19 research outputs found

    An Early Cretaceous, medium-sized carcharodontosaurid theropod (Dinosauria, Saurischia) from the Mulichinco Formation (upper Valanginian), Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina

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    A new carcharodontosaurid taxon, Lajasvenator ascheriae gen. et sp. nov. is described. The new taxon is based on two specimens: MLL-PV-Pv-005 is a partial skeleton represented by a portion of the snout, partially articulated presacral vertebral series, four articulated caudal vertebra and fragments of the pelvic girdle; MLL-PV-Pv-007 includes the anterior ends of both dentaries, a quadratojugal, and fragments of cervical vertebrae, ribs and a possible tarsal bone. Lajasvenator is unique in having anterior projections on cervical prezygapophyses, lip-like crests on the lateral surfaces of cervical postzygapophyses, and bilobed anterior processes on cervical ribs. Lajasvenator material was collected from the terrestrial sandstones of the Valanginian Mulichinco Formation. It is the oldest carcharodontosaurid record from South America. This medium sized theropod was found associated with remains of the dicraeosaurid sauropod Pilmatueia, indeterminate diplodocid remains, and a yet unidentified iguanodontian-like ornithopod.Fil: Coria, Rodolfo Anibal. Provincia del Neuquén. Municipalidad de Plaza Huincul. Museo "Carmen Funes"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Currie, Philip J.. University of Alberta; CanadáFil: Ortega Coloma, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; EspañaFil: Baiano, Mattia Antonio. Provincia del Neuquén. Municipalidad de Plaza Huincul. Museo "Carmen Funes"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; Argentin

    Lift devices in the flight of Archaeopteryx

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    Archaeopteryx has played a central role in the debates on the origins of avian (and dinosaurian) flight, even though as a flier it probably represents a relatively late stage in the beginnings of fl ight. We report on aerodynamic tests using a life-sized model of Archaeopteryx performing in a low turbulence wind tunnel. Our results indicate that tail deflection significantly decreased take-off velocity and power consumption, and that the first manual digit could have functioned as the structural precursor of the alula. Such results demonstrate that Archaeopteryx had already evolved high-lift devices, which are functional analogues of those present in today's birds

    Molecular architecture and oligomerization of Candida glabrata Cdc13 underpin its telomeric DNA-binding and unfolding activity

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    The CST complex is a key player in telomere replication and stability, which in yeast comprises Cdc13, Stn1 and Ten1. While Stn1 and Ten1 are very well conserved across species, Cdc13 does not resemble its mammalian counterpart CTC1 either in sequence or domain organization, and Cdc13 but not CTC1 displays functions independently of the rest of CST. Whereas the structures of human CTC1 and CST have been determined, the molecular organization of Cdc13 remains poorly understood. Here, we dissect the molecular architecture of Candida glabrata Cdc13 and show how it regulates binding to telomeric sequences. Cdc13 forms dimers through the interaction between OB-fold 2 (OB2) domains. Dimerization stimulates binding of OB3 to telomeric sequences, resulting in the unfolding of ssDNA secondary structure. Once bound to DNA, Cdc13 prevents the refolding of ssDNA by mechanisms involving all domains. OB1 also oligomerizes, inducing higher-order complexes of Cdc13 in vitro. OB1 truncation disrupts these complexes, affects ssDNA unfolding and reduces telomere length in C. glabrata. Together, our results reveal the molecular organization of C. glabrata Cdc13 and how this regulates the binding and the structure of DNA, and suggest that yeast species evolved distinct architectures of Cdc13 that share some common principles.Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [AEI/10.13039/5011000 ´ 11 033]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, and co-´ funded by the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF-UE) [PID2020-114429RB-I00 to O.L., PID2020-112998GB-100 to F.M.-H]; Autonomous Region of Madrid and co-funded by the European Social Fund and the European Regional Development Fund [Y2018/BIO4747 and P2018/NMT4443 to O.L. and F.M.-H.]; National Institute of Health Carlos III to CNIO; J.R.L.O. and O.N. acknowledge support from the Molecular Interactions Facility at the CIB-CSIC; N.G.-R. was supported by a Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD fellowship; N.F.L. is funded by NIH [GM107287]. Funding for open access charge: Agencia Estatal de Investigacion [AEI ´ /10.13039/501100011 033]; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, co-funded by the Eu-ropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [PID2020-114429RB-I00].Peer reviewe

    Historia evolutiva de los cocodrilos Mesoeucrocody

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 13-09-200

    El cocodrilo de El Viso (Zamora): Consideraciones acerca de los "Zifodontos" (Metasuchia, ?Sebecosuchia) del Eoceno de la Cuenca del Duero

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    [ES] Los distintos fragmentos recogidos en El Viso (Madridanos, Zamora; Eoceno medio) son interpretados, de forma preliminar, como pertenecientes a un cocodrilo > primitivo. Anteriormente los ejemplares con estas características presentes en la Cuenca del Duero habían sido atribuidos al género Iberosuchus Antunes, pero dado que el material analizado hasta la fecha no permite aceptar o rechazar esta denominación se ha optado por aplicar el término, no formal, de cocodrilos Iberoccitanos a algunos de los especímenes de la Cuenca del Duero.[EN] The different fragments collected in El Viso (Madridanos, Zamora Middle Eocene) are interpreted, in a preliminary way, as belonging to a crocodile > primitive. Earlier specimens with these characteristics present in the Duero Basin, were assigned Iberosuchus Antunes, but as the material discussed so far do not allow or reject this designation,it has been chosen to apply the term, crocodiles Iberoccitanos

    Excavaciones paleontológicas en la provincia de Zamora: la excavación "Corrales-91"

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    [ES]El presente articulo trata sobre las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el año de 1991 en la provincia de Zamora que paso a ser conocida por el nombre de “Collares-91”.[EN]This article discusses the excavations carried out in 1991 in the Zamora province which became known as the "Collares-91.

    Excavaciones paleontológicas en Zamora: La Cuesta del Viso

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    [ES] El artículo trata sobre la posición estratégica de Madridanos-Bamba(Zamora) como punto de interés paleontológico. Han sido numerosos sus descubrimientos de peces y quelonios, aunque en general de escaso valor.[EN] The article discusses the strategic position of Madridanos-Bamba (Zamora) as a point of interest paleontológico.A lot of fish and turtles have been found, although of little value generally

    Excavaciones paleontológicas en Zamora durante 1989

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    [ES]El presente articulo trata sobre las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el año de 1989 en la provincia de Zamora, incidiendo sobre la fauna de vertebrados del Terciario en esta misma región.[EN]This article deals with the excavations carried out in the year 1989 in the province of Zamora, focusing on the vertebrate fauna of the Tertiary in this region

    Grandes fósiles de Castilla y León

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    [ES]El presenta artículo trata de los distintos yacimientos de la región de Castilla y León, y del hallazgo de fósiles de vertebrados en Zamora, Soria y Salamanca[EN]The present relates to the different sites in the region of Castilla y Leon and the discovery of fossil vertebrates in Zamora,Soria and Salamanca