lab assignments, so they can focus on the development of the assigned tasks, and to enhance students’ experience by providing direct and real-time feedback on their progress. This approach encourages autonomous learning on the students and optimizes the time invested by the educators during the lab assignments. In order to validate our proposal we have applied this methodology in several courses related to Information Security. The results of this experience show that the methodology improves students’ performance, while facilitating the work of the educator.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluation of manual dexterity in early education

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    Part of the recent research on fine motor skills questions the existence of a general factor of manual dexterity. If this manual dexterity factor is not proved this would affect the suitability of using motor development scales. The present study aimed at developing a set of tasks to evaluate manual dexterity in early education involving each hand to identify hand preference development. Specifically, the aim was to explore inter- and intra-task correlations by way of a series of object-manipulation tasks using objects of a size and weight adapted to children 3-6 years old, and to be administered easily by staff working in early education settings. In a first study using three tasks -Posting coins, Moving pegs, and Threading eyebolts- involving separately left and right hand (6 trials), 151 children aged 3-6 years have participated. The results show high inter- and intra-task correlations, and one factor explaining 64.03% of the total variance. Individual differences in motor skills and in hand preference are confirmed a year later, and correlate with children?s writing skills when starting compulsory education. Implications for school and home are mentioned, emphasizing the interest of these type of studies for detecting typical/atypical developmental pathway