153 research outputs found

    Caracterización del discurso pedagógico del docente de Educación Física e identificación de los actos de habla que estimulan la creatividad motriz

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    El presente artículo, es un avance del estudio que describe los actos de habla que predominan en el discurso de los profesores de Educación Física, y cuáles de éstos estimulan la creatividad motriz de los estudiantes. El estudio se basa en el análisis del discurso de 14 docentes en 10 colegios públicos y privados de Bogotá D.C. El discurso de los docentes se grabó durante la observación de 164 sesiones de clase, se trascribió totalmente y se vació en una primera matriz de análisis inductivo. Esta información fue contrastada con la matriz de análisis que contiene cuatro categorías: La dimensión instructiva, la dimensión afectiva, la dimensión motivacional y la dimensión social; cada una de ellas, se describió con sus respectivas sub-categorías. Los resultados iniciales indican la predominancia de la dimensión instructiva, desde la cual se evidencia el dominio de la asignatura por parte del profesor. La dimensión motivacional y afectiva, se caracteriza porque el docente es el mayor factor motivador para el aprendizaje. Por último, la dimensión social en el discurso del docente tiene un sentido humanizador, el cual favorece el desarrollo personal y la participación en comunidad del alumno.The present article is a study in progress which describes speech acts that prevails in the discourse of physical education teachers and which of these teachers stimulate motor creativity. This study is based on the discourse analysis of 14 teachers among 10 public and private schools in Bogota. Teachers' discourse was recorded during an observation of 164 class sessions; it was transcribed entirely and placed in a matrix of inductive analysis. Previous information was contrasted with the analysis matrix which has four categories such as instructive dimension, affective dimension, motivational dimension and social dimension: each dimension was described with their respective sub-categories. Initial findings show predominance of instructive dimension, from which it is evidenced the subject dominance on teacher's behalf. Motivational and affective dimension are featured because the teacher is the highest motivating factor of learning. Finally, social dimension in teacher's discourse has a humanizing meaning; this one is in favour of personal development and participation at student's communit

    Smart scheduling for saving energy in grid computing

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    Energy saving involves two direct benefits: sustainability and cost reduction. Within the field of Informa tion Technology, clusters, grids and data centres represent the hungriest consumers of energy and there fore energy (saving) policies for these infrastructures should be applied in order to maximize their resources. It is proved in this paper that approximately 40% of energy can be saved in a data centre if an adequate policy is applied. Furthermore, a software tool is presented where simulations can be run and results for real scenarios can be obtained.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–14378-C02–0

    LECOMP: Low Energy COnsumption Mesh Protocol in WSN

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    LECOMP is a mesh network protocol that is focused on minimizing bat tery consumption of nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). This paper is a improvement of a first approach [1] which proposes a method to extend the life time and the reliability in a WSN balancing transmissions saving energy throughout different nodes in order to consume homogeneously nodes’ batteries, and taking into account distances and hops of routes. First, a central node analyzes messages from nodes during a training period to determine new routing rules for each sensor. Second, the server configures the network adding the computed rules to the nodes. Third, central server can reconfigure the network routes when new balance of load is neededMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01 (ARTEMISA

    A study on saving energy in artificial lighting by making smart use of wireless sensor networks and actuators

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    This article is focused on adapting lighting conditions to user lighting preferences. A theoretical analysis of lighting conditions is carried out, and a case study is shown by means of the setup of an experimental environment and an empirical analysis of lighting conditions. Finally, a methodology for saving energy, which adjusts luminance to user preferences, is presented, and a study of the consump-tion results is given.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-214

    The CICA GRID: A Cloud Computing Infrastructure on Demand with Open Source Technologies

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    A new approach technology to enable the expansion and replication of resources on demand is presented in this paper. This approach is called CICA GRID and it provides service to research community in the Scientific Computer Centre of Andalusia (CICA). This approach is an alternative solution to the initial cost involved in building an own data center by public organizations for researches. This solution quickly provides resources with a minimal technical staff effort. Also, an architecture and user interface example called ReCarta was presented. This system supplies a private Cloud Computing system for non-technical end-users.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01 (ARTEMISA)Junta de Andalucía TIC-8052 (Simon

    Software reference architecture for smart environments: Perception

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    With the increase of intelligent devices, ubiquitous computing is spreading to all scopes of people life. Smart home (or industrial) environments include automation and control devices to save energy, perform tasks, assist and give comfort in order to satisfy specific preferences. This paper focuses on the proposal for Software Reference Architecture for the development of smart applications and their deployment in smart environments. The motivation for this Reference Architecture and its benefits are also explained. The proposal considers three main processes in the software architecture of these applications: perception, reasoning and acting. This paper centres attention on the definition of the Perception process and provides an example for its implementation and subsequent validation of the proposal. The software presented implements the Perception process of a smart environment for a standard office, by retrieving data from the real world and storing it for further reasoning and acting processes. The objectives of this solution include the provision of comfort for the users and the saving of energy in lighting. Through this verification, it is also shown that developments under this proposal produce major benefits within the software life cycle.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2009-14378-C02-01 (ARTEMISA)Junta de Andalucía TIC-8052 (Simon

    Smart Environment Vectorization : An Approach to Learning of User Lighting Preferences

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    The automation of smart environment systems is one of the main goals of smart home researching. This paper focus on learning user lighting preference, considering a working field like a standard office. A review of the smart environment and devices setup is done, showing a real configuration for test purposes. Suitable learning machine techniques are exposed in order to learn these preferences, and suggest the actions the smart environment should execute to satisfy the user preferences. Learning machine techniques proposed are fed with a database, so a proposal for the vectorization of data is described and analyzed.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-214

    Delivery improvement for transport companies

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    In this paper we propose a solution that improves the synchronization and effectiveness of sending and receiving of goods and merchandise by transport companies. We use a service-oriented architecture for the exchange of information related to the reception of products, such as the predicted time when the delivery should take place or the delay in the arrival. Our solution is based on fleet management systems widely used in the transport companies. The main objective of this paper is to improve the interoperability between providers and consumers, thereby creating a communication environment versed in delivery plans. Another feature revised here is the analysis of vehicle tracking information to obtain accurate knowledge of the movement pattern followed by drivers and usefulness for the companies.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TSI2006-13390-C02-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-214


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    El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo caracterizar la intensidad exigida en competición a jugadores jóvenes de fútbol de la posición Volante Central pertenecientes a la categoría Sub-17 de cuatro equipos de fútbol de Bogotá, D.C (Colombia). La muestra estuvo conformada por 8 futbolistas, dos jugadores que ocupaban la posición anteriormente enunciada por cada equipo. Se les realizaron mediciones de lactato y percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo cada 10 minutos, también se monitoreo la frecuencia cardíaca durante toda la competición a través de la tecnología POLAR®. Caracterizar las intensidades de esfuerzo a las que es sometido el joven Volante Central de fútbol Sub-17 en competición es indispensable para que entrenadores y preparadores físicos puedan realizar una correcta planificación-dosificación de las cargas de entrenamiento, con el fin de generar las adaptaciones fisiológicas específicas a su posición y necesarias para alcanzar un alto rendimiento deportivo

    3 Cat-4 mission, 1-Unit CubeSat for earth observation: Evaluation on the qualification and production during Phase D

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    The 3Cat-4 mission is a 1-unit CubeSat platform that serves as a technology demonstrator and educational platform for students at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Promoted by the UPC Nanosatellite and Payload Laboratory (UPC NanoSatLab), the most notable subsystems that innovate in the nanosatellite scenario are (1) the Flexible Microwave Payload - 1 (FMPL-1) [1], a cost-effective payload to execute Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R), and L-band microwave radiometry experiments using a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software-defined radio (SDR) and (2) the Nadir Antenna Deployment Subsystem (NADS) [2], an in-orbit deployable high-directivity antenna used by Earth Observation (EO) payloads. This paper presents the findings of the 3Cat-4 mission during Phase D, the qualification and production phase of the project. Since the publication of the first introductory work for this mission in 2019[3], several sections of the subsystems have been redesigned and upgraded to correct previous design flaws or to meet new requirements. In addition, this paper addresses the educational perspective of this mission, analyzing its performance and usefulness in the aforementioned subject