2,153 research outputs found

    Integral Field Spectroscopy based H\alpha\ sizes of local Luminous and Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies. A Direct Comparison with high-z Massive Star Forming Galaxies

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    Aims. We study the analogy between local U/LIRGs and high-z massive SFGs by comparing basic H{\alpha} structural characteristics, such as size, and luminosity (and SFR) surface density, in an homogeneous way (i.e. same tracer and size definition, similar physical scales). Methods. We use Integral Field Spectroscopy based H{\alpha} emission maps for a representative sample of 54 local U/LIRGs (66 galaxies). From this initial sample we select 26 objects with H{\alpha} luminosities (L(H{\alpha})) similar to those of massive (i.e. M\ast \sim 10^10 M\odot or larger) SFGs at z \sim 2, and observed on similar physical scales. Results. The sizes of the H{\alpha} emitting region in the sample of local U/LIRGs span a large range, with r1/2(H{\alpha}) from 0.2 to 7 kpc. However, about 2/3 of local U/LIRGs with Lir > 10^11.4 L\odot have compact H{\alpha} emission (i.e. r1/2 < 2 kpc). The comparison sample of local U/LIRGs also shows a higher fraction (59%) of objects with compact H{\alpha} emission than the high-z sample (25%). This gives further support to the idea that for this luminosity range the size of the star forming region is a distinctive factor between local and distant galaxies of similar SF rates. However, when using H{\alpha} as a tracer for both local and high-z samples, the differences are smaller than the ones recently reported using a variety of other tracers. Despite of the higher fraction of galaxies with compact H{\alpha} emission, a sizable group (\sim 1/3) of local U/LIRGs are large (i.e. r1/2 > 2 kpc). These are systems showing pre-coalescence merger activity and they are indistinguishable from the massive high-z SFGs galaxies in terms of their H{\alpha} sizes, and luminosity and SFR surface densities.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. (!5 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

    Trazado y construcción de arquerías en los inicios del gótico andaluz. Estudio del caso cordobés

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    The Gothic arcades of the Cordovan parishes are among the earliest in Andalusia. Their design, tracing, measure and construction can be studied thanks to their characteristics and affinities, while at the same time suggest that they follow the same preset criteria. The present work demonstrates the existence of preset criteria, which determined resistant sections that the Gothic masters considered suitable within certain margins. In fact they were using a structural oversizing, of which they were barely aware. This approach was constructively very efficient, showing the masters’ confidence in their craft, but it contravened the proportionality criteria of the time. In the design process, the masters used the metrical pattern established for the building to generate the main dimensions. Among these dimensions was the radius of curvature, which was often invariant to enable reuse of formwork and templates, the standardization of dowels, etc.Las arcadas góticas de las iglesias parroquiales cordobesas están entre las primeras levantadas en Andalucía. Sus características y afinidades permiten un amplio estudio sobre su diseño, trazado y medida, construcción, etc., a la vez que sugieren la hipótesis de que todos estos aspectos pudieron obedecer a unos mismos criterios preestablecidos. La investigación realizada lo corrobora, comprobando cómo derivaban en secciones resistentes que los maestros góticos consideraban válidas dentro de un rango de luces y cargas, aprovechando un sobredimensionamiento estructural del que apenas eran conscientes. Esto redundaba en una gran eficacia constructiva, demostrando su confianza en el oficio, aunque contradecía ciertos criterios de proporcionalidad al uso. En el proceso de diseño intervenía, determinantemente, el patrón métrico establecido para el edificio, generando las dimensiones fundamentales. Entre ellas estaban los radios de curvatura de los arcos, que se homogeneizaban para permitir la reutilización de cimbras y plantillas, la estandarización de dovelas, etc


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    This article shows the most relevant results obtained between August 2017 and October 2018 with two batches of 0+ tunas: cultured tunas (CT) born in the IEO facilities in June 2017 and wild tunas (WT) captured in Mazarron Bay in September 2017. Fertilized ABFT eggs were collected from cages owned by PisciAlba and obtained larvae were cultured in IEO facilities. At the end of July 2017, 500 fingerlings (CT, 2 g average weight) were move to ICRA facilities on 29th July and placed in a 1000 m3 tank. At the end of September 2017 mean weight were 350 gr. In that moment, a total of 68 0+ ABFT fingerlings (WT, 414 g mean weight), were captured from the Mazarron Bay and placed in a 3500 m3 tank in ICRA. From this moment temperature ranged between 18 and 27ºC, and feeding consisted in bait, mainly Sardinella aurita and Scomber scombrus, but also Scomber japonicus, Engraulis encrasicolus and Clupea harengus. During November 2017, mortality increased in CT without any symptoms of infectious disease. 80 healthier CT were then moved to a greater tank (2500 m3 ) and in March 2018, when completely recovered, they were placed together with WT and both batches were cultured in the same tank up to now. During the 13 months period mortality observed in CT was high (close to 85%) while mortality in WT was lower than 15%. Growth was also slightly faster in WT. Feeding intake ranged during the whole period between 3 and 26%, and feeding conversion rate estimated was close to 12. At the end of October 2018 mean weight of population was 11 kg

    Enclavijado de Ender en las fracturas del macizo trocantéreo: análisis retrospectivo de la ocupación del canal medular

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    Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 226 pacientes afectos de fracturas del macizo trocantérico, tratadas mediante enclavijado de Ender en un periodo de 9 años en el Hospital del Insalud de Barbastro. La estabilidad de las fracturas se determinó mediante la clasificación de Ramadier. Se valoró el porcentaje de ocupación de la cavidad medular femoral por los clavos de Ender y la posible relación de este parámetro con la migración del material de osteosíntesis. Se evaluó también la utilidad del bloqueo distal de los clavos de Ender con agujas de Kirschner, en la prevención de su migración distal. Se comprobó una relación significativa entre el porcentaje de ocupación del canal medular y la migración distal del material en las fracturas inestables. El bloqueo distal con aguja de Kirschner no se acompañó de una menor incidencia en la migración distal de los clavos.A retrospective study was done on 226 trochanteric fractures managed with Ender nails during a 9 years period at the Insalud Hospital of Barbastro. Stability of these fractures was classified following Ramadier's criteria. Filling of the medular cavity by Ender nails and its relation with osteosyntehsis migration was analysed. Distal locking of Ender nails by Kirschner pins was evaluated to prevent its distal mobilization. A significative relationship was observed between a high filling rate of the medular cavity and lower distal migration rate in unestable trochanteric fractures. Distal locking of Ender nails was not accompanied of lower rate of distal osteosynthesis migratio

    Electron refraction at lateral atomic interfaces

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    We present theoretical simulations of electron refraction at the lateral atomic interface between a “homogeneous” Cu(111) surface and the “nanostructured” one-monolayer (ML) Ag/Cu(111) dislocation lattice. Calculations are performed for electron binding energies barely below the 1 ML Ag/ Cu(111) M-point gap (binding energy EB ¼53 meV, below the Fermi level) and slightly above its C -point energy (EB ¼160 meV), both characterized by isotropic/circular constant energy surfaces. Using plane-wave-expansion and boundary-element methods, we show that electron refraction occurs at the interface, the Snell law is obeyed, and a total internal reflection occurs beyond the critical angle. Additionally, a weak negative refraction is observed for EB ¼53 meV electron energy at beam incidence higher than the critical angle. Such an interesting observation stems from the interface phase-matching and momentum conservation with the umklapp bands at the second Brillouin zone of the dislocation lattice. The present analysis is not restricted to our Cu-Ag/Cu model system but can be readily extended to technologically relevant interfaces with spinpolarized, highly featured, and anisotropic constant energy contours, such as those characteristic for Rashba systems and topological insulators. Published by AIP Publishing.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Meconio y exposición prenatal a neurotóxicos

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    6 pages, 1 figures, 2 tables.[ESP] Introducción. La ubicuidad con la que se encuentran la mayoría de las substancias neurotóxicas en el medio ambiente implica a los pediatras en la necesidad de desarrollar métodos para medir la magnitud de la exposición durante los periodos vulnerables del desarrollo. Una forma útil de abordar este problema consiste en analizar muestras biológicas que acumulen las substancias neurotóxicas o sus metabolitos durante el periodo fetal.Método. Revisión bibliográfica sistemática de los últimos 20 años obtenida principalmente de Medline; Science Citation Index y Embase sobre los estudios con meconio como matriz de exposición prenatal a substancias neurotóxicas. El perfil de búsqueda utilizado fue: meconium, prenatal exposure, biological markers, matrices, environmental pollutants, nervous system poisonings, neurotoxicity sindromes. Hemos seleccionado los trabajos más importantes y de sus referencias se han obtenido los más relevantes de los años previos a la búsqueda.Resultados. Tradicionalmente, los esfuerzos para determinar la exposición fetal se han centrado en el análisis de sangre de cordón u orina de la madre o el neonato. El meconio es fácilmente disponible, es inerte, acumula los neurotóxicos y/o sus metabolitos desde la semana 12 de gestación donde quedan “fosilizados” hasta el nacimiento. Puede constituir un instrumento muy importante para investigar la exposición fetal a los distintos contaminantes ambientales y en particular a neurotóxicos.Conclusiones. Las exposiciones fetales a los distintos neurotóxicos estudiados a través de sangre materna, de cordón, pelo, uña, placenta y orina parecen ser menos predictivas sobre los efectos neurológicos que las mediciones de los mismos realizadas en meconio. Son necesarios más estudios en este campo.Implementar y desarrollar la medida en meconio de una amplia gama de sustancias neurotóxicas ayudará en la práctica pediátrica a una intervención e identificación temprana mostrando las exposiciones que puedan provocar daño y facilitando el desarrollo de medidas preventivas y rehabilitadoras.[ENG] Brackground. The environmental ubiquity of most neurotoxicants implies the pediatricians in the development of methods for exposure measurement during the vulnerable periods of development. The analysis of biological samples able to accumulate the neurotoxicant substances or its metabolites during the fetal period is a useful approach to fulfil this objective.Material and methods. A systematic literature review of the last 20 years in Medline, Science Citation Index and Embase on the studies with meconium like womb of prenatal exposure to neurotoxicants has been undertaken. The search profile was: “meconium”, “prenatal exposure”, “biological markers”, “matrices”, “environmental pollutants”, “nervous system poisonings”, “neurotoxicity sindromes”. We selected the most relevant articles and retrieved more from their references.Results. Traditionally, the efforts to determine the fetal exposure have been centered in the analysis of cord blood, urinates of the mother or of the neonato. Meconium is easily available, inert, accumulates the neurotoxicants and/or its metabolitos from week 12 of gestation where they are "fossilized" until the birth. It can constitute a very important instrument for the investigation of the fetal exposure to the different environmental pollutants and in particular to neurotoxicants.Conclusions. Foetal exposure to different neurotoxicants monitored from maternal blood, cord blood, hair, fingernail, placenta and urinates seem to be less predictive for neurological effects than meconium. However, more studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.Implementation and measurement in meconium of a wide range of neurotoxic substances will be of help in the pediatric practice for intervention and early identification as it will reveal harmful exposures and facilitate the implementation of preventive measures.Los autores quieren expresar su agradecimiento a los miembros de la red de Investigación Colaborativa INMA, y en especial a Amparo Quiles Latorre, Elena Romero Aliaga y Sandra Pérez Aliaga, por su apoyo y colaboración en la realización del trabajo de campo; al equipo de enfermería de la 7ª, 8ª y 9ª de la maternidad del Hospital Materno-Infantil Universitario La Fe y a los recién nacidos y sus felices padres que con su colaboración y entusiasmo hacen posible llevar a término estos estudios.Peer reviewe


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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography owns a facility to reproduce Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT). This facility was built in 2015 and in August 2017, some fingerlings born in captivity were moved to this installation, and some wild tunas were added two months later. In November 2019, this batch consists in 69 2+ ABFT weighting 28 kg. Hopefully they can reach 40 kg at the beginning of June and spawn by the first time. Fertilized ABFT eggs were collected from cages owned by PisciAlba and obtained larvae were cultured in IEO facilities. At the end of July 2017, some fingerlings (Cultured batch –CB-, 2 gr mean weight) were move to ICRA facilities and placed in a 1000 m3 tank. At the end of September 2017 a total of 68 0+ ABFT fingerlings (Wild batch –WB-, 414 g mean weight), were captured from the Mazarron Bay and placed in another tank in ICRA. 4 months later, 81 tunas coming from both batches were weighted (2.5 kg mean weight), tagged and place together in a 3500 m3 tank. During all the time, temperature ranged between 17 and 27ºC, and food consisted in bait, mainly, Scomber scombrus (47% of the total food) and Clupea harengus (25%) but also Sardinella aurita, Engraulis encrasicolus and Scomber japonicus (11, 10 and 7% respectively). From February 2018 to November 2019, mortality has been 16.9% (10.9% in WB and 28.6% in CB) and tunas have grown to reach an average of 28 kg. Biomass in this moment is 1930 kg, which means a density of 0.55 kg/m3 . Feeding intake was high during the first six months (when tunas were smaller than 2.5 kg), but after this moment it has ranged between 2.5 and 7%, decreasing with the size of tunas and increasing slightly with higher temperatures (circles). Feeding conversion rate was quite stable during the period, averaging 13.8. According to forecast, at the end of next spring, average weight will be about 40 kg, with about 15 tunas greater than 50 kg. This means that they will be able to reproduce next summer if gonadal maturation develops properly

    Central star formation and metallicity in CALIFA interacting galaxies

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    We use optical integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) data from 103 nearby galaxies at different stages of the merging event, from close pairs to merger remnants provided by the CALIFA survey, to study the impact of the interaction in the specific star formation and oxygen abundance on different galactic scales. To disentangle the effect of the interaction and merger from internal processes, we compared our results with a control sample of 80 non-interacting galaxies. We confirm the moderate enhancement (2-3 times) of specific star formation for interacting galaxies in central regions as reported by previous studies; however, the specific star formation is comparable when observed in extended regions. We find that control and interacting star-forming galaxies have similar oxygen abundances in their central regions, when normalized to their stellar masses. Oxygen abundances of these interacting galaxies seem to decrease compared to the control objects at the large aperture sizes measured in effective radius. Although the enhancement in central star formation and lower metallicities for interacting galaxies have been attributed to tidally induced inflows, our results suggest that other processes such as stellar feedback can contribute to the metal enrichment in interacting galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Dating young open clusters using delta Scuti stars. Results for Trumpler 10 and Praesepe

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    Aims. The main goal of this work is to date young open clusters using δ\delta Sct stars. Seismic indices such as the large separation and the frequency at maximum power can help to constrain the models to better characterise the stars. We propose a reliable method to identify some radial modes, which gives us greater confidence in the constrained models. Methods. We extract the frequency content of a sample of δ\delta Sct stars belonging to the same open cluster. We estimate the low-order large separation by means of different techniques and the frequency at maximum power for each member of the sample. We use a grid of models built with the typical parameters of δ\delta Sct stars, including mass, metallicity and rotation as independent variables, and determine the oscillation modes. We select the observed frequencies whose ratios match those of the models. Once we find a range of radial modes matching the observed frequencies, mainly the fundamental mode, we add it to the other seismic parameters to derive the stellar age. Assuming star groups have similar chemistry and age, we estimate their mean age by computing a weighted probability density function fit to the age distribution of the seismically constrained models. Results. We estimate the age of Trumpler 10 to be 3020+3030_{-20}{+30} Myr, and that of Praesepe to be 580±230580 \pm 230 Myr. In this latter case, we find two apparent populations of δ\delta Sct stars in the same cluster, one at 510±140510 \pm 140 Myr and another at 890±140890 \pm 140 Myr. This may be due to two different formation events, different rotational velocities of the members in our sample of stars (as rapid rotation may modify the observed large separation), or to membership of unresolved binary systems.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figure, uses the open-source code MultiModes (see https://github.com/davidpamos/MultiModes). It will be published in A&