1,257 research outputs found

    Returns to overeducation and undereducation: evidence for the hospitality sector in Andalusia

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    The objetive of this piece of work is to estimate the returns to overeducation and infraeducation for those people who are working in the hospitality sector in Andalusia. Using a cross-section of workers from a representative survey carried out with European funds (project IFD97-0858), we compare educational attainment of workers and job-required education (reported by workers and managers) in order to obtain a general especification of the earnings function from allocation models of the labor market. These models contain the human capital specification and the job competition specification as special cases. The results show as an earnings especification that includes the possibility of mismatch between educational attainment and requirement is superior to one that only incorporates one or other of the two sides of the matching process. When we use the opinions of workers (managers) about educational requirements, the rate of return to years of adecuate education is 3,27% (3,64%). The rate of returns to overeducation is 1,4% (1,93%) and the penalty for each year of undereducation is 1,81% (2,25%) reduction in wages.

    Shear and fracture behavior of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete for sustainable construction

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    Concrete is the most widely used man-made material on the planet. Unfortunately, producing Portland cement generates carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) at roughly a pound for pound ratio. High-volume fly ash (HVFA) concrete- concrete with at least 50% of the cement replaced with fly ash - offers a potential green solution. However, because it is still relatively new and has some disadvantages, there are still many questions that need to be answered. Most research to date has consisted only of the evaluation of the strength and durability of HVFA concrete mixtures, while only a limited number of studies have implemented full-scale testing of specimens constructed with HVFA concrete to determine its potential use in the industry. For this research, a laboratory testing program was developed to investigate the shear performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams constructed with HVFA concrete. The experimental program consisted of 36 tests performed on full-scale RC beams. The principal parameters investigated were: (1) concrete type (HVFA or conventional concrete), (2) amount of shear reinforcement, and (3) amount of longitudinal (flexural) reinforcement. The full-scale beams in this study were analyzed using several different approaches, including the standard truss model, modified compression field theory, and fracture mechanics formulations. The full-scale test results were compared to the theoretical results using design approaches contained in several codes common to North America and Europe. The results indicate that existing design code provisions for conventional concrete are equally applicable to the design of HVFA concrete --Abstract, page iii

    Rethinking Streets: a study of streetspace allocation metrics and street networks in London

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    This research investigates streetspace allocation metrics for all streets in London providing quantitative evidence about a key parameter of street design citywide. A new methodology to quantify streetspace allocation is introduced using a geocomputational approach that allows both the processing of high-resolution topographic data over a large geographic extent and enables replicability for other cities. The correlation between streetspace allocation metrics and street network centrality at distinct scales is investigated across different geographic areas. These variables are then examined using cluster analysis to identify a typology of streets based on streetspace allocation and centrality. The results provide the framework for a design scenario study of inner London applying shortest-path analysis under an active travel prioritisation perspective. Streetspace statistics for London confirm the predominance of space allocated for vehicular transport over pedestrian uses. Most streets display standard "residential" street metrics, coinciding with traditional street classification schemes. Also, this serves to demonstrate quantitatively the spatially efficient organisation of the London street system with few wider distributors and many narrower local streets. In addition, through the combined examination of the streets' allocation and configurational metrics, it is possible to identify a new sub-type of local streets. The spatial arrangement of the streets segments types follows a centre-periphery pattern: wider and higher centrality streets are clustered at the city centre and show relative larger streetspace designated to pedestrians, corresponding with higher levels of estimated activity. On a prescriptive streetspace model of Inner London, the streetspace allocation of critical pathways is modified to illustrate how strategic scale street properties affect and are affected by design scale street parameters. The fine-grain physical metrics analysed here, not only can be useful to tackle a wide range of contemporary street related questions from urban environmental quality to the adoption of new technologies but also offer alternative analytical methods for street research, planning and design

    Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de morteros modificados con fibras de aserrín bajo esfuerzos de compresión

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    In this paper, a study about the mechanical behavior of mortar modified with sawdust fibers under compression load was performed. Density, compressive strength and dynamic elastic modulus of mortar modified with 0, 0,5, 1 and 3% of sawdust were estimated. Composites were evaluated after 7, 30 and 90 days of curing. In addition, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) were used ton chracterize the morphology and to find elemental composition for both, fibers and cement matrix. The results show that compressive strentgth, elastic modulus and density decreases as sawdust percentage increases. It is suggested to use 1% of sawdust fiber mortars in order to avoid an important reduction of the mortar mechanical properties. En este artículo, se presenta un estudio sobre el comportamiento mecánico de morteros modificados con fibras de aserrín bajo cargas de compresión. Se estimó la densidad, resistencia a la compresión, y el módulo de elasticidad dinámico de morteros modificados con 0, 0,5, 1 y 3% en peso de fibra de aserrín. Los compuestos fueron evaluados luego de 7, 30 y 90 días de curado. Además, se utilizó microscopia electrónica de barrido (SEM) y espectroscopía de rayos X de energía dispersa (EDX) para caracterizar la morfología y encontrar la composición elemental tanto de las fibras como de la matriz de cemento. Los resultados muestran que a mayor porcentaje de aserrín, la resistencia, el módulo de elasticidad y la densidad disminuyen. Se sugiere utilizar hasta 1% de fibra de aserrín en morteros para evitar una reducción importante en las propiedades mecánicas de los morteros.

    Dispensación de productos fitoterapéuticos en tiendas naturistas de Chiquinquirá – Boyacá, Colombia 2017

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    Introducción: El ingreso paulatino de productos fitoterapéuticos ha conllevado a un rápido crecimiento industrial en Colombia. Su venta se realiza en tiendas naturistas, las cuales tienen menores exigencias que las droguerías. Por ejemplo, dispensación de material vegetal con efectos adversos identificados a cargo de personal sin formación técnica especializada. Actualmente no se dispone de estudios sobre esta situación ni acerca del potencial impacto sobre la salud pública en Colombia. Metodología: Estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en el año 2017, en la totalidad de tiendas naturistas que dispensan productos fitoterapéuticos en el municipio de Chiquinquirá-Boyacá. La investigación incluyó requisitos relacionados conforme con la Resolución 126 de 2009. Resultados: Se incluyeron 16 tiendas naturistas en las que el 50% cumplió con la totalidad de variables relacionadas con documentación legal; mientras que en las áreas de almacenamiento y recepción técnica de producto cumplieron el 87,5% y 93,8%, respectivamente. La media de edad y de experiencia de los 16 responsables de la dispensación fue de 38,69 y 8,8 años, y el 75% contaba con capacitación específica en productos fitoterapéuticos. Las dosis y contraindicaciones en los 71 productos fitoterapéuticos mostraron ausencia de cumplimiento en el 43,7% y 19,7%, respectivamente. Discusión: Es clara la inexistencia de estudios que verifiquen el cumplimento de normatividad legal vigente y componentes locativos en tiendas naturistas. Se sugiere evaluar si el tipo de capacitación en manejo de productos fitoterapéuticos para el personal responsable es adecuada, dada la no existencia de asociación con dosis, condición de venta, indicaciones y contraindicaciones.Introduction: The gradual entry of phytoterapeutic products has led to a rapid growth of this industry in Colombia. These types of products are commonly found for sale in health food stores and not in pharmacies due to legal requirements. An example of this, is the dispensing of vegetable materials with known adverse effects by personnel without specialized technical training. There are no current studies in Colombia about the handling and dispensing of phytoterapeutic products and the potential impact on public health. Methodology: An observational and descriptive cross-sectional study in dispensing was done in 2017 in all the health food stores that sell phytoterapeutic products in the municipality of Chiquinquirá-Boyacá. The research involved related requirements in accordance with Resolution 126 of 2009. Results: From the 16 health food stores included in this research 50% complied with all the variables related to legal documentation; while in the areas of storage and technical product reception 87.5% and 93.8% complied, respectively. The average age and experience of the 16 people responsible for dispensing the products was 38.69 years old and 8.8 years, and 75% of them had specific training in phytoterapeutic products. Dosing and contraindications from 71 phytoterapeutic products showed lack of compliance with 43.7% and 19.7%, respectively. Discussion: It is clear that there are no studies that verify compliance of health food stores with current legal regulations and the locative components. It is suggested to evaluate if the type of training in the management of phytoterapeutic products for the responsible personnel is adequate given the non- association between training and factors such as dosing, condition of sale, indications and contraindications

    El proceso atencional y comunicativo y el desarrollo de competencias interpretativas en la formación del pianista de cámara

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    Pianists performing chamber music require skills of conscious listening and non-verbal, body or visual communication to perfect coordination, synchrony and dynamic balance. This study hypothesize that pianists have perceptive-attentional and psychological skills that allow them to communicate with other musicians. These skills are hypothesized to be better in more experienced pianists. This survey was conducted with 278 graduate and under-graduate pianists from all parts of Spain, who reported that the attention and communication skills are important in chamber music performance. Women reported higher levels of multitask competencies pertaining to conscious listening, body language and visual efficiency. At the same time, participants who are more highly trained and experienced report higher levels of attention, communication and interpretation skills when compared to the participants with shorter training and experience. Future research and practice should focus on assessment and inclusion of these skills in the curriculum of future chamber music pianists.</jats:p

    Students emotions in the ELT classroom

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    During our practice and observations carried out in Colegio Técnico y Académico Celestin Freinet, we were able to identify the difficulties that the students encounter at the moment of presenting an oral production activity in front of the class, reducing the amount of speaking and the quality of it, making more difficult for the students and the teacher to share their ideas, increasing the frustration that the students might feel. This proposal emerged after the experience that one of the researchers had in a previous school in which some of the students from tenth grade felt overwhelmed by their emotions and were not able to complete their oral presentations in front of the class. The students let the teachers know that fear and shame were behind the way they felt and how the previously mentioned emotions and feelings prevented them from speaking in front of the class

    Generación de una cooperativa de productores basada en la acción colectiva: el caso de los productores de mezcalde San José Chalmita, Tenancingo, Estado de México

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    Tesis de maestría como trabajo terminal de gradoLa importancia económica que representa para México la producción de mezcal pone en riesgo su identidad cultural, sobre todo aquella que arraiga a los productores rurales que lo mantienen vigente. Ante los diversos intereses políticos y económicos a nivel nacional e internacional, la generación de organizaciones de productores se convierte en la estrategia que les permita beneficiarse de sus impactos al fortalecerlos legal y moralmente ante los embates externos. Asimismo, las acciones colectivas se convierten en estrategias de resistencia que permiten integrar la promoción y comercialización por parte de los productores, ante la existencia de la diversidad de mezcales originada por una amplia variedad de agaves utilizados como materia prima. En el caso del Estado de México, ante su reciente inclusión en la Denominación de Origen Mezcal (DOM), las asociaciones de productores les permiten desarrollar una gestión endógena y beneficiarse de este nombramiento. Por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue generar una cooperativa de productores de mezcal, teniendo como eje principal el cooperativismo como una estrategia de acción colectiva en la comunidad de San José Chalmita, Tenancingo, Estado de México. Se desarrolló un ciclo de la metodología Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), que incluyó tres fases: i) diagnóstico y negociación de la demanda, ii) autodiagnóstico de los participantes y iii) generación de propuestas y acciones. Se inició el proyecto con la participación de diez productores de agave y mezcal; y fueron seis productores los que concluyeron el proceso. Se encontró que la trayectoria histórica de la comunidad ha generado una autonomía y trabajo en equipo derivado de la distancia geográfica con su municipio. Asimismo, los productores de agave y mezcal se constituyeron en una sociedad cooperativa y se comprometieron con el desarrollo de una primera agenda de trabajo en la que se benefició a toda la comunidad al desarrollar cursos de capacitación para las familias de los productores, incentivar el comercio formal de mezcal y demostrar la posibilidad de desarrollar el turismo como una actividad económica paralela a la producción de mezcal. Es así como, los productores de San José Chalmita concluyen el proceso IAP logrando un aprendizaje útil para generar desarrollo endógeno en su comunidad y en su actividad productiva, a través de los mecanismos de la acción colectiva.CONACY

    Evaluación – Prueba de Habilidades Prácticas CCNA.

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    Mi trabajo se baso en el desarrollo del conocimiento adquirido durante este trabajo, al aplicarlo en dos enfoques en diferentes escenarios, todos enfocados en aplicar el fabuloso mundo de las redes y su entorno.My work was based on the development of the knowledge acquired during this work, by applying it in two approaches in different scenarios, all focused on applying the fabulous world of networks and their environmen

    Dados como centro de anclaje topológico en una muestra superconductora

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    Solving the Ginzburg-Landau equations, we analyzed the vortex matter in a superconducting square with a Dimer structure of circular pinning centers generated by a pulsed heat source in the presence of an applied magnetic field. We numerically solved the Ginzburg-Landau equations in order to describe the effect of the temperature of the circular defects on the Abrikosov state of the sample. The pulsed laser produced a variation of the temperature in each defect. It is shown that an anomalous vortex-anti-vortex state (A-aV) appears spontaneously at higher magnetic fields. This could be due to the breaking of the symmetry of the sample by the inclusion of the thermal defects.Resolviendo las ecuaciones de Ginzburg-Landau, analizamos el estado de vórtice en un cuadrado superconductor con centros de anclaje circulares en forma de una estructura de Dados, generados por una fuente de calor pulsada y en presencia de un campo magnético aplicado. Resolvimos numéricamente las ecuaciones Ginzburg-Landau para describir el efecto de la temperatura de los defectos sobre el estado Abrikosov de la muestra. El láser pulsado produce una variación de la temperatura en cada defecto. Se muestra que un estado anómalo vórtice-anti-vórtice (A-aV), aparece espontáneamente hacia campos magnéticos altos. Esto podría deberse a la ruptura de la simetría de la muestra por la inclusión de los defectos térmicos